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Simply His Ch. 19-21

Story Info
The Pack, A Mystic World, A Common Enemy. Werewolf love.
7.1k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/02/2015
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Chapter 19

"The Pack"

She screamed in anger and pain, something cracked against the wood door and released a long loud howl. Then broken glass echoed through the thick stone walls and she cried.

"I want to rip him in pieces! Little piece of shit!" Angry, she growled at the servant that just came in to bring her food. The poor soul flew as soon as he had a chance.

"Shut up already, you will have your chance for revenge, now focus and stop being a bitch." The dark shadow in the corner yelled at her in frustration, she howled again and didn't reply. He sighed and walked to her while she was giving him her back, then he pulled her by the arm and made her face him. He put his other hand on her throat and squeezed it firmly, her red eyes with tears wide in shock. He pulled her closer and without hesitation he hit her on her face. "I said calm... the fuck... down!" He released her and she whined as she gave a few steps back, looking at him with fear and rage. He stared at her. "I will get you the chance for you to get even... though, you are even now... you killed their child... but I don't care, I will give you a chance to hit back." Then he turned around and walked back to the window.

She stared at him blank; then took deep breaths trying to calm down. She gave one last look at her brother's head on a box at the table and then closed her eyes and held the tears. She then walked at him and hit his back twice. "Dont talk to your mate like that." She said emotionless and turned around heading towards the exit. She didn't have a chance. Before she could even notice he pushed her towards the couch and she felt on her knees on the floor, her face inches away of the same destination, he growled and shifted so quick, she didn't had time to react to that either. His teeth teared her clothes apart, grasping her skin while he did this. She turned her head in anger but it was too late, he open his jaw and held her neck and half her head in place, forcing her down on the couch base and without warning or words of any type, the huge wolf that was now him took her from behind and thrusted his cock deep until his balls slapped her sored abused pussy. She screamed but couldn't move, he was too strong, too large. His cock twitched at her scream and he growled louder, sinking the tip of his fangs in her skin and making her bleed. She then howled and whimpered, and he started thrusting harder and deeper, claiming her.

'You will respect me, or I will personally kill you... know your place bitch!' He mentally shouted at her and she moaned. He smiled 'Of course, you love this, don't you?' he added, grinning as he fucked her in an animal frenzy, his paws sinking its claws on her back. He held her in place and kept thrusting until he was close, finally releasing her head to howl up to the moon and sink his cock and sacks into her, making her cry out in pain and lust, she followed quickly after, spasming and groaning while she dripped small drops of her juice and his semen. He kept his grip firm, emptying his seed in her womb. She started to shake and he pulled her to the floor, both resting on the ground, his paws releasing her and revealing bruises.

'I will get you a chance for revenge, now shut the fuck up and stop whining, you won't get your brother back that way.' He told her with a firm definitive voice and she couldn't do more than nod and close her eyes; they will be joined for at least a couple of hours more until he could leave her so she would then cry alone.



I loved the fact that we were now in a Hummer. I have nothing against the other fancy cars either Caleb or Alex and Cara owned, but a hummer screamed for adventure, and I have been feeling like this was one from the start. Caleb puts me on his lap at the front passenger side and even though I know the seat could hold us both comfortably sitting together, I didn't mind to be this close, in fact, I loved it. Gideon was quiet on the back seat, Cara not far from him on the side. Alex was our designated driver and he was relaxed.

"So, you were saying Cara?" I push again for more information and I knew Cara was the one who most likely will give it to me without sugar toppings.

"You never get tired? Are you sure she is human Alpha?" She says in amusement and Caleb sighs and shakes his head chuckling.

"Well, even though we believe in finding our mates, some are still stubborn and think they can claim the goddess made a mistake and all those stupid things, and challenge the other to fight for the mate. It actually happens more between females rather than males." She shrugged and laughed.

"Did someone challenged you for Alex?" I ask completely curious on that subject and Alex replied with a large heart felt laugh. "Her? are you sure you are asking the right questions? No one in her right mind would challenge her. She is nuts." He said in an strange foreign accent. She grinned and pulled her tongue out at him, knowing he could see what she was doing through their bond. I learned that the bond between consummated mates was strong enough to allow the other -feel- what the mate was doing or feeling, even without directly seen them. I felt very much interested into that special connection, and made me more curious to learn what else I would get if I did it too.

"There was actually one silly girl who had a crush on him, but she never gathered the guts to actually challenge me. Don't get fooled by his charms Meadow, he had this annoyed killer look, he already scared everyone away from him so it made my job easier. Not that I had to do much, when he felt the mating pull, he became a puppy behind my tail." She grinned and both me and Caleb laughed. I was also happy to see Gideon smile at this.

"What will happen if someone challenges me? I am in no condition to fight any wolf, I am just human." I said and Caleb tightened his arms around me. "No one will. And there are rules, fight must be fair, if a girl challenges you, she has to wait for you to change first, if you chose to, and seven full moons after your first shift. In other words, you would be ready to take care of any of them by then." He said while brushing my arm with his fingers. I smiled at him for the way he tried to make me feel at ease, even thought I was still concerned, his words made me relax.

There was still a big part of explanation to do from him on the matters of the war that was going on in his land and allies, but he asked me not to mention it yet in front of Alex and Cara. I knew that them losing their child was a product of the current war, and it would be incredibly stupid of me to mention it in front of them. Not to mention, rude.

We turned left from the main road and after twenty or so minutes of bumpy road, the air felt different. We crossed two security gates guarded by nothing but tall metal walls and mechanical instruments. After the last gate, we drove through a long dirt road in the middle of what seemed like a large forest area. I heard a loud howl and tensed, but saw Caleb smile and lean his head back, opening the window of the car and howling in return. Moments later, I saw a wave of wolves coming out of the woods and running at both sides of the car. I was shocked and thrilled. Caleb's eyes sparked with joy. "The pack is greeting us."

I saw a huge variety of wolves running, different colors and sizes. They were howling and running at each side and I felt a huge sense of brotherhood and familiarity to the simple act that moved them to greet their leader. Gideon was still quiet but his eyes grew wide with what he was seeing.

We drove for another thirty minutes or so when the trees gave room to a wide village, the wolves never stopped their cavorting. Small but very sophisticated houses that resembled one another, separated by small fences but all equally sized. They were all around a big circle. I figured there were over fifty houses and I knew I was short on the count. The two story houses faced what it would be the center of the village and there, several buildings filled the roles of bar, meeting place, and other different roles including the command center for all officers and warriors.

As the car started to slow down in front of the command center, Cara grinned and looked at me. "And by the way, we aren't afraid of being around each other nude, so don't get scared nor insulted by that, it is natural for us. We would bring too much attention to us if we needed to replenish our wardrobe at the rate we tear our clothes off when we shift." She laughed and jumped out as soon as the car came to full stop. Alex climbed out and opened the door for us, then joined Cara and together walked towards the wolves and on their way they shifted to join them.

As we climbed out of the car, Caleb stood proudly next to me, his hand kept mine firmly, and from the many wolves in front of us, one came in a quick pace, shifting mid way and standing in front of us in just a few seconds. "Welcome home, Alpha. Your pack has missed you." He extended his hand and Caleb took his arm in return, pulling him in an embrace. "Craig, you have been very valuable. Thank you." He said and released him, never caring of his nude state. I on the other hand, tried my best not to blush nor look anywhere below his chest, which seemed to be at my eye level.

Craig had a spark in his eyes, and a smile that was in perpetual state. He looked down at me and bowed his head in a sincere gesture. "Luna, an honor to finally meet you." He said to me and I felt his words sink in. I bowed my head in return and smiled at him. "Craig... I've heard a lot about you. Please let me thank you." I said and he blinked in surprise, looking at Caleb first, then back at me. "Thank me? for what?" He asked.

"Thanks to you Alex and Cara had time to heal and Caleb to court me like humans do, all while there had been danger in your land. I know it must have been hard, thank you."

He stood there looking at me with disbelief, and at a certain point I thought I said something wrong, blushing as I leaned against Caleb. I looked up at him and he was smiling. Craig finally spoke. "She is something, Alpha... I like her."

"Good, glad you do. Just keep your distance from her." He replied with a teasing grin. I knew he wasn't jealous of me towards him, I could see they knew each other well and Caleb trusted in him greatly. Craig raised both hands as if in surrender and laughed.

After that we walked a few steps ahead into the large wolves that came to surround us, all this while Caleb grinned and glowed with pride. The wolves were friendly and although they would sniff me every now and then, they kept their playful behaviour. There were so many of them, I was stunned.

Caleb raised his hand and almost every single one of them sat and listened. "My pack, I've missed you." They howled and I could almost distinguish their smiles. "I've come from a long road I didn't know I had to take, all of this to find the one thing missing in my life." He lifted my hand in his and kissed it while everyone looked at the simple yet meaningful act. "I will not demand from you to treat her special, I simply ask you to respect her and let her show you all the kind of human she is. As I am sure you will all find her, like I did, to be a kind, simple, honest and just soul." He continued and I felt myself blush. "Now my friends, my pack... it is time to celebrate. Our Luna is home!" He finished, and I gasped. The wolves howled and started to move around, some shifting into their human forms, other remaining the same but rubbing against others or just socializing. I was still in shock when he pulled me against his chest, his arms tight around me. He just acknowledged me as the Luna of his pack, and I felt the importance of that simple act in my skin.

In one simple way he claimed me his and announced me officially, leaving no doubt to what I was for him and them. I leaned up to kiss him and he kissed me back with passion, and as he finally broke apart, "Mine..." he whispered again.


Chapter 20

"A Mystic World"


Ever since we arrived I noticed Caleb calmer, more relaxed, and over all so very happy. I felt a bit guilty for having held him away from his people and territory for so long, yet I also felt happy he took the time to court me, then conquer me with his true self.

"I want to go out for a walk, will you be ok here by yourself or do you want me to call Cara to keep you company?" He said in a mix of anxiety and excitement.

"You know I am safe, but why haven't you invited me to go on the walk with you?" I asked genuinely curious. He chuckled and slid his fingers through his hair. "I want to go on a walk as a wolf, and many will follow. It is full moon tonight and we do crazy things when we are happy and under the influence of our Goddess biggest expression."

I perked a brow and looked at him. "Crazy things... like what?"

He laughed nervously and smiled at me. "I don't do it, to be fair, but many of them do. You know we are not shy when it comes to nudity..." He trailed off and I started to get the picture. If I had to find my place in his society I needed to stop this embarrassment towards nudity. I had so much to learn from them, and I admired their lack of modesty as I knew it should be just natural for all creatures. "I think I can manage to see them naked. They don't seem to mind, why should I?" I said mostly to myself than him. He smiled and walked towards me, wrapping me in his arms once he leaned to kiss me. "I would be so proud and happy if you come with me. But, with nudity comes also some more... primal interactions... you might get to see some of them mating. Are you sure you don't mind that at all?" He asked and I knew he was warning me and giving me a way out.

I was a little shocked to know this, but I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. If some nudity and lively loving affection could force me to lock myself in here, then I was never going to gain their respect and loyalty. Caleb was right, I needed to show them I was capable of fitting in. Even though they respected me as a possible Luna, they needed to see me showing I was going to be one. "I want to go. I am curious about your activities and I want to spend time with you." I told him and his face changed to a very tender smile; he caressed my cheek and I blushed. "Then we will go together, and I will be the happiest wolf of the pack." He gave in return.



The first time I changed for her, it took me a while; I didn't want to scare her and I struggled with my own internal emotions, so I made the process slow and this worked on my behalf. Now that she knows the truth and loves me for who I am, I change easily and without care. She walks beside me and she caress my fur while my pack runs at our sides into the woods. I feel her thrill and I smile proudly of my mate.

I take her to the stream and she looks around excitedly; the waterfall under the moon is a sight not many can't resist, and she falls mesmerized by its charm. I on the other hand, can't keep my eyes away from her. I smell her even better now and my wolf howls, panting, he wants her too, and I fight again for control. It is not yet time.

She is fascinated by the wolves running and walking all over the forest under the moonlight. She leans closer a bit nervous and I look around alert to catch what disturbed her, then I chuckle, I see her blushing as she catches a couple mating. I push my nose into her hand and guide her to another clearing and she follows me closely. I am happy to see the way she is trying to fit in.

"You are holding back." She says almost absentmindedly while she walks at my side, my wolf huffs and I laugh. She reaches to scratch our head and my wolf is easily at peace again. "Go ahead, run. I love watching you interact with your people." She encourages us and I sigh with a smile, allowing myself to merge with my wolf. We lick her hand thanking her and then start to run through the woods. We hear her giggle as she watches us, our paws sink briefly in the dirt and grass as we jump logs and scare deers. The feel of the wind on our fur and the nature welcoming us is magic, we howl to the moon and the nearest wolves from our pack howl back in joy.

Suddenly we hear our mate's agitated heart beat, we stop mid jump and struggle to maintain balance as we land and look for our mate. Then we feel her yelps and we dart towards her direction running faster than before, our mate is in danger; the earth shaking at our pace. We reach the place we saw her last and can't find her anywhere, my wolf sniffs trying to find her and I look around searching. We find her unconscious running down the stream and we jump for her. Cara was closer and she has her maw on her arm gently but firmly pulling her to the side. I reach to them just as Alex catches us. I shift back and pull Meadow into my arms, resting her on the grass.

"Is she ok?" Cara asks after shifting. Alex stares around on guard, looking for the source of danger.

"She is unconscious, I felt her agitation then something disturbed her or made her fall. It is unlike her, we had our strolls on the nature scene before and she never even tripped." I frown and look around, something is not right.

Alex is quiet as he howls and looks around, a couple of my wolves arrive soon. "Alpha, we were close, just not close enough, and... we were... kinda into something... please forgive us!" the male one speaks after shifting. "Just tell us what you saw!" I growl at him and he flinches. "Yes, yes! We saw wisps around her, at first we thought they were just greeting her so we didn't paid attention, when we heard the splash in the water we saw the wisps hovering near her, they must have either pushed her or make her trip!"

"She is ok, She just hit her head on one of the rocks but is a slight injury, nothing to worry, she should wake up soon." Cara reveals after examining her more.

"Fucking wisps... Cara, Alex, take over, I am taking her home with me. You two are in no trouble, thanks for your report, now go back and enjoy the night." I order them and they both nod. "Yes Alpha! Thank you Alpha!" as they run back to the forest and shift. I wait for them to be at safe distance and look at Cara. "Get me a meeting with the drows tomorrow, they better have an explanation for this." She nods and I shift, lowering my body for Cara to rest her on my back safely; and as soon as she does, I merge with my wolf and we jog back to town making sure she is safe.



I start to wake up slowly, I don't remember where I am until I start opening my eyes and see everything blurry. My head hurts like hell, though.

I feel a wet nose on my cheek and I know is Caleb, his tongue laps on my cheek and I giggle rubbing my eyes I try to sit and find myself with my great gray wolf cuddling me. "What happened?" I said as I still adjust my sight and hug his warm and soft fur, he nuzzles me and I know I can't hear him yet.

"I am ok..." I whisper as I snuggle with him on his bed, feeling him relax with me. I feel just as comfortable with him as a wolf, and I know he feels happy about it.

I try to remember what happened, I saw flying lights lift from the grass and swirl around me; it was magical and amazing all at once. I felt as if I was in a trance with them, I heard soft music and tingles all over my body, then blackness and now I am here. Something must have happened, I am glad I am with him, and damn my head hurts. I fall asleep again.

I wake up and I feel my head is much better, but Caleb is not near me. I realize my body shivers with a non existent cold when he isn't with me. I am not proud on becoming dependant on him, but I can't deny myself I am slowly becoming more and more needy of his presence. I need to consult with Cara more about this 'mating pull' she mentioned, and that is supposedly affecting me.


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