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Slave Wife Ch. 02

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Bill meets Ray.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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I'll never forget the look on Bills face, as I told him about all that had happened in the past eight months. The look in his eyes. The expression on his face... The sadness... The disbelief, and then the anger. I felt terrible for running him through all of those emotions, but I was able to get through all of it. Then the fear gripped my heart, as I waited for him to respond. He didn't say a word! He quietly pushed his chair in, and then left the room.

Tears filled my eyes, as I watched him leave, and I wondered if I had just destroyed everything. The marriage and the love, I wanted so much to have, and rekindle... Had I made a terrible mistake? Was this too much for him... for us, to overcome... In any event, there was no turning back now. The proverbial Genie was out of the bottle, and there was no putting him back.

I found myself walking to our bedroom, hoping Bill was there, and that we could talk. I saw that he was in bed, so I removed my clothes, and slipped in behind him. When I put my arms around him, and cuddled in close, I was happy that he didn't move away. I knew he wasn't sleeping, and I held him close, and kissed the back of his neck. Again, I got no reaction from him, but I thought I felt him shiver slightly.

There was a lot of tension in our home over the next week, and we seemed to avoid talking about the elephant in the room. This was killing me, but I said nothing, and I gave him time and space. Dealing with his silence, was far worse than if he had yelled, and screamed at me. I could take that, but this was hard on me, and I had only myself to blame.

During this time, I had no contact with my master, and I wondered if I ever would again. Then, out of the blue, after two weeks, Bill started asking me questions. He wanted to know how I felt about giving up control of myself... doing things that were outside my comfort zone, and finally, where he fit into all of this. After hours of long conversations, tears, and silence, he took me into his arms, and kissed me. He told me how much he loved me, and how sorry he was for making me feel so neglected. We made passionate love later that evening. The next morning, I was awoken to breakfast in bed. I considered myself to be the luckiest woman alive.

"If we're going to try this, I think I should meet this guy." Bill said. "I'm not promising anything, I just want to talk with him, and see if it's something I can be comfortable with."

I was elated, to say the least! I made the call to Ray, and set up a first meeting at a nice restaurant nearby our home for the next evening. I thought it would be much safer, and easier to do in a public place. I thought there would be too much tension and pressure for Bill, if this happened in the home we shared. I didn't want him to feel like he was being threatened in any way. I wanted this to be comfortable, and as smooth as possible. I wanted our marriage to survive, and grow, and yes... I wanted these new adventures. But, not at the cost of losing Bill.

We arrived at the restaurant before Ray did, and had just ordered drinks, when I saw him walk in. Tall, wavy brown hair with light streaks of gray at the temples, and very well built. The contrast between him and my husband was striking. Bill was shorter, with jet black hair, and had developed a bit of a belly. Probably from the job he had, and the lack of physical activity in his life. Letting himself go like that was no excuse though. Even though, I could've done the same, I had maintained my physical fitness. Daily trips to the gym, playing tennis, and an elliptical had kept my body firm, and fit. My ass was nice and tight, with good definition, no flab on my legs or arms, and a pair of firm, round breasts with no sag at all. In fact, I was actually 10 pounds lighter than my wedding day weight of 125 pounds!

I waved, and he came over to join us. He was dressed very nicely, and smiled, when he shook Bills hand. Not a condescending smile, or anything like that. It was a genuine smile and greeting, like between two business men getting to know each other.

We made small talk, until our drinks arrived, and then Ray began to lead the conversation into why we all were here. "The first thing I want to make clear Bill, is that I have no desire to wreck your marriage, and I have no romantic interest in your wife. This is just something I do to amuse myself, with willing, and consenting couples. If you don't want this to happen, then just say the word, and you will never see or hear from me again. I feel this would be a good time to tell you a little bit about myself. I made my money, in the tech industry, and that allowed me to retire at an early age. I was married to a wonderful woman, who passed away ten years ago... cancer. I never remarried. I guess I never wanted anyone else in my life. Now, Linda has told me a lot about you, and I feel that there is a very good chance, we can become good friends."

Rays introduction, and honesty seemed to take a great weight off of my husband's shoulders, and I could see he was relieved. I smiled at him, and squeezed his hand, as we listened to Ray continue. "I want you to know Bill, that if we do explore this... adventure that you and your wife will be taking... either of you can end it anytime you want to. No hard feelings, and I won't try to continue against your wishes. You need to know that you always have the power to stop it. I can also tell you, that couples that I've done this within the past, have enjoyed it very much, and that their marriages have become stronger, and they're still happily married to this day. Don't ask me to explain it, because I can't. That's just been my experience so far."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Ray, and I have to admit, that I was shocked when Linda told me about this. But I've had time to think it over, and I've carefully considered all the options. Let me make this perfectly clear... If we go forward with this, Linda will not have sex with anyone but me... Clear?" Bill said, still feeling a little threatened.

"I can agree to that, but I have to tell you, that placing limits on this, will definitely not have the greatest affect on what we do. I'm not saying that I plan on turning your wife into a slut, or a whore, just that the mere thought of her doing something with other people, will in itself have its own rewards for both of you. I think we should keep all options on the table. Head games and mystery, and the complete lack of control definitely add to the experience." Ray answered.

"I'm sorry, but this is not a bargaining point. I'm going to have to insist on this." Bill stated firmly.

"Honey... I don't think Ray is suggesting that it will happen... Maybe it won't, but wouldn't it be exciting to think about? The mind can be a sexual playground too." I said.

"Linda, I'm not going to let other guys have sex with you! Not now, not ever! End of discussion!"

I could tell Bill was getting angry, and I didn't want to push it, and neither did Ray, so we said nothing. After a long, awkward silence, our meals arrived, and we began to eat... in silence. The entire meal, no one spoke, and the tension was back again. Bill surprised me, when he broke the ice. "If I agree to leave sex on the table, I want to have the final say whether it happens or not, and with whom. I'm not saying that it will ever happen, but that's the only way I'll agree to it. No questions about it... I have final say. If we can all agree on that, then... I'm in."

I looked at him in shock. Did I just hear him correctly? Did my husband just agree to go forward with this new adventure? I was in a fog, and almost didn't hear anymore conversation between the two men at the table. I snapped out of it, when I heard Ray say my name a few times.

"Did you hear what I said Linda?" he asked.

"No... I'm sorry. I didn't" I replied.

"I told you to go to the ladies room, and remove your underwear." he said.

"Oh... I'm sorry Ray. My mind was somewhere else for a moment."

"Never address me as 'Ray" again. From now on, you will address me as Master." He said. "You will also address your husband as 'Sir', and you will be 'slut' or 'slave'. Is that clear?"

"Yes Master. I'm sorry." I replied.

"Now be quick about it... And throw your underwear in the trash. You won't be needing it again. You have also earned your first punishment, by not doing as you are told. When you get back, we'll go over some of the rules for you... Now go!"

I could barely walk, but made my way to the ladies room. My fingers trembled, as I unbuttoned my blouse, and removed my bra. After throwing it in the trash can, I slid my jeans off, and did the same with my panties. I was shocked to see how wet they were! I couldn't resist running my fingers through my dripping pussy, before pulling my pants back on.

My walk back to our table really had me going. I knew I was covered, but with every step, I felt my full breasts sway, and I felt like every eye in the place was on me. Of course, it wasn't, but the thought of it aroused me even more.

Apparently, Ray and my husband had been talking, while I was in the restroom, and it looked like Bill was more relaxed. I had no idea what they talked about, but soon found out, they had been discussing my punishment for not obeying instantly. Ray told me they had decided that I would lose buttons this time, and quickly added that future punishments would be more difficult for me.

"Bill and I have agreed that the top three buttons on your shirt will be opened for the remainder of the evening." Ray stated.

Not wanting to risk further discipline, I quickly undid the top three buttons. I was nervous, and I'm sure it showed, because both men smiled at me, as my fingers trembled. I was still uncertain how Bill would take the reality of seeing me do the bidding of another man. A man, that I had given control to... The man that my husband had allowed to become my master.

"Linda... You will be my slave, and obey me, without question. You will also obey your husband, but my word takes precedent over his. Any disobedience will result in punishment. Failure to act quickly when given a command, will also result in punishment. Punishment will take many different forms, ranging from whipping, and physical pain, to tasks that you're not comfortable, and may not like doing. You will have a safe word, that will immediately stop any activity. If you use your safe word, this game will end... completely, and forever. Oh... and slaves don't have hair on their cunts, so you will shave it. Also, while we're at it, you will refer to your tits as tits, and not boobs, breasts or anything else. You don't have a pussy, vagina, who-ha, or any other cute names for it... It is your cunt, and that is how you will refer to it. Unless you use your safe word, this is your last chance to say no... Do you want to be my sex slave?"

I thought for a moment, looked at Bill, and said, "Yes Master."

Following our after dinner drinks, Ray suggested that Bill take me home, and we said our good-byes. I was shocked, when Bill demanded that I give him my blouse, before getting into the car! "You gave up having a choice, now take it off." He said.

Again, I found my fingers trembling, as I removed my blouse and handed it to my husband. I expected to be let into the car as soon as I was topless, but Bill walked around to the trunk... took his time opening it, and tossed my blouse inside. Now I would have no way to hide my naked breasts! I was thankful that it was dark!

I expected my husband to drive us straight home, but he had other ideas. He drove through the heart of downtown! When he saw me slumping down in my seat, he told me to "Sit up straight, and don't try to hide yourself! Sluts don't hide."

My heart pounded so hard! I thought it would explode, when he pulled into a convenience store, and up to the gas pumps! This area was very well lit, and anyone could look into our car and see me! When Bill calmly told me to put twenty dollars worth of regular in the car, the look on my face must've been priceless. I hadn't seen him laugh that hard in years. I was relieved, when he got out to pump the gas himself.

When he got back in the car, he handed me a twenty dollar bill, and said, "I pumped, so you pay for it."

Again, the look on my face was too much for him, and he roared with laughter. He put the money back in his wallet, and told me that he had a feeling that someday, I would be doing both, with fewer clothes on!

When we got home, he attacked me the minute we were inside the house. This was the spark that had been missing for such a long time. He was passionate, and forceful in his love making that night, and he brought me to new heights sexually. Powerful orgasms, and emotions that I had thought were long gone. I knew that we were going to be alright.

Over the following weeks, and months, I had gotten used to being nearly naked, and flashing my body to strangers. The love between my husband and I had grown exponentially, and the passion burned white hot. Ray had continued to tell me what to do, and had also sent Bill some links to websites, so he could learn more about dominance and submission. Ray had also given me a list of more rules to follow.

I was no longer permitted to wear any underwear, unless specifically told to. I was never to wear pants, or shorts as well. My blouses had to be button down, with the top three buttons open at all times... more if commanded. The hemline of my dresses and skirts was to be no longer than mid-thigh.

Whenever Ray was present, my legs were to be open at least two feet wide, no matter where we were, or who was with us. This rule was the most difficult to follow. When Ray would attend any gatherings, or social functions, with our family or friends there, it was humiliating for me. More than once, I noticed a family member or friend looking at me, when I spread my legs, when Ray walked into the room. In fact, my sister had questioned me about it! I told her it had been an accident, even though I knew there was a good chance she would see me do it again.

I was also forbidden to wear clothes in our home. I was to remove them, before entering, and carry them inside with me. Our house was located in a suburban neighborhood, with houses on both sides, only about twenty feet from ours. The house had a driveway, and walkway leading to it from the street, which was about thirty feet in front. The street led to a cul-de-sac and wasn't very busy. This close proximity made it highly likely that someday our neighbors, or a passerby, would get an eyeful.

Always being naked at home made for some very awkward moments. Like, when my mom and sister stopped to visit unannounced. The first time, I told them that I had been getting ready for a shower, and the next time, that I had been trying some new nudist thing to help improve health and fitness. I gave them a line of bullshit about natural light, and allowing the skin to breathe. They knew how much of a health nut I had become, so that seemed to work.

Then, there was the time I had to sign for a package that came in the mail. I had a hard time trying to hide behind the door, and sign the delivery guys I-pad! Another time, was when my husband had ordered a pizza, and then went to take a shower, leaving me to accept the delivery, and pay for it! I was sure that, a few times one or more of our neighbors had caught glimpses of a naked me entering our home. Walking out of the house naked, and dressing on the front porch also afforded our neighbors the chance of seeing me. I loved this game, but also wanted to keep my dignity. I guess dignity is a luxury that slaves don't have.

Over a two week period, when Bill wasn't required to travel, he and Ray got to know each other very well, and I was their happy slave. Ray would come over, and he and Bill would put me into different forms of bondage. This was also when I lost all of my blonde pubic hair... Bill did the honors, while I was tied spread-eagled to a table. I also experienced the whip, and riding crop on my naked ass, and then my breasts. Believe me... having my breasts whipped for the first time was very... exhilarating!

Ray was very good at all of this, and he took the time to teach Bill, and to explain how certain things would affect my mind and body. Sensory deprivation had a profound impact on me. Having all of my senses taken away, except the feeling of touch, had me cuming like a race horse! I really enjoyed those sessions, even though a healthy amount of pain was mixed in with the pleasure. Those were my favorite times, and some of the best orgasms I ever had. They would sometimes spend hours teasing, and playing with my body. We also collected a variety of toys and restraints. Bill and Ray also managed to turn a portion of our basement into a dungeon.

Sometimes, I would spend days in the dungeon, in bondage, or just chained to a wall, and left alone with my thoughts. My days of going to the gym, and playing tennis were gone. Even my choice of what to eat, and when to eat it were gone. Don't misunderstand that... I wasn't starved or anything like that, but at the same time I wasn't allowed to put on any extra pounds either. I even had to ask permission to relieve myself!

One night, while we were out for drinks at a new hotspot in town, Ray joined us. Bill had been stroking my thigh, under the table, when my master arrived. Ray had fresh drinks for us, and took a seat to my right, with Bill on the left. Dutifully, I opened my legs the required distance, and felt Bills hand go to my smooth pussy. He lightly stroked it, as he whispered in my ear. "I've told Ray that I'm ready to take this up a notch."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but it made me so hot thinking about it! On this evening, a band was scheduled to play, and when they started, Bill led me to the dance floor. After several dances, we returned to our booth, but I wasn't allowed to sit. Ray took me right back out and danced a few more dances with me, before we returned to our seats. I wasn't sure if all the dancing had any meaning, other than my husband knew how much I liked to dance. We were having a great time.

Once again, I sat between the two men, in our U-shaped booth, with my legs open, and Bill's hand on my thigh. Even though the lights were down low, I wondered if anyone could see what was going on under the table. My pussy was wet, and tingling.

Ray leaned in to me, "Put my left leg over Bills, and your right leg over mine." This opened my legs a lot, and I could feel the air on my very excited pussy. I could also feel my delicate petals spreading open, like they would in anticipation of having sex.

When Bills fingers touched my exposed clit, my whole body shook. I could feel electricity explode from my hard little bud, straight to my brain, and then back down. I was so close to having an orgasm right there, that I had a hard time breathing, and maintaining my composure. My husband knew my body so well, and he kept me on the brink for an eternity. Once I would calm down, he would start lightly rubbing my clit again, until just about the time I would cum, then he'd stop. He was driving me nuts!

Rays voice broke through the loud music, "You want to cum, don't you slut?"

I looked at him, and could only nod. I was so worked up, I would've done anything to be allowed that pleasure.

"Hold your cunt open for your husband" he said.

I reached under the table, and pulled my lips farther apart. I was now very, very open, and I didn't care if anyone saw me! All I wanted to do was cum on my husband's fingers. I could feel my pulse throbbing in my swollen and sensitive clit as Bill continued to tease me without mercy. I closed my eyes, and laid my head back on the seat. Then, I felt buttons on my blouse opening. When I had the courage to look down, Ray was opening the button, just below my naval.


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