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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 03

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
13.6k words

Part 3 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 3, The World Awaits (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in 2017. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 3 Riding into the Enemy

Eldar woke up and finished his journal entry for the trip so far. While curled up with Charlemagne on his side. He had her look over what he had written. He held Charlemagne, "Just curious, everyone on your team had a nickname but me, what do you call me?"

She smiles and reaches down and squeezes his member, "Don't you know your my 'Blade Dancer.'" As she ran her hands over him lightly.

He sat up as he felt like she just mocked him, "Well until you come up with something more in line with the others, I'll go back to calling you, Charlemagne. Besides I am a Blade Singer, not Dancer."

She looked at Eldar wanting to know why and he answered her unasked question. "Because nobody else is calling you by that name. I am going to claim it for now."

She fired back, "Because when your blade does the dancing, I am doing the singing. I am not talking about your sheathed sword or battle prowess."

He got dressed but did not like her answer still. She sensed it. She did not want to push the issue right now. She had more important things to discuss and evaluate about Eldar. Charlemagne dropped the fireball on him, "We lose our guards today there is a mercenary company called the 'Iron Bar' a dozen strong that will be taking over for the next leg of the trip."

Eldar looked at her, "What do you know about them?"

She glances back, "I just told you."

They had a dozen unknown mercenaries that were going to be watching their backs. He suddenly felt a whole lot less safe than he did a few minutes before in her arms.

He looked over at her, "I will keep my sword sheathed unless it is needed; best to let them think I prefer the bow as they will not know me."

He pulled his journal and stuck it into her trunk, while she just nodded.


Charlie thought to herself, "He is tactical and takes nothing at face value. I have his trust and he trusts my team after that encounter. His trust isn't blind, because he trusts the royal guards first. Gods, he is observant.

This name issue tells me he still has some acceptance issues he is working through. How others perceive him. Blade Dancer he felt was insulting. I should have realized a Blade Singer would see being called a Blade Dancer insulting, what was I thinking. I wasn't thinking. At least with my head.

I should not have played off his training that way. He was looking for acceptance and his strict adherence to his code. The same code my step-sons and dead husband used. I know the code they live by, or should I say lived by for my late husband.

I still admire them all for being able to do that. I guess for men I have a type. I loved that adherence to the code they all share. The compassion for caring for our people. Everyone has a nickname, except for me, that goes with what they do.

Hell, I gave them out as I brought them on-board. What he does to me would not be a nickname I would want to use on him. He might be even more offended if I just started calling him my stud. Every woman in our group would want him in their bed and I don't want that. Now I'm getting possessive and I have only known him a few days.

Stop it, Charlie. That will be a longer-term issue if I can just get him to agree to join us. Then convince the powers that be that he is right for us. He was more focused on proving himself as an individual within that code. To not be judged or held back by his birth circumstance.

Not to be judged by his performance in the Academy or in my bed. I am such an idiot. His actions with the bear at first confused me until he told me why. Then it made perfect fucking sense. He had made a wise tactical decision and it aligned with his damned code even.

I guess in a way I played it smart. He thinks I know less about Blade Singers than I do. Just out of the Academy and he could read a fight like that, at least that one. I need to see what he does next. To be sure it was not a fluke. To understand how his mind works. I am breaking so many rules and worry about how he will feel about me now.

When he learns everything about me. My heart aches for him, but I have to be prepared for rejection...because I am keeping so much from him. I am not ready to confess everything to him. That would break so many more rules and get me into even deeper shit. That will come in mere days and that worries me as I have a time limit on this task."

She still had days left before she would be forced to deal with that. She was also worried about what Jarron would do or say. It is not like those rules had not been broken before without issue. Her husband broke them with her. Yet there was still Jarron to worry about, let alone Eldar's father. Then there was Annette and how she would address that issue.


Eldar had stepped out and spread the word to the others, "Let them think I am Hunter's apprentice and nobody of importance."

He cautioned, "Just remember, I am Eldar and so new that I do not even have a nickname. I want to keep the mercenaries in the dark until we know more about them."

Everyone nodded. "I know it sounds odd or I am being paranoid but there is something off here. Nobody here really knows this 'Iron Bar' group. I figured it is safer to have one under anticipated opponent in the group. They may have already heard about you from your travels."

Hunter asked, "What did Charlie say about this? Was this her idea?"

He sighed and shook his head, "My idea. She thought it was a good idea from what I could tell. She doesn't have a good nickname for me and it is true. She does not have a list of my skills or an understanding really of what a Blade Singer is all about. At least from what I have seen."


Hunter thought to himself, "Charlie is setting herself up for heartache. Only Tranosa, her and I know he is here to be evaluated. The kids smart and multitalented. I hope he is forgiving of her when he learns everything. Others might have put it together after Tranosa opened up about him being Heliar'vasius's son.

That might have the others at least suspecting. Yet everyone is staying tight-lipped about it at least. It is a smart move given the unknown, to have him underestimated by a potentially rogue element."


Hunter nodded, "Alright. It is a good precaution, just in case. It doesn't hurt anything."

Mid-day approached and Eldar snacked on some bear jerky when the guards came to a halt. The Royal guard leader looked at them, "Your escorts are just down the hill lined up and waiting for you."

Eldar focused on the group and there were 4 on each side of the road. They had 4 out in front who waited for them. They would be surrounded on 3 sides the way they were laid out. He turned to keep an eye out for any small game along the way as well as any ambushers as they slowly approached. The royal guards held back and watched until Charlemagne gave them an all-clear before departing.

Charlemagne pulled the wagon to a stop and called out, "Falcons fly far."

A shout returned from the other side, "Feathers still fall in flight."

Apparently satisfied, she moved them forward to meet the group but stopped again before they were surrounded. She waited.

The four riders blocking the road came forward. One burly human looked at her, "We be the Iron Bar. We are here to protect you until Grand Falls, you will be taking your directions from me Flanning Horsetrader."

Charlemagne looked back at him, "You have that backwards. You will be taking your directions from me, this is my cargo and my run. Call me Charlie!"

Flanning glared and did not like Charlemagne's attitude. She, of course, was not putting up with any of his 'Horsetrader' shit. She continued, "We stop where I say. We will make camp at spots I dictate. I know this road and area well. The women are not here to provide sexual services to your men. They are here to do the work I hired them to do.

Four of your men leading, four in the back and two on each side. We will get through introductions when we stop for camp. You see one of my people with a bow at the ready you will give them space as they hunt while we move. You see one tying off a rope to the wagon to go after a kill pull your men from that side of the wagon.

If lines are going from both sides then put six in front and six in the back and watch the ropes, we are not responsible for your horses at all. You are in luck, we got enough leftover bear meat to last a few days. Most of that has been smoked. We will keep an eye open for a fresh game.

We will provide food for morning and evening meals only. If the hunting is good, else you are on trail rations all day. Mid-day meals will be in the saddle from your own reserves. Any questions?"

A few snickered then Flanning pipes in, "These are my men and they follow my direction."

Charlemagne shot back, "Good because you work for me on this trip. I will hold you responsible for them following my rules. You can decide on who will ride where and which of your people will join mine on night watch. We will have two on each of three watches in the night...divide and plan accordingly!"

She pushes her team forward and Flanning and his men got out of the way of the moving wagon while Flanning grumbles, "Who in the Nine Hells are you?"

She did not even look back at him but fired off to him, "I said to call me Charlie! I am one of your bosses as I own part of this shipment along with some partners who contacted you. Get moving we are burning daylight."

Flanning started assigning his men and took positions behind them with some of the larger 3 of the group. Things were quiet until Charlemagne called for them to stop a couple of hours before nightfall. Of course, Flanning did not like that at all. He shouted out, "We have a couple more hours of riding to do before we have to stop."

She glares at him and then yelled, "Make camp." She walks over to Flanning and stared right at him. "Smartass, where is the next campsite that we can pull 3 wagons with teams and your 12 horses off the road at?"

Then storms off leaving him to simmer. Dinner was quiet. The only thing cooking was some stew with dried meat and some vegetables. They listen to Flanning's roll call, of 'Snake, Weasel, Dragon, Possum and Roadkill' to name but a few which were just as bad and forgettable until he got to the last four and told them, "Just call those guys stiffs as they are new and likely to be killed before we get there."

Such a vote of confidence in his men. Eldar really did not like this guy. Charlemagne went around through her crew and then got to Eldar and called out, "Eldar."

Flanning snorted," What the heck is an Eldar, some Elven word for stiff?"

Eldar looked at him, "No. It is my first trip with them. I am not even getting paid. Charlie has not given me a nickname yet. Hunter was throwing around the idea of Grizzly bait, but Charlie shot that down."

Flanning laughed, "You got chewed up by the Grizzly?"

Eldar looked at him, "Yes. Doc patched me up afterward. I just happened to be on guard that night. Between the guards we had and the bows flying for this group, it was a pin cushion. I was fairly safe as I was underneath it at that point."

Flanning smirked, "I'll just call you Stiff cause you are one step closer to it than those other 4."

Eldar just shrugged him off as he had this man believing that Eldar was not a threat. Eldar headed to the back of Charlemagne's wagon. She looked at him, "Bed down next to Hunter. I will get you for mid-shift."

He gave her a nod and grabbed his gear. He gave a few exaggerated moans for the new arrivals to chuckle over, before laying out on his bedroll.

He took note of who got the first night rotation and where they went as they grabbed some sleep. He saw Flanning stood guard during their shift. Eldar whisper to Charlemagne, "You know I'm not liking this."

He faced in the direction Flanning stood who was on guard at the end of the road in the direction they were headed with one of his buddies. He could see him just off to his left. About halfway through the shift, he went about 100 yards up the hill for about 15 minutes but did not leave the road. Not a bathroom break. He then walked back and tucked something into his belt.

As their 4 men guarded both ends of the road Charlemagne and Eldar talked softly, "Something is going on with their leader he spent quite a bit of time up that road. Not a bathroom break."

She patted his arm, "We will need to keep an eye on him then."

The next day it was a repeat of the first except Weasel nearly got an extra hole in his head as Eagle-eye launched an arrow straight in front of his nose as she took out a quail at 40 yards. His horse reared and he ended up on his ass cussing up a storm as one of the others went after his horse. Flanning came forward to chew Eagle-eye out.

Charlemagne cut his complaint off as she shouted, "They were warned to keep out of the line of fire unless they prefer not to have any warm meals! We can leave you guys to forage for yourselves if you prefer!"

Flanning pulled his guys to a 6 in front and 6 in back style formation once the horses were gathered up. Hunter and Eldar lucked out on bringing down a wild boar. At least two good meals worth of meat. They tied off the line and the third wagon went off track and Flanning starts yelling from the back as he rode forward. He hit the rope line just after they finish tying it to the boar and it went taut. That causing one heck of a rope burn on his horse and he was pissed.

Charlemagne flared up, "Get back to your post if you cannot follow directions!"

Flanning came to a stop and looked over his horse's wound. He glared at Hunter and Eldar as the boar started sliding toward the road. Skinner jumped down and Hunter looked at Eldar, "Head back over to Charlie."

Hunter did not want them to tip their hand just yet either. He wanted them to see Eldar as not strong enough to help load the boar. Eldar told Charlemagne what they saw, "Something is not right. He is likely to make a move soon if hostile. How about you face toward those guys tonight while I am in your shadow. I will sneak around and get about 100 yards ahead of the front of the wagons to find out what Flanning is up to?"

She nodded, "Not a bad idea and I will flip our first and third watch at the last minute. I want to see if he changes his as it would be telling. Go now and inform the guys quietly."

Eldar jumped back down and went back to help with the hog. Eldar looked at Tranosa, "Thought you could use a hand getting the hog into the second wagon. Charlemagne is flipping the first and third watch tonight. Something is up, be ready when she calls it out after dinner like it's normal."

Eldar exaggerated the groaning as though he struggled with the weight of the boar. Dinner came and went. Except for the bitching from Flanning, nothing changed. Charlemagne went and talked with her guys. Eldar made for her wagon with Doc on the pretense of having them check over his ribs before he hit the sack after lifting all that weight.

Charlemagne came in, "Flanning switched up his roster as well. He has one of the 'Stiffs' standings watch with him for a change."

Eldar looked at Doc, "If I raise an alarm Charlie will rouse you. I will keep Flanning busy and on his toes. I have a few tricks he has not even seen yet."

Charlemagne nodded. Eldar headed to his bedroll and whispered to Hunter, "Do you keep your bow nocked and beside you?"

He shook his head, "I give it a break and unstring it at night why?"

Eldar told him, "I will leave mine nocked and ready for right-handed shots. Just laying in my bedroll when I go on duty with one of your arrows. We have trouble tonight. I will not need it. It might tip them off if you change your routine. Mine is just a beginner's mistake. If it is spotted and they already think I am a screw up not worth worrying about."

He nodded. The first shift went off quietly.

Eldar left Charlemagne shortly thereafter and pinched her ass before he went. He saw her grin at him as he headed off into the woods. He kept some distance from the road and moved slowly. He paused shortly across from Flanning and 'Stiff' as they were talking.

Flanning grumbled, "I am getting tired of this bitch. Be ready if you see me draw my sword and come back from my communication. Head to the 5 sleeping at the front of the horses and wake them. The guys in the back will start slitting throats and move forward."

Eldar continued to inch forward waiting in the distance for him to come away from the group to see what he did. Just like the last 2 nights he kneeled down. Eldar was 20 feet away from him in some tall grass.

He heard Flanning, "Lord Barimus, any word on the other caravans?"

The crystal came to life and a voice responded, "Do not use my name! The other 2 caravans were destroyed. The objective was not there. Your caravan has them or they have been sent by other means. How many men do you have?"

He replies back, "Just nine, brought three more for corpses. Stiff can raise them and control them as we need them. This group has at least one stiff that can be raised. A fucking hunter apprentice. He is not that great with a bow and I notice he left the thing on his bedroll tonight.

Maybe 4 more stiffs if you count the 3 women and the one caster. That only leaves 5. We should not have any issues. The 2 tanks are both out of there armor at this time of night from this group and that will make it easier."

The eerie voice responded, "If it is enough, kill them all. Search the wagons and do not fail me!"

The crystal went silent. Eldar waited for him to turn, he drew his weapon and he walked away. The stiff Necromancer turned and began to walk.

Eldar saw Charlemagne get to Hunter. Eldar drew his sword and yelled out, "Stiff approaching is a necromancer!"

As his sword flared behind Flanning, who turned back toward him.

The whole camp was in chaos at this point. Eldar was focused on one man. Flanning turned, "YOU, the wounded duckling who can barely handle a bow?"

As he closeed the distance, Eldar launched a spell and Flanning faced off against four additional images instead of one. This caused him to pause before he lunged sloppily. Eldar back stepped away from his attack and went into full blade song and started swinging.

Eldar hit him three times to every hit Flanning landed on him. After the first minute, it was just one-on-one again. Just Eldar as all of the images had gotten destroyed. He recast defensively and gained 3 more images again. Flanning bled badly. Eldar had a few bruises mostly because of his hidden armor. Eldar stumbled back in a feign and purposefully switched his sword into his right hand like he fumbled it and caught it. Flanning lunged forward. Eldar jumped into a flip.

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