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She was The One

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She was the one, he just didn't know it.
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She was the one, I just didn't know it at the time.

When I first met Caron Jackson I didn't realise the impact she would have on my life. I grew up in a loving household. My Mum, Helen Brooks, worked as a cook at the local high school. My Dad, Steve, worked as a plumber. I had an older brother Gary. Gary was a pain in the arse towards me. He was five years older than I am, we had our own groups of friends and very little in common.

My Mum was a registered foster carer. Sometimes we had kids stay with us for a few days, some stayed for a few weeks. One kid, James, stayed with us for almost a month. His Dad was overseas in the military, his Mum had a major operation. James and I, Mike by the way, became good friends. Mum used to take James to see his Mum in the hospital, when he returned home we kept in touch.

My parents were a loving couple, Mum had fostered kids for as long as I could remember. Mum was a short, slim woman, she was 5' 4" tall. Her dark brown hair hung just below her shoulders. My Dad was taller at 5' 8", he was of average build with short light brown hair. My brother and I got our height genes from our Dad.

I liked the idea of having other kids around, my brother Gary took very little notice of them. He would occasionally grunt a hello, that was his idea of being involved.

I was thirteen when I first met Caron, Mum told me Mrs Winters, the social worker was bringing someone over to stay. When Mrs Winters brought Caron to the house I felt sorry for her, she was dressed in a tatty old t-shirt and shorts, the plimsolls on her feet were fit for the bin. Mrs Winters introduced us to Caron, Mum and I said hello, Caron nodded and looked at the floor.

"Mike, take Caron through to the lounge please. I need to talk to Mrs Winters." Mum asked.

Caron followed me into the lounge, I turned the TV on to watch cartoons.

"You want to watch cartoons?" I asked. Caron just shrugged and stared at the TV. I wasn't upset by her silence, it sometimes happened with foster kids so Mum said. Caron was of mixed race, her skin had that dark tint. She had big dark brown eyes and a mass of long black curly hair. She had that look of innocence, but there was something that told me she had been through a lot, probably seen more hurt than I ever would.

We sat there watching the TV, Mum and Mrs Winters were talking in the kitchen. Mrs Winters came in and spoke to Caron, she told her she would be back to see her in a few days. Caron nodded, she didn't say a word.

Mum came in and spoke to Caron. "Would you like something to eat?" Caron just shrugged her shoulders. "I'll make a start on dinner, Mike keep an eye on Caron please."

I tried talking to Caron, she didn't seem interested. It was the same as we ate dinner, apart from saying thank you to Mum, she stayed silent. I noticed Dad watching Caron and looking at Mum, Gary ate his dinner and went to his room, this was normal behaviour for him.

Mum bathed Caron and dressed her in a baggy t-shirt. She joined me and Dad watching TV. Mum said she had to go to the supermarket, Dad just smiled and said okay. When Mum arrived home Caron had fallen asleep, she carried her upstairs to bed.

"Is she okay?" Dad asked.

"It's hard to tell, Steve. Her Mum has a lot of problems, mostly drink and substance related. Her Dad is nowhere to be found, I have a feeling she will be with us for a while. She's been through a lot for a ten year old." That was whenMum told us that she thought Caron could be here longer than usual.

Mum had gone out to get Caron some clothes, she kept the receipts so that social services would pay her back. Mum said that the clothes Caron arrived in were the best of a bad bunch. I could see Dad wasn't impressed, like Mum he hated to see kids neglected. I went upstairs to bed, Mum and Dad were talking.

There were only three days left before the school summer holidays, almost six weeks with no school. Caron missed the last few days of school when she was taken into care, when school started again she would be attending the same school that I went to. Mum said she would go uniform shopping near the end of the holidays.

Two things happened over the summer holidays, my brother left home to join the army. Mrs Winter asked Mum if Caron could stay with us long term.

"What did Mrs Winter mean by long term, Mum?"

"It means Caron will be with us until she is eighteen years old. Her Mum is in no fit state to look after a child, she can barely look after herself. I was thinking of decorating Gary's room, Caron can have that. If Gary comes home he can use the small bedroom.

We sat down at the table for dinner, it was strange without Gary. When we finished eating Mum spoke to us.

"Caron, I spoke to Mrs. Winter this afternoon. She has asked if you can stay with us until you are eighteen years old, is that okay? Do you want to stay here?"

Caron nodded. "Can I still see my Mum?" She asked.

"Of course you can. If your Mum is well enough, you can see her. Now, as you will be here for a long time we are going to decorate Gary's room, you can have it now he's not here."

Dad grabbed some colour charts from the counter. "Let's pick a colour, Caron. You can choose whatever colour you like, within reason."

Caron started to cry, Mum rushed to comfort her. "What's wrong Caron?"

Caron took a minute to settle down. "Nothing's wrong. It's just you are all being so nice to me. I get to stay here with you, and I get my own room." Caron dried her eyes.

"You're part of this family now, you will get treated the same as Mike." Dad assured her. Caron shuffled around and looked at the colour charts, Mum looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"What colour was the bedroom in your Mum's house?" I asked.

"Yellow, and it was horrible." Caron replied. "It's much nicer here." Caron eventually picked Apple White, a white with a hint of green. I looked after Caron while Mum and Dad decorated her room, by now she was over her initial shyness and smiling a lot. She had a lovely smile and beautiful white teeth.

We were sitting in my bedroom talking, Caron was looking at my books and CD's.

"Are these all yours?" Caron asked.

"Yeah. Most of the CD's are presents, you know birthday and Christmas."

"Can I put some music on?"

I let Caron choose a CD, most of my stuff was rock music. We sat listening and talking, Mum came in to say Caron's room was ready. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on her face when she walked into her bedroom, it was freshly decorated, the curtains and bedding were new so they blended with the room colour.

Caron turned and hugged Mum. "Thank you, I can't believe you did this just for me." Mum was struggling to hold back the tears, Dad stepped forward and hugged them both. I stood and watched as Caron cried and smiled at the same time.

Caron and I spent the rest of the summer holidays together, if my friends called for me Caron tagged along. James came over a few times, he and Caron spent a lot of time talking. It was weird in a nice way having Caron around, she just joined in and never made a fuss. Towards the end of the holidays Mum took us both uniform shopping. I only needed a new pair of trousers and a few shirts, Caron needed everything as it was a new school for her. I noticed as we got closer to going to school, Caron became apprehensive.

On our first day Mum took Caron to school, she had some paperwork to complete. I walked with my friends as usual. After a few days I found out why Caron was nervous about school, it had nothing to do with it being a new school. Due to her Mum's condition, Caron had missed quite a bit of school, she had some serious catching up to do.

Mum and Dad's rule was homework first when we arrived home, after that our time was ours. Both of us sat at the dining table, I got on with whatever homework it was I had set. Caron sat quietly then started to cry.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Mum fussed over her.

"This, I don't understand any of it." Caron replied. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can. Let me see if I can help." Mum looked at the homework. "Mike, does any of this make sense to you?"

I looked at what homework Caron had been set. "Yeah, I can help with that." I pulled up a chair and sat next to Caron. I spent the next hour talking and showing Caron what to do, I saw Mum smile at me from the doorway.

"You should be okay now, if you get stuck just ask." I returned to my homework.

Mum said she would cut me some slack. "You can do your homework later, as you are helping Caron."

Me helping Caron and finishing my homework after dinner became the norm. I wasn't bothered as I never went out after school, especially at this time of the year. One evening I was finishing off my work when Caron looked at me. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"Sorry that you have to do your homework late, because you are busy helping me. I know I'm stupid and should be able to do it on my own." Caron replied, I could see tears in her eyes.

"Hey. You're not stupid. You need the help, it's no big deal, this won't take me long." I hugged Caron as I reassured her.

Despite her comment about being stupid, Caron was quick to learn. Within a few months she was up to speed, so much so that we used to joke while we worked. Mum spotted the difference and spoke to me one night when Caron was taking a bath.

"Thanks for helping Caron these last few months. God knows what I was thinking when I offered to help." Mum laughed. "You're a great kid, please don't change and turn into another Gary."

That comment surprised me, Mum knew Gary could be an arsehole, she just never said anything, Sure he got punished if he deserved it, Dad was always stricter with him than Mum was. By the time Christmas rolled around Caron was getting good marks at school, she wasn't top of the class, but not far off it.

Caron had settled in well at school. She had made several friends, we saw each other during the day as we moved between classes. Caron always walked to and from school with me, we usually discussed our day and what homework we had. Apart from one incident with an idiot in the playground, school was fine. This particular kid racially insulted Caron. I know I should have reported him, but smacking him in the mouth was more pleasing.

As Christmas got closer Mum was thinking of what to get Caron as a present. The only thing I could think of was a mini Hi-Fi, that was the one thing I had that she didn't. I never minded Caron being in my room and using mine, I thought it would be nice if she had her own. Mum found one that was in the budget, so I brought her two CD's by a band she liked.

Just before Christmas Mum took Caron to see her Mum. The visit didn't go well, according to Mum, Caron's Mum, was a real mess. Dad suggested that maybe she shouldn't see her Mum until she was better. Listening to what Mum said, I doubted that would ever happen.

Caron and I got press ganged into helping Mum decorate the tree and put up the decorations, I could tell this was all new to Caron. She had a great time helping Mum. I just shifted the boxes for them. Gary phoned home on Christmas eve, we knew he was overseas and wouldn't be home for a few months. We all wished him a Merry Christmas before Mum hung up the phone.

On Christmas morning I let Caron open her presents first. Mum and Dad watched as she unwrapped her mini Hi-Fi system. Caron had a smile on her face a mile wide when she opened her present. She jumped up and hugged my parents. "Thanks Mum, thanks Dad."

Mum was almost in tears, that was the first time she called her Mum. Before that it was always Auntie Helen and Uncle Steve, from that day on it was Mum and Dad. I saw my Dad secretly try to wipe his eyes, I smiled knowing Caron had that effect on them both.

My brother Gary spent some time at home on leave, I couldn't believe the change in him. He was polite to everyone, he also spent a lot of time talking to Caron. The other noticeable change was Caron always sat next to me at mealtimes, previously she always sat opposite me.

The only drama we experienced was when Caron's Mum checked herself out of the rehab clinic. Mrs Winter warned us, she also reassured us that she didn't know where we lived.

"You just need to be careful. We have no idea what she intends to do, all I can say is, she doesn't know where Caron is living."

"You have no idea where she is, or what her plans are?" Mum asked.

"None at all, I'm afraid. She just checked out and disappeared. I don't think she poses a threat in any way, but best to be careful, all the same."

Caron's Mum never turned up or tried to contact her. As Caron grew up she became a lot more confident, she was excelling at school. Not bad considering the struggle at the beginning. When I started attending sixth form(year 12), Caron was in year nine.

Two years later I left school and started working in graphic design. Caron said she would miss walking to school with me. Whenever I arrived home from work Caron always hugged me when she greeted me, I didn't think much of it. Mum thought it was kind of fun that she missed me.

I started dating Julie, a girl I met at work. My parents took to her okay, Caron was polite, but only spoke when she had to. The relationship fizzled out after a few months. I wasn't broken up about it as I don't think it was destined for the long term anyway, Caron seemed happier that Julie wasn't around.

When Caron left school she went to university, she was studying Finance. During the time Caron was at university we kept in touch via text, occasionally we would call each other. I saw Caron when she came home at Christmas, and occasionally during the summer. Mum kept me updated on how she was getting on.

The day Caron graduated I went along with Mum and Dad, my current girlfriend Angela went to work as usual. Caron had the offer of a job, it meant her moving out of home. Mum knew this day would come.

"You're still young enough to foster kids, Mum. Who knows you might get another long term placement like Caron." I reassured Mum.

Caron promised to keep in touch, she said we were her family. Caron used to visit and take Mum and Dad to lunch. I would occasionally go and visit Caron, she had a small studio apartment near to where she worked.

Angela and I had been together for nearly a year when I sensed a change in her, nothing major, but she was different all the same. Angela dropped her bombshell one evening.

"Mike, I have met someone else. Sorry but I am moving out." I sat there stunned.

"Would you mind telling me who it is?" I asked.

"It's a guy I met through a friend. He's a junior partner in a law firm." Angela informed me as she packed her clothes into a suitcase.

I figured if he was a junior partner, then he was probably older than Angela.

I knew I could afford the rent for the apartment on my own, just as well as we had another year on the lease. Mum and Dad were both shocked when I told them.

"Sounds like she's traded up for money, Mike. One day she'll learn that money isn't everything." Dad replied.

"You'll be okay, love." Mum reassured me.

I got on with living my life. Work kept me busy, the evenings on my own were the worst time for me. I went out with the guys from work a few times, I wasn't a big drinker, I just felt the need to spend time with other people.

Three months after the break-up I was sitting at home. It was Friday night, there was nothing on the TV that interested me. I sighed and turned the TV off. I stood up about to put some music on, the doorbell rang startling me.

When I opened the door, Caron flung her arms around me. "I'm sorry Mike, I was working overseas and didn't know about Angela." I hugged Caron.

I made us a coffee, and Caron chose some music. We sat and talked about our jobs and stuff. It was late when Caron was ready to leave, so I drove her home rather than have her pay for a taxi.

Caron and I started visiting each other regularly, it was like an adult version of when we were kids. She is great company. It was a Friday night, we were listening to music and sharing a bottle of wine.

"Are you seeing anyone?" Caron asked.

"No. It's weird, I hate being on my own, but I can't be arsed to go out and meet someone. I'll be okay, I just need to sort myself out. How about you, are you seeing anyone?"

"Nope. I was but it didn't work out, it seems we had different ideas on what exclusive means."

"I'm sorry, Caron. I know how you feel, nobody deserves that."

Caron put her glass down and stood up, I watched as I wondered what she was doing. She leant forward and took my glass from my hand, placing it on the coffee table. Caron knelt astride me on the sofa, I looked straight into her eyes.

"Typical man. I dropped so many hints recently, and you haven't even noticed." Caron leant forward and kissed me. The kiss turned into something more than a peck on the lips. I pulled Caron close, we kissed and started to make out. I got an erection, Caron couldn't fail to miss. After a few minutes Caron pushed me off her, I thought I had fucked things up.

"If you're going to undress me and make love to me, at least take me to bed." Caron gasped.

I took hold of Caron's hand and led her to the bedroom, slowly we undressed each other. In all the years we had known each other I had never thought of Caron in this way. I stood and admired the beauty before me. Her coffee coloured skin with her dark nipples, Caron shaved her pubic hair into a small strip. Those deep brown eyes drew me in, the long curly hair flowed past her shoulders.

We kissed as hands explored the other's body, Caron moaned quietly as I kissed and sucked her nipples. Her hand gently stroked my hard cock, Caron slid down and started sucking my cock, I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

"I'm close Caron, real close." I warned her. Caron carried on sucking my cock, with a loud groan I erupted into her mouth. Caron swallowed my cum then smiled at me. As she lay back I got between her legs, my tongue explored her pussy. I could hear her gasp and moan as my tongue flicked her clit.

After I got Caron off twice she pushed me away. "Make love to me, Mike."

I lowered myself forward and slowly slid my cock into Caron. "Oh God." Caron hissed. We made love slowly and passionately. Caron gripped my shoulders as she orgasmed, her legs wrapped around my waist. We stayed together as I pulled the covers over us, when I got hard again Caron rode me to orgasm.

Caron cuddled into me. "I love you, Mike. I always have. If you want me, I'll be yours and only yours." I kissed Caron. "I love you too, I just didn't realise it before now."

Caron and I became a couple after that night, we decided to prank Mum and Dad when we told them.

I went to visit my parents, I knew Mum would ask if I was seeing anyone.

"Yes Mum, in fact she is meeting me here later. I hope you don't mind, I invited her round so that way you get to meet her as well." Mum smiled, Dad sat drinking tea.

We were talking about Gary when Mum answered the door. "Hello love, come on in. Go through to the kitchen, Mike's here as well.

Hi Mum, how are you and Dad?" Caron asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Sit down love, I'll get you a cup of tea." Mum fussed. "It's great to see you. It's nice that you're here as Mike's new lady friend is coming over, at least we all get to meet her at the same time."

Caron and I looked at each other and burst out laughing, Mum looked at both of us.

"Mum, Dad, meet my girlfriend, Caron."

Mum stood and looked surprised. "Oh my god, I can't believe it."

"Are you okay Mum?" Caron asked.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Just a little surprised."

"I'm not." Dad piped up. "I am surprised it didn't happen ages ago."

"What makes you say that Steve?" Mum asked.

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