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Linda's friend Sondra suggests she try something new.
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"I'm surprised you guys haven't tried it," Sondra said. My neighbor friend could talk about bondage as if it was nothing unusual. She had a tendency to drag our conversations into the gutter, so it wasn't that shocking.

I usually pretended to be surprised by her crude banter, but the truth was that I enjoyed it. Since we'd moved into the neighborhood she was the only neighbor that I'd really gotten to know, and her quirks were mostly of the entertaining variety.

"With your big boobs you'd look so hot tied up, Linda," she told me.

Sometimes I wondered if she had a thing for my breasts, because she brought them up in conversation so often. I guess I understood though, it must be hard for women like her who are less busty to be around women like me. Not that Sondra was flat-chested, far from it. Next to my girls though, hers were pretty unimpressive.

"Bondage? What's the point? Why would being tied up do it for you?" I said.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it. Being tied up can be really hot, even if you're alone. It makes it easy to fantasize that you're helpless and out of control. Like somebody could do whatever sexy thing to you that they wanted."

I must have looked skeptical as I felt. The whole bondage thing had always seemed pretty silly to me. The thought of Martin tying me up was just not that hot. She shook her head at me for a moment and then got up. She left the room, and when she returned she was holding a bundle of white rope. She moved over to where I sat in one of her kitchen chairs and looked down at me.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it. Now sit back," she said.

"Are you nuts? I'm not letting you tie me up."

"Oh don't be a sissy. I'm not going to do it up tight, just enough for you to the the idea. Now, just put your hands on the arm wrests," she said.

I watched as she looped the rope around my arm and the chair, quickly working it into some sort of knot. Then she passed the length of the rope around my belly and the back of the chair, twice, before tying my other wrist down. The rope was snug, but not tight. I was confident I could pull my hands free if I wanted to. Then she bent down and tied my feet to the chair as well.

When she stood up and looked at me, I tugged at my bonds lightly. It was easy to imagine that I couldn't free myself. She smiled at me, and then she picked up her purse.

"Wait a minute--where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm going to run out to the store. I think I'll leave the door open, though. Imagine, anyone could come in and find you helpless like that. They could just do whatever they wanted with you. Sounds hot to me," she told me with a laugh, and then she left me there!

I wasn't going to just sit there tied up in her kitchen while she went shopping. I pulled harder at my wrists, but I was surprised to find that I couldn't free my hands the way I'd thought. Her knots were loose enough not to hurt, but they also seemed just tight enough that I couldn't slip free.

For the first fifteen minutes, I just seethed with anger at her. How could she do this to me? After that though, I found myself thinking about what she'd said. What if somebody did come in and find me there? It was sort of hot to think about. When she returned a half hour later, I was glad to see her. I wasn't even angry any more.

"So, what did you think?"

"I guess that wasn't so bad," I said.

"Come over tomorrow, and I'll show you something even hotter."


The next day she had me lie on my side on the bed in one of her spare bedrooms. She tied my hands behind my back. Next she tied by ankles together, and had me bend my knees so she could tie my ankles and wrists together behind me. Again, she tied it loose enough to be comfortable, but tight enough that I couldn't pull free.

She closed the door and left me there like that for an hour. I lay there feeling helpless and turned on. I have to admit, somehow it was really hot. When she returned, she untied me and I stretched out.

I told her I needed to go do something that I'd forgotten. As soon as I got home, I went to my bed and masturbated while fantasizing about being found while I was tied up. I lay on my side in the same position and imagined someone having their way with my helpless body, fingering myself until I came, fast and hard.


It was two days before we were able to meet and do it again. This time she tied me the same way before she produced some kind of black cloth sack.

"Sondra? What's that?"

"It's a hood. It will help you feel more isolated, trust me. You'll like it," she told me.

I didn't argue, and it's not like I could resist if I wanted to at that point. She pulled it down over my face without much trouble even though it fit snugly. It had no eye holes, just a mesh patch over my mouth and nose that let me breathe. I wasn't sure I liked the idea, but at that point I was already enjoying myself too much to argue with her suggestions.

She left me there like that for what seemed like forever, tied and hooded and alone. It was great.


The session after that, she left me for longer still. When I thought she'd never return, I heard the door open. After a moment, I felt somebody undoing the buttons on my blouse!

"Sondra? That's a bit much for me," I said.

I felt my blouse being tugged and pulled, to expose my breasts and lacy white bra to view. I felt someone grab one of my breasts then, squeezing it hard.

"Sondra! Stop. I-I don't want this!" I said, but the moan that escaped me didn't emphasize my point very well.

For the first time, I wondered if it was somebody other than Sondra. Why wasn't she answering me? A hand slithered into the waist band of my pants, then down under my panties. Whoever it was started to stroke me! It was humiliating, I felt so helpless and exposed. And it shamed me that the mysterious invader now knew that I was already wet. They continued to squeeze my tits as they caressed my sex.

I gasped as the person slipped first one, then two fingers inside me. The wet fingers slid back out of me and began to rub me faster. I was so hot. I stopped trying to hide my arousal. I moaned louder and louder as the hand worked at me, until finally I cried out as I came. The hand withdrew from my pants and then I felt them button my shirt back up. Then I was left there alone again, my panting breaths loud in the silent room.

When Sondra came and untied me an hour later, she gave no sign that it had been her, if it had. I felt violated, but even though I couldn't look her in the face as I rushed out of there, I was turned on. More turned on, if anything, but the continued feeling of helplessness and submission that I just couldn't shake.

That night, Martin must have wondered what got into me. I told him to take me from behind, and to squeeze my tits while he did it. I imagined that I was tied and helpless as he screwed me, and I came so loud that the neighbors probably heard.


I thought about refusing her invitation to return the next day, but then I remembered how I'd felt the day before, both at her house and at home in bed, and that was that.

She tied me up the way she always did, but this time she sort of smirked at me as she brought the hood towards me. I saw that she had something else in her hands, something red.

"Part of the helplessness kick is the knowledge that someone could make you do something you normally wouldn't. Something nasty even," she told me as she lifted the red cloth towards me.

My eyes opened wide as she pulled the cloth over my head. It was a pair of silky red panties. She positioned them so the waist band wrapped around my head from top to bottom, with the crotch running right down the middle so that I was looking out at her through the leg holes, with the crotch of them covering my nose.

The moment she pulled them into place, I knew she'd gone too far. It was just a pair of panties, by the crusty feel of them on my nose I knew that they were worn, well worn at that. The first breath I took was tainted with a strong, tangy female smell, and I realized with a start that they weren't just soiled, but that at some point she'd been quite aroused while wearing them.

"No, not this, I don't want this" I plead, but she just smirked down at me and continued what she was doing.

I was too shocked to say anything else as Sondra pulled the black hood down over my head, taking care to keep the panties, *her* panties, where she wanted them--right in my face.

The really humiliating part is that I was wet before she closed the door. Again, after a long time someone entered and fondled me. Not someone, I couldn't even pretend any more. It was Sondra that probed my boiling seam with her fingers, and it was Sondra that gave a singled choked laugh when I came again, faster than ever. The orgasm was like a bomb going off.

When she finally untied me, once more I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look her in the eye. She didn't seem to think anything of it though. She just smiled at me and sent me home, where I got myself off twice more before Martin came home and then again that night, with him.


The day after that, I didn't complain when she put the panties--blue this time--over my face. I just lay there with my eyes closed and let her do it. Again, just the feeling of being forced to lay there and smell another woman's scent made me wet.

Our sessions maintained that pattern, for next week. I'd go over to Sondra's while Martin was away at work. Then she tied me up, got me off, and sent me home to wait for him.

I had gotten to the point where I didn't just enjoy the sessions, I needed them. That was why it was so hard for me to stop going. I didn't have any choice though, not after what Sondra did.

I'd gone over like always, and she had tied me up like normal. That's when things got disturbing. She started to take off her clothes, and I asked her what she was doing. She told me that it was time to take my training to the next level. She said it was time for me to have "the real thing."

She climbed naked onto the bed and sat down by my head, so that I was on my side between her spread legs. I tried to resist her, but tied the way I was I was helpless to stop her when she turned onto my front. She lifted my head up and then scooted forward, so that my face was right in her crotch! She told me that I was a "dirty slut", and that she "knew I wanted it." She mashed my face against her.

Sondra made me lick her, and I didn't want to do it at first, but then my body responded to her familiar smell. Before I knew it, I wasn't just licking her, I was getting turned on doing it. I did it until she came, and by that time my own hips were humping at the bed in a vain effort to stimulate myself. She rolled me back onto my side and fingered me, and then I came too.

Before she left me there, she made me watch as she wiped the mesh part of my hood, the part that I breathed through, through her wet slit. Then she put it on me and left me laying there, my every breath filled with her smell.

She didn't come back in the room again until she finally untied me. Sondra didn't say anything at all when she did; she gave me this knowing smirk and walked me out.


I decided then that I was never going to see or speak to Sondra again. I felt used and ashamed--my face smelled of *her*. Worse still, I couldn't deny the whole thing had turned me on. What was wrong with me? Sondra had taken awful advantage of me, but every time I thought about what she had done, I just got more turned on. Why hadn't I resisted her? Why was I still so turned on? Was I gay? What if Martin found out what I'd done? In the shower, I broke down and cried for a long time as the water sprayed over me.

After that, I avoided her completely. I looked both ways before leaving the house. She called, but I didn't pick up when I saw her number on the phone. A week passed without incident, and then another. I was starting to feel better about myself. My life was back to normal.

The only problem I had with avoiding Sondra was that I missed the bondage--a lot. All my fantasies now revolved around being tied up. The more I thought about it, the more I missed it. That's how I finally got up the nerve to ask Martin if he would try tying me up. I told him it was just something I thought might spice up our sex life. To my surprise, he not only agreed but he didn't seem surprised or like he was judging me at all.

That night, he brought some rope and asked me how I wanted him to do it. I lay naked on my side and described how she had done it. I assumed the position and he went to work, and in no time I was tied just like I had been all those times at Sondra's. In fact, it felt *exactly* the same as when Sondra had done it. When I complimented him on his tying skill, he laughed.

"I should be good at it, Sondra showed me just how you like it."

He let the bomb of her name just hang there in the air. I stared at him in shock. "She called me at work last week and asked me to stop by her place. She told me all about your little secret. She even predicted that you'd ask me to tie you up," he said.

"I don't know what she told you, but she's lying. We didn't do anything. She tied me up a few times, but that was all."

"So, you didn't eat her pussy? Because she claims you didn't just do it, but that you loved it. In fact, she made a bet with me about it," he said, and then he pulled open one of his drawers and pulled out a plastic bag.

I saw something black and silky inside it, and I shivered at the horrible thought of it. He opened the little air-tight bag and pulled out the pair of Sondra's panties. He dangled them over me as he spoke, his face impassive, "she claims that if I put these on your head, you'll get wet just from smelling them."

He reached down and stretched her underwear over my head just the way she had. I couldn't escape her smell; its sweet fragrance filled my lungs with every breath. When I first smelled it, I sighed in spite of myself. Her fragrance and the tight ropes around me took me back to those days in her spare room and I got hotter with every breath. I could feel myself getting wet, and when Martin probed my slit with his fingers he could as well.

"It's not what you think. It's just the ropes," I said through her underwear, but even to my own ears I didn't sound convincing at all.

He looked down at me with disappointment, and then he got up and walked away. I heard him dialing the phone, and then waiting for someone on the other end to pick up.

"Alright, you win the bet. I can barely believe it, but I have to admit that my wife *is* your lesbian bondage slave. Come on over to collect your prize," he said. Then he paused and he laughed. "She's in our bed, actually. Right next to her? Sure. But I want to see you make her lick you first."

-The End-

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To below - you were taken advantage of and have coped all this time lying to yourself that it was experimenting. Trauma the gift that keeps on giving.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
CactusJuggler, this story is interesting.

Because that's kind of how I came out. One of my girlfriends invited me for a sleepover at her home, she didn't want to be alone with her parents were out of town and it did sound like fun. Beth, brought out this pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs and told me to put them on her, so I did. With in one minute she had them off, I said a old trick. All she said was bet you can't do it. After about 20 minutes I said OK, that's enough. Beth said oh no your not trying, here let me help, we were both laughing as she got out two pair of her pantyhose and tied my ankles to the bed frame and tied pantyhose through the handcuffs the top of the bed. I told Beth ok let me up that's enough. I thought she was going to untie me but instead Beth pulled my nightgown up over my face and left it, I didn't know what she was doing until I felt Beth's mouth on my nipple and her hand go in my pantys. I told her you don't need to do this, I will do anything you want. Beth, wanted me at her mercy and helpless as she played with me and Beth played a lot..

love lynda.pussy.licker.

TamilyrnTamilyrnalmost 13 years ago

Good to see you back - excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Nice work.

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