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Slave Wife Ch. 04

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The Farm.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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I couldn't see anything, and the sounds were muffled around me. When I opened my mouth to speak, a ball was shoved in it. Straps were pulled behind my head, and I felt them locked together, and tightened. My arms were quickly subdued, and pulled behind my back, where they were bound together at the wrist. I strained to hear anything, but heard only muted shuffling. I was certain that I had seen Ray before everything went dark. I could smell him... that familiar cologne that he wore.

I felt a tugging at my neck, and realized that a leash had been attached to my collar. (I had been required to always, wear the collar I had been given, the night of the dance). Clumsily, I stumbled forward as the leash was pulled. My bare feet felt the wooden floor of the porch, and then descended down the concrete steps, and along the walkway towards the street. I heard a mechanical sliding sound, and was pushed forward. When I landed, the surface was hard, and cold. Then the metallic sliding sound again, this time followed by a locking or closing sound.

An engine roared to life, and I could tell we were in motion. My best guess was that I was in a van, being taken somewhere. That guess proved correct, and we traveled for what seemed like hours. When we finally stopped, I heard the door open again, and I was yanked out. My feet fell on dirt this time, and I was pulled forward again. Stones were digging into my feet, and I stumbled and fell forward.

Face first I fell into the dirt. Rocks and gravel scratched at my exposed skin. Violently, I was pulled to my feet, and the dragging continued for a few more minutes. The next sound I heard was a rough clinking sound, followed by a squeak, presumably from a door hinge. Stale, musty air filled my nostrils, and I sneezed into the gag in my mouth.

My hands were freed, but only for a moment; before they were attached to what I thought was a bar, which, I also guessed hung parallel to the ground. My hands were pulled wide, and firmly attached, confirming my guess. Something was being wound around each ankle, and my feet were pulled apart. Far enough to hurt. Like my hands, they were secured in place. A cranking sound pulled my body upward, stretching me, and I had to balance on my tiptoes. Then silence.

How long I hung there, I have no idea. Sometime during the night, I had drifted off to sleep. When I awoke, I started to panic, but there was literally nothing I could do. I strained to listen for clues as to what was happening, or where I was. I thought I heard a horse... maybe a cow, but couldn't be sure. Maybe I was on a farm, or out in the country.


Long hours passed, before I detected the presence of someone else. God, I hoped it was Ray! Then I smelled that familiar cologne again, and I calmed down a bit. I waited for something to happen... The ball gag was removed from my mouth, and I worked my aching jaws. Then, bright light was everywhere, and I could hear again!

"Up till now, what you have experienced has been fun and games." Ray said. "This week, you will undergo intense slave training. This will not be easy for you, and I remind you that you still have a safe word, if it gets to be too much. It is my great hope that you won't use it. At this time, I also remind you that your husband knows what will take place this week, and he has agreed to everything I have planned for you."

He held up the hood that had been placed on me at my home, so I could see it. It was made of thick, black leather. The sides came down over the ears, and it resembled an old time football helmet with no eyeholes. The hood didn't cover the nostrils, and had no chin piece. I did notice straps that would secure it in place.

Ray took a moment, and gave me bottled water to drink. He held it at my lips, each time I was ready for more, until the water was gone. I was a bit surprised, when he opened a second bottle, and insisted that I drink it all. After three bottles of water, I begged for no more. My stomach felt bloated, and I knew that sooner or later, I'd have to pee. How was that going to be possible, the way I was secured? I was given no food.

Looking around, I found that I was indeed in a barn, but that was all I could tell. Earplugs were pushed into each ear, and the hood was pulled down over my head again. The earplugs made it impossible to hear anything at all, except my own breathing, and heartbeat. Needless to say, I couldn't see either. The only difference between my current situation, and when I had been abducted, was the ball gag wasn't in my mouth this time.

My feet were released from their bonds, and I could stand up. Lifting my feet, and moving my legs got the blood flowing in them again, and it felt good. That feeling was short lived, as my body was raised up higher. So high, that I couldn't touch the ground at all. My feet were pulled apart, and I felt myself being lowered back down. They were now spread about four feet apart, but I was still unable to touch the ground.

My left foot was pulled up behind me, towards my ass, and locked to something, which held it in place. Then my right foot, effectively holding both feet behind me, making my legs useless. Something rough scraped at my inner thighs as I was slowly lowered. The lower I got, the farther apart my knees were pushed. Then I felt something pointy against my pussy. It wasn't like a pencil point, but more like an edge, or ridge that ran from front to back. Then I was lowered again, until the edge, or ridge was firmly against my pussy and ass. I was lowered a little bit more, until the weight of my body rested firmly on the ridge. It almost felt like I was sitting on a dull axe blade. Then, I was alone again.

The longer I sat there, the more it hurt. The pain started out as a dull ache, and progressed in severity over time. Having my feet tied up behind my ass, made it nearly impossible to lift my sore pussy off of this device. In fact, when I tried to lift up with my legs, my pubic bone was forced into the pointy ridge. I got some relief by pulling up with my arms and legs in unison, but I couldn't hold myself up for very long. I gave up, and tried to ignore the escalating pain in my groin. This wasn't what I had signed up for, and more than once, I considered using my safe word. Who knew if there was anyone with or near me that would even hear it?

Ray had said that he had done the same with other couples, and their marriages had thrived. I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around that, given what he was putting me through. I couldn't imagine that there were people in this world who would enjoy this! I certainly wasn't! I wanted this to end, and start having fun again, this was just abuse of another human being.

Time dragged by, and the once dull ache in my crotch, was now a full-blown five alarm fire. Thankfully, I got a whiff of that cologne again, and I felt my body being raised up. I sobbed into my mask. Tears of joy and relief welled up in my eyes. My feet were released, and I could stand once again. The mask was pulled off of me, and the earplugs were removed. My groin actually ached like a headache.

I squinted into the bright light, and heard Ray begin to speak. "That was your first lesson. It's called the wooden horse. Its origin dates back to the 1600's. It is also referred to as 'The Spanish Donkey' or cavaletto squarciapalle. As you can see, it can be quite painful over longer periods of time. For the most part, going forward, the only time you will spend on it, will be for discipline. I'm not going to lie... there may be times that you ride the horse purely for my amusement, or to demonstrate your obedience."

The horse was pulled away, and I could finally put my feet together on the floor. I got a good look at the device. It was made of wooden boards in a triangle shape, with the pointy edge of the triangle at the top. The triangle was supported by a frame resembling a sawhorse, and the device was about four feet tall. The top edge appeared to be rounded off slightly, and I could image the pain it would've inflicted on me, had it been sharper. Near the rear, there were eyebolts on each side closer to the top. I assumed that's where my feet had been secured.

My arms were released, and I nearly fell down. Ray didn't make a move to help me stand, and he just chuckled a little as I stumbled awkwardly. A few minutes later, the leash was attached to my collar, and I was led out of the barn. Somewhere, off in the distance, I heard birds singing.

The sun was high in the sky, and its warmth radiated over me. What a wonderful feeling! As my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I could see that we were out in the country, with no signs of any civilization, or neighbors nearby. Surrounding the yard, we were in, were vast fields, bordered by tree lines in the distance. Ahead of me was a large, two story farmhouse, and that appeared to be my new destination. We walked around to the back of it, and I was pulled down some very old stone stairs into the basement. I'll never forget the soft feel of the grass on my feet that day, or the smell of the fresh, country air.

The basement had that damp, musty old smell that you would expect from a building this old, and I could feel the cold dampness of the concrete floor on my bare feet. It was dark, and foreboding, but Ray seemed to know right where he was going. He reached up, and pulled a chain, and light flooded the room. This place had every aspect of a true, medieval torture chamber. The kind you'd expect to see in horror movies, or something out of the Spanish Inquisition. There where chains, ropes, and whips of all kinds, and instruments that I had no idea of their purpose on the walls. Benches, tables, and cages were littered about. I even thought I saw a medieval torture rack! Some of the items, or tools had a very sinister look about them, and I trembled at the thought of how they could be used on me.

I was led to a stonewall, and my hands were attached to a pair of shackles that were embedded in it. They weren't too high, or spread far enough apart to be uncomfortable, but they were secure. My hands were about shoulder level, and I could almost touch each shoulder with my fingertips. The little bit of slack in each chain, gave me a very limited range of motion for my upper body as well. That was it... No other restraints were used on me. I was just beginning to think this wasn't so bad, when Ray appeared out of the darkness with a very serious looking whip in his hand. It was a bullwhip!

He wanted me to see it, and I was terrified by it! No fuckin way did I want that thing hitting me! Both Ray and my husband had whipped me before, but not with anything like this! The whips they used before were toys compared to what Ray was holding. Moreover, they had never whipped me very hard. Previously, I had been whipped just enough to be uncomfortable, and to sting me. When he pulled it back, and snapped it, I could clearly hear the angry hiss it made before the loud crack at the end. My legs were shaking, and I began to beg him not to hit me with it. He just stared at me... looking right through me, and into my soul as he cracked the whip again. This time the crack was right beside my head, and I pissed all over the floor.

His hand held the whip up by his shoulder, and he looked at the puddle on the floor. Then his eyes met mine... his hand dropped, and the whip whistled forward again. This time the tip exploded mere inches from my left nipple, and I let loose another stream of piss. The sound of the whip dragging across the cold floor was actually not very loud, but it seemed deafening to me. My heart pounded, and I babbled incoherently. It was like watching slow motion, as his hand raised the whip again. Each time he swung it, it got closer to my trembling body, and I was beyond terrified. I held my breath, so I wouldn't get hit by any mistaken movement that brought me into its path.

His hand moved, and then I heard the hiss of the whip cutting through the air. Then... bright lights exploded in my brain, and I heard a primal scream like one I had never heard before. It was a scream of pure and perfect terror. My scream of extreme pain cut through the musty air, like a hot knife through butter. When my eyes regained focus, a large, red welt was growing across my left breast, directly across my nipple. I was screaming, and shaking; trying everything, I could to rip the shackles from the walls. His hand brought the whip up again, and I started pissing, while I screamed for mercy. I don't know why, but my safe word never entered my mind.

Hiss... Crack and more exploding lights in my brain, as the evil instrument found its mark on my right breast. At last, he held the whip at his side, and made no move to raise it again. I'm not sure what stopped first... the pissing or the screaming, but I was given a moment to recover from the violence he had just rained down on me.

"That was your second lesson. I hope it will be the only time I will ever have to use the whip on you. Only the most severe infraction of the rules will warrant its use again. You needed to experience it, so you know what it will do... So that you will respect its power. If the whip is needed again, it will be your cunt that receives the lash. Think about that for a moment. Lock that knowledge away in your brain, and never forget it."

Again, my mind flashed back to the last conversation I had had with Bill. He said he was aware of everything that would be done to me this week, and he approved! Surely, he couldn't know about the whip! My husband would never allow anyone to hurt me like this! Those thoughts were irrelevant at the moment, because like it or not, I was stuck here for the week!

I was left there for a long time. My feet had become cold, from standing in the puddle of my own piss. The wall I was chained to, also seemed to grow colder, and I felt it deep in my bones. I felt the true, helpless feeling that those prisoners long ago must've felt in a dungeon like this. The only difference was knowing I would be released sooner or later. A week wasn't such a long time, I reasoned. I could take it... I could get through this, and come out of it a stronger person. Then the light went out, and I was left alone with my thoughts in the darkness.

Sleep came in small increments as I hung against the cold wall. My eyes had adjusted somewhat to the lack of light, and I could see shapes and shadows if I tried hard. That made the place even more frightening. At one point, I thought I saw a small animal scurry across the floor. I hoped it was just my imagination! I hated mice and rats.


When the light came back on, I had to squint, and allow my eyes to get used to the drastic change. Ray stepped into the light, and I looked at him in a different way. He was no longer the nice person I had coffee with. The nice person I had discussed my marital problems with. In my mind, he was a combination of monster, and psychopath! I wasn't sure if I would ever look at him the same again. One thing was certain... I now feared him.

He released my hands, reattached a leash to my collar, and led me out into the yard. My hands were cuffed behind my back, and my ankles were chained together, with a short piece of chain between them. The chain was so short; all I could do was hobble around, taking baby steps. Cold water shocked my system, and I screamed. My mind recorded the scream, and instantly compared it with the primal screams from the day before. I don't know why... it just did.

Ray took the leash off, and said, "Feel free to look around. I need some time to clean up the mess you made yesterday. Know that I could make you do it, but I think you need a little break. I'm training you Linda... not trying to destroy who you are."

"You fucking bastard! How could you do that to me! Surely my husband doesn't know you were going to do that!" I shouted.

"If you feel the need to be gagged, I will do that! I will not tolerate this disrespect! You should taste the whip again for your insolence! Now... Shut your fucking mouth slut, or do you need to be punished?" He yelled.

I closed my mouth, and didn't say another word. Ray was mad, and I didn't want to be hurt any more. I certainly didn't want him to whip my pussy as he did my breasts. He walked angrily back into the basement, and left me standing in the sunlight, feeling very alone.

I hobbled around the yard, and looked at everything. The house was very old, the barn looked even older, and the fence surrounding the property, was in disrepair. The wooden fence looked old, and some of it had rotted apart. The paint on the house was dull and peeling in places. Old and tattered looking curtains covered the windows. I still hadn't seen the farm animals I had thought I heard the day before. There was no way Ray actually lived here.

He looked calm, when he came back out of the house. He released my hands, and then my feet. "Follow me. We'll go inside and have some lunch."

I looked at him warily, but followed him inside. He made us a nice lunch, and I ate in silence. He broke the ice, and said, "I know you think I'm some kind of monster right about now, but I'm still the same man I was before. I won't deliberately hurt you like that again... unless you force me. Training entails lessons, and knowledge. You have learned how harsh punishment can be. You will also learn how rewarding good behavior and obedience will be."

"Yes... Bill knew what was going to happen with the discipline phase of your training. Believe me; it took him a long time, and a lot of reassurance from me, that you would not be permanently harmed. Originally, I had planned on giving you more lashes with the whip, but when I saw how you reacted to it, I knew that wasn't going to be necessary. You are a quick learner."

I'm sure my face showed the relief I felt about not getting anymore of that awful whip, and he continued. "The hard part, for you is done. We're going to move into learning different commands, and their meanings, as well as postures, that you will be expected to know and assume on command. This will be much easier and more fun for you. When we finish our meal, you will clean up the kitchen. Slaves have nonsexual duties as well. When you finish, I'll be in the study... join me there."

I hand washed the dishes, and set them in the rack to air-dry, then I found Ray in the study. He was reading a book, and hadn't noticed me enter, so I cleared my throat.

"Ah, there you are." he said, as he put his book down. "I was just re-reading the Story of O. Remind me, and I'll give you a copy to read, when the week is over. I think you'll enjoy it. Now, first things first. At the top of the stairs, on the left, you will find the bathroom. Towels are in the cabinet, and everything else you need should be in there. Take a nice bath or shower if you prefer. Take as much time as you want... there's no hurry."

He was right. I found a multitude of things in the bathroom. New toothbrush, mouthwash, hair care products, scented soaps, and lotions of all kinds. Not the cheap stuff either. Some of these items were things I only dreamed of having or trying. I settled on a bubble bath. The hot soapy water felt like heaven on my skin. I even dozed off in the tub for a bit. Later, I sensed a presence in the room, and opened my eyes. Ray was standing there looking at me.

"Please finish, and join me in the sitting room." he said, and walked out.

Feeling "human" again, I applied some makeup, did my hair, and then went downstairs. Ray was sitting in an overstuffed chair, and I had to admit, he looked pleasant, calm and relaxed. Far from the heartless man, I had seen who beat me in the basement. Almost like, he was two different people.

"Ah, my sweet dear slave. You are indeed the most beautiful flower in the desert. Your husband is a very lucky man to have you, and you have given me the most wonderful gift one person can give another. Your gift of total dedication as my slave is very much appreciated, and I thank you for allowing me the privilege of being your master." I was shocked at his words, and found myself forgiving him for beating me... Almost.


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