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"Not...yours... Unnff!"

She tried to fight back against him, though everything just felt so good, even those vestiges of orgasm rippling through her, the warming glow swelling and pulling, pushing up insistently inside her. It was tight, so tight, her cunny feeling swollen and dripping around him, though she hated and loved being small, both at the same time. The feelings should not have come up against her like that as something deeper tugged insistently within her, a sense that she would later come to know as submission.

And she would never have found that out if not for the dragon, if not for the delights that the larger dragon could bring to her.

It was not a punishment, however, not in her eyes and not in Cassidy's eyes... It was a gift. She had thought that she could bring him over to her side and, in all truth, the dragon and the hare-dragon would work together -- only the dragon would show her more that her body could do, letting her see just how she could bring her magical talents forward into the light.

First, however, the bond between them had to be made, Cassidy ramming into her, harder and faster, the magical clench of his power closing in around her all over again.

"And once more..." He growled, licking his lips. "How do you like being smaller, hare? Do you like it? Do you like how deliciously weak it makes you feel?"

She moaned, ears flipping back, slanting down softly from the sides of her head. She would never admit to that... No, no... She would still get through it, even with fresh respect and understanding for dragons, what made them tick.

But she couldn't. Not as her resolve wavered and she shuddered, her body tense around him as she shrank once again. That time, she was more in time with the squeeze of her thighs, how her own body seemed to be pressing in against her, the twisting draw of shrinking not something that could be set aside so easily.

It should never have made her heart sing the way it did. Her heart pounded harder and faster, though she tried to hold off, even as the bulge of his cock ground up inside her.

She'd lost two feet of height by that point, her tail smaller and wigglier, though Flux may have even found that her voice was higher-pitched too and squeakier, if only marginally, from her voice box changing also. There was only so much that she could do against him as something in her shifted from fighting into leaning into what, perhaps, she had known lain before her all along.

The mind, even the magical subconscious, often had a habit of leading a magic user right to where they needed to be, what they wanted and craved. So, perhaps it was on Flux to trust that her heart knew what it needed. It was not as if the dragon had hurt her, after all...

And that was a very good thing indeed for both of them, for it would be the start of a beautiful relationship, even if parts of it were still yet to develop.

She clenched around him as the dragon loomed, though, with the twist of his body, he was able to draw back his abs while penetrating her deeply, even though the knot was swelling at the very base of his cock already. It would be pushed into her, while he ground deep, though he took a moment to revel, turning her on his cock. With her at that size, Cassidy did not need to pull out of her to do so, swivelling her around on his cock with his length grinding inside her, as if the hare-dragon had become nothing more than a spinning top, a playful toy for his gentle amusement.

The hare-dragon yelped and he ignored her with a grin that came with his teeth bared, rotating her so that she was belly to belly with him.

"Yessssss, how does that feel, my wanton whore?" He said, though the words slipped from his tongue like praise -- for that was what they were to the drake. "So pretty... So delicious... Mine. Smaller and tighter still for me, though now I get to see everything cross your face in the glory of orgasm too!"

Flux whimpered, heat rising to her cheeks. It would have been evident in the insides of her ears if they had not been as fluffy as they were, though the hare-dragon still did not know what she wanted. Did the fact that she had not fought all that hard to get away from him mean anything? Or was it all against her, nothing that her body ached for?

"You're drenched..." He growled, using his magic to hook her up against him as if with one of his even more massive paws, squeezing her to his belly as his cock made a bulge in her abdomen. "What a pretty little cock warmer and what a lovely job you do with my cock... But, I have mercy too, you know. This was never about teaching you a lesson and, if you like, you may go now."

He stilled, only lightly holding her with the grasp of his magic so that she did not slip and fall. For she was coming into her own already, need thrumming through her as the hare-dragon rolled her hips weakly back.

Oh, how he loved the fall of a victim. Only, for Flux, it was more like seeing her come into her true self. Cassidy had just been the one to open the door for her.

And as fun as it would have been to fuck her in her normal form, he did so love a tight cock warmer, a hole to keep around his cock and only around his cock. He purred, leaning into her, relishing in how tight her pussy was around him, how he could feel every ripple and squeeze. Though Cassidy would still send her smaller still, taking in every last tiny moment, gasping and grunting, the twitch of her body arching up to his so tantalising that even the dragon ached for more.

"Mmmmm... My pretty little breeding hen..." He murmured, watching just how the hare-dragon's ears pricked up to catch his words, how her body grew just a little bit tighter than before around him. "Would you like that? To be plump and full with my cum, after my cock...soon to be my offspring too."

She didn't know, gasping for breath, his words hitting a cord deep inside her as orgasm rose, teetering on the edge of bliss. Yes, oh, yes, was what she wanted to see, a hand clawing at her lower abdomen, feeling the immense bulge of him, how the knot crammed itself insistently up against the lips of her pussy just when she thought that no more, surely, could have fit inside her. But the dragon was set to surprise her as flickering curls and tendrils sank into her, deeper than even his dick could ever have reached.

Inside her, the spines of the dragon's cock flared out just a little bit more, digging into her pussy. They were sharp, but they still stimulated her, making her lurch, her head spinning, panting so heavily that it was a wonder that Flux was even able to get any breath into her lungs.


She couldn't help it, a smile tugging at her lips, though they were parted. The hare-dragon licked her lips, belly to belly with him, not even needing to support herself, not as her pussy tightened and her whole body, all over again, was squeezed.


"If you don't want it, stop," he told her, though Flux could hear the smirk on his lips even though she could not see him. "Tell me to stop and I will... I'll not make you my breeding pet, filling you over and over again, locking that sweet, tight pussy of yours down onto my cock where it should have always belonged..."

Flux moaned, her resolve slipping away. It felt good, too good -- and there was his magic again! She couldn't have stopped it and it was then that she gave herself over completely and utterly to the dragon. It was as it was meant to be and her heart soared with the magical energy flooding her, even if she was growing smaller and smaller.

And that very notion of growing smaller forced his cock deeper into her still, those spines even more pronounced, though Flux did not yet know that they were stimulating her to ovulate. The knot ground into her pussy, straining her own wide as a ragged howl tore from her lips, the kind of cry that she would never have been able to hold back, even if she had wanted to.

Such things were not meant to hold back, not as she pressed her hand reverently to the thick bulge of his cock daringly straining through her lower abdomen. It pushed up, as if it wanted more from her, the spines digging in, though the pleasure by far surpassed the pain, if it was even notable at all.


A low, deep grunt like that had never before been heard from her lips as she heaved and groaned, trying to bear through as the knot stretched her out. It felt like she had to be filled to the brim, her folds aching around that knot, though the burn of it pressing into her cunny was something that the hare-dragon would have gone back to time after time again if she had been given the option, yes.

She just wanted it. It could be that simple too and, as she accepted it in her mind, she felt the dragon growl above her, his thrusts taking on a more savage, passionate grind. Maybe he knew that she had seen something different, things shifting and changing, lust rising.

"Again, little one," he purred, rolling his hips forcibly against her, again and again. "You want this... And how small would you want to go?"

Flux moaned.

It was not just to be taught magic but to be with him too, her head swimming with unbridled pleasure, her pussy tight, so very tight. She couldn't even stop her body from tightening around him, though it was not his magic that time but orgasm ripping through her. She howled, letting everything course through her, pulse after devout pulse, feeling like she could go no tighter around his dick when she ached for more.

Her head spun and she took in all the air through her nostrils that she could, even as the dragon trembled in barely restrained delight above her.

"You couldn't hold off climaxing then," he teased her, though his tone was lighter, even though it was laced with a seductive kind of thrill that she hungrily leaned into. "Just the way I like it... Mmmm... It's no...unff...fun being with someone that doesn't love this as much as I do!"

And Flux knew that to be true too as she gripped his cock in orgasm, even if her mind was not entirely "with it" in that moment. It was as if everything in her head had gone completely blank except for the pleasure, the seething, white-hot roil of pleasure. Pulse after pulse rolled through her as she groaned deeply, her tongue feeling like it was lolling out, as if she couldn't find the energy to drag it back into her maw.

Dimly, Flux was aware that Cassidy was rolling over onto his back, cradling her on top of him.

"So needy..." He teased. "How many orgasms do you think I can force from you as you go smaller and smaller?"

"Unff... Yes..."

Those were the only words, and one of them was a grunt, that she managed to force out, trying to lift her torso, weakly, from his belly. Her paws splayed out into his fur but it was, at least, something for her to grip, digging her fingers down into it as the dragon thrust up easily into her.

Cassidy didn't have to thrust hard anymore, no, not as his knot was stuck inside her, locking them together. But what the drake could do, smirking with his tongue coyly flickering in and out of his mouth, was pour his magic into her all over again, shrinking her down to her smallest yet. And the sensation of her body closing in around his cock, as if she really was becoming nothing more than a tight cock sleeve (but that would only be the sexual part of their relationship) exhilarated him, need coursing through.

The dragon could not help himself and neither did Cassidy have to as he bellowed out his lust, cum erupting from him as his balls sent a shock of raw need through him. He knew she was climaxing, yet again, with him and he snarled heatedly, tail lashing back and forth, jostling Flux even though he could not knock her off his stomach, no, not when they were tied together quite like that.

He still thrust, even with his knot inside her, straining at her folds from the inside, her sex bulging to accommodate it. Grinding back and forth, the smaller body was made to accommodate him, though he would not deflate inside her until Cassidy was good and done with spending every last drop of seed from his balls.

Her body squeezed around him and her whimper was purely delightful, sending a delicious tremor through the dragon. His cum, however, still had to go somewhere inside her as he forced it deep, the head of his cock slowly wedging more and more into the neck of her womb.


She had her head thrown back and Cassidy, even then, was spellbound by the beauty of the slowly shrinking dragoness, though Flux was far from slow and weak against him. Sure, she had tracked him but it had been meant to be, regardless, as she slipped deeper.

Oh, how she wanted it, trying to form words even as his cock pressed into her womb. The spines would soon flare out fully and lock the two of them together but, even then, that was a delight to be had. Maybe things could have been even hotter for the two of them, enjoying their first time together, if she had given into that tantalising tease of submission earlier, but things were as they were. And that was okay too, for not everything had to be perfect.

Things could come with different flavours too, like that delicious, sinful stretch of her cervix as it was forced to accommodate the meat of his cock. There was simply nowhere else for his dick to go as she strained around him, wiggling faintly, even if there was no strength in her to move her smaller body from him.

"Mmmph... Yes... Ohhhhh!"

Finally, words leapt to Flux's lips, tail thrashing, though it was in the bliss of yet another orgasm. She just couldn't stop it, his cock still jetting off inside her, her lower abdomen fatly swollen where his cum sloshed openly around the head of his cock, buried up into her womb. She panted heavily, hips jerking, ears twitching, yet all the hare-dragon could see was Cassidy's lovingly adoring eyes.

"What a wonderful cock whore," he crooned. "Bear down a little more, maybe one more orgasm will convince me that you don't want me to stuff your pussy full forevermore... But you'd like that, wouldn't you? Beautiful, so pretty... So tight..."

She didn't know how small she was but the dragon loomed. And it felt right for him to do so, even if that was not a thought that Cassidy would have ever considered. Her lips twitched, panting through a smile, pleasure sweeping her even though she came down from the high of orgasm. His dick remained hard inside her, not softening in the slightest in the aftermath of orgasm. Flux would have been surprised if he had softened, considering how tightly her body was gripping him.

"Please..." She begged, forcing words to her lips even as he took her in his large forepaws, working her up and down as if her body truly was nothing more than a living fleshlight to him, even if that was a purely sexual nuance. "Please... Breed me... Oh... Take me!"

She howled, another orgasm tearing through her. She didn't care how many she had, as long as he kept right on fucking her, breeding her, claiming her! No, Flux had a claim to the dragon as her dominant and whatever would come of their relationship after that, though there was more to be gleaned, more pleasure still.

At just under four feet, her body settled into that change, so small, so tight, as if her body was made for him. Or as if the dragon was making her fit for him... Oh, she liked that thought, trying to hump against him while the dragon worked her up and down his dick, even as the spines flared out. They locked his cock head into her womb, forcing it to remain in there, their bodies tied and bound together until he was good and done with her.

"Mmm... You can go one size smaller, little slut, I believe in you," the dragon praised, Flux trembling with delight at his kind words. "One size smaller... And staying like that forever. Will you do that for me? Say you will, orgasm again for me and I'll believe you'll take on my magic to grow stronger in the perfect little vessel!"

Cassidy just wanted to hear it from her own lips for there was no true pleasure in an unwilling victim for him, no. The offer was there, all laid out for her, though he did not pause in working her up and down his cock, to the extent that he could with the spines locking the head into her womb. He didn't drag her back from him with enough force to cause her any pain, only pleasure.

That was something, after all, that Cassidy was exceptionally good at. And the knot too... One final shrinkage...

"Please... I want it...all!" She cried out, forcing the words violently from her lips. "Please! I agree -- ohhhhh! I want... I want..."

But he knew what she wanted as he bellowed and trembled, forcing her body to shrink all over again with the sudden influx of his magic. And, just like that, she was squeezed down to no more than three feet tall, as if she was a toy -- but Flux would be so much more than that. A powerful magic user, yes, what she had wanted to be all along. Yet there was the beauty of his knot pushing up even more deeply into her to be had first of all, bearing in against her pussy lips as she shrank.


No more words, only moans. That was all she had for him and Cassidy grunted. Her body hugged his knot, grinding back and forth a couple of inches as he struggled, even then, to thrust, pushed him to his limit. Despite the tightness around his swollen knot, he stayed within her as he humped and thrust.

"Locked inside you, beauty, nowhere to go... Take me all!"

He'd long since breached her womb but he wanted more, giving a thrust up with his tail for leverage to spear that fat knot even further into her shrinking body, stretching her cunny to its widest extent yet. She howled, bucking against him, though she was enraptured by pleasure, need coursing through.

Yet it was a need that was to be sated as he finally took her completely and utterly, breeding her, claiming every last part of her, her belly hugely swollen with his cock and his seed. For a second time, the drake snarled and exploded, his cock twitching inside her as he spent himself, balls churning to push out every last drop of seed that his balls felt that they possibly had to give. They ached with every hot spurt, making her belly bulge more and more, as if she was already pregnant, the hare-dragon resting her paw on her stomach, as exhausted from the extreme sexual activity as she was.

Finally, there was no more shrinking and she would be like that forever, yes. But she wanted that, yes, his paws tight around her in the semblance of bondage, panting heavily, eyelids fluttering. At some points, as she exhausted herself on his dick, more and more cum slopping into her, she felt as if she might have blacked out, but the hare-dragon didn't know how much of that was just her grappling with the overload of sensation.

But it was okay. She would have everything she need from him and it was all down to the dragon to take her, to breed her, to lust for her, completely and absolutely. One thing was known in her heart, a smile weakly stretching her lips as her tail tried to wag back and forth.

"I know why you sought me out, little one," Cassidy said, rumbling as he tucked the little hare-dragon in against him, massively bloated out on his cock. "And it is well... I will aid you, have no concern. But you must give a dragon something in return. That much, you must have known."

Flux gulped.


"I've lived far longer than you, my dear."

He said it gently, not with any condescension, and she sighed, letting tension roll from her shoulders. No more pretending to be something that she was not -- or even stronger than she was not.

"Thank you...Cassidy."

He nuzzled at her, playing his forepaws across her belly, feeling the bulge. Yet, there, she was safe. And that was enough.

The dragon would take care of her, yes... Yes, he would care for her. She had no concerns about that.

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