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Sister Cities Ch. 02

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Leona's journey continues in a way she didn't count on.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/18/2019
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Chapter Two - Leona Goes to Church

She'd been traveling for over a hundred years. Life was getting very lonely and had little meaning anymore. Settling in one place for longer than ten years was pushing her luck. Her looks didn't change, she didn't age, she didn't get sick. That sort of thing is hard to explain to people.

Stepping off the barge onto the dock, Leona looked around at the lazy, somewhat dusty village before her. At first glance it seemed no different than the many others she'd visited and stayed in. Spotting an inn, she headed toward it, dodging around other people and vehicles as they traveled past.

Shoving open the heavy door, she found an old fashioned great room filled with tables and chairs before her with a long counter and more stools down the length of one side. Through a door in the back she caught a glimpse of a kitchen. A wide stairway led the way to what she presumed were sleeping rooms.

Striding to the counter and the large sturdy looking woman behind it, she waited until the woman acknowledged her. "I need a room please," she said. "For several nights."

The woman looked her over, sneering at Leona's young, pretty face, and articulated, "I'll not have ya working out of the room."

Leona frowned in confusion and queried, "Working? What? No, I need a place to stay, to sleep. You do have rooms, right?"

"I have rooms." She leaned toward Leona, sneering at her. "And if I catch ya whoring in them, I'll toss ya straight to the magistrate, I will."

Speechless, Leona could only stare at the large woman. "Excuse me?" she exclaimed. "That is completely uncalled for. Is there another inn around here, one friendlier than you?"

"No. I'm the only one. And I don't tolerate no whoring 'round here." The woman slapped a hand on the counter for emphasis.

Leona raised her chin and glared her down. "Then I need a room for several nights. Please," she said. She held up her coin purse and gave it a rattle, proving she had plenty inside.

"I'll give ya a room. Right next to the stairs so I can keep an eye on ya." The woman turned and snatched a key from a small cubby on the wall behind her. She slapped it on the counter and demanded payment up front. They hashed out the details and while Leona knew the woman was steeply overcharging her, she paid the fee and took the key.

She settled in her room and washed off the travel dust. Going back down to the great room in search of a meal, she was afraid to hope for better service than when she reserved the room. She took a seat in the corner at a small table and observed the other occupants. Mostly men, large and gruff looking with the few women in attendance dressed modestly and keeping their heads down. Interesting, she thought.

A woman appeared beside her, startling Leona by her silent arrival. "We only have stew and biscuits tonight ma'am," she whispered, "Will that be alright?"

"Well, if that's all you have, then it must be."

Looking up, Leona glanced at the woman. She was reed thin and sporting a fading black eye that was currently a hideous yellow-brown in color. Fury filled her instantly. She'd lived a long time and seen a lot of different things in the world, but violence against women, especially one this small, shot anger through her body in a hot wave. The heavy modest dress the woman wore was clean. Her dark hair twisted so tightly in a bun at the back of her neck that Leona knew such a thing would give her headache.

Softening, she held out a hand to the thin woman, "Hello, I'm Leona. What's your name?"

Shooting a frightened look over her shoulder toward the bar area before answering, the woman whispered, "Fleur." She then scrambled away.

Leona now had a good idea who was abusing the poor woman. She firmly told herself to stay out of business that didn't involve her, but her heart knew that wouldn't happen. Tapping her fingers on the table, she waited for her food and wondered if this village was where she wanted to stay. It seemed there was something going on underneath that was not at all appealing.

Finally Fleur returned with her meal and set it before her. Leona had time to notice the portions were smaller than those for the other diners. But then sleeve of Fleur's dress slipped up her arm, revealing an intricate scrollwork mark circling her wrist. When the woman caught her staring at the mark, she quickly jerked her sleeve back down.

Leona looked up into frightened eyes and held up her own wrist where her matching markings glowed in the light. "I know what you are. If you want to know, just ask me," She kept her voice quiet so that only the two of them heard.

With her hazel eyes huge in her face, Fleur stepped back away from the table, then turned and nearly ran from the room. After a moment, Leona picked up her spoon and began to eat. She hadn't seen another woman with the markings since she'd left her own village and her friend Hesta. It had rattled her a little, but she meant what she said.

She'd had years to study old Father Malcome's journal and combine it with her own experiences. She didn't feel that she was an expert on what she was by any means, but she had the process down pat. There had been times when she'd genuinely worried about finding a virgin male to sex up. So far anyway, she'd managed before the marks went completely dark.

Finishing up her meal, since Fleur had not returned, she left the dishes behind but placed an extra coin on the table, hidden under her plate. She stepped outside to take a walk before shutting herself into her room for the night. There were hardly any people left out. The place looked deserted. She strolled down the walkway, enjoying the fresh evening air.

The sudden tolling of church bells rang through the evening. Leona watched as the few people outside scattered and ran. Frowning, she looked around and found herself alone.

A door creaked opened nearby and a harsh whisper floated on the air. "Get inside ya daft woman! Its curfew don't ya know." The door then slammed shut.

"Curfew?" she wondered. It wasn't even full dark yet. This place was looking more and more like one where she would not like to linger for long. Turning around, she headed back to the inn.

Upon reaching the heavy inn door, though, she found it firmly locked. Leona raised a fist and pounded, wincing as she hurt her hand on the hard surface. A window opened nearby and the large woman who had rented her the room stuck her head out, a malicious grin on her face.

"Its curfew. It's illegal for ya to be outside after the bells."

Leona took a deep breath and searched for patience. "Then let me in."

The grin turned pure evil. "Oh no, I can't. It's not allowed to give refuge to anyone breaking curfew."

"You knew damn well I had no idea about your curfew rule when I walked outside after eating. Let me in! I paid for my room. Extravagantly, I might add."

Anger turned the woman's face red. "You paid a fair price," she said "-It's not my fault you didn't know the rules." She jerked her head back inside and slammed the window closed.

"Oh for fuck's sake. This is how you're going to be?" Leona tossed up her hands and turned in a circle, not sure what to do at that point. She flopped down on the top step without much hope that someone would let her in. After a few minutes, she saw guards filing down the street to take up positions on every corner. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

When a guard finally noticed her, he drew up short, clearly not expecting to find someone outside at this late hour. "Ho there, why are you not inside?"

Leona explained, "I only arrived in town today and took a room here at the inn. Your curfew rule was not explained to me and I was out for a walk when the bells tolled. The... lady... of the inn would not allow me back inside when I returned."

"Old Minerva be a stubborn one, she is. But alas, I'll have to take you to the magistrate. I have no choice in the matter. Please come with me." He held out a hand to her.

She considered ignoring the hand, but really, what could she do besides sit outside all night? Standing up, she stepped from the porch, and the guard grasped her arm and began to lead her down the street. "So," she questioned, "is there a reason for the curfew? A danger in the area that I had not heard of before arriving here?"

The guard smothered a chuckle. "I'll leave the explaining to the magistrate."

"Hmm. And you always toss new-to-town strangers to the magistrate then?" She knew she was provoking him but was irritated with the entire place and unable to keep her tongue still.

He remained silent, simply guiding her down the street to a modest building set near the center of town. From here she could see the large and looming church at the other end of the street. It was an elaborate thing with stained glass windows and two impressive towers. One of them seemed to house at least five bells. It was completely out of place in the sleepy little village, looking like a monstrous sore spot instead of the beauty the builder had probably intended it to be.

Leona had lived long enough now to have some serious doubts about religion. So far she'd found no explanation for how she came to be, how her marks came to be, or how they worked. She had found no god or deity associated with having to fuck a virgin to give her fresh, young life.

The guard pulled her into the building, where they found two men having what appeared to be a heated conversation. Immediately the guard dropped to one knee and bowed his head low. When Leona remained standing in confusion, he reached up and grabbed her arm, trying to pull her down beside him. She was having none of that, though, and resisted him, remaining on her feet.

"I am so sorry, my Father," said the guard, his voice shaking. "I had no idea you were in attendance. I brought this woman to the magistrate as she was discovered out after curfew. I would have waited had I known you were here."

One of the men was dressed, like the guard, in a dark blue uniform. The other was dressed in long, elaborate black robes that were trimmed in gold. A golden corded and tasseled belt was twined around his waist. He looked like an over pompous dignitary and Leona had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at him. His hair was rusty brown and flowed around his shoulders. His stern brown eyes measured her from a few paces away.

He raised his hand toward the guard and in a serene voice said, "Son Lukas, you have achieved your goal and may leave now. Thank you for your service." Leona dug her nails into her palms to stay silent and still, but she was afraid that her mirth was showing in her eyes. "What is your name child?" the man asked, turning to her.

The guard scrambled to his feet and out the door. Leona had to clear her throat to make sure the laugh bubbling up wouldn't escape. "Leona," she said. "I am simply called Leona, Father. I am passing through and took a room at the inn. No one explained your curfew rule and I was caught unawares. I assure you, I meant no harm and would have been behind doors if I'd only known better."

The black robed one took a step toward her while the other guard took a step back in a curious dance. "You took a room at the inn and no one explained the rules to you?" he said. "A newcomer. Hmm. So how did you come to our village here? Family? Is there a reason for your stay?"

"I enjoy traveling and seeing different places. Some I stay in and some I don't. Your village is on my path," she said with a shrug. "Nothing more."

The Father turned back to the guard and said, "I want Daughter Minerva brought to me first thing in the morning. I will also take our visitor with me to the sanctuary for shelter for the night. You may escort us now."

With these imperious words, the Father took Leona's arm and started out the door. The guard behind them scrambled to keep up. He'd backed himself almost out of the room trying to put distance between himself and the religious man. Leona studied the religious man from under her lashes, trying to guess his age. She judged him to be in his mid-forties. The grip on her arm remained light and gentle, but she sensed a restrained strength in him.

The walk was almost pleasant, the Father guiding her to a door at the base of the closest tower. Reaching their destination, he turned to the guard and said, "Thank you, Son Abram, for your assistance. We will continue our earlier discussion at a later time." The guard dropped briefly to one knee and bowed his head before scurrying away.

Father opened the door and nudged Leona inside, where she found a pleasant room with simple, comfortable furnishings, rugs on the wooden floor, and a desk that sat facing the door, a couple of sturdy chairs before it. It seemed to be both an office and a sitting room. She paused inside, unsure what to do next. After shutting and locking the door, the Father crossed the room to another door, opened it, and waved to her, indicating her to enter.

Beyond the door, Leona saw a winding staircase of stone steps that curved around the tower walls. With a shrug, she began to climb with the Father following her. They passed three floors before the stairs stopped at yet another door. Reaching around her, the Father pushed open the door, then placed a hand on her back to guide her inside.

This room was much less pleasant and comfortable. A decently sized bed was shoved against one wall; Leona wondered how they got it up the winding steps. There were a few chairs, a wardrobe, and a curtained-off area that appeared to be for bathing. One tall, skinny window and a tiny fireplace were the only things on the walls-that is, except, beside the bed, anchored to the wall with large iron rings, an ominous set of shackles.

Shutting the door behind them, the Father spoke. "Now, tell me why you look so young and fresh and yet there is a lifetime of knowledge and experience in your eyes."

Crossing to the window, Leona stared out at the night. "I have no idea what you mean," she said.

"Yes you do," he insisted. The words were blunt. She turned and saw he had followed her across the room. He grabbed her wrist and held it up, the marks clearly glowing in the dim light. "What is this sorcery?"

She turned to face him, leaning back against the wall. "I can honestly say I don't know what it is."

He frowned, "How can you not know? It's on your body."

"And has been since I was born." Leona studied him for a moment. Something told her she would not be leaving this room, not anytime soon. She didn't trust this man at all and a sudden depression settled over her causing an 'I don't care' attitude. So she tossed caution to the wind and explained her life thus far.

As she told him what had happened to her and how she'd lived for over a hundred years, he questioned a few points, traced her markings with a finger, and looked very thoughtful. "So you are a witch," he announced when she had finished.

Leona shrugged and said, "I don't know what I am. I have no powers, I can't do anything. I just fuck a virgin every few years and possibly I'll live forever. I don't know how long this will last."

"Are there more like you?"

She considered her answer, finally deciding on a half-truth. "I have known one other, a lifetime ago. She was faithful to her husband and lived a completely normal life. I fear it was by pure chance and the amorous attentions of a young man to an older woman that I discovered the secret to the marks."

"So, a witch and a whore." He dropped her wrist that he still held.

She gave a shrug, having nothing to say to that. She had lost count of the men she'd fucked, young and old, virgin and not, over the years. How could she deny that she was a whore? The modest life she had once lived was long gone.

The Father paced the room for a few moments, his hands tucked behind his back. Suddenly he turned to face her, and Leona wasn't sure she liked the look on his face.

"I am a man of God," he said. I lead this village in maintaining sanctity and purity. But, as a man, I still have needs. Thus far I have been forced to travel away from here in order to fulfill those needs. You will now do that for me. In return, I'll provide you a willing virgin when needed."

Leona burst out laughing. At the murderous glare on his face, she sobered a bit. "You want to me keep me as your personal sex slave," she said, "tossing me a virgin every so often to keep me alive, thus ensuring you'll get plenty of use out of me."

"I would rather think of it as a mutual arrangement," he said through gritted teeth.

Tilting her head to the side, she pondered. "How is it mutual when I am restrained here? I'm assuming I'd be unable to even take a jaunt downtown for shopping, and yet you still go about your daily business?"

The Father nodded and pretended to look thoughtful. "I could restrain and do as I wish."

She tossed her hands in the air, "so I'm restrained no matter what?"

He remained silent for a moment. "What do you want?"

Leona gave an astonished laugh, "How about my freedom?"

"You have the freedom to live, witch."

Rolling her eyes at the term, Leona turned back to the window where she could see a sliver of sky twinkling with stars. "How about a friend?"

"A what?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake. Are you saying you don't even know what a friend is? That would certainly explain a lot."

The Father took a deep breath, "I know what a friend is. I should have asked 'who' since you claim to have just arrived here."


"Minerva's sister? Why?"

Leona gave a casual shrug and said, "She struck a chord with me. And Minerva beats her and I don't like that type thing. I'd think that as a church you could give sanctuary to a lone woman. Maybe one who could cook or clean for you?" She turned back to stare at him, trying to gauge his thoughts.

His face was cold and stern, but his eyes held a gleam. "Do you promise not to attempt to escape or turn Fleur against me? I know how wily women can be."

Leona gave a quiet snort. Wily women indeed, she thought. "If you secure Fleur for me and allow me some time with her every day as a companion, then I'll remain. At least for a while."

"Done." He grasped the belt at his waist and untied it. When it fell to the floor, he shrugged off his black robes, leaving him nude except for his shoes. His body was pleasant, lean, and firm with long, ropy muscles. "Now suck my cock and please me."

Leona took off the light jacket she wore and draped it over a chair. She walked toward him, knelt in front of him, and took his hard cock in her hand. He was surprisingly thick and long. She wouldn't mind feeling it between her legs. She gave him a lick from root to tip. While he made no sound, the muscles in his thighs quivered and his cock gave a jump.

She ran her tongue around his bulging tip, flicking it repeatedly under the little divot there. His hand dove into her loosely knotted hair, knocking out the pins so her brown locks fell down her back. She continued to lick, never quite taking him into her mouth, teasing and stroking instead.

"Woman," he growled.

Flashing her blue eyes up at him, she smiled touched her tongue to his tip. She enjoyed watching the strain on his face. In a quick move, she opened up and took him deep. Her many years had allowed her time to condition her gag reflex, and taking a man to the back of her throat was not a problem. Wrapping her tongue around his throbbing cock, she sucked in as she slowly pulled back.

He buried both hands in her hair and held her still while he began to fuck her face, losing patience with her teasing. "Take it you slut. Take my cock," he ground out between clenched teeth.

Leona reached around and grasped his butt cheeks, squeezing while he thrust into her mouth. She slipped one hand down and reached between his legs, tickling his balls as they bounced back and forth. Since there wasn't much else she could do while he had control, she stroked his thighs and ass. Very lightly she dragged her fingernails over the quivering flesh.


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