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Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 16

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Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition 2021.
24.1k words

Part 16 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Silvertree Chronicles Book One, Chapter 16, The World Awaits, (Dragon Wars Enhanced Edition)

Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree, from his graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy, and his desire to leave it behind. Only to return full circle, to shake Elven Society to the core.

***Inspired by multiple fantasy environments. Not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors warning: This section contains scenes of incest between sisters.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I originally submitted this story back in mid-2017 to mid-2018. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Chapter 16 Playing the Palace

They pulled up at the back and seldom-used gates of the city along the old trade route. The guards were shocked to see them with 4 wagons and 30 strong in numbers. Two Wood Elf elders, one from each village acting as representatives. Jarron, Eldar's band of 12, Heilars party of 11 that included 2 Grand Clerics 2 members of the Blade Singer Council with 6 Royal Guards. Then Master trainer Yetto with his apprentice Elios Silvertree. One of the City Guards walked up and asked, "Who are you?"

Eldar looked at him, "I'm Eldar Silvertree we have a shipment to deliver and a few dignitaries to bring home."

The guard gulped, "We're under orders to bring you to the Palace when you arrive; the exact word was for you, your wives, and anyone else that accompanies you to the city is respectfully invited to go to the Palace immediately."

Eldar sat up and looked at the guard, "Well you better let us in so we can drop this shipment off to be unloaded, and then you can, or some of your men can escort us to the Palace. We would also like a couple of guards posted on the small wagon as it will contain the personal property of our group and we would not want to have to carry all that dusty stuff into the Palace."

Heliar chuckled, "Have 6 guards from House Silvertree sent to watch the wagon and let my wife know Heliar'vasius Silvertree is home and being summoned to the Palace; she always loves a floor show at the Palace."

The guard headed up to the gate to dispatch runners. Eldar leaned over to his father, "Remember, lube is always better where the nether-hole is concerned, maybe your sword's new abilities have an anti-bitching ability associated with it."

Hunter and Jarron both chuckled. Heliar smiled and shook his head, "I still do not know how I'm going to deal with her."

Eldar looked at him, "Honestly. Master Trainer Yetto's relationship to you, my importance in your life, and being proud of your sons for getting the best-damned trainer the Academy ever had.

She can either accept it or you will bend her over and nail her in the nether-hole until she realizes just how much of a bitch she has been. If that fails, tell her you're getting a second wife for love and she can just deal with that."

Heliar chuckled, "Things are always that black and white with you?"

Eldar shook his head, "I spent nearly 85 years dealing with shit that was not of my making and nobody would talk to me about it. I'm that direct with those involved to cut the shit out and talk plainly when it comes to family."

Heliar smiled, "Your mother would love the way you're turning out."

Eldar smiled back at him, "Now make her proud of you by not repeating the mistakes of the past. Embrace the changing future, she did when she had me. I know she worked a deal with your father to ensure I went into the Academy. I saw her will and the agreement she signed. It sounds like there were things you both kept from each other."

Heliar sighed, "I tried and there are aspects I cannot discuss because of long-term agreements that were put into place that I am still bound under. Leave it be and know we both wanted the best for you."

Eldar nodded to him and for once kept it simple, "Yes father."

Heliar liked that Eldar's anger at him seemed to have lessened quite a bit after he visited with Elder Strong Oak. The guards finally opened the gate and they had 24 royal guards waiting for them. Eldar sighed, "Think they are expecting trouble?"

Heliar nodded, "I do not think they know what to expect."

Eldar rode back to the Grand Clerics, "Will representatives of each of the Deities be present, or do you need to make that request as well?"

Grand Cleric Silver Moon looked at Eldar, "There is always a representative for each church in the gallery. Let us inform the Queen that they need to remain because she's likely to clear the gallery."

Eldar looked at him, "You might want to send that request ahead while we deliver these wagons to the merchants."

He sneered a bit and went to speak with a guard like it was beneath him to talk to a city or Royal Guard. They got back into formation and Eldar mentally counted out the number of horses and realized they would either walk or have to double up and he smiled.

They got to the market and he called out horse assignments, "We will have to have a few doubled up. Eagle-eye and Doc together, Charlemagne rides with me and Annette rides with my father. My Father and I will ride up front."

Heliar sighed, "You're pushing this I can see."

Eldar smirked, "No Father, you have known Charlemagne for a while but you have not had a chance to talk with your other daughter-in-law hardly at all. As my wives and I are kind of front and center of this it only makes sense to have us all at the front and center, logic."

Heliar smirks back at Eldar, "My wife's fat ass, and no more nether-hole comments."

That had both of his ladies smile at Eldar. Heliar's guards arrived and Eldar had everyone store packs and personal items but to keep their sidearms and they slung bows.

They rode through the town and several gated areas as they moved into more affluent areas of the city. People stared and noticed they were all armed. They were not prisoners but they were a mix of races, dignitaries, some riding double, and they did not know what to think. Which was the impression Eldar wanted to give them; something big was happening.

Eldar looked over and saw his step-mother and his youngest brother who was 15 years of age. She stared at them open-mouthed. He saw Heliar nod to her. Eldar did the same. As they continued forward Eldar thought, "That was worth the price of admission."


Vattia'Desua was in shock. She just saw Heliar with Eldar! Eldar HAD the Silvertree Moon Blade! Yet Heliar was alive! What in the Nine Hells happened? How was that even possible? What did it mean for her and her son who was in the same procession of riders with the abomination of a Grand Master he agreed to work with?

Her vision of her future was in chaos. She hurried on foot to get to the Palace gallery to find out what in the Nine Hells was going on here. Slowed by carrying her son. She went in through a side entrance and up into the gallery. Court had been stopped for days.

Did this abomination having the family sword have anything to do with the court coming to a halt? She liked the gossip of court and now she might be the one being gossiped about! She loathed that idea.


They pulled up in front of the Palace and Elves were waiting to take their horses. He told the man taking the horses, "I realize that you cannot keep them all upfront but there might be a demonstration later so please keep Keyno's horse nearby in case it's requested."

He waved Keyno over to him, "This is Keyno one of the finest horseback archers in the land. She's very impressive on her feet as well so take special care of her mount please."

The guy looked at them and then at Heliar who nodded to him before saying, "You heard my son, please keep the horse available if needed!"

The guy nodded and pulled the horse out of line and stood there holding the reins of a human's horse. Heliar asked, "What was that about? You do not expect the King and Queen to step outside for a demonstration?"

Eldar shrugged, "It was more than that. It was having an Impure Elf who is a guest of the Queen making a demand of him for a human. I'm seeing what information has been released and challenging the normal status of things.

Speaking of which please ensure we stay armed. I do not care if you have to play the Knights card or Knight Champion card but I want her to see the mixed crew we're starting with."

Heliar nodded, "I will see what I can do."

Eldar looked at Jarron, "You're up to start this show."

Jarron smirked, "At a loss for words?"

Eldar smiled, "Not at all, but do you want this to start correctly? I could just be my blunt and observant self with a strange sense of humor and see how they take that."

Jarron smirked, "Gods no! I will get the ball rolling and smooth things over."

They got to the door and the question came up about weapons of course. He let Jarron and Heliar deal with it; they came back, "They want the humans disarmed."

Eldar walked back, "Keyno may I carry your bow and quiver I will take care of them. He looked to Skinner, "Would you be kind enough to hang onto Tiger's Sais. Did I say that right, Tiger?"

Tiger shook his head, "For multiples, it's still Sai."

He gave them to Skinner who tucked them into the back of his pants. Eldar looked back at Jarron, "Inform them we have removed what weapons we can, they still have their minds and bodies."

Jarron rolled his eyes at Eldar and walked back. They did not seem happy that they would not give them the weapons. Eldar stepped forward, "These weapons are unique in this part of the world. As such they cannot be replaced without great cost, if at all. We will keep the weapons."

Eldar stepped back. A few more minutes of bickering before they relented. Then they were taken into a waiting room but they did not wait long before being brought into the main hall. Eldar had his ladies to either side of him with the two Grand Clerics directly in front of him.

Heliar with Jarron led the way. The rest of them were 3-wide but Eldar had the 2 human guests right behind him with Hunter. There were quite a few guards in attendance. He did not see a warm reception at the moment. The King and Queen looked at Jarron. They slowed and came to a stop. Jarron and Heliar bowed, then Jarron started the ball rolling.

Jarron straightened himself, "Your Majesty, we have come to see you as you have requested. The person who can best answer your questions will depend on which questions you wish to ask. Do you wish to speak with the Grand Clerics at this time or should they move to the gallery at the moment?"

There was a slight hand gesture and the 2 Grand Clerics went and stepped off into the gallery.

Jarron continues as they stood, "You know Heliar'vasius Silvertree, behind us is Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian, Grand Master Blade Singer, Eldar Silvertree son of Heliar'vasius. Beside him are his wives Annette and Charlemagne. Behind him is his team. They are not well versed in court etiquette. I was asked to make the introduction, Your Majesty."

The King waved his hand, "You two step aside and let those 3 come forward. I want to ask this young adult male a few questions."

They took two steps forward, They were five across now. The King asked, "You're Academy trained and do not know court etiquette?"

Eldar looked at him, "Your Majesty, court etiquette was not a mandatory class especially for an impure Half Wood Elf and Half Moon Elf who would likely never see the inside of the Palace. My father was equally surprised when I told him of this gap in my knowledge. I told him if he had a couple of books on it, I would know the information. I retain the information I read very well."

The King nodded, "You had no time to get these books before you arrived here?"

Eldar nodded, "Correct, your guards were insistent that you wanted to see us. I assumed this concerns the events surrounding my wedding. I just do not know from what point the information was sent to you to know where you want me to begin."

The Queen looked to him, "Who are the 2 humans with you?"

Eldar pointing back, "This is Keyno and her brother Tiger, they are from a distant land; we were the first Elves she had seen that were not servants or slaves during their travels here. No Elves in their part of the world. They are not the first to visit this land and find their way here.

Master Trainer Yetto's human heritage came from this part of the world. He incorporated his knowledge of sword skill into Elven Blade Song and trained me to be the only 4-time Champion of the Academy. Keyno and Tiger have other unique skills that make them valuable team members."

The King asked, "Did you put this team together?"

Eldar smiled at him, "Except for Keyno, Tiger, and Annette the team was put together by Jarron."

The King looked at Jarron.

Jarron nodded, "Yes, Eldar's observation and memory skills are nothing short of amazing, he recently reviewed some documents with me and isolated a few errors that helped us to resolve sensitive matters, Your Majesty."

The King sat back and looked at Eldar again, "Let us talk about your wedding, explain, it please."

Eldar nodded, "I will try to be brief. My wives, their father, and I all received fragments of a vision. These visions were preceded by a revelation of an attack perpetrated against Annette over 30 years ago.

This got my mind working on the Eleven, Human, and Dwarven treaties. How through our Elven laws she could claim compensation for the attack, that was the key to a plan to protecting the southern borders of the Elven lands.

After that discussion we had these visions; mine was detailed. I could describe the details of Charlemagne's wedding dress to her. A large number of guests we did not expect at the wedding; such as the 2 Grand Clerics and 2 Grand Master Blade Singers, and the vision ended for me with the flash on the lake after Sharlo Stormcloud threw my sword.

Each of my wives got a cryptic message they were to provide to the two sets of Elders we met. Their Father's message dealt with the big issue we found ourselves struggling with. The fact that I found that I loved them both. Her father's vision showed him that I would marry them both; that was not even discussed between us until the night of our visions.

The last piece of the puzzle dealing with throwing the sword came from Keyno; she knew what my sword could do. My father had called it a Hell's Blade. Keyno told me he was wrong, it was a Devil's Blade. The only way to destroy one was for someone who had not killed with it to purify it in holy water.

I had killed with the blade during our journey. Everyone was in place at the wedding. Did as they were asked. I had told Sharlo Stormcloud I was going to ask him to do something on faith at the wedding as it would sound crazy but to do it.

Given our history, he agreed. Everything that happened after that...we were unaware of what was going to occur. I assume you saw everything from that point, Your Majesty?"

They both nodded then the Queen asks, "What was this plan of yours?"

Eldar nodded, "I used Annette key to establish ownership of a piece of land at the crossroads we needed to gain control of the land around it to establish a new village. The villages gave us control and protection of 200 square miles of Elven land.

Both of the villages sent a representative with us. With that land and establishing 40-square miles for the village. This allows us to charter a mercenary group to protect this land. The human treaty requires them to provide in-kind.

They will be turning over 200 square miles of land across that border and another 40 square miles of land for the village. This area covers about 90% of the dwarven trade route between here and the dwarven settlements. The Dwarven treaty would require them to provide manpower to assist in the cross-board agreement.

They are not providing an equal measure of land. Now the dwarven manpower will be used to clear rocks out of some land on the human side of the board, excavate granite from the human side of the border both of which will be used in the construction of the garrison and foundations for other buildings in the town.

Then we would start on the series of watchtowers along the southern edge of the dwarven trade route. This gives us the ability to monitor any trouble from bandits to armies and send warnings back to the garrison. There is a lot more to it than that but that's what the treaties covered.

Remember my earlier comment regarding memory; I read those documents over 14 years ago and when I told Jarron he pulled the treaties. I went to the relevant section marked the pages wrote down which sections were relevant and the order he needed to read them in.

You can thank Fleis Goldenear at the Academy that no kingdom would actually have this happen. Because no village would ever allow a mixed-race mercenary group to be established in their village. We're creating one that will; once all the paperwork is done while we are here, Your Majesty."

The King looked at Jarron, "This all checked out?"

Jarron cleared his throat, "Your Majesty. When this idea was brought before me, I thought it never stood a chance. I was left out of the visions. I contacted our human ambassador and she got an unofficial acknowledgment that King Thornlord was happy to support it.

He considered the land worthless; part of it is former Elven forests. By the direction of the goddess, we're going to try and reclaim the land and replant the forest on that land while we have control over it. They also agreed to allow us to extend our village 40 square miles across.

The dwarven agreement is spelled out in black and white. The cost for the mercenaries is split between the 3 kingdoms. As such they are an independent organization in managing the protection and welfare of the people within that area, Your Majesty"

The Queen asked, "What is to stop people from using other routes?"

Eldar smiled, "The route being used currently is 4 days longer to the dwarven settlements and an additional 2-3 days longer to the human settlements. This costs merchants money and does not help them with the dwarven settlements because they will have to cross into the area from one of two directions and we would control them both.

Once we get to half our allowed size, we would request that no mercenaries be allowed to provide protection in this area but ours. For all of the merchants, this is a significant cost saving as the government is paying for our protection force.

The only thing they will be paying for is camping rights along the route. The 2 Wood Elf communities would split that income as they would be stocking the sites with firewood. In that part of the forest, we are not under an agreement with, our mercenaries would be the only ones allowed into the woods to hunt.

As they will know our people and have a way of addressing directly with the garrison commanders to fix any issues. The humans would have about a 50-60% reduction in mercenary costs for caravans. The dwarven side is higher. From a merchant point of view, it would be an easy sell, Your Majesty."

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