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Shifting Gears Ch. 16-17


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"You wanted to become social. You sure are. You plunge into a group and get people interacting, even fucking each other if that's appropriate. I detect no anxiety on your part to enter a social situation. I did when you started on this journey. Just remember that someday you'll want a long-term relationship with someone. Don't let your desire to be social rob that person of your time and attention, especially if sex is involved.

"As you gained confidence, you were more comfortable stating what you wanted to happen, whether it was a seating arrangement at dinner or who was about to fuck who in a group you were in. You're not timid about expressing your viewpoints and preferences, and often you do that in a subtle way to see whether others share that view. If they don't, you're often willing to give up the lead to someone else. I guess I call that flexibility; you're flexible.

"You are also creative in problem-solving and in coming up with ideas, especially in sexual situations. You love to try new positions, get others to stretch their horizons sexually, and are always willing to be an example. Most of the men in our group now do cleanup after cumming inside us. Before you were in the group, they wouldn't have dreamed of doing that. Thank you. I think that what they do is highly arousing. I can probably attribute several hundred orgasms to just that activity, and hence to you.

"I watched how you responded when those three new friends of Jake confronted you. You took on all of them. I would have done that, but you didn't blink an eye. Further, you took the lead in arranging them so that they gave you the most pleasure. God, you were so full of cum when they were through. I applaud you for being proactive with that situation."

I interjected, "I liked them. I'd talked to them during cocktails, but I hadn't expected all three of them at the same time."

Sheri smiled, "You were laughing and made the whole thing fun for them, too. Fucking you was probably the highlight of the party for them."

I told her, "No, I'm sure it was fucking Allie. Those guys were in their thirties. They hadn't been near high school pussy for a decade. Allie gave them the chance to relive all those fantasies again."

Allie blushed but laughed.

Sheri went on, "I'm not sure what boundaries you have or where the edges of your comfort zones are, but I like the new you.

"I'm saying all of this because I need to give you a promotion. I hereby promote you from mentee -- the person I was mentoring, to friend -- and one of my best friends, at that.

"You don't need any further advice or counsel from me to get to where you want to be. You're there. You've arrived. Assuming you wanted to be a slut, you're there -- you are one, and one of the best I might add. Even Maryann told me you were 'done'.

Sheri came over to me and pulled me into a standing hug with her. Any other time, and the connection would have become sexual, but this was deeper than that. We'd done sex together the prior night. This was about deep and long-lasting friendship.

We sat and sipped coffee and were just quiet for a while. Allie didn't interrupt the silence, but just lay back and blissfully daydreamed.

When our cups were empty, I asked whether anyone wanted more, but they didn't.

Allie then asked, "Do you want to talk to me? How am I doing?"

I laughed. "I could simplify the whole conversation and just say, 'Ditto' about all that Sheri just told me. You're on the right track. If I have any advice, it's to slow down and enjoy the journey to becoming a slut like me -- and like Sheri. I'm now starting to appreciate the joys of each day rather than worrying about whether I'm getting to where I want to be.

"How do I know to do that? I'm happy. I'm the happiest I've been in my life except for some special family moments here and there. Now, I'm happy in my own skin, with my own decisions, with the people who are my friends, and with the social situations I encounter.

"If you want to strive for something, strive for those same feelings. Part of that means that you get in touch with yourself -- not to criticize and create drama in your own life, but to appreciate and be grateful as each experience unfolds and you learn something."

Allie hugged me. "Thank you."

* * * * *

A week after Jake's party a month later, Maryann asked a group of us to join Jake and some of his usual buddies for a weekend cruise. He wanted to leave the port at nine a.m. Saturday, and be in Fort Meyers around noon. Maryann said to bring walking shoes and what she called civvies -- more normal clothes that could be worn in public.

The 'in' group now included Allie and Derek, although they were almost graduated. Allie was busting with enthusiasm to finish high school and start college at the nearby university. Officially, she was going to live at home, but I offered her a chance to move in with me. I also wanted to buy a large two-bedroom condo, rather than keep renting. If she was paying some 'rent' that could help me float the purchase.

We were onboard by eight-thirty, not an onerous task for me since I was usually at work before eight. I noted that Susan was among our passengers. She seemed to have an unusual level of vigilance, particularly about people on shore, as we turned and left Jake's dock. Once we were underway, she relaxed.

The girls congregated on the front deck in front of the bridge, stripped down to nakedness and lay out on towels to absorb some sun. We did rub suntan lotion on each other, and put on a little show for the men who'd congregated above us.

I felt grateful to Owen for taking young Derek under his wing and including him the male bonding that was going on. Fortunately, the crew of males didn't think drinking before noon was in the cards, so they all had coffee or soft drinks in hand.

Maryann regaled the group of girls with the unfolding plans for her wedding to Jake. What I thought was more interesting and slightly scandalous was her description about having him meet her family.

To fully understand what happened, I need to describe Jake. He is a hunk; even more so than his friends. He is six-foot-six-inches tall with broad shoulders and narrow hips. He spends at least two hours in the gym every day and is very muscular, including visible abs, and muscles no one else ever shows. He has piercing blue eyes and brown hair, and can never hide the bulge in his pants that hints at how well-endowed he is. Atop all that he is friendly and has a charismatic personality that just draws people in, especially women. I know from first-hand experience.

Maryann said, "So, Jake and I fly up to Nashville, rent a car, and drive to my mother's home. My divorced sister Trish also lives at there. Everyone gets introduced and are immediately charmed by Jake. Now, both my mom and Trish are lookers, like I am -- trim and shapely, but soon they're all over Jake and even getting all touchy-feely and affectionate with him.

"Jake likes this and returns the physical contact to some extent, but he keeps checking with me. I urge him to be 'expressive' with them. I think you all know that when Jake kisses you, you are a goner. All you want to do is have that man take you to bed and plunder your body any way that he chooses. So, Jake kisses each of them several times in his meaningful manner, and I can see the 'go' flags go up in their eyes.

"Jake offers to help out around the house, since there hasn't been a man around since mom got divorced there are a few small jobs. He's helping move some furniture around, and I suggest that Trish and I hit some of my old favorite stores, and let him finish doing Mom's bidding. We take off and leave the two of them together.

"Jake told me later that my mom is irresistible, and she comes on to him for more kisses, and he complies. Soon, they're in her bed, and he pounds her into the mattress and gives her a searing hot memory what she described later as the most passionate encounter in her life. Mom is starry eyed and mind-fogged when we come back from shopping. I laugh because I can tell right away what happened. Jake even gives me a wink.

"When dinner time gets near, I suggest to mom that we go and get takeout. She and I head out and leave Jake and Trish alone. Sure enough, when we get back and hour later, Trish is walking funny and has a whole new attitude about Jake -- all lovey-dovey. She has to be in physical contact with him.

"I finally acknowledge that I know Jake made love with the two of them, and after some initial blushes, Mom said, "You know, but you don't seem concerned?"

"I admitted to our lifestyle, at least a little of it, to my mom and sister. I told the two of them that we have an open relationship and plan to have an open marriage. I laughed, because both of them then confessed to having sex with Jake. Jake wouldn't hide something like that from me, only they didn't know that. We constantly arouse each other by telling the other who we've just had sex with.

"I think on the rest of our two-day visit he went around with each of them a lot more. He now has the best relationship with his future in-laws that any man could have."

I teased her, "So, what'd you do for sexual stimulation?"

Maryann blushed. "I called an old boyfriend who'd always been trying to get into my pants and told him I wanted a date and that I was a sure thing. He couldn't pick me up fast enough. We just spent one evening together in his bed while Jake was with Mom and Trish having an F-F-M sexual fuck fest; and you know how good he is at those."

I teased, "Well, I'm glad to hear that you're spreading your talents around in other states along with Jake."

Jake maneuvered his large yacht into the Fort Meyers Yacht Basin smooth as silk. I knew that I'd bounce off the sea wall and many other boats to do what he did so effortlessly. We tied off and put out some very large bumpers, and then our group of about sixteen went ashore into town.

Jake wanted to come to an Art Fair that consisted of dozens of artists displaying their wares from small outdoor display canopies they'd set up along one of the main streets. We found a nearby restaurant and broke into smaller groups for lunch, and then started to walk the Fair.

Jake found several paintings that he liked, however, he had Maryann come and bless them and their placement in his large home before he bought them. One of them cost $5,000, so he was functioning in a far different league that I was used to.

One bar near the Art Fair was rocking with a live band playing just inside the door. We migrated in that direction, and soon joined many others in dancing to the music. The more we danced the more that came off of we girls, until we were dancing in just our flip-flops and bikinis.

I can speak for myself, in that my bikini is one step up from two bandaids and a cork. It is slightly less revealing than my Wicked Weasel bathing suit, and given my lean body with boobs I tend to attract a lot of attention. Sheri, Maryann, and Allie are all the same. The problem with Allie is that she looks waaaaay underage. At eighteen she was illegal for booze, but promised the barmaids that she'd stick with Diet Cokes. Derek was in the same situation.

Allie had her hair in two braids, and she consequently looked to be about fourteen. That didn't keep some of the younger guys at the bar from hitting on her. I whispered to her that she should flash them and also act like jail bait.

I listened to one conversation she had with a guy she'd met on the dance floor that none of us knew. She told him, "Are you hung, Mister? I like to fuck a lot, and I just love hung guys. I've fucked all the guys I'm with but I'm always looking for more to try out. I'm not sure what I'm looking for in a guy but I'm sure when I find it, it'll also have a big cock."

Several of us snorted away our laughs. The dark-haired guy she'd met was drooling. Of course, it was the middle of the afternoon and he had no place to take her for that coveted fuck. The poor guy probably ended with Blue Balls in the middle of the afternoon. Allie did flash him one of her tits and let him feel, so 'he'd have something to remember her by'.

I danced with a few guys that appeared to be locals but all we did was talk about where we were from and what we did for work. I guess I look younger than I thought, because most the guys that I appealed to were college class men who thought I might also be a local in some way.

We ignored the clock, but eventually Jake rounded us up to head back to the yacht. Dinner was going to be barbecued ribs and chicken cooked on the fantail of the large boat once we were underway. We redressed in our 'walk-around-town' clothes and left the bar.

The boat got underway about seven o'clock, still with plenty of sunlight to navigate out of the marina, harbor, and bay, into the larger Gulf of Mexico. While we could have gone faster in the Gulf, Jake kept our speed low because it made for a smoother ride for the cooks -- specifically, Kevin, Owen, and Luke.

There was also enough sunlight for the girls onboard to declare they were still working on their tans. After we about a quarter-mile into the Gulf, every female body on the boat became nude. Clothes just disappeared into our large carry bags, and nothing replaced the missing garments.

Despite 'working on our suntans' we hung around on the navigation deck or on the rear deck of the boat laughing and carrying on with the guys. Libidos were running high, too; but nobody was doing anything other than ramping each other up further with stories, jokes, and off-color remarks. Everyone copped feels, too.

Dinner was great. I loved barbecuing on the open sea. After we were done, the hot coals just disappeared into the water. When the grill had cooled it was stowed away in a special compartment for it. At that point, Jake ramped up the speed a little.

By then, everyone on board was watching a beautiful sunset in the Gulf. Everyone watched for the 'green flash', but unless we all blinked at the same time, there wasn't one to be seen that night.

Jake slowed down and stopped as we neared Sarasota, and we all went skinny-dipping, ostensibly to wash off the stickiness from the ribs and barbecue. There was a lot of grab-ass and fondling that went on in the water, and then things got a little more romantic. After they finished swimming and rinsing off the salt water, people stayed naked and started to really make out. Soon, an increasing number of those aboard were engaged in sex in some major way.

I was with Roy, one of Jake's friends from the east coast of Florida. Looking around me in the main cabin living room I had Allie and Ryan near me, and then Maryann and Doug, Susan and Gabe, Sheri and Ken. On the back deck of the boat were Owen with Jean, Luke with Carol, and Sean with Muffie. Below them on the lower rear deck were Todd and Sarah, Derek and Marsha, Blake and Gwen, and Aaron and Wonder. Jake had Piper mounted on his dick as he sat at the helm of the large craft just outside the front window; next to him were Cord and Ginger. Every cunt had a cock in it, mostly moving with some aggressive speed.

The group on the boat consisted of many of those that attended his usual orgies at his house. There might be ten more couples. This was a great cruise.

I didn't get home until about one a.m. I had Cord with me, a handsome real estate guy from Fort Pierce. Todd and Wonder also claimed my living room sofa bed. We had another round of sex before doing to bed with each other's partners. We knew we have another fuck in the middle of the night.

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