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Sixty Seconds Over Laura


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Before that day It would never have occurred to me how beautiful a woman can look with her face covered in cum but as I looked down on her and saw her with some ecstatic glow I felt some weird emotion. Something close to love. She was ours now. Maybe a princess, a whore, a slut to be loved and fucked and cherished.


Now that we were a threesome, the couch began to feel claustrophobic. We peeled the cushions off with the idea of improvising a bed on the floor only to discover that it was a convertible, complete with sheets and a proper mattress. You might have thought we'd struck gold. Suddenly we could roll around and stretch out and cuddle together in our own small heap of humanity. The little pools of light provided by the candles were getting smaller as they began to flicker out. A heavy rain started to fall, the noise of the drops hitting the windows and muffling the din of sirens and traffic and all the random, rowdy drunks from a few hundred feet below. We passed out glued together by sweat and body heat.

Sean was up a little after sunrise and ventured out to get breakfast. We hadn't eaten anything since the popcorn in the theater from the day before. Add to that all the calories we'd consumed screwing around and the munchies from the grass we'd smoked and we were seriously ravenous. The unmistakable smell of coffee woke us both up and drew us into the kitchen where Sean was busy setting the counter with bagels and lox (Murray's Deli was just a few blocks away!) cream cheese and plastic utensils. He even graced the setting with a few daffodils he'd plucked on the way home and dropped into an empty coke bottle. It felt a bit like an indoor picnic. He was fully dressed in his street clothes but neither Laura or I had a stitch on. Being naked felt natural back in the other room but in the kitchen it just made us feel, no other way to say it, underdressed. Laura's nipples got hard very quickly and crowned the goosebumps that were starting to cover her skin. But it was the coffee that got our attention. Still hot and steamy, it did a pretty good job of answering the question of what could possibly be better than sex.

Sean helped put us at ease by peeling off his clothes and joined us sitting on a blanket on the floor.

"What's that painting by the French artist? The one with a naked woman on a picnic with two guys?"

"Déjeuner sur l'herbe by Manet." I couldn't help but show off my useless command of trivia.

Laura pointed out "Yeah but we're all naked here."

"Well that Manet guy had the right idea. We're basically the same scene except a few minutes later."

"Right. And in a few minutes after that, they'd both be cumming on her face. God these bagels are good."

We were approaching breakfast with the same amount of lust we had for each other the night before. An idle question for Sister Victor from 5th grade... "Do people burn in hell for enjoying breakfast as much as we were or did that only apply to sex?"

Laura sat next to me naked and unashamed to make short work of breakfast. Sean nudged her to make up a bagel for him. She got up and headed for the counter giving us a glorious view of her ass in the process. Sean was hard from the sight. She turned around to find him locked and fully loaded.

"Where exactly would you like me to put this bagel?" she asked, one hand on her hip and an eyebrow slightly arched.

Before he could answer, she announced she was ready for a shower and skipped out of the room. That left the two of us, alone for the first time.

Sean looked at me and shared, "She's so fucking hot. I love the fact she's not some skinny, bitchy little thing. I could just look at her all day."

He rubbed his cock as he said that and started to get closer to fully erect. Involuntarily, I started to get hard as well. Well this is awkward I thought. The two of us with hard cocks and Laura off in the shower.

My reaction wasn't lost on him. "You've never been with a guy?" he said.

I really did want to suck his cock but my defenses were well entrenched and still very much in place so no, that wasn't going to happen.

"I like girls." Was the best and shortest answer I could come up with.

"It's OK to like both. No one's going to make you pick one or the other."

"Actually, yeah. You sort of do." In 1973, unless you were a rock star of David Bowie or Mick Jagger caliber, there was no bi. Even if you fucked a thousand girls, suck one cock, you were still gay.

Laura came back, mostly soaking wet. There were no towels in the vacated apartment. She'd put her panties back on in a misguided attempt at modesty while she air dried. That was a spectacular failure. Soaked as she was with what little she had on, transparent and clinging to every curve and crevice she'd never looked so awesomely arousing.

She noticed our reactions and was completely caught off guard by the seismic activity she was generating.


It made sense I guess. Women spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on clothes and jewelry and hair just to get the slightest cosmetic advantage over other women. Who could imagine a shower and a pair of soggy panties could blow all that out of the water.

I spotted a half empty bottle of dish soap on the sink and decided to take my turn for a shower. The bathroom was from the 30's. Big pedestal sink and a clawfoot tub with a shower head. Still had a shower curtain but with no electricity the only light came from a small window that glowed with dim light of the building courtyard. Lots of peeling paint and as was typical for buildings like this, tons of hot water and water pressure. I stole a sheet from the couch to improvise a towel and used my index finger to come as close to brushing my teeth as I could. The dish soap did a decent job scrubbing me clean and the hot water melted off whatever stress I still had left. I felt brand new stepping out of the tub and after drying off for a minute headed back to the kitchen.

Laura was leaning back on a kitchen chair with Sean's face buried deep between her legs. It took her a few unfiltered moments to notice me. That gave me just enough time to read the sense of bliss she had on her face. I had a flickering thought that I should be jealous but that made no sense to me. She'd had some tough breaks in her life. If you can imagine I was happy to see her so happy and aroused, legs spread wide and toes curled. To see her like that gave me this deeply profound sense of pleasure. I know... I'm awful.

I moved my squeaky clean cock next to her face.

"Oooh it looks like I'm a lucky girl this morning!" As she took me into her deep into her mouth.

Yeah, maybe so. I thought, I think we're pretty damn lucky too. Sean was too busy with his face buried in her pussy to say anything but I'm sure that's what he would have thought as well.

Breakfast over, we floated back to the living room. I thought, this was like some version of modern cave living. Our tribe was coming together and making up its own rituals and customs. It made perfect sense to imagine how our ancestors bonded and created their lives together before all the charm school prophets took over.

Laura looked indescribably luscious. I started to massage both sides of her butt and make out with her. Sean was on his knees, still tirelessly going down on her as she stroked his hair and caressed his face.

I lost track of how long he was going down on her but however long it was, she hadn't been able to cum. All her life, she'd been a good, polite girl, maybe still a bit self conscious. She needed a verbal nudge I thought.

"Don't hold back" I whispered to her. "Fuck him. Fuck his face like he did to you." She grabbed his face and started to grind her pussy into him.

"That's more like it. Don't be afraid to show him what a whore you are. He loves it more than you do."

Sean's face was getting soaked with ooze from her pussy. Now his whole body was just a toy for her to jerk off on. She started to rock her hips even faster as the inevitability of an orgasm started to take over. I wanted to taste her mouth as she came. To give her a gift of sexual freedom she'd never had before. I took over rubbing her clit as Sean buried his tongue in her asshole. She looked like a perfect slut as her knees finally went weak and I could feel the pulse of contractions swell in her cunt as she started to cum.

Don't you just love the look a woman has right after an orgasm? Women's brains are programmed to move in multiple dimensions and directions at once. It gives men a constant state of anxiety as they try to predict where they're going and what they'll need next but in that magic post orgasmic state, all that goes on hold. They're sweet, calm, flooded with endorphins and every bit as desirable as they look.

"Well hasn't this been a lovely morning so far?" She thought it out loud more than said it.

Sean was wiping his face dry and trying to get some sensation back in his jaw. He'd been awesomely face fucked and seemed to love every minute of it.


It was my turn to go out for lunch. I left Sean and Laura passed out in a midmorning nap. It's amazing how really raunchy sex can tire you out.

I didn't know the neighborhood as well as Sean did so I was resigned to some exploration to find something worthwhile. Going outside was a reality shock. The sanitation department was on strike for the umpteenth time and there were piles of shiny black bags of garbage stacked 10 feet high, two or three to a block. Broadway was dirty but relatively safe but just a block East to Amsterdam Avenue and things got dicey fast. Empty storefronts. Alcoholics and junkies passed out on park benches and doorways, most too stoned to do more than lift up an open palm to panhandle any loose change.

I found a Cuban Chinese restaurant on 102nd street. These places are a peculiar New York institution that were founded by immigrants who unable to get into the US, moved to South America or the Caribbean and waited a generation or two before finally being allowed in. The result was a cuisine with the kinds of fusions that were impossible to find anywhere else. You could order Chinese ribs with Arroz Amarillo, fried bananas with honey and toasted sesame seeds for dessert and finish things off with cup of espresso that was as good as anything you might find in Milan. The sassy Puerto Rican chick at the register, the Asian guys in the kitchen, the Jewish guy doing the accounting and the mixed bag of customers comfortably schmoozing elbow to elbow went a long way to restoring my faith in humanity. In a few years the garbage and junkies would be gone and the rents would shoot through the stratosphere but at the moment, it was places like this that were keeping civilization alive.

I had to make one last stop at a bodega to pick up some rolling paper. I was on line checking out when I noticed a pack of fishnet stockings on sale for .99 cents. How could I possibly pass that a up?

When I got back the two of them were awake, fully clothed and industriously setting up housekeeping. Sean found a folding table in the hallway and scrounged up enough chairs and silverware and dishes that it was starting to feel like home.

"Just exactly how long do you plan on staying here?" I had to ask.

"The old tenants moved out last week. My dad is planning some renovation work next month but that should take a while.

I thought we were good for another day or two tops. Still it was nice to know we had that much of a cushion.

We got through lunch, they were every bit as ecstatic with my choices and we'd been with Seans bagels earlier that morning.

When we were done, I looked at Laura and told her, "I got you a surprise!" and after waiting a few seconds for suspense, handed her the fishnets.

She had a bit of laugh... "I can't wear these, I'd look like a whore!"

Sean reminded her, "And what's wrong with that? Just think of how much colder the world would be without whores!"

To be fair, they were cheap, already ripped in places and held in place with a narrow elastic band at the top.

"C'mon Laura. It's just dressup."

She snatched them out of my hand and gave me a look that seemed to suggest she was in charge and disappeared into the bathroom.

What do women do when they're in there? We were placing bets on if she'd go out on a limb and try them on for us. Sean thought for sure, why wouldn't she? I had my doubts. The reality is probably that she put them on and took them off a bunch of times. Watched herself in the mirror and maybe wiggled her ass a few times to try decide if it was a look she could live with. Maybe got a little aroused at the mental image of her being used like a cheap slut with them on and finally thought, fuck it, why not?

I thought Seans cock was going to break through his jeans when she finally came out of the bathroom. Laura had naturally large boobs and they looked amazing but the stockings had the effect of pinching her upper thighs just enough to set off the arch of her butt. And cheap as they were, they were already ripped in multiple spots. Her bush formed a natural V as the top of thighs came together. We gave her a standing ovation as she blushed bright red and took a bow.

Her ass was irresistible now. We both rubbed her pussy and asshole and spread her butt apart to expose her as much as possible. Sean's cock looked enormous as he rubbed it all over her. In my time with her she'd been marginally OK with anal sex. I figured it was a working class thing as all my other girl friends seemed to love it. Over time she'd gotten used to and looked forward to having her ass rubbed with a finger or two. Sean had rimmed her earlier... that was a first for her and she seemed to like it.

"No way you're putting that thing in my ass. No way. You're wayyy too big."

But Sean was slick. "How about I just use it to rub the outside. No pressure. It's just there and you can decide how much you want".

I was impressed. That was a great negotiating tactic.

I was already busy rubbing her pussy and asshole. The fishnets were like a billboard that screamed "fuck me". She sat on my lap and started to make out with me. Sean just stared and pulled out his 8", stoking it back and forth as if it needed any more encouragement to grow bigger.

We peeled our lips apart. She was definitely getting that silky smooth wetness flooding her pussy again.

"C'mon baby, you know we'd never hurt you. Not likely we'll ever have a chance to try anything like this anytime soon. And you look so fucking hot you're driving us both crazy."

I had her bend over my lap. She giggled at the position and kicked up her heels. Sean didn't miss a beat jerking off and watching her every move.

I spread her ass wide apart. I guess I love putting her on display. Sean knelt down behind her and started to lick her asshole. Wow, I thought. He's such a freak. He does everything I think of doing but too chickenshit to try.

Laura was settling in nicely, actually cooing as his tongue licked and swirled and poked. I loved the view. I could do this all day. By the sound of her, she could too.

We made it to the bed. I laid down. She climbed on top of me and rested on her knees. Her asshole was wide open as we fucked. As promised, Sean took the glistening head of his cock and just held it against her asshole. No pressure to penetrate, just one more stimulus for all the nerve endings that terminated there.

"You turned on babe?" I whispered that in a few seconds that our lips were apart. I could feel her pussy throbbing around the base of my cock.

It might have been my imagination but I thought I felt her gently back up into his cock. Sean, trooper that he was, stayed rock steady, just a neutral place that she could go if she wanted.

"You like Sean jerking off on you?" Oh, yes... she did.

"You like the taste of his cock? You want to suck both of us at the same time? God, yes!

"C'mon sweetie, no time to hold back. Fuck us as hard and as long as you want. I love it when you act like a whore."

To be completely honest, "whore" was about as nice a description as either of us could imagine at that moment. To be open, adventurous and sexually equal to anything we could come up with.

She just pushed back a nudge more. If I had to guess, the swollen tip of his cock was must have just popped in. I tried to imagine the will power Sean had to have to resist the temptation to not force himself all the way in but he stayed true to his word.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not so far, kind of feels good. I might get used to this."

"Would you like that? Once cock in your pussy and another in your ass at the same time? We just need one or two more for you to suck on."

She swiveled her hips and on the upstroke took his cock a few inches deep. No description for the sound she made... something between a swoon and grunt. The reptile part of her brain was calling the shots now. She wanted her ass fucked. She wanted to impale herself on the whole length of Sean's cock and feel his cum spurting deep in her asshole. Sean was starting to lose it.

"Are you OK if I..."

The phrase never got a chance to leave his breath.

"Just fuck me. Shut up and fuck me. Just fuck me..."

"OK, but when this is over, I want to see you with your ass spread wide and his cum pouring out of you. Will you do that? Will you make me proud of what a slut you are?"

That seemed to send her over the edge. The two of us fucked her as hard and deep as we could. I could feel his cock through the thin wall of her vaginal floor as he fucked her asshole. Her throbbing cunt gripped my cock and pulsed over and over again. I felt his warm cum pouring out her asshole and dripping onto my balls as she collapsed onto me.


We were coming up on a full day here. The glow of the sun setting through the windows had a familiar look to it now. We were filthy, sweaty, cum covered and blissfully exhausted. The three of us took a shower together but other than some random hugging and kissing, it was mostly just a practical matter of getting cleaned up.

Laura announced she was running out to make some phone calls (no cellphones back then) and left the two of us alone for the second time.

I'd learned a lot about Sean and was amazed by his sexual prowess. At how uninhibited, creative and straight up horny he seemed to be all the time. With both of us still in recovery mode I thought it might be a good time to see what his story was.

I had to ask, "So what's your deal? Where'd you learn to fuck like that?"

"It's kind of a long story. I was in my last year of high school. My old man had always been a mean son of a bitch and workaholic who never had a moment or a kind word for me. My mom was an hysterical mess most of the time. At that stage of my life, I was dying for attention, something, anything from an adult to help me figure things out but the more I tried to engage with them, the more they made feel sorry for even trying.

One day at school, they made us go to confession. Not my idea, just something they do in Catholic schools. I really didn't have much to say so I told the priest about jerking off and how it was something I did a few times a day. Besides the half dozen Hail Marys I was supposed to say, Father Spinelli asked me to join the baseball team he coached. That Saturday, we played our first game and afterwards, took me and this other kid, Ken out to hang out and watch a movie. The week after that we wound up at this little studio apartment that he kept. I spotted a copy of Playboy on his desk. Not what I'd expect from a priest I thought. He noticed the interest and after a while, handed us some more magazines to look at. Once we'd had a chance to look them over, he told us it was OK to jerk off. It was just something that men did and it might help to blow off some steam."

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