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Simply His Ch. 01-03

Story Info
The First Sniff, Cravings, Questions. Werewolf Love story.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/02/2015
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Hello all!

Just a few quick things before you start Reading:

This is a slow burner story... you won't get immediate release... so if you are looking for a quickie, move on to the next!

English is not my native language (Spanish is) and I work my best to give you something you can understand and enjoy. I know I am not a perfect writer, but I enjoy constructive criticism. Be nice, polite, respectful if you will be giving your opinion!

Last but not least, Lit takes time to upload chapters, and in order to respect formats I have to submit in file mode which means more time before is updated. I have this story up to chapter 20 created and will be submitting a new set of chapters each time I see some up.



Chapter 1

"The first Sniff"


I opened the door of my loyal 20 years old truck and took out the flower bouquet from the back seat. I know there are many vendors near the cemetery but I always bought one from the little old store near her home. The old lady was my mother's friend and she knew every 2 weeks I was coming to visit her. So she would put extra effort into making a nice bouquet for her, with her favorite flowers. I would offer to pay the full price but she always refused, only making me pay half of it. I wasn't going to argue, it was one of my mom's only friends, and she still had those watery eyes when she saw me walk in to get the usual arrangement.

"Morning sweetheart, I got your special waiting for you, just give me a minute and I will get it for you." She was just adorable; her daughter was half my age and was already inserted in the family business. She would smile at me and wave from her corner where she was cutting and removing the base thorns of the roses so it would be manageable for anyone who bought them. I waved back and then welcomed the nice bouquet in my hands, then get into the usual argument about how much I should pay.

Today the day was grey, I shrugged it since I didn't really cared, I was really down this weekend. I had a huge argument at work with one of my supervisors. He had been pushing me beyond what was necessary to work extra hours and wanted me to dedicate also the weekends. Sometimes i would comply, this time I refused. It has been only a year since mom passed away and I am still sensitive about her. We were a pair, a duo, partners in crime. Always together. So when he wanted to suggest me coming for some extra work hours this saturday I plainly refused. it was a really big argument, the security guy came to check twice, and our department director walked in to stop us.

Today was mom's day, me and her only. I pulled a blanket next to her cold stone and rested the new flowers after putting the dried old ones in a disposal bag. I sighed and let the silent take over before I pushed a smile on me and opened a bottle of my favorite wine. I am not a wine person, but mom showed me this treasure years ago and I have had it in my stock ever since. This rare white wine was the sweetest thing you could ever taste. My bottle of Late Harvest was all I needed.

I sighed. "I am sorry mom, this week was hard. Remember the idiot I told you about from work? He did it again, he wanted me to go work extra hours today, but don't worry, I said no. Is our day afterall."

In the distance I heard some thunders threatening to make the weather worst. I shook my head and put it between my hands, a small sob gave room to a bigger one and tears started rolling down. A honk brought my head up, I saw a small progression of cars not far from here and they were moving slowly to an area that seemed classier and more expensive. I sighed again, turning my attention to my mom, and caressing the stone that laid on top of her remains. "I miss you mom." I whispered as I laid on the blanket next to her. I closed my eyes as more tears threatened to come out.



I shifted myself in the car; every bump in the road making some of the injuries sting or bring back the pain. I am tired, the drugs they gave me to help cope the healing process made me feel like I could sleep for days.

"Sir, we have arrived. The guards at front say there is no one except a human far on the other side."

"Let's just get this over with."

Peyton was my beta Alexei's son, and he was the most painful lost in last night's battle. The stubborn pup wanted to help, but he should have listened to his father when he told him to stay back with the rest of the pack. When Agape, the wife of the rogue's alpha, found him barking at them, she smirked an evil soulless smile just before she snarled at him and in a matter of seconds, broke his neck in her maw. That bitch was going to get what was coming for her and her pack. Alexei hasn't talk since we heard his last quick cry before his life ended, we ran towards him and find him lifeless in the ground. At least this time she left him for us, there had been other times where she would eat a part of them and then leave their remains at different locations. How did the goddess allowed such a heartless woman to live was beyond me. But I gave my word to Alexei that we would find her and all her pack, and banish them.

This trip to his homeland was only to rest his remains on their family's pantheon, a small private lot inside the city's cemetery. I wanted to get this done before I could focus on going back and start tracking down the rogues. They had increased their numbers the last couple of years, and since Cornelius assumed as their alpha, in hand with Agape, they became a threat. They wanted to take a territory for themselves, and they wanted it yesterday.

The cars stopped, our guards went out to take a look around before they could give me the signal. Everything in my body hurt, I wanted to avoid a new confrontation so soon, and at such a solemn hour. I saw Alexei coming out before the guards gave their signal, they tried to stop him but couldn't. His pain felt close, the pup was only 12 years old and was a promising warrior. I heard thunders that were approaching, the goddess was showing her sympathies towards us by giving us a grey day. I sighed and decided to come out to be with my beta, he didn't even let his mate touch him.

As soon as I opened the door of the car, something invisible hit me. I couldn't come to what was it. It smelled like wood and something sweet. Was there a cherry tree near us? I stood up too fast, my head spinned slightly. This headache was really annoying but something else caught my attention now so I quickly pushed it away. I looked around, searching for any flowery tree but found none. The place was surrounded by green and grey. I stumbled on my feet as I walked towards Alex and as I feel my body shudder, I got a hold on his arm, squeezing it tight enough to bring his confused gaze up to me.

"Alpha?" He whispered, his first words ever after his son's last breath.

He must have caught my frenzied stance, I was desperate, my heart was pounding fast and hard, I thought the drugs were taking a toll on me at first but this was something else; I knew it.

He shook my shoulder, visibly worried now, and looked around searching for a threat. I swallowed hard, only to find my mouth tasting the scent my body was now craving. The guards started looking around and held their guns ready to shoot. I focused all my strength and took a deep sniff and my head snapped towards a group of grey stones. Could it be? I saw only stones and grass, then on one of the farthest rows there were colored flowers resting. No, I wasn't smelling those roses, it was something else.

I was not aware that I had already launched myself towards the far location. Only when I was half way to reach it I slowed down and noticed my guards following close trying to understand my crazy behaviour. I saw a blanket with someone laying atop. I closed my eyes, not stopping my approach, and took another deep sniff. My wolf howled inside me, and I struggled to keep myself from shifting. Was she my mate?

I slowed down as we were getting closer, her body laid on the blanket without moving. I held my breath, I couldn't take another sniff, it would drive my wolf crazy. Her intoxicating scent was mixed with alcohol, and I prayed the goddess that I didn't arrive late to a possible suicidal attempt.

I held my hand up and made my men stop, I gave a few more steps, nearing the 20 feet away from her give or take, and the rain started falling. I felt her slow pulse and sighed with relief. I rushed closer as I saw she didn't move. When I saw her face I felt mesmerized. I knew she had just been crying and felt asleep during this. I looked around and saw the only other car besides ours that was near, which should be hers. I felt the rain crash down my shoulders and got worried she wasn't moving. I had to protect her, I had to keep her safe. My wolf agreed.

I signaled my men to get closer and gather her stuff. I kneeled next to her and felt drawn to her in a way I just could not explain. She was my mate, there was no way I could come back to my lands yet now as I had planned.

I slid my arms under her and lifted her effortlessly, blanket included. I looked around to see Alexei arrive behind my men and he saw what I was doing. I couldn't explain to him, but a small smile neared the corner of his lips as he saw me cradling her in my arms. He nodded to me and I rushed her into my car. I made sure she was comfortable and safe before I walked out and to my beta and friend. We stood under the rain while the small casket containing Peyton's remains sunk in the ground. It only had his belongings, his clothes and toys. Back home, just after the fight was over, we burned his remains to set his soul free to join the goddess in her land. This part was what we got used to do while we kept our identities hidden in the human world.

I tried my best to keep calm and steady, while Peyton's mother, Cara, said sweet words of her son. In truth, my wolf was pacing back and forth, already wanting to get back to our mate. After 9 years, we finally found her.

Chapter 2



Everything was dark at first, but I slowly started to open my eyes and felt them heavy. Where was I?

I heard a male grunt and focused my sight towards the origin of the sound. Now I could see better, I was in a room, a library of some sort, huge walls of books were the only thing I saw anywhere the light made contact. The fireplace cracked and I heard another grunt.

"I am finishing Alpha, just one more round." A female voice brought my attention. I tilted my head and noticed I was laying on a big couch. Scratch that, a huge couch; I am sure 4 more of me could fit in without effort. I looked towards the fireplace and saw the silhouette of a man leaning against a shelf of books next to it. A woman was wrapping something around his torso. I blinked a few times and noticed the bandages.

He stiffened and moved his head slightly towards the woman. She finished her attentions to his apparent wound then picked his shirt to help him put it back on. He took it from her hands and shook his head. "That will be all, nurse."

I gasped, his words did something to me. I felt goosebumps on my body and shivered. It was only seconds before I noticed the woman had left the room quietly and he was not where I saw him last. I lifted my gaze, a little afraid now, and was caught by surprise when he hovered on top of me from behind and laid a warm blanket. His smell, was it his perfume? It was heavenly.

"Hey there." He whispered and I melted. His voice felt like liquid chocolate covering me. He moved around the couch and sat on the floor near me; he moved slow as his injuries were probably stopping him to move better. I opened my mouth to talk but felt it dry, so dry.

"Do you want something to drink?" He spoke to me softly and I felt how my body reacted to him; more shivers and my skin filled with goosebumps. I nodded as he moved a glass of water to me. I still couldn't see his face well, his back was towards the fireplace, causing a dark effect towards his front. When I reached for the glass of water, his fingertips brushed mine and I almost let the glass fall. I felt as if electricity ran through me. I lowered my gaze while I slowly sat on the comfortable couch; focusing on my shaking hands as I took slow sips of water. He was patient, waiting for me to take my time with the drink. What was happening to me?

"We found you at the cemetery under the rain, I hope you don't mind I took the liberty to bring you with us. I was not sure leaving a defenseless woman under the weather clemencies was proper."

'Oh god just keep talking, please keep talking...' that was all I could think of, his voice made something inside me stir. I noticed he was probably expecting a reply; I don't know when but I had closed my eyes at some point. I struggled to open them again and I could swear I saw some glow where his eyes should be, I rubbed my eyes and it was gone.

"Thank you. I must of have fallen asleep. It has been a long stressing week at work." I whispered once I recovered my will. He took a deep breath and nodded. Why was I so drawn and affected by him? I never felt my confidence slip away for anyone before, much less a man, and surely not even if I liked them.

The silence felt unnerving, I looked around trying to regain my focus and I remembered my car. "I feel better now. I should be getting back to the cemetery for my car." I said instantly regretting it, I really didn't want to leave him yet.

He was silent for a moment before he started to get up then he lost balance and fell to the ground, I jumped up and rushed to his side, my head was spinning but I didn't care, I was worried for him. I rested my hand on his back and he shuddered. "Maybe I should call the nurse again? Are you ok?" I whispered and he lifted his gaze to me. Under the flames of the fire I felt trapped in his deep blue eyes.

"I... I will be ok. You don't have to worry about me."

I sat next to him and took a look around his bandage, looking for any trace of blood that might indicate an open wound. I really needed a distraction from his gaze, or I would lose my mind and breath. I didn't notice he leaned closer to me and had his eyes closed. When I looked up at him he was breathing heavy. "I should call the nurse." I said, getting up to head to the door, but he held my wrist and his eyes burned me. "I will be ok. I will call one of my men to take you back. I am sorry."

Men? he had men working for him? He must be someone important, but the way he was hurt made my heart ache for him. I managed to nod, not really wanting to leave his side. Why was I acting like this with a stranger?

I slowly got up and leaned to help him up, he hesitated at first but took my arm. When he stood next to me, my head tilted up to meet his gaze. He was taller than me by a head, yet I could feel his breath brush me.

He walked towards his desk and picked up a phone. "Prepare the car, we are taking her back to get hers at the cemetery." He cut the call immediately. I felt embarrassed now that I processed the state in which he found me. I must look like a mess and he should be feeling sorry for me now, I should really thank him.

"I am sorry, it just hasn't been a good week for me. I really do appreciate you taking me to shelter. I didn't realize how bad the weather was going to turn into. I... "

"It's ok, my name is Caleb by the way. What is yours, if you don't mind me asking?"

I lifted my eyes to find his and it felt as if it was burning me. "My... my name is Meadow. Thank you Caleb." My voice was failing me, as much as the rest of my body was.

He smiled at me and I felt my knees week. He walked towards me and I swallowed hard. What was he doing to me? He lifted his hand and stopped inches away from my face. I could see his eyes focused on his hand and there was pain in them. Was he trying to touch me? What was I going to do? I wanted him to touch me, oh god I craved this stranger's touch.

He put his hand in a fist and lowered his hand, closing his eyes. I felt helpless, like I was missing his touch even tho it never reached me. A knock on the door pulled us both from the moment and he stared at the door with sadness. Was he maybe sad that I was leaving? Maybe I was just imagining things, wanting them to be true.

He took another look at me and smiled. "Do you mind if I accompany you to your car?" I nodded perhaps too quick, again my head started spinning, and this time I felt as if I was losing balance. It didn't take long for me to find myself in his arms. I released a soft moan unconsciously, he got worried and helped me sit on the couch taking it as a sign of pain. God was I lucky.

"Let me get the nurse to give you a quick look, does your head hurts? Do you feel dizzy?" His accent and tone of voice made me dizzy. I looked lost in his arms. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and he caught it with his thumb. "I am sorry, I can't let you leave like this Meadow, you are not feeling well. It would be irresponsible of me to let you go."

'Oh please don't let me go...' my subconscious was screaming. Another knock on the door brought panic to me as he looked me and then grunted at the door. "Leave us for now." His voice firm and commanding. I shivered and he held me tight with an arm as the other pulled the blanket to cover me. "Maybe you caught a cold."

"I don't know what is happening to me, perhaps I did caught one. I am really sorry." He shook his head and smiled. "Shhh... hush... just rest. Would you feel better if I send one of my men to bring your truck here? you can rest in one of my guests rooms. Unless... unless someone is expecting you home." There was fear in his words, was he worried about me? I needed to clear his doubts fast. 'Focus Mead! Focus!' I yelled to myself.

"I have no one waiting for me at my apartment. But I don't know where my car keys are." I vaguely looked around trying to see my belongings. When I caught his eyes he was smiling. Was he relieved I had no one to come home to? I hope I am not going crazy, I hope I am not reading him wrong. I really hope I am not losing my mind.

"It's ok, my security staff has your things, I will get your car here and you can rest here tonight, or as long as you need to." His voice soft and reassuring.

I smiled, blushing in a way I am sure he noticed. "Are you...?"

"Sure? More than anything in this world... stay Meadow." He almost pleaded. I knew for sure he was being honest. I nodded. "Tonight, I will rest some. I have to go back tomorrow so I can get things ready for my job on monday." I said, bittersweet feelings mixing inside me.

I am officially losing my mind for this handsome and mysterious hero. I really hope I am not the only one.



My wolf was grinning and jumping from happiness. She decided to stay. I know she was feeling the pull between us and I did my best to offer her natural options to excuse herself. She was delicious; I couldn't break apart from her to pick up the phone and tell my men to get her car. I wanted to rub my skin against hers and feel her warmth, leaving my scent in the process. Oh this was driving me crazy.

I have one day to win her over, or one day to mess things up. I will have to be careful but I will make sure she always stays protected, even if she decides to not accept me. My wolf growled at me in anger, the thought of our mate saying no made him angry. But I had to be realistic, there was always the possibility.

She blushed, oh what a wonderful sight to see her cheeks turn red. I gently brushed my fingers on her shoulders and felt her gasp.


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