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Silver Moon: Bk. 02 Ch. 01

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The ongoing travails of Dan...
14.5k words

Part 14 of the 29 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 04/20/2013
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Welcome to my second book in my Silver Moon series. I hope everyone liked the cliff hanger and how I screwed with Dan and Pam. I hate to admit it but I am having way to much fun screwing with Dan and the other major characters in the series. This is going to pick up where the end of the story left off. I am debating on where I am going with this but it might be a bit darker than the original series. Yes I have screwed with Dan but most of it has been his personal life. I think this is going to aim more towards the political side and the repercussions of that.

As usual all sexual relationships are 18+ and if there are any sort of relationships below 18 they will be strictly boyfriend/girlfriend with no real intimacy. I am mentioning this since Paulo and Sylvia are going to be mentioned but they are both just shy of 18 in the beginning. As Dan travels around and meets the other Kitsune clans or spirit animal clans or packs other children and teens will mostly likely show up even if it is of a casual mention and nothing else.

I have said this with some of my other prefaces but I have submitted all of my chapters for the Sholan Alliance and expect them to be posted soon. I have also submitted the World of Ranicke bk2 c4 and appreciate the votes but what do I need to do for feedback/comments? Scream? Rant and rave? Break down crying heart brokenly? In all seriousness I really do want comments and especially what people like or dislike. Parts that made them cry or laugh hysterically. There is a standalone story that I am slowly editing and considering submitting. That will be down the road since I wrote it several years ago and it has some horrible spelling and grammar issues.

If you have any questions on what I am writing please feel to comment or send me a feedback form and I will answer as best possible. Enjoy!


Dan was still in shock when Gettie came in and she had to snicker at Dan and his reaction. He was obviously in shock at what all had happened this morning. Then she noticed the three tails Dan had and could feel his horror over the clan bonds. She barely managed not to laugh though she did walk over and gave him a hug. "If you two will follow me to your rooms you can take a few minutes to relax and recover."

Just for good measure she tickled his ears. "You look so cute with your three tails." When he lifted a corner of his mouth and bared some teeth at her she simply smiled. Gettie walked over to Pam and smiled as well. "You have lovely ears as well Lady Pamela. If you want I can brush your tails out later to make sure they are the fluffiest possible."

Since both were rather distracted she settled for leading them out of the room and towards theirs. Once there she opened the door and showed them inside. Once the doors were closed Dan changed forms and she managed not to snicker since he was now in a human-form. He most definitely wasn't looking happy with the world. Gettie walked over and gave him a good hug. "You look really good in your mid-form. The two of you are going to definitely draw attention." She gave Pam a good hug as well.

Dan stalked off to the bathroom and after changing again looked in the mirror and growled. "Damn it I am a wolf, not a glorified Kistune." What really annoyed him was one ear was the rust color and the other white. "Lady I look utterly silly right now. My ears should be black as sin just like my fur and not different colors." After growling again he walked out to the living room.

Pam stood and walked over to him and curled her arms around him. "You look rather nice in this form." One hand came up and stroked and petted his ears. When he leaned into it she smiled even wider. "At least you have been a lycan for ages and are used to having a different form. This is totally different for me and I have to get used to it. From what I gather I have a fox form as well and darn it but a nice juicy rabbit sounds good."

Gettie brought a tray over with three cups on it and moved to the door and opened it. There was an older gentleman who had just raised his hand to knock. He looked definitely startled when the door was answered before he had even knocked. "Please come in. Dan is feeling cranky but that doesn't have anything to do with you." She moved off to one side and allowed him in.

When he walked in he had to stop and stare since both looked rather odd. Saul had included a picture of Dan in the paperwork and he knew that Dan was a lycan. Why the hell did he have ears of different colors? "Good morning Alpha Legarith. I am Auditor Arthur Johanssen and here for your annual audit." He tried not to stare at the ears but they were just so odd looking.

Dan noticed the stare and growled slightly. "The Silver Kitsune clan spirit and the..." He realized he had no idea what the other clan was called. "A rust colored spirit from the Kitsune clan that my mate Pam is related to decided to show up and have a bit of fun." There was still a growl in his voice but he stood and held a hand out. Now that he was standing his tails could be seen since they were lashing back and forth in his irritation.

Arthur had to stare at them as well and started rubbing his forehead. "This is going to be an interesting audit and I have a feeling I am going to be taking piles of notes." To be honest he wasn't sure what he was going to need to do. When Dan held his hand out Arthur took his hand and shook it.

He settled down in a chair across from them and smiled when Gettie poured some coffee for him. "Thank you." He adjusted it to his taste and took a sip and smiled. "I could get used to this. Might have to find a reason to do your next audit up here."

Pam smiled and gently pulled Dan down next to her. "Please forgive him but he has had a rather upsetting morning." She blushed a bit. "I have to say I am still trying to deal with this morning as well." She gave a light laugh. "I was human before but now I don't have any clue what I would be classified as."

Dan settled down next to her and wrapped an arm around her after sitting down. He had to adjust a tail or two as he settled down. "Please call me Dan and this is my mate Pam. If you don't mind my calling you Arthur I prefer the personal touch. It usually seems to make things go smoother. I am sure you have a vast number of questions. I am going to answer a few of them before you even start."

He took a sip of coffee as he gathered his thoughts. "Um, first I am not from your world at all and I have no idea how I ended up here. I arrived just about a year ago and took over the Alucian pack after killing the Alpha and his henchmen. Shortly after that Lord Geoff, the heir to this clan, arrived and I discovered that Mari was to be his mate. At that time she was pregnant with my pups which she just finished delivering."

"One of Geoff's advisors was a female kitsune and she is currently pregnant with my pups as well. Several weeks later I accepted two new wolves into my pack on an interim basis. At that time I discovered that my Beta's daughter, one of the two new wolves, was damaged by their previous Alpha and called Alysson for assistance in getting her healed. Sheliae had helped me heal from the loss of my previous mate and pups in the world I came from. I figured Alysson would be able to help her as well. About that time one of my older pups came to me and let me know that he had realized Sylvia was to be his mate. Sylvia is the Beta's daughter and both are under 18 which made it even more urgent that we get her help."

Dan took another sip. "While I was here I was introduced to the spirits and accepted into the clan as a lord. At the same time I had dallied with several ladies and though neither was in heat a Wolf Spirit animal became pregnant by me." Dan had to give the man a wry grin since he was alternating between making notes and rubbing his forehead.

"At the same time I somehow managed to bring my original pack over. Ben my former Beta found that Sheliae is his mate and he has taken over the packs in Alysson's country. I have released him from looking to me as his alpha. We both decided that it would cause too many complications. Alysson agreed with that and right now the three of us are in negotiations about forming a counsel of the senior alphas. This is to come up with a standard for being an alpha and running a pack."

He frowned slightly as he was trying to think of anything else. "I came up as I mentioned because Mari was getting ready to whelp. She did that two days ago and the introduction to the clan is the day after tomorrow. This morning Pam was introduced to the spirits and accepted into the clan. As Alysson was getting ready to put the tail in her hair the two spirits showed up. The rust colored spirit proclaimed that she was of the blood of his clan and wasn't going to allow her being made a member of this clan."

Dan had to grin at Pam when he said that and she punched him in the shoulder. "Anyways after being challenged by the rust spirit we had a rather enjoyable fight though he did win. As a joke, that is how I am thinking of it; the Silver Kitsune spirit touched my forehead with his nose and healed me. Later I discovered that when I changed form I now have three tails as you can see and they match Pam's. My tail of acceptance now has the three tails as well and matches hers. Her spirit told us to report to his territory within a moon."

Arthur finished the notes and leaned back and sipped on the coffee. "Why me? I should have given this to one of the junior auditors and let him have the headache." When he set his cup down Gettie refilled it. "So what you are trying to tell me is that..." He went on to repeat what Dan had told him but rephrased it from his country's point of view. "Well I think I am going to settle in my rooms and see about getting a copy of Lady Alysson's files on you." He stood up to leave the room.

Gettie turned to him. "While you are here you will have an attendant assigned to you to see to your needs. She will ensure that you have all the necessities for bathing, make sure your cloths are washed and cleaned as well as any other needs you might have. She is waiting for you in your suite. After we have lunch we are going to head down to the seamstress since Dan is going to need some robes. It has been requested that you come with since you are going to be here during the introduction of Lady Mari's babies."


"If you would like please come back for lunch which is going to be in about an hour." Gettie opened the door for him and he sighed as he left.

He didn't need an attendant or assistant or anyone else. Right as he was going to open his door it was opened for him and he was facing what appeared to be a young lady. She was dressed smartly in a nice shirt and skirt that seemed to a sort of uniform.

"Good morning sir and my name is Emelia and I am your attendant while you are here. Please tell me of any needs you have and I will see that they are taken care of." She was in her mid form and though she was a golden blond her ears and tail were the silvery white of the clan. "I understand you have just flown in. If you would like a shower or bath I have made sure that your bathroom has what you need." Her ears were pricked forward as she paid attention to him.

Arthur sighed. "Please just call me Arthur. I am not a sir or lord or anything else. I am simply an auditor who is going to have a headache by the time I am done dealing with Lord Alpha Dan." Since she had stepped aside he entered the rooms and took the time to really look around. The rooms were to him extremely lavish and he simply had to stare for a moment. "All I really needed was a hotel room or something like that. Not a suite suitable for a king or visiting dignitary."

Emelia tilted her head a bit in confusion. "But you are a visiting dignitary. Lady Alysson looked up your job description and you are a senior official from your country. How could we do anything less than provide rooms such as this for you?"

He rubbed his temples. "Well what I would like is something for my headache, some herbal tea, and a hot bath." Well if she was there he might as well give her something to do so she didn't feel slighted.

She gave him a sympathetic smile. "I understand and Lady Alysson tends to have headaches when Dan comes up. She likes him a great deal but something always happens when he is here." Emelia turned away. "I am going to start the bath first since it will take a few minutes to fill." She hurried to the bathroom and started the water and once she was happy with the temp she let it start filling.

After that she headed towards the kitchen and started water for the tea. "I hope you don't mind but I have pulled your cloths out and hung them up or put them in drawers as appropriate. Your files and other items you need for your audit are in a safe in your room and I will key it to you after your bath so only you have access to them." Finally she had everything ready and set a tray on the coffee table. "Here is your tea and your headache powder. I am going to check the tub and you should be able to go in and soak in a few moments."

Arthur had to give her a wry smile. "I don't feel near as bad now if Lady Alysson gets headaches as well." He had been watching her move around the suite with a bit of bemusement. He had rarely ever left his country and when he did he normally had a normal hotel room. He really wasn't sure what to make of having an attendant. "Thank you very much Emelia. The tea smells wonderful."

He dumped the powder in the cup and then poured the tea over it and lightly fixed the tea with milk and honey. Arthur was not really sure of what to make of the girl or just what he was supposed to have her do. As she was checking the tub he finally decided to treat her like he did his office assistant. He quickly finished the tea and poured another cup.

Eventually he did soak in the bath for a while and decided he would join Dan in his quarters for lunch. When he had climbed out and dried off he found a robe on a hook and pulled that on. When he walked into the bedroom he found a clean and pressed change of clothing ready for him. After getting dressed he walked out and Emelia was sitting at the table writing something down.

She looked up and smiled. "You look more relaxed. If you are still tense this evening I can give you a good back massage and then show you to the hot springs." Emelia closed the book she had been reading and stood and walked to the door and opened it. "Shall we go? Gettie informed me that Dan is about ready to start eating the table." She wrinkled her nose at him.

Arthur snorted and after clearing his throat spoke. "We wouldn't want that now would we? It is a pain picking the splinters out." He was doing his best not to laugh as he walked out and took a moment to regain his demeanor. Arthur followed her down the hallway and to Dan's suite. When he was let in he took a second look and it was even nicer than his was. "Hello Dan and hello to you as well Pam."

Dan grumbled. "Come in and have a seat. I am starving and Gettie is holding lunch till you arrive. If she doesn't hurry up I might end up chewing on someone's leg." He was still in his mid-form and looking grumpy.

As Gettie walked past she patted his head. "Lady Mari gave me strict instructions on the treatment and management of her favorite Alpha. She did mention that if you growled at me you will be getting baby food for the next meal." As she was heading towards the kitchen she heard a muffled laugh from Pam and an aborted grumble from Dan.

Arthur snorted for a moment. "So what is your job Gettie? From the sounds of it Mari is somewhat in charge of you." As he was talking he wandered over to the table and settled down across from Dan and Pam. Moments later a cup of coffee was placed in front of him by Emelia and then she stood back and slightly behind him.

Gettie smiled at him. "I am actually Mari's personal assistant. I make appointments for her, take care of finished paperwork, and fetch files she needs. I am also her personal attendant and fill much the same roles as Emelia is doing for you. Even though she is going to be mating with Geoffrey in the next couple months Dan is still her Alpha and always will be."

Arthur contemplated her answer and had to sigh again. "Dan I think you have too much time on your hands..." He flashed a smile at him before taking a sip of the coffee.

Dan snorted at him and grumbled a bit. "I did not set out to take over a pack or have my submissive stolen from me by an oversized fox. I blame it on Alysson since she sent Geoff to my manor and started all the fun." He fixed his coffee and leaned back and grinned at the snort from Gettie.

She brought the salads over and once she handed them out. "Well just think if all this hadn't happened you couldn't appreciate this." Gettie started scratching his ears and he lowered his head and from under the table a slight thumping could be felt.

Dan jerked away from her. "Gettie you are an evil woman and I am going to complain to Mari." He had to give his ears a good scratch before starting to eat. When she hit a certain spot on his ears it made his foot twitch. It was similar to when you scratched a dog in the right spot their foot would start wiggling.

Pam had to snicker at him when he scratched his ears. "But they are such cute ears and almost demand to be scratched." She pretended to lean over to scratch them and he growled at her. Pam started laughing as did Gettie.

The lunch consisted of a salad, lots of rare roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, and carrot cake for dessert. Dan finally finished eating and leaned back in the chair. "That was darn good Gettie and thank you. I know you are going back to Mari this afternoon but I really appreciate your help. Please feel free to stop by and visit when you have time." He had to wonder who they were going to get as her replacement.

Gettie came over and gave him a hug and then Pam a hug. "I will do that while you are talking to Arthur and we can have girl time. I have enjoyed getting to know your mate." She cleaned the table and set the plates and table where next to the sink. "My replacement will be here before we are back and take care of the clean up."

Dan grinned at her. "You are enjoying being a two tail Kitsune to much I think." He stood up and looked at Arthur. "If you want to change into something more casual we can wait here till you are done. There is no reason for you to wear a suit while here." Dan was dressed in some loose shorts and a shirt with the logo of a band he enjoyed here.

Gettie smiled at him and turned and waved her three tails around. "Not a two tail any more. When Geoff got his fourth with the birth of your children I got a third." The darn thing was itching and she had to resist the urge to give it a good scratch. That she could take care of later and maybe have Pam brush it for her.

Arthur stammered a bit. "Um, I am on official business and there are certain dress codes required." That and he would feel rather weird not wearing the suit since at some point this afternoon they would start working on the audit.

Dan winked at him. "Call this casual business dress and I promise I will make sure to tell everyone you wore your suit. Emelia take him back to his suite and ensure he has something comfortable to wear." Pam was dressed in comfortable clothing as well. She had on a light skirt as well as a fine linen shirt. Dan had to smile at her since she had been shocked when she found a reasonable number of cloths already there for her. Dan had to convince her to try some on and this was her choice and she refused to wear anything dressier.

Emelia helped him up and walked towards the door. "Shall we Arthur? If I didn't obey Dan he might put me over his knee and spank me. I really don't feel like being spanked." She winked at Pam as Dan spit his coffee out.

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