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Sister Zone

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He started treating me as his sister, and I want it to stop.
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When I met my "brother ", I'd just started dating his best friend, and he naturally introduced us. My "brother" is a fairly handsome guy, and is in decent shape, so there was some initial attraction. But, he wasn't someone I would date, for a number of reasons. First off, he's twice my age, and while my "boyfriend" is 12 years older than me, he's another 15 years older than that. He's also married and has kids, two who are older than me, and two young ones from his current wife. And, there's a language and cultural barrier, since he's American and I'm Turkish. True, his Turkish isn't that bad, and when writing messages, I handle his English no problem. It's just that when you date someone, you want to communicate easily, and you want to have the same references. So, since we have to work at talking to each other, we have a lot of misunderstandings. And, if you have that in normal conversation, it would be even worse in a relationship.

One such misunderstanding is why I call him my "brother " and why he calls me his "sister ". You see, before we even met, my "boyfriend " told me about the problem in his marriage. That problem is an almost complete lack of sex, because his wife isn't interested in it. Normally, that wouldn't be something I'd concern myself with, because a lot of people have low sex drives. His problem though is that his wife constantly does things designed to get him horny, and promises him sex, but never delivers. What I mean is that she will sit on his lap, whisper dirty things in his ear, and tell him how much she wants him to fuck her. Except that she does it at times when it's impossible for them to do anything. Then, when they do have the chance to do it, she pushes him away with excuses about why she can't make love. Like she has a headache, her stomach hurts, she's too tired, or whatever other reason she can find. If it happened once or twice, it would be understandable. When she makes the promise 3 to 4 times a week, and they maybe do it once every two months, it's deliberate cruelty. And, she's been doing that to him for the last 9 of the 10 years they've been married.

So, why doesn't he divorce her, or start cheating on her?  It's because he's one of those truly nice guys, and doesn't want to hurt anyone, especially not his children. That means divorce is completely out of the question. He has thought about cheating though, since even he admits she has no right to expect him to remain faithful. However, he's reluctant to do it, because he isn't into prostitutes, or one night stands. He's more into the girlfriend or mistress type thing, something with actual feelings between them. Except, of course, they also have to accept the fact that he won't divorce his wife. What makes him reluctant is the fact that he's American, because that makes him a prime marriage catch regardless of his age. And that means he can't trust the girls not to sabotage his marriage, even if they do say they accept him not getting a divorce.

After having learned all this from my "boyfriend ", and seeing what a great guy he is, I obviously felt he deserved better. So, I made it my goal to help him in any way I could, including trying to find him a girl he could trust. However, because of his reluctance to cheat, I decided to start with something that might actually help him at home. That was to take advantage of the one thing that did make his wife interested in sex, her fear of losing him and the financial security he provided her. I mean, the times that she did give him sex, were when she felt their marriage was at risk.  For example, whenever they had a really big fight, usually about sex, and didn't talk for a few days. Or when he'd stop paying attention to her completely, when she'd gone a couple of months without giving him sex. The one I chose though, was where some pretty girl would start flirting with him, raising the possibility that he might accept what she was offering. And, I did that by helping him to dress in a way that would make him even more attractive to women. Like I said, he's already handsome and gets the eye from a few women. But, I knew he'd get a lot more attention if he stopped wearing old man clothes, and wore things that were more fun.

Our big misunderstanding happened during the two weeks I was trying to help him with this. Because, we had to spend some time together, in order to go shopping for his new clothes. Since his wife was gone for those two weeks, it was the perfect time for us to do that. It was also the perfect time to take him to a nightclub to show him how effective his new look was. The thing is, that when I was trying to point out couples who were obviously only together for sex, I tried to use words he'd understand. You know, telling him to look at this couple or that couple, and see how clear it was that they were only fuck buddies. Well, between how much time we'd spent together, how close I stayed to him at the club, and me talking about fuck buddies, he got the wrong idea. He thought that I was offering to become his fuck buddy, and since he trusted me not to sabotage his marriage, he was all for that idea. It took another week to straighten that out, without losing him as a friend. And, according to my "boyfriend ", because of his attraction for me, the only way he could keep being my friend, was to put me in the "sister " zone. Meaning that once he started thinking of me as his sister, he could still be close to me without wanting to fuck me. So, he started calling me his "sister " and I started calling him my "brother ".

It was after he put me in that zone, that we really started talking to each other. I mean, without any sexual tension in the way, we can talk to each other about anything. That even includes talking about our sex lives, in general terms at least. And that brings me to why I keep referring to my "boyfriend " in quotation marks. Because, one of the things he and I talk about is the fact that his best friend doesn't consider me his girlfriend. The way he looks at it, we are more like "friends with benefits " than we are boyfriend and girlfriend. He enjoys hanging out with me, and he enjoys having sex with me too, when we have it. And, we are both exclusive with each other, meaning neither of us is having sex with anyone else. But, he gets angry if anyone calls us boyfriend and girlfriend, and he doesn't consider what we have a relationship of any kind. So, I get frustrated sometimes, especially when he makes last minute plans that either include me or exclude me, without discussing them with me. And, I frequently get the feeling that were I to disappear, he wouldn't care that I was gone. It's these kinds of things, along with normal BS about my life, that I share with my "brother " while he shares his marriage problems with me.

That's where my problem started, by us sharing the details of what is wrong with our relationships. Because my comment about my "boyfriend " enjoying sex with me "when we have it ", means what it sounds like. We don't have it anywhere near as often as I'd like, and I'm always the one who has to initiate it. And, because he has a low sex drive, it's never more than once a week that he accepts my offers. True, I get it more often than my "brother ", and true, my "boyfriend " doesn't play the kind of head games my "brother's " wife plays. Still, I know how my "brother " feels, and more and more I've come to think our situations are the same. We both have "lovers " who really aren't interested in us sexually, and we aren't getting what we want and need from them. But, at the same time, neither one of us wants to give up what we've got. We just want more than what we're getting, without risking what we already have. The answer for both of us is the same too, to find a safe way to get that extra sex. And, it doesn't take a genius to figure out where that line of thinking took me.

Naturally, the first time that thought popped into my head, I rejected it for the same reasons I gave for why I wouldn't have dated him. As I said though, lack of attraction was never one of those reasons. That's why the thought kept coming back, no matter how many times I rejected it. Especially when it became obvious through our conversations that he was one of those lovers who always put the other person's pleasure first. Not that I'm selfish myself, and need someone who will cater to my sexual whims. I'm almost exactly like him, in that I get most of my pleasure from making my lovers happy. But, it did make me wonder what it would be like to be with a lover who cared about my pleasure as much as I did his. It made me start to have fantasies about taking turns driving each other to ecstasy. Fantasies about making him cum, then him making me cum in return. And, fantasies about the two of us cumming together, instead of the guy always cumming too soon. In other words, fantasies of him and I making love, and doing all the things we both enjoyed doing.

It didn't take long, before those fantasies were strong enough to overcome all my objections to having sex with him. The language and cultural problems were already disappearing because of all the messaging and talking we did. Him being married and having kids no longer mattered, because what I wanted from him wasn't a permanent relationship. And the age difference wasn't important, since I was already attracted to him despite that. All that remained was the desire that my fantasies about him had created. But, I couldn't just come right out and tell him I was ready to be his fuck buddy now. Not after the way I'd shot him down when he'd thought I wanted that before. Like I said, it had taken a week of almost constant talking, to get him to understand why we could never be lovers. Just telling him I'd suddenly changed my mind, and wanted him in my bed now, wouldn't be fair to him. He deserved to be seduced, the way I'd seduce any other guy I was interested in. And that was exactly what I decided to do, show him that things had changed between us, and that I wanted them to change even more.

I started by slowly adding more detail to our conversations and messages about sex. I don't mean more detail when I'd tell him about making love to his best friend. Telling him what I did with another man would be cruel,  not seductive. No, I'm talking about more detail when telling him about what I wanted from my lovers, and what I'd do for them in return. I mean, I'd already told him that I'd like to have sex every day if I could. Now I needed to tell him what kinds of sex I'd like to do those days. For example, how I like to suck the guy's cock first, and make him cum in my mouth, so he'll last longer later. How I like to be fucked slowly, not get slammed down into the bed. How I like having a cock in my ass as much, if not sometimes more, than I like it in my pussy. And how I like to end the night by giving the guy another blow job, this one slower and sexier than the first one. But, I also wanted him to know I'd like to have the things he'd said he enjoyed doing, and have him tell me more things he liked. For example, he'd already told me his wife even turns down oral sex, even when he only wants to do it to her. I'd never turn him down if he wanted to eat my pussy, and I needed him to know that. And, of course that I loved soft and slow romantic sex, and would definitely enjoy hours long sex sessions. So, I started including more of those kinds of details in the messages I wrote him. Sometimes as jokes, sometimes as wishful thinking, and sometimes as direct questions, although not about me.

Making jokes was easy, like writing that I'd rather be home in bed than at work, then asking if he felt the same way and would like to join me. Or like when he'd say something tasted good, joking that I had something that tasted even better. And, the wishful thinking parts were just as easy, by saying I wished I could be doing this or that right now. Or saying that something was making me horny and that I wished I had someone to take care of that problem for me. But, he wasn't responding with the same kinds of things, although he had when he thought I'd wanted him. Even asking him what he'd like to do to some girl I'd see him staring at didn't work. He'd just give me some reason why he wouldn't do anything with her. Like saying that she was out of his league, obviously looking for a husband, or that she was only interested in money. Or, he'd say that one part of her body was nice, while saying something else about her was a turn off. In other words, he was talking almost the same way about women that my "boyfriend " did. And that bothered me because my desire for him was based on him not being anything like my "boyfriend " sexually.

The only time I had any success at all was when I turned the conversation to one particular girl, named Pinar. She was this girl he'd met on New Year's Eve, and while nothing had happened between them, she was stuck in his brain. While I hadn't even known him back then, and hadn't been there, his infatuation with her had piqued my curiosity. Especially since he didn't even know her name, only who she'd come to the celebration with that night. It was my curiosity, and knowing who to ask, that provided her name, and her Facebook page. So, she'd been a topic of conversation for a couple of months, I guess because she looked like his dream girl to him. I have to admit that she was pretty and had a nice body, although she was a head shorter than both of us. And it was only by talking about her that I could get him to open up again. Not that the fact that he was hung up on her didn't make me jealous in a way. I mean, just because I wasn't looking for a real relationship didn't mean I liked him wanting someone else more than me. But, I wasn't offering myself to him yet, so if talking about her was the only thing that worked, we'd talk about her.

There was another funny thing about his infatuation, besides him not having known her name. That was the fact that he considered her more out of his league than any of the other girls I'd tried to get him to talk about. Yet, it didn't stop him from thinking about her, and unlike the other girls, it didn't stop him from talking about her either. The answer, as I found out during our talks about her, was that something could have happened that night. She'd separated from her original date, and had started almost flirting with him. He'd lost track of her for a while, when her date had showed up and dragged her away. Then he'd found her again when he'd decided to head home after the fireworks, instead of going to some bar. And, when he'd said his goodbyes to all his friends, she'd made it clear she'd like him to stick around. But, because he felt she was too far out of his league, he turned down her invitation to stay. Now it was the "might have been's" that kept her in his thoughts and in his fantasies. So, by asking what he would have done with her, I was finally able to get him to provide some sexual detail of his own.

It was when I decided it was time to make my move that everything fell apart, and not because of his infatuation with Pinar. We were sitting at a table in a hamburger place, something we did quite often after exercising at the gym. And, while my "boyfriend " usually joined us, even though he didn't exercise, he wasn't there that night. So, after we'd finished eating, I swung the conversation around to how stupid his wife was for not wanting to make love to someone as handsome and sexy as he was. Then, when the moment was right, I took his hands in mine and leaned forward to kiss him. Our lips never touched though, because he pulled back in surprise, and asked me what the hell I was doing. OK, I'm not totally stupid, I knew there was a chance he might reject me the way I'd rejected him when he'd made his move on me. But, I never expected such a violent reaction, especially not from him.  And the look on his face was even more shocking, because it didn't just show that he wasn't interested. His expression said he was a little angry, and I'd swear that he also seemed disgusted for some unknown reason. 

I didn't know how to respond to that, except to ask outright if the idea of kissing me was really that repugnant. He'd wanted me a few months ago, telling me then how beautiful and sexy he thought I was. Did he think I was ugly now, or was it that after getting to know me better, he didn't think I was sexy anymore? He got a confused look on his face, as if he didn't understand what I was talking about. Then he said that I was more beautiful and sexy than I had been before, and I knew it. But, kissing me like that, like I'd just tried to kiss him, was just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and I knew that too. Now it was my turn to be confused, because if it wouldn't have been wrong a few months ago, why was it wrong now? And I asked him that, what had changed between us, to make it wrong. Was it that he was married, because that wouldn't have stopped him before. Was it that I was sort of dating his friend, because that wouldn't have stopped him either. Or was it because of his infatuation with Pinar, because even that had been there before he met me. He looked at me again, like I'd grown two heads, and said none of that mattered, and I knew it. What did matter though, was that I was his sister, and brothers and sisters doing those kinds of things was just wrong.

I asked him if he was trying to mess with my head, because we both knew I wasn't really his sister. He replied that while I might not have been born his sister, I was as much his sister as if I had been. Half sisters, step sisters, and adopted sisters like me, were were still sisters regardless of how they became that way. And brothers and sisters just didn't do things like that with each other. I looked into his eyes, and saw that he wasn't joking, so I just told him I was sorry and let it go. Well, I let the conversation go, not the thoughts that were running through my head. I mean, I could maybe have accepted him saying he wasn't interested in me that way anymore. Or him telling me that he'd already found another girlfriend or mistress. I could even have accepted him saying he still wasn't ready to cheat on his wife. This though, this excuse, of me being his "sister ", that was something I couldn't accept.  True, the place I had put him, the "friend zone " was usually a permanent place that men never got out of. But, there were ways to escape that zone, and like in my case, times when a woman took the man out of it herself. That meant there had to be a way for me to get out of the "sister zone " too. And I wasn't going to stop trying until I found out how to do it.

There was just one small problem - I didn't have a clue where to start my escape. You see, the "friend zone " isn't a place women choose to put some guy. It happens automatically, when a girl likes some guy, just not in a sexual or romantic way. Or, when a girl stops feeling those things about some guy they felt them for, yet they still want the guy in their lives. And, even worse, while the guy is in there, as far as the girl is concerned, the guy usually doesn't stay in the girl's life. Well, unless he's one of those hopeless romantic types who thinks he'll find some way out of the zone himself, which almost never happens. Because, guys can't stay just friends with someone they have those kinds of feelings for, without going crazy. So, they start to lose those feelings, and eventually find someone else to use them on, then end the friendship. I knew that, because none of the guys I'd ever put in that zone before had ever remained friends with me for long. That is, until my "brother " came along, and as I found out, he'd only been able to do it by putting me in a zone too.

Since I knew how difficult it was for a guy to get himself out of the "friend zone ", why didn't I just let this go?  As I already said, I was unwilling to accept his "sister zone" as being the only reason he'd turned me down. Any other excuse, particularly any where he said he wasn't interested, might have made me just walk away from him. But, I knew he was still interested, and I wasn't going to let some artificial wall he'd set up stop us from getting together. More important though, was the reason that I'd tried to kiss him in the first place. I couldn't stop thinking about getting him into my bed, and of what we'd do when we got there. I wanted to feel his cock, fucking my pussy and my asshole, so bad that I could taste it. And, I wanted to taste it, more than I wanted to fuck it, and to taste his hot sticky sperm when he came in my mouth. Had he kissed me back, I would have tasted it that night, even crawling under the table if he wanted me to. So no, I wasn't going to give up and walk away. I was going to keep trying until I got him to make love to me, "brother" or not. Before you say that makes me as bad as the hopeless romantics, there is a difference. Unlike with them, we both wanted each other instead of it being only one sided. I just had to get him to tear down the wall that was keeping us apart.


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