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Sister Troubles

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Sister finds true love in her brother's arms.
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I was a senior in high school when my sister Nancy got married. She was two years older than me and still lived at home until her wedding. I was elated. Eighteen years of living under her thumb, with her teasing and making fun of me almost every day. She said it was just her way of showing me that she loved me, but she often took it too far.

Once she was gone I did not know what I was going to do with all my newfound freedom. I moved my stuff into her room, because it was bigger and had an attached bathroom, but mainly just so I could move all her stuff to the guest room to piss her off.

I suppose we had a normal brother/sister relationship with give and take, but I always felt like I was the one doing the taking. But my sister often relied on me for a compassionate shoulder, since our dad was always out of town for work. My mom had passed away about ten years before and my dad had never remarried.

He was often gone for two weeks every month, leaving us to take care of each other. We did not usually mind, but sometimes I felt like Nancy really needed another woman in the house to talk to.

Until she got married, she would often come to me for support for whatever issue she was having with a boy or her friends at school. I think she just needed to talk out loud and work through the issues.

When she was having boy trouble, she would come to me for advice on what boys thought was attractive or what they liked, but I did not have much advice to give her because the things she was talking about, like making out or sex, I knew nothing about. I usually just listened to her and gave her non-committed answers.

I really had no idea what to say and learned way more from listening to her, than I had read in books or learned from the pornos I liked to watch. Although I was eighteen, I still had not had a girlfriend. I was shy and all the teasing my sister had done over the years, made me pretty self-concious about myself. Inside, I knew that I was not bad looking, because lots of girls made comments about how handsome I was, but all those years of her teasing me had taken its toll on me.

I was six foot two and about a hundred and sixty-five pounds. I knew I could probably put on a few pounds, but I just could not gain weight. It was something else that Nancy teased me about. I knew she was just jealous.

She worked out just about every morning all through high school and. She was very fit and thin, but I knew she worked hard to stay that way. She often stated that she wished she had her fat girl tits back. When she was about eighteen, she had gained a little weight and her breasts had finally filled out. She had a solid C cup then, but since she graduated and became a workout fanatic, they had dropped back to a small B cup. She was always commenting about it and grabbing her breasts to accentuate the point.

Nancy was very attractive and had no problem getting men to hit on her. She loved the attention. I think this is what drove her to stay in great shape. She was barely five foot one and only weighed about a hundred and five pounds, but she had the personality of a giant. When she met Ralph, her husband, she went all in. He was my height but had about another thirty pounds of muscle on me. She had met him at her gym and obviously fallen head over heels for him. I hated him from day one.

Nancy and I had argued about him from the start. I did not think he was a good guy. His vibes just gave me the willies. I could tell he was way more in love with himself than he was my sister. But she was fit and beautiful, so she would make him a good trophy wife. Ralph was nine years older than Nancy and had apparently made tons of money doing some kind of financial investment banking. I knew nothing about it and he never really told her what his job actually entailed. She always just said, it is something about the stock market or business loans, or something like that. I don't think she cared because he was rich compared to us.

Our dad was a salesman for a big corporation and had to travel to get the bonuses to pay for the house and all our needs, but we never seemed to have much money left over. Nancy loved the fact that she could take me out to dinner, on his boat or buy me random gifts, just because she could. I always felt like an asshole because I knew it was his money, but I went because she had asked, and it was important to her.

This went on for about a year. She would take me on getaways a few times a month. Sometimes Ralph would come with us, but usually it was just the two of us. Towards the end of the year, I realized that I had not seen Ralph in several months. I asked Nancy about his absence, and she made up excuses each time.

She took me to dinner one night with a couple of her girlfriends and soon the conversation turned to the men they were dating or married to. I was half paying attention when I heard my sister say "Ralph just can't seem to get it up anymore. He never wants to have sex no matter what I do. I don't know what is wrong with his dick." At that point I tuned the conversation all the way out. I did not really want to know about my sister's sex life.

Life went on as normal for the next couple months and still no sign of Ralph at any of our outings. We took a week vacation with my dad coming along and Nancy footing the bill. My dad and I both felt a little uncomfortable about the situation, but knew it was important for Nancy and it made her happy that she could spoil us. We all enjoyed the rest of the vacation and had a good time together for once as a family.

One day while I was at home finishing up a senior project, Nancy came in the front door like a hurricane. She dropped her purse on the ground and threw herself on the couch, within seconds she was crying. I got up from the dining room table and went to sit next to her. "What's up Nance? Are you OK?" She just cried even harder.

I put my arms around her and held her for about a half hour until her crying subsided enough for her to talk. "Ralph is cheating on me!" Oh shit, I thought. I knew he was an asshole, but to cheat on one of the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world was unthinkable to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He left his phone on the counter when he went to work, and it just kept dinging with incoming texts. I thought it might be his work clients, so I grabbed it. I knew his stupid passcode was 1234, so I opened it to see if they were important messages. They were texts from three different whores who he has been fucking. Two of the girls were sending him nude photos and the third sent a video of her giving him a blowjob yesterday and asking if she was going to see him again for lunch today."

With that she burst into tears again. I could not believe that any man would treat my sister that way. I held her without saying a word.

She finally composed herself and I offered to make her dinner. I did not mention the asshole, formally known as Ralph. What a stupid name for a stupid dick, I thought. I made her favorite meal, spaghetti and poured her a glass of wine from my dad's supply. I was at a loss for words. I knew that she would talk about it when she was ready.

We ate in silence, me thinking about ways to kill him without getting caught and her trying her best to not start crying again. After dinner I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. I put on an old movie, nothing to do with romance and sat down next to her, holding her tight. I knew she needed to feel loved. Although she had many close girlfriends, she had chosen me to be the first one to tell and the first one to open up to. I felt special about our relationship.

About halfway through the movie and after about four big glasses of wine, Nancy fell asleep. I carried her to her bed and started tucking her in. As I was getting up to start getting ready for bed, she looked up at me and said "Please don't leave me alone. Will you just lay down with me until I fall back asleep?"

I had never slept in the same bed with my sister before, but I figured that I would do whatever she needed to make her feel better. I started to lay down on top of the sheets and Nancy said, "don't be dumb, just hold me for a little bit." I pulled the sheets back and curled up next to my sister.

She rolled over on her left side and pulled my right arm over her and snuggled into the little spoon. I held her tight like this for about an hour before I could feel my eyes get heavy and I knew I would be asleep soon. She was still holding onto my arm with both of her hands, and I did not want to wake her up, so I drifted off to sleep, comfortable in the position of big spoon.

Since it was Saturday, I did not set an alarm and woke up around eight with an urgent need to pee. At first, I was a little confused until I opened my eyes and saw that I was still curled up with my big sister in her bed. I quickly realized that I had raging morning wood and it was firmly planted into the firm crack of my sister's tiny ass. I guess she had pushed back into me while she was sleeping. I thought, oh crap, I hope she did not feel that.

As I was trying to figure out how to untangle myself from her, I felt her wake up and slowly open her eyes. She looked back at me and said "Thanks for holding me last night. You are always there for me." Then I saw her demeanor change a little and look down towards my raging dick. "Well it looks like someone needs a little girl attention."

Embarrassed, I quickly got up and muttered "Sorry, it just kinda has a mind of its own." I started getting out of bed and she was watching my groin as my dick was tenting out my basketball shorts.

She let out a small anguished laugh. "At least I still get that reaction out of someone, even if it is my own brother." I did not know what to say, so I got off the bed and quickly walked toward the bathroom.

When I got in, I closed the door and thought to myself "Shit! Did I just get a hardon from snuggling my sister? I know she is sexy, but that was dumb. Now she is going to tease me forever." I tried to pee, but my cock would just not go down. I figured that I had better beat off really quick so I could take a leak. I did not have my phone, so I closed my eyes and tried to remember any of my favorite porn pics. I could not get any of them to focus in my mind. I kept coming back to the thought of my cock getting hard in the crack of my sister's tight and perfect little ass. Soon I found myself dreaming of pulling off her little shorts and fucking her tight pussy. I started cumming almost immediately. "Wow" I thought. "That was one of the most intense orgasms, I have ever had." Then I remembered that I came thinking about fucking my own sister. My dick started to get hard again almost immediately. Shit!

I still had to pee really bad, so I did my best to think about sports, but that was still not working. Then I thought about Ralph and what he had done to my sister. That made me mad and my cock immediately deflated. Thank God! I was not sure my bladder would have lasted much longer without bursting. I finished peeing, washed my hands and then brushed my teeth.

I went out into the kitchen and started making Nancy and I some breakfast. I knew I would need to help her if she decided to leave Ralph for good. Nancy soon got up and I heard her in the bathroom taking a shower. My mind started wandering and I found myself imagining what her body looked like naked. "Stop" I said to myself. Why am I thinking about fucking my sister. Yesterday was one of the worst days in her life and here I was just wanting to rip her clothes off and fuck her senseless. What was wrong with me.

She finished up in the bathroom and got dressed. When she came out into the kitchen she was wearing a very small pair of workout spandex shorts and a tiny workout bra. "Here we go again" I thought. My cock would just not behave. When she walked near me, I could see both of her nipples through the almost sheer material. That put me over the edge.

"Can you finish cooking the eggs?" I asked Nancy "Ill be right back."

She agreed and gave me a funny look. I saw her glance at my waist as I started walking away. I knew that my cock was rock hard and probably showing through my pants.

I quickly made it to my room, just in time to take my cock out and start stroking it, seeking a release. I was about ten strokes in and getting close when my bedroom door opened. I was past the point of no return when I looked up toward the doorway and saw Nancy. As soon as we made eye contact, the first shot of cum erupted from the end of my swollen dick.

There was my sister, in the doorway to my room, watching me stroke the rest of my many loads as they shot out of my dick. It was probably a new record. I was in both agony and ecstasy at the same time. I had just shot over a dozen loads of cum about halfway across my room as my sister stood watching me, her mouth open and her eyes wide.

"Wow" she said "That was pretty impressive. Who knew my little brother was such a big man."

I had no words. "You are going to make some poor girl really happy with that monster. When did it get so big? The last time I saw it, it looked like my little finger" holding her hand up and wiggling her little finger to accentuate her point.

I knew that I would never live this down. My own sister had just watched me jerk off and cum all over my room. I did not know what I should do. I pulled my pants up and quickly moved past her and into the bathroom. I needed a moment to think before I even tried to speak. I quickly realized that I was close to cumming before she walked in, but as soon as I saw her, in that outfit, watching me, it put me over the edge and I could not have stopped from cumming even if I tried. I realized right then that I had a serious crush on my own sister. "What the fuck am I supposed to do now? How do I go back out there and face her after this?" I thought.

I did not have to wait long. I heard a soft knock at the door. "Ryan? Are you ok? I am sorry, I should not have barged in on you like that. I just thought something was wrong when you left the kitchen so quickly. I did not mean to embarrass you." Then I heard a soft laugh. "And you should definitely not be embarrassed by that huge cock you were wielding. It is a beast!" Then I heard her softly chuckle to herself and walk away from the door. My first thought was that at least she did not make fun of me. That was her normal response to just about everything.

I did my best to compose myself. I splashed cold water on my face and toweled it off trying to figure out how to make the best of this situation. The first thing that came to mind was to go on the offensive, to get in front of any jokes I figured she was about to throw my way. I walked back into the kitchen as she was placing the breakfast plates on the table. "At least I can get my dick hard, unlike Ralph."

The words were barely out of my mouth before I remembered that she had just caught Ralph cheating on her. I had no way of taking it back. Tears formed in her eyes and she stood there and started bawling. Oh God! What have I said. I moved to her and held her in both of my arms. "Nance. I am so sorry. That is not what I meant to say. I thought you were going to make fun of me." I did not even finish my thought. I knew that I had just brought it all back to her wounded heart.

She wrapped her arms around me and just kept crying. I did not know what to do. After a couple minutes. I picked her up and carried her to the couch. I sat next to her and just held her, not trusting myself to say anything else. We stayed like this for a while. She finally quieted down and looked up at me with tears still streaming down her face.

"Ryan. It is ok. I know you love me. You have always been there for me when no one else was."

"Nance, I love you and I always will. You can always count on me to be there for you any way you need me to." We just sat on the couch, arms around each other for what seemed like hours.

Nancy finally untangled herself from my arms and got up. "I need to workout. That asshole is not going to ruin this beautiful day. Ill figure out what I am going to do when I get back."

With that, she got up and headed for the door. I watched her go and could not help but notice that she was wearing just the least amount of clothing a girl could wear without getting arrested. I felt that now familiar tingle in my dick. I gotta get my mind off of this, I thought. I headed to the now cold breakfast table and ate enough for both of us. I finished up and started washing the dishes. As I was scrubbing the plates, I reflected on the last twelve hours.

I did not know what was going to happen when Nancy got home, but I figured I had to get my hormones under control. I tried my best to put her amazing body out of my mind and got busy cleaning the house. I figured it would keep me busy and help me try to think about anything but Nancy.

My sister came home about two hours later. She was covered in sweat and red in the face. She looked like she had just run a marathon. "Ryan, I need to go to the asshole's house and get my clothes and stuff. Will you go with me?"

"Of course, Nance. When?"

"Right now. I want to get this over with as soon as possible."

I grabbed my keys, my wallet and a set of brass knuckles that doubled as a belt buckle and headed for the door. I was going to do my best to keep my cool, but I was not sure what I would do when I saw him.

"Is the asshole going to be home?"

"I don't know" Nancy said. "I sent him all the screen shots from his personal phone before I smashed it. I also sent him the text messages I sent to the whores to tell him he was married. Can you believe that one of them replied, asking if he was single now? What a bitch."

"Ok, lets get this over with so you can be done with this asshole, I never liked him."

"I know, Ryan, I should have listened to you. I just thought he was a good guy, but you were right from the start."

We drove the hour to their house and pulled into the driveway. I did not see his car, so I hoped that he was not home. We went inside and Nancy began gathering all the things that she wanted to keep and knocking all the other stuff on the ground, breaking just about everything as she went. We made a couple of loads and put them in my truck. We were on the last load when I heard his car pull up. It was hard to miss. It was a new Nissan GTR and you could hear it from several blocks away due to the modified exhaust he had installed. It was obnoxious, just like him.

I told Nancy that he was here, and we should go. Instead, she went into the kitchen and began breaking all the wine glasses in the cabinet onto the kitchen floor. He came in the front door and stopped when he saw me. I could visually see him dismiss me and then head toward Nancy in the kitchen. "Nance, it is all just a misunderstanding. I don't even know those girls."

"Fuck you Ralph, you are going to tell me that was not you and your little dick, getting sucked off by that whore? I would know that tiny little prick anywhere. Fuck you!"

"Nance, it is not like that. I love you." With that, Nancy threw the first of several wine glasses she was still holding directly at his head. I knew that this was getting out of hand quickly and I needed to get her out of here before it escalated further.

"Nancy, lets go."

"Fuck him Ryan, Fuck him!."

She started walking toward the living room where I was and Ralph reached out and grabbed her with both hands. He started yelling directly at her, their faces inches apart. I moved toward him to intervene and get his hands off my sister. She pulled away from him and I got in between them.

Ralph tried to go around me to grab her again and I got in his way. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me as hard as he could. I fell over the couch before I could catch myself. I heard Nancy scream as he grabbed her again. Fuck this, I thought. I pulled out the brass knuckles and walked up to Ralph from behind. I smacked him with an open hand on the side of his head and when he turned around, I hit him for all I was worth with the brass knuckles directly in his jaw. He went out like a light. I honestly thought that I had killed him, but at that point I did not even care. I grabbed Nancy's hand and dragged her to the car as she grabbed everything she could find on the way and threw it at his unconscious body.

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