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Sister's Of Divine Joy Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2022
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Author's burblings: Kenji did a great job again. Same thinking as the last chapter --


Sisters of Divine Joy 03

Elanor and Lucy left Mrs. Heaton's bedroom, and walked naked back to her study where their habits were. Their bodies were wet, sticky, and smelly with cunt juice. Neither, though, would shower until Sunday. All the sisters liked the smell of sex on their and their partner's bodies, and they all showered only once a week.

They arrived back, just as the bell for dinner was sounding, and they went straight to the dining room to join the other eighteen sisters. The order had never been large, with twenty being its maximum number.

Elanor took her place at the head of the table, and said the rather unique blessing. "Thank you, oh Goddess, for the food and drink on our table, and for all your other blessings. Thank you, especially for the gift of finding divine joy in the pleasure of our bodies and giving pleasure to others. Please continue, oh Goddess, to bless us with your abundance and your pleasure in witnessing your servants fucking their brains out."

All the sisters whispered, "Amen." Some of them also moaned, as they had been frigging their clits throughout the blessing. They had all taken off their habits, as they stood behind their chairs. It was a rule that all collective times, including meals, worship, and meetings, were times when they were all naked. This heightened the already excited state of sexual arousal, and allowed easy and quick access for anything to happen.

Nothing did happen, until the third course had been consumed. The Sisters of Divine Joy was not a house of poverty. They ate good food and lots of it; the evening meal was always three courses. As the dessert spoons were placed on bowls, the four novices quietly pushed their chairs back and slid under the table. The moans and groans from four of the sisters, soon told that the novices were practising their oral skills, as they were required to do after dinner with half of the sisters at the table.

The Mother Superior smiled and reached down to stroke the twelve-inch cock that jutted up from its harness. She had put it on during dinner, as it was part of the ritual, that once novices had finished their work, she had to choose one of the sisters to fuck on the dining room table. She had already decided it would be Sister Elizabeth.

She was the oldest sister at seventy, but she could still fuck with the same enthusiasm as any of the novices. As if to prove the point, there was a loud shout of pleasure as the septuagenarian came over the young tongue in her pussy. The Mother Superior knew from experience that the climax would be accompanied by a jet of pussy juice, as Sister Elizabeth was a very easy squirter.

Twenty minutes later, the four novices were back in their seats with wet, shiny faces and eight of the sisters were slumped in their chairs, recovering from their ecstasy. The remaining seven were slowly frigging themselves, keeping themselves just off the edge of coming, to climax when the receiver of the Mother's tool, shot her own orgasm.

With a nod to Sister Elizabeth, the Mother Superior got up and moved her chair back out of the way. Sister Elizabeth moved eagerly, and bent down over the table, resting her elbows on the soft cushion put there for that very purpose. Her legs were spread as wide as they could comfortably go, and the mass of her straight-cut grey hair was very visible, as it spread right up to and over her bottom.

Elanor knew the cock would need no lubrication, as Elizabeth had just cum. She moved forward and gently teased the head of her cock into Elizabeth's small opening to her cunt. Immediately, the older sister groaned with pleasure. Elanor knew from experience that Elizabeth was tight, so she went gently.

It was a few seconds before the cock was buried to the hilt. Again, Elanor started fucking her slowly. Sometimes, she knew Ellizabeth could cum just with the slow fuck. It was like that this evening. Elanor had been going for a couple of minutes, and was just thinking about speeding up, when Elizabeth's body suddenly went rigid and then limp again. A flush of wetness confirmed that she had cum. Elizabeth did not always make any noise at all, when she climaxed.

That wasn't the case for many of the sisters, who had been timing their own cum with Elizabeth's. There were grunts, gasps, shouts and one scream, as they all reached their peak.

When they had all recovered, they went to their rooms. There was a half hour of solo contemplation, before the last mass of the day. This was the only time, as well as breakfast, all of them were off-limits for sex with others or themselves.

For despite the unusual theology of the order, they did take their beliefs seriously in their own way, and this thirty minutes, together with the thirty minutes that preceded the morning service, was genuinely a time of prayer and reflection. The vast majority of them believed strongly in their faith. It was as much pagan as Christian, but it meant their lives to them. Elanor knew that amongst the other nineteen sisters, there were only two who paid lip service to the belief, and were there for only the fucking. One was a novice, who would fail her novitiate.

The other one, interestingly, was Sister Elizabeth. She had basically lost her faith over the years, and now just enjoyed the carnality. Elanor could have asked her to leave, but didn't have the heart.

The result of the half hour meant that when they all gathered naked in the chapel, they were in a place of serenity. And also randy out of their minds. The service was taken by a vicar. They obviously had to find not only a female vicar, but someone who both agreed with and enjoyed their own unique form of worship.

When Elanor had taken over as Mother Superior, this had not been possible, as women were not ordained in the Church of England. Although their theology was not strictly Church of England, that was the closest that came to it. So they had, at first, had to recruit an American, and then a Dutch woman to officiate. Both had been very good and much enjoyed and been enjoyed.

The Church of England had finally ordained women, much too late Elanor thought, and they had recruited Alice, as their vicar three years ago. She had managed to secure a local parish.

When they all entered the small chapel in the convent, the Reverend Alice was there to welcome them with her usual big smile and individual warm embrace. This meant that the seven-inch cock she was wearing, brushed against tummies and pussies.

The liturgy of the service was a mix of traditional Anglican Christian theology, Pagan Goddess worship, and the unique interpretation of the order. So mixed in with statements and expressions of love of the Goddess, were the love of tits, pussy, vibes and dildos and the explicit statement of how to worship with them. It meant that by the time of the culmination of the service, the receiving of the bread and wine, that everyone was in a very heightened state of arousal. All the sisters had been playing with themselves throughout the service. And when they went forward to the altar rail to kneel down to receive both the communion and the Reverend's cock in their mouths, they all had their favourite thing filling their cunt. They each briefly sucked the Reverend's appendage, before receiving the bread and wine.

As Reverend Alice moved to each sister in turn, they held their orgasm off until the climax of the service. This was when the vicar brought to climax, with gentle slow strokes, one of the sisters sitting on the altar in front of her. This evening, it was Sister Agnes.

As each slow thrust was made, the sisters chanted, "Let there be love." Finally, as Agnes whimpered her climax, nineteen other women achieved ecstasy with a chorus of, "Amen."

When they left the chapel, Alice again hugged them each individually in farewell. Those who wanted more ecstasy, went off together. Those who wanted an unbroken night's sleep, went their own ways. No one was forced, or expected, to fuck outside of ceremonies; this included during their day jobs.

Elanor went to her room alone, although she wouldn't be spending it on her own. She spent two nights a week alone, needing time to herself. As the Mother Superior, she was expected to be more sexually active than all the other sisters. She would retire at sixty and become just an ordinary member of the convent again. Until then, she would be a rabbit, but even rabbits needed to regroup both physically and emotionally.

She went to the loo and cleaned her teeth before lying on her back, legs spread comfortably wide. She pulled gently on each of her big soft nipples, until they were satisfyingly hard. She had taken her habit off, as soon as she had entered the room.

The door opened, and Alice quietly slipped in. They smiled lovingly at each other.

Elanor felt a huge warm glow at the exchange of smiles. Over the three years Alice had been their vicar, Elanor had fallen in love with her--simple as that. Yes, Angela had been there before then, to help and support, especially with her breast cancer, and she would always be someone Elanor would be very close to.

There was just something different about Alice. She was incredibly caring and sensitive and simply lovely. She asked nothing of Elanor, except to share her bed, and be with her as much as she could. Although Alice was twenty years younger than Elanor, they had a lot of things in common. They read the same books, liked a lot of the same music and TV shows, and their personalities matched each other's.

Elanor was the confident, stronger personality, but with a strong streak of insecurity. Alice was just very calm and a very good listener. In bed, she was a tiger, which Elanor enjoyed as a nice contrast to her out-of-bed persona.

They had talked about becoming an item a month ago. They both loved the idea, but accepted it could not happen until Elanor stopped being Mother Superior. The order was happy for nuns to marry each other, or another woman, and to live together in the convent. The only stricture was that while they could be monogamous at night, they had to be prepared to share during ceremonies.

Both were okay with this. So they had agreed to marry the day after Elanor retired. Elanor had told Angela a week ago, and she was delighted. So much so, that she gave Elanor a fucking so hard, Elanor was sore the rest of that day.

Alice took off her robe. Her eight-inch strap-on protruded from her massive copper bush. "I love you," she said quietly, as she lay down between her lover's legs and kissed her long and slow.

Elanor's fingertips guided the head in, and they groaned into each other's mouths. Tonight, Alice was a pussycat, not a tiger. She moved very slowly, like she had with Agnes.

Elanor loved this most, and wrapped her arms and legs around her lover, thrusting her hips back at the same pace. Elanor stroked and caressed every bit of her lover's body she could find.

Alice just kept slowly thrusting away, occasionally coming back for a deep, wet kiss.

"I'm coming now sweetheart," Elanor suddenly said, urgently.

"Oh yes, my darling!" Alice cooed, "cum with me, now!"

And they did together, as they almost always did.

The alarm went off at 5:00am. There was a half hour of contemplation at 6:00am and then a service at 6:30am, before breakfast at 7:30am. All the sisters had their alarms set at 5:00am to give them the opportunity for some ecstasy before contemplation.

Elanor yawned and turned to face her lover. Alice was lying with her back to her. Very gently, Elanor pulled her onto her back, and wrapped her arms and legs around her. "Good morning, sweetheart!" Elanor kissed her lover on the forehead.

"Hello, you!" Alice smiled tiredly. "Do you want a fuck?"

"No, not this morning!" Elanor said. "I just want to love you."

With that, Elanor kissed gently down her lover's torso, until she met her auburn curls. The smell of her pussy was intoxicating. Elanor loved all pussy that had been left smouldering overnight, and she especially loved Alice's. She breathed deeply in the mix of arousal and a day's natural scent. It turned her on even more. Settling between her now-spread-wide legs, Elanor took mouthfuls of her lover's bush into her mouth, revelling at the taste, as well as smell. She then rubbed her face all over the bush, to make sure she could smell her lover all day.

Only then, did she bring her tongue into action. She licked slowly up each lip, until they opened for her and then repeated the same on the inner lips. That was when Alice was groaning with pleasure, moving her hips up and down to increase contact. Elanor could keep this up for minutes, leaving her lover on the edge of joy.

This morning, she just wanted to see and hear her cum. That was her favourite. Starting to tongue her clit quickly, and she matched the speed with two fingers in Alice's cunt.

It didn't take any time at all, for Alice to shout her joy and cover her lover's face with her cream. Because Elanor had worked quickly, they had ten minutes of cuddles and talk before Elanor needed to leave for the morning service.

Morning services were for the nuns only and not conducted in the chapel. This was because the chapel was far too uncomfortable a place for unrestrained lesbian coupling, which was the focus of the morning service; it celebrated the joy of the female form and female loving. It was a unique part of the order's creed.

They had come naked to the service. They stood in a half-circle holding hands.

Elanor stood in the middle and began quietly. "We are here in the sight of our lady lord, to celebrate the love she has for us, and that we, as women, have for each other. We recognise the beauty of all female bodies, and the love we can show all women with our fingers, tongues, and toys."

As she spoke, she moved slowly around the circle. With each celebrant, she kissed them open mouthed, swapping tongues while her finger gave the clit one gentle flick. By the end of the circle, Elanor had pussy juice flowing down her thighs, as did all of her sisters. When she looked round at them again, they all had rock-hard nipples and pouting pussies not disguised by their abundant growths.

"Thank the holy lady for what our bodies are experiencing. We will commit ourselves each day to enjoying what our bodies give us, and what we give to others. We will every day, use the pleasure we get, to help others in every way we can."

There was a minute of silence, as they all contemplated the words. Then, Elanor slowly lifted her big tits in each hand and kissed each nipple. This was the sign they had been waiting for. They had been emailed a list last night, of which sister they were to stand next to. With the sign, they moved with their partners to a mattress on the floor and got into a gentle sixty-nine.

Elanor partnered with Sister Teresa, the second senior nun in the order. They had known each other for thirty years, so knew each other's body intimately. They timed their lovemaking for them to cum the last of all of the orgasms in the room.

For a couple of minutes, no one moved, and then they disentangled themselves. "Praise the Goddess!" they suddenly all shouted, and there were lots of smiles and grins.

They got dressed and walked as they liked to the dining room. They chatted away like any group of friends who lived together. This friendly atmosphere carried on throughout breakfast. When Elanor had joined the order, breakfast was a solemn, quiet affair; where no one was allowed to speak; they were to contemplate what they had just been through and the day ahead.

Elanor had realised though, that the sisters were living and working in the real world. Yes, they had more good sex than probably most women in the country, and had dedicated their lives to helping others and be fucked senseless. But they were still women of all ages with their own concerns. All of them had families outside in the real world, and many of them had challenges. Elanor knew at least half the sisters had real worries about their families. They also had their own personal issues and worries. So being able to chat and talk with their in-reality housemates was important. Elanor, herself, was soon in conversation with Teresa about her worries about her parents.

When breakfast finished, they all headed for their day jobs. Elanor got the keys to the convent car--a rather nice Mercedes, the latest model--and set off for the local sixth form college for an appointment with the head teacher.


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