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Siren & The Serpent

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Stranded space courier Siren meets the local wildlife.
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Siren trekked through the cliff side cave with careful, measured steps. This was the fourth damn cave she had checked and she was getting dangerously close to giving up after a day in the unrelenting heat and salt splash. The ground beneath her feet was loose here and there with smaller rocks and wet with the steady stream trickling in from the ocean outside.

Just my luck, she thought vehemently to herself, for the umpteenth time that day. To have to make an emergency landing due to engine trouble was one thing, but why could she have been forced to land on a normal, civilized planet? Or a tropical oasis for that matter?

Planet CXF5473, as it was so poetically named, was an unhabituated wasteland for the most part. Little grew here in term of plant-life and as for the animals, her nav unit had told her that none of it would be larger than her palm or sentient. It's only saving grace was it had clean water according to her initial environment scan, which meant she could refill her ships drink tank and not have to make another stop once her engine part was delivered in about ten hours.

The ocean she'd landed in was salty as all hell, twice the salt concentration of that on earth, her home planet. But with any luck if she followed the water stream far enough back into the planets underground cave system, there should be fresh water, filtered by rocks, sand and silt.

She'd ditched her flight jumpsuit back at her ship due to the planets muggy climate, the atmosphere was harmless and the weather only got temperamental during what the nav had called "storm season" once every seven years, with the last one being well over a year ago.

"Silver lining, I suppose" she said to herself.

The opening into the cavern was high, really high. But it narrowed significantly after a few moments, making Siren feel a touch of claustrophobia as she trekked further into the dark, the dim glow of her torch kept her from falling over her feet but if she turned it up, she'd risk it running out before she got back.

Thankfully, before too long the walls started to open out, following a change in rock type, going from coal charcoal to linings of sparkling granite and beautiful cavern spread out before her.

Initially it reminded her of a luxury spa back on earth, one of those wild nature ones in the mountain somewhere. The rock walkway spread out around her and a shimmering lagoon covered most of the room, complete with a gentle waterfall where the rocks split on the other side, splashing down and causing ripples that had all but stilled by the time they reached the edge closest to her.

Okay, planet CX-whatever wasn't such a pain in her ass after all.

She stepped up to the water's edge and quickly took a vial of water and loaded it into the toxicity sampler hanging from her belt. After a few short moments the verdict was in, the water was fresh, drinkable and safe.

Siren nearly jumped for joy. She pushed a few bleeping buttons on her communicator, signaling her ship to float it's way over to her location. It would approach the mouth of the cave slowly and get to the water's edge and wait for her there. But the propeller unit was an older one and slow as hell, her hip was zippy in the skies, not so much on water.

In the meantime she'd drink her fill and wash off the traces of seaweed and salt off her skin. She quickly laid out her toolbelt and comms glove on the flat rocks bordering the lagoon. Once she was happy nothing important was going to roll into the water, she quickly divested herself of the skin tight top and shorts she wore under her jumpsuit, along with her bra and underwear.

Last of were her boots and socks, while there wasn't a soft beach of warm sands to pad across, the rocky surface was smooth from water erosion without being overly slick. She placed both her palms on the water edge and hoisted herself around and into the water.

To her pleasant surprise the water was perfectly warm, soothing even, on her skin. The water level just about came up to her chest. After days on end of being in a cramped spaceship in thick space clothes it was a relief to soak her skin. Wading gently towards the waterfall, Siren rubbed the sweat and grime from herself as best she could with her hands, scooping up some of the fine silt sand from the bottom to use as a scrubber. By the time she reached the waterfall the water had risen slightly to her shoulders and she was absently trailing her hands across her skin, relishing in the warm sensation.

She dunked herself under the waterfall at last and found it was warm as the lagoon itself, she absently wondered if it was coming from a hot spring further inland, she'd never come across warm running water in the wilderness before. She trailed her fingers through her hair leisurely, into the feel of finally getting her hair clean with ample water instead of artificial chemical foams.

Once she was mostly clean, or as much as she could be until she picked up some soap from her ship anyway, Siren simply enjoyed the feel of the water on her skin. She leaned back against a outcropping rock as she trailed her hands all over and soon found the warmth and stillness to be almost arousing.

She felt a slight tingle between her thighs when she tried to think about the last time she'd had some release, let alone gone to bed with anyone. Between flight navigation and trade trip after trade trip on her little carrier there'd been no time, she woke, worked and then crashed into bed at the end of the day, exhausted.

Maybe that was what she needed right now, after all, her ship wouldn't reach her co-ordinates for another while yet. She had the time.

Siren ran her fingers lightly from her neck downwards, brushing just past her shoulders and down her sides slowly, she closed her eyes and focused on the warmth of the water on her skin, the crashing sound of the water blocking out everything else. She was completely alone here to do as she pleased.

Her fingers brushed the sides of her breasts and she let her fingers trails inwards under the water, her palms cupped them from underneath and her fingers traced around her rapidly hardening nipples, not touching them quiet yet, staving off that little pleasure until she was really pleading for it. Instead she gently flexed her fingers across her soft, generous, mounds, massaging them playfully as she pressed her thighs tightly together, in rhythm with each squeeze of her breasts, feeling her wetness gather in anticipation. Tingles going down her spine.

Her breath hitched when she finally, lightly pinched her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. She kept massaging her breasts rhythmically, now rolling her nipples as she did, her breathing quickened and she longed to let one hand trail all the way down to her cunt and dip a finger inside herself, knowing how wet she'd be.

Not yet, she chastised herself. This was always her way, teasing slowly, until she could barely stand it, each touch, each escalation, earned beforehand. It was a sweet torture while it happened but the end result was so worth it.

She was flexing the muscles of her thighs hard now, completely sub-consciously in a desperate attempt to apply more pressure to her sex, to get some relief. Deep inside her she felt hallow, empty and desperate to be filled.

She trailed her right hand down her stomach slowly, already whimpering at the teasing she knew she'd have to endure. She brushed her fingertip over her hip and down until she spread them across the top of her right thigh, splayed so she was almost touching her sex, she flexed her fingers, nails biting into the soft flesh, a reminder of how close she was to the place she longed to sink into.

She started to let out soft moans, echoing out into the cavern around her, She'd always been highly aroused by the sounds of sex as much as anything else.

Thank god this is an uninhabited planet, she thought briefly through her lustful haze.

Still toying with her left nipple and clenching her thighs forcefully against each other, she trailed her fingers over her mound, teasing the soft skin there, pressing lightly.

Soon she thought, soon she'd slip her thighs apart, and the real teasing would begin.

Siren thought she felt a wave of water brush against her, interrupting her lust fogged brain for half a second before she decided imagining roughly thrusting her finger deep inside her sopping wet cunt was a much better use of her focus right now.

Her fingers trailed lower still cupping herself and she leaned back onto the rock. She was painfully aware of how close she was to her clit and she let her finger try to wiggle between her clenched thighs for a few moments, denying herself entry.

"Please" she moaned to the heavens. Breathy and wild. She lifted her right foot and planted it against the stone behind her, spreading her legs just enough to feel the rush of warm water against her swollen sex.

Her fingers wasted no time snaking their way downwards.

She skimmed lightly over her most intimate place, she applied no pressure, choosing to tease herself further. She ran a single fingertip back and forth, barely a touch, just to feel how wet she was and anticipate that moment when she'd sink that first finger inside herself, imagining rubbing hard against her aching clit.

There was a slight wave of water against her shoulders again and she brushed it off, assuming it was tidal echoes from the crashing ocean outside. Forcing her attention back to her self-teasing she added a second finger, petting down both folds in tandem, applying the slightest bit of pressure against her sex now. She imagined that blissful moment in bed with someone, when the resistance gives way and a thick, juicy cock thrusts deep.

Siren could feel her clit start to throb in earnest now, aching to be touched so badly she realized she was panting and whimpering. With one finger she pressed between her folds on the next upstroke and brushed directly against the pulsing bundle for less than a second before taking her finger away again to lightly trace her skin.

Her back arched against the stone and she cried out to the quiet lagoon. It took all her willpower not to touch her clit again immediately, to rub hard until she came. She imagined scenario after scenario of touching it roughly, softly, rubbing circles above it in that way she liked so much, while thrusting the fingers of her other hand inside her to fill the aching void.

But she'd do none of that, she'd first tease in the tip of a finger, then more. Maybe a second finger, thrusting slow enough to feel good, but not enough to cum.

Only when she was panting and begging, her resistance in shambles, would she allow herself to cum at last.

Again there was a soft echo across the water and Siren peaked open one eye to glance around, semi delirious in her lust, that softly probing fingers starting to tease the crease between her folds now.

Above the water, all was eerily still, no sounds or sights except the crash of the waterfall beside her.

Siren had just started to push the tip of one finger towards her opening when suddenly something brushed up against her leg.

She yelped a brought her foot down, twisted around to glare in the water. She spied the movement of something huge moving through the water, it's skin was a dark blue, barely perceivable against the dark stone floor of the lagoon.

She made to scramble up the rock. She needed to get the hell out of the water.

"What the fu-"

Suddenly a huge tail snaked around her middle and hoisted her out of the water with no apparent effort and Siren screamed, looking around desperately for an escape.

With her body suspended in its hold a good six feet above the surface of the water, the creature finally showed itself to her.

It was massive, Siren balked at the sheer size of it. Reptilian in nature, with smooth, blue scales running the length of it all over. The section of tail wrapped around her was easily as thick as her thigh and it shifted slightly against her skin, settling into a solid grip on her naked body.

It's head rose out of the water before her, on earth Siren would have said it was a snake, but earth snakes didn't get this damn big. It had no arms or legs that she could see, instead its head lifted from the water in a sensuous upward slither until it was level with her. Staring her down with slitted cats eyes.

The upper section of its body was much thicker than the tail wrapped around her. From her current angle, Siren guessed it was two feet thick, it's head section containing a cobra-like hood that opened out threateningly as the creature focused in on her, revealing a bright kaleidoscope of colours inside.

It's mouth was snake like, but with rows of pointed teeth, instead of fangs. It's eyes glowed a strange shade of orange that seemed to hum like neon lights and two horns rose back and upwards just behind from it's eyes. It stared straight into Siren's face and if she hadn't been so terrified at that moment she might of even thought there was an intelligence behind those slitted eyes.

Snake didn't seem like the right word, a serpent perhaps, like a thing of myth, or legend.

The creature loomed towards her and Siren saw it's nostrils flare as it's forked tongue slipped out from its mouth, flickering lightly. It's focus moved downwards to where her legs dangled, slightly parted.

Siren had a sudden memory of her schooling on earth, that snakes tasted the air around them with their tongues. She snapped her legs closed and pushed against the thick tail wrapped around her middle.

The creature's attention snapped back to her efforts to escape and she felt the slithering movement of the rest of the tail move along her back as she pushed against its hold. The thin tip of the tail curled around her side and slithered up to her hands where they struggled.

Quickly and efficiently it circled around both her wrists and tightened before Siren could pull them away. The creature lifted her joined hands up above her head and the shift in movement caused her to slide down into the grip around her torso, her breasts now pushed up and supported by the creatures tail, as if in offering to it.

She was more trapped than ever.

She tried to twist and turn fruitlessly as the snakes head loomed closer to her vulnerable body, it angled its head from side to side as if in inspection of its catch and Siren had a brief moment of panic that it might have smelt her arousal in the lagoon, as if she had lured it here, like blood to a shark.

The forked tongue flickered out against the exposed plane of her lower stomach as if sampling, and Siren jolted at the touch, it's tongue was smooth and incredibly warm, almost hot. Even with just that brief gliding touch.

Siren's panic was beginning to meld with her lingering arousal as the creatures perusal moved further upwards, accompanied with more gentle flicks of its flexible tongue. The serpents tail continued to shift its grip slightly here and there, caressing the underside of her breasts and brushing against her ass in doing so.

When the creature gave a leisurely swipe of it's tongue along the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder she arched her back on impulse, thrusting her chest upwards towards the creature.

The movement and bounce of her breasts didn't go unnoticed, it reared back slightly, as if suddenly noticing her chest region for the first time before careening to the side to run it's tongue along the edge of one breast.

Siren bit her lip, she was already in such a state of arousal when she'd been interrupted, and now this snake-like thing was flickering a warm wet tongue up and down the side of her heaving breasts. In her mind she warred with concern over the creatures interest in her body and a growing desire to feel that warm, wet feeling directly over her hardened nipples.

The snake moved from one side to the other and back again, as if somehow pleased and encouraged by her barely contained reaction to its ministrations. Little gasps and moans of pleasure were slipping from her lips with each swipe of the serpents tongue. The next time it switched sides it's tongue swiped just alongside her nipple, eliciting a loud groan from Siren. Almost immediately it seemed to lose interest in anywhere other than the tender skin around her nipples.

This serpent learned quickly. Siren tested her captured wrists, tugging gently against her bindings, in response the tail tip wrapped around them tightened and pulled, stretching her taunt and heightening her arousal, she was powerless to either stop this or get herself off.

When the serpents tongue first made contact with her nipple, Siren didn't even try to cut off the desire ridden moan that escaped her lips. She was panting in earnest now as the creature lavished warm, wet attention on her peaks. It flicked briefly across them one minute and curled around them seductively the next, learning which actions caused her to shudder and moan the loudest.

Soon the creature was lavishing undivided attention on her chest and she squeezed her thighs together and shifted them against each other, trying to apply pressure on her yet again aching sex.

The serpent felt her wriggling against the tail section that supported her lower body and diverted its attention down to her clenched thighs, Siren felt it flick and lap against her legs a few times, as if trying to source the reason for her squirming.

She glanced down the length of her prone body, still suspended in the air and stared in shock when she saw a large slit in the serpents scales had begun to open on the front of its mid-section, revealing the emergence of a phallic, cock-like organ protruding from its body.

She had begun to wonder if the creatures attention was of a sexual nature, now she knew. Whatever this thing was it was very clearly aroused. And very capable of fucking for that matter.

Her focus was ripped away from the emerging cock when the creature's flickering tongue struck the dip in the apex of her thighs, causing her clit to ache unbearably. Siren briefly considered opening her legs and letting the serpent have at her. Would its wonderfully hot and wet tongue lavish attention on her aching cunt? Remembering the very large, hard and alien cock inches from her body, she decided her legs needed to stay firmly closed.

The creature did not approve of this, it scented her arousal perfuming the space between them and laid down more insistent licks against her mound, all but demanding entry to her core. Siren clenched her legs harder together trying to focus keeping herself away from the space snake's cock on not on thinking about how good it might feel.

Suddenly the creature's tail section supporting her shifted as it's upper tail curved, the support under her lower back shifting as it curled it's tail around one of her dangling ankles and pulled her leg to the side.

Siren gasped, for a moment annoyed at the damn serpent's intelligence, but her mind went well and truly blank when its tongue took a good long swipe at her inner thigh, having finally gained access between her legs.

She moaned out as she felt it's hot breath brush over her folds, its proximity to her aching cunt causing her to quiver with need uncontrollably. She belatedly tried to bring up her free leg to close off access but the creature twisted its tail just enough to block it, holding her pinned open and exposed for it to do as it pleased.

Surrendering to pleasure as the creature flickered along the inside of her thighs in a maddening tease, and she realized that it was licking up the wet essence of her that had smeared there with all her desperate writhing, both in the water and out.

The creature worked it's way up her legs with a frustratingly relaxed ease, how long, Siren wondered, would it hold her here at its mercy?


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