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Skinny Dipping with the Newnans

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Family that skinny dips together, stays together.
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Linda Newnan was my first girlfriend after I moved out of the house and got my own place in a little College town. She sat in front of me in English 1001. Her hair was long, dark, and warm. She always wore peasant blouse she never wore bras; girl were warm in those wild hippie days.

Linda was a local, she lived just outside of town and her dad was a commercial freshwater fisherman; he ran a few trotlines and some bush hooks out in the surrounding lakes. I was new to the area and had long hair; I was different and strange to her family.

We got to know one another in class and made friends quickly, so it was natural to ask Linda if she wanted to get high and see a flick. Linda grinned a little smile and said, ok, can I meet you at the movie theater Rich, see you there she said, moving out of sight down the hall.

I love the North Florida weather in the fall; it's like New England at night, crisp and clear and the smell of burning leaves seems so nostalgic. I got there early and waited for Linda in front of the theater. It was your ordinary crowd; nothing special, nothing was happening in town this weekend. I saw a car pull up by the parking lot and Lisa jumped out and ran across the street. Hey, she yelled, Rich!

Lisa looked pretty good jogging across University Avenue, her titties moved so freely in the cotton top that you could see her nipples brushing against the flower patterns. I wasn't all that hot on her though; she was just a little too country for me; after all I was from the beach. But she was cute and available and a fun date, plus she was fuckable! She took my arm and turned toward the ticket booth where I paid the lady, and we cruised on inside the theater.

We watched the movie start but neither of us was really interested in what was playing. I was all over her as soon as the lights went down; she wasn't putting up any resistance so we got dirty. There were people all around us but we didn't care; I was mauling her boobs and she was stroking my dick through my genes while we sucked each other's tongues. I reached up under her mini skirt and found her sopping wet panties, damn she was fucking wet. I pulled the crotch aside and fingered her slot nice and easy. She was molten, a fucking bitch in heat. I could smell her pussy a mile away, and it smelled very good. The other moviegoers had to be aware of what was going on.

Linda and I made it almost half way through the movie before we had to leave the theater. We had gone over the line of what you can do in public. I whispered to her; we should go to my apartment and burn one, then we can play some music and drink some wine. I could tell she was ready when she said; I'll do whatever you want to do.

Outside it was cold and windy as we made our way through the parking lot; my old green Volkswagen bus was in the back row. She looked so cute in her big furry coat and parka, and her warm lips felt good on my cold face when she kissed me. Come on, I said, lets go light a fire! Off we sped off in my windowless green bus, skittering autumn leaves along the alleyway.

We fucked all night and into the morning, screw my classes, fuck my job, I watched her quietly lay there covered in cum and saliva, her hair matted in fuck juice and sweat; god she was looking hot. Those endless, sweating, fuck sessions turned into days and then into weeks, and soon Linda had moved into my apartment with my roommate Steve and me. He was a little pissed at first, but hey, it was pussy and we told him we would look for a place of our own.

Linda was fun to fuck and fun to talk to, I asked her sexual things and she would answer me honestly and bluntly, in that country way. I ask her, Linda would you suck another girl's pussy? And she said, I guess so it depends on what's going on; talking about sex was that easy with us. Once, in her brother's car, she told me that he wanted to watch her fuck, "he really likes it" she said, and would I let him watch? I said sure, I guess so. What was I supposed to say? All of this XXX rated stuff seemed so normal to them; they just came right out with it. I said, Ok Linda, I'll let him watch if you'll suck my cock first to get me hard while he watched. She said ok and climbed into the back seat of her brother's car.

I already knew how good she was at sucking cock, she'd been doing it all her life, but I was shocked at how hot she got with Ben watching her do it. She was slobbering all over my cock and balls, she would lick me from my asshole to the tip of my cock and the suck it down her throat with a grunt. Ben pulled over on a dirt road and turned into a clearing. Linda was starting to put off a smell that is unmistakable; looking at her leaking cunt was making my nuts tighten up.

Suddenly she stopped blowing me and sat up, she swung her leg over my waist and sat right down on my dick. With no panties in the way, it slid right in. Linda began a slow rocking motion, almost pulling my dick out of her cunt and then rocking back to put pressure on her ass. She reached behind her and lifted her skirt so Ben could watch it go in and out. She was riding me with a long slow grinding pace that was giving my crotch a pussy juice bath. He loved it and kept saying over and over, fuck him sis, fuck his brains out, come on make him shoot on your ass. She turned toward him and said, god Ben, his cock feels really big and hot in my pussy, and then stuck her tongue in his mouth. She threw her arms up, arched back, and came hard, very hard, she ground her sex on my cock and I watched her ab muscles ripple and her ass clench with orgasm.

I was introduced to her mother as Linda's date and we shook hands. After the mandatory introduction we walked around back to a shed that had been converted into a clubhouse. Inside were half a dozen kids sitting around watching the tube. I said hi, and they all kind of stared at me; Linda's cousins, two or three girls and five or six guys just nodded and went back to watching TV.

Ben drove us home and Linda invited him in to get high and hang out, maybe crash. It was getting late and he had been driving all day. I twisted up a crowd pleaser and got some glasses out for wine. Linda put an album on and cleaned up our bedroom for some privacy. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom and said, baby Ben and I have a game we like to play. My cock vaulted to life as I looked at her smiling face. What kind of game, I asked? Linda put her hand on my arm and whispered, its like dick fights; then she went on, you both get hard and kneel down on the bed facing each other, then you swordfight with your dicks. I play the referee with my mouth and tongue, she grinned.

I thought it was awesome that sex games were that easy for Linda and Ben. We all started sleeping together after the game was over. Linda loves cock; she would suck both of us off and beg for more. Ben and I would take turns fucking her and then eating her cummy pussy. Linda's favorite position is getting into a sixty-nine with me, and then having Ben fuck her doggie style. The way she works her hips back to his thrusts would bring them both down to my face as they fucked. Licking her dripping slit while Ben rams his cock up her hole always gets my dick rock hard. Ben would reached over Linda and grab my cock; then he'd pump and squeezed the shaft as he fucked his sister's lathered cunt. His stokes would become long and powerful as he was fucking his sisters pussy, and he knew every inch of her womb by heart.

Linda was taking a shower and talking to me at the same time, I heard her say something about a party that was set for Saturday, seems some relatives were coming for Thanksgiving and would be here this weekend. I just yelled ok, and left it at that.

Saturday morning she got up and fixed breakfast, coffee, eggs, and toast. Prancing around the kitchen naked she got the napkins and silverware. Linda slid by me on the way to the fridge and I caught her hip, she turned and I got a finger full of her juices. Yummy, tasted like her and Ben had been at it again. Eat up she said, laughing and wiggling her ass at me. We don't want to be late this morning!

We arrived at the clubhouse by the lake with plenty of time to spare; I helped the guys unload the ice chests full of beer and boxes of buns and pickles. While the supplies were getting stowed Linda and two of her cousins walked up. Rich, these are my cousins Trina, and Vicky; nice to meet you they chimed. I told them that it was my pleasure and checked out their tits and ass. This is our favorite holiday Vicky giggled, why I asked, not really caring what she said. Oh Rich, don't you know? Fill me in, I said laughing, I new what today was; It was the "Newnan's Lake Skinny Dip" and all the Newnan's were ready to party.

We all grabbed some ice-cold beers and headed out to the dock by the boats; the water was clear and cool, and the noon sun felt like a blowtorch on my face. Bursting 0ut of the bushes and on to the dock came Vicky, Trina, and Linda; they were naked and running for the lake! We all followed them with our eyes as the naked babes dove in the lake at the same time, their ass's in the air and a hint of hairy pussy between their legs. We all dropped our suites and jumped in, beers and all. The girls swam around us and we grabbed their legs and tried to feel up their crotches and tits. Vicky swam right under my legs and turned her face up and licked my balls on the way through. All the guys had hardons and the girls were laughing and squeezing them as they swam around us.

After we all tired of playing chicken fights and tag, we walked up to the clubhouse and got some towels. We dried ourselves and got some burgers and sodas. After eating we went into the clubhouse and smoked some pot. The girls were dancing around nude and shaking their asses at us. Some of the guys were sucking each others cocks like they always did, and I watched as Linda put on a show. She was dancing and squatting and letting anybody that wanted rub her pussy. You could smell her juice, she was gonna fuck everybody there at least once. She knelt by Jimmy and used her face and lips to get at his cock, she kept her hands behind her back and pushed his balls up to get at his dick.

After she got him hard and had his meat in her mouth she started blowing him with everything she had. He was throbbing; the veins on his dick were standing out and her saliva was dripping down his balls. Jimmy couldn't hold out and grabbed her by the back of the head and shoved his dick down her throat. Linda took a deep breath through her nose and pumped his dick until he shot his cream down her throat and out the corners of her mouth. She smiled as globs of it dripped on her nipples and belly.

Linda did fuck every guy there; we all sucked each others dicks and fucked Vicky, Linda and Trina. I got comfortable on the couch and laid back watching Linda walk around the room and suck a cock now and then, or maybe sit on one of her cousins dicks for a minute. All the girls made sure the guys had as much cunt as they wanted. Their pussies were so wet and cummy that I had to clean them up two or three times during the skinny-dipping party.

See ya next year!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Linda or Lisa

Linda or Lisa?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This is a very sad story and I think it is f**ked up!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
very hot!

very hot! Loved it! Kindof fast paced, could have been a little longer, but very good. How about a Ch 2?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
go die douche

u fuckin suck never write again asshole

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Reading this was a serious chore. Learn to write and get a proofer. Come back again in a year when you understand what writing a story is about.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Disgusting/Shitty Plot

Your story is all fucked up. Sometimes she is Lisa, other times she is Linda. Proof-reading is highly desirable, it is obvious you wrote this without it and probably let your dick head dictate what was written. She met you at the theater, and then you fucked her all night? She must have had some kind of weird parental control, and she was "country" and you were some kind of beach hippie? Were you on 'grass', LSD, Cocaine, when you wrote this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
My Comment

Someone better call Social Services.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Come on

Didn't make any sense to this country boy. You are writing as to make the reader become part of the story. Make me visualize that I am there. I am reading this story to get my rocks off and it takes more story time on a subject. When you write about a fantasy give me the details don't start a subject and end it with we fuck all day long. HORSESHIT!!! Get with the program.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
proffreading required

You need to proofread your submissions or have them proofread.

In two paragraphs you call the girl Lisa, in the rest of the story she is Linda. You made some bad spelling mistakes, one that stood out is genes, when you meant clothing which of course is spellled jeans, there are more like this. Oh yes, on the way from the car to the theatre you see her braless breasts bounce and her nipples drag along the fabric, on the way out she wears a parka.

I know it is a fantasy, but you must try to make it at least sound like a true story. Be consistent.

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