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Small Town Life Ch. 03

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Wanda meets her past.
5.2k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/14/2024
Created 04/21/2011
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Wanda stretched long and hard in her warm, soft bed, feeling good all the way down to her toes. Her soft brown eyes opened slowly and a self satisfied smile bloomed on her lush pink lips. It was a new day and she was ready for it.

Yesterday, her world had been blown wide open by a woman that she alternately hated and lusted after and Wanda was extremely grateful for it. The day had been full of surprises and the only disappointing one was discovering Sharon's resignation letter. This woman that had shown her that it was okay to be herself had packed up and moved on, leaving behind a changed group of people.

Wanda was going to miss Sharon, for a few different reasons, and only one of those was for showing her that a pussy was as yummy as she always thought it would be. Wanda had no use for men, not after her one disastrous attempt at sex after her high school graduation. Women had always been her secret desire.

What Wanda didn't realize or just preferred to ignore, was that the teen boy she had lost her virginity to had also been a virgin with no idea at all what he was doing. He only knew that Pole A went into Slot B and after some pushing and grunting, Jizz C was what came out. And as this operation caused Wanda nothing but horrendous pain and a serious lack of self-esteem, from then on, she had considered herself a lesbian that would never be.

Wanda also had another problem. She had been raised in a very strict church environment and as it was a sin for a woman to have sex with another woman, Wanda had just decided that she would have to live her life in shame and hiding. A life where she would never get to experience the touch and feel of another woman. But in shrouding herself with her shame, she had caused herself to become a cold hearted bitch.

She treated everyone the same... hatefully. Wanda lived in her so called ivory tower, thinking that the only pleasure she would ever have would come strictly from herself. This had evolved into her collecting many useful toys, books and magazines that she could hide away from the world, but it also cost her the ability to have or make friends.

But today... oh, today everything was going to be different. Wanda had a gift certificate to a spa and money for new clothes. Sharon had opened her up and helped her to realize that she was who she was and nothing was going to change that, so she might as well live her life as she wanted. To hell with the people that might condemn her; everyone had their sins and by god hers tasted pretty damn good!

With a quiet giggle, she reached down to the foot of her bed to give her huge, fluffy orange cat a good morning rub. "I'm starting over today Peaches, with new hair, new clothes and a new attitude. It's going to be good." Peaches gave her own stretch and yawn butted her head into Wanda's hand. She didn't much care what her owner did as long as she got petted and fed on time.

Wanda jumped out of bed, dropped her demure pajamas on the floor and even stepped on them just for the hell of it as she made her way to the shower. Thirty minutes later, Wanda stood nude in front of her full length mirror and stared critically at her figure.

Meh, she thought, could be worse. She was of average height and average build but always considered her boobs too small. But really, her B cup size breasts were quite perky and the nipples were actually very large. Wanda just didn't see how anyone could find them attractive. She had a tiny waist which made her slim hips look more shapely and a cute rounded little butt.

Wanda turned to her closet and sighed. Today she was going shopping for a new wardrobe but she had to wear something in the mean time. Her closet was full of browns and grays and totally boring, ugly clothes. She strove for years to hide her body in more of her efforts to restrict herself from the world.

Digging deep, she finally found an old pair of jeans that she hadn't worn in years and a white button up blouse that wasn't too offensive. After dressing and attempting to tame her friz-permed hair, Wanda gave Peaches a final pat and headed out the door. Once in her car, she couldn't help letting a happy little squeal escape over the prospects of the day.

Two hours later, Wanda sat in a beauticians' chair with a huge, bright pink smock draped over her. She stared at her reflection in the mirror in front of her and gasped softly at the sight. Who was this gorgeous woman? She wondered to herself.

Wanda's friz had been tamed into sleek, warm amber bob with lighter streaks of honey blond to soften it more. This made her brown eyes seem to glow in her face. The beautician had even helped her with some make up colors that caused her eyes to look huge, her lashes long and lush and her lips moist and kissable.

It wasn't long before Wanda had her first full shopping bag of salon products. After settling the bill with the spa, she headed out for the next adventure with a light and happy step. It was a short trip to the mall but once there, a growling stomach reminded her that the light breakfast she had was a long time ago.

Wanda headed straight for the food court, and after grabbing a quick salad and sandwich, sat at a table to plan her strategy. Taking out a pen, she made a few notes on a paper napkin of stores she wanted to try and clothing items to look for. She was nearly finished with her lunch when a couple at a nearby table caught her eye.

There was a very pretty woman with red hair that flowed past her shoulders in soft waves. She couldn't see the woman's face very well, but she seemed very attractive. The woman's deep green blouse and tan slacks looked very flattering to her lush figure. Sliding a glance at the man next to her, she saw thick dark hair, a trim body in polo and khakis and soft gray eyes.

Oh my god it's Dale! She thought and quickly ducked her head. Dale being the 18 year old boy she lost her virginity to on that fateful night years ago. She had refused to see Dale again after that night but knew that he was still in the area. The pretty redhead with him must be a wife or girlfriend, Wanda decided, and wanted to slink through the floor. She quickly disposed of her lunch trash and left the area to start her clothes shopping.

At the second store Wanda visited, she once again noticed the redhead that had been with Dale. The woman was a little ways away and seemed to be staring. Wanda gave her a curious look, but continued gathering up selections to take to the dressing room.

Inside the dressing area, Wanda modeled her first outfit selection in front of a set of wall mirrors. The woman appeared behind her and after a short pause said, "That looks good on you, really brings out your eyes," speaking of the teal cross over shirt and slim black pants Wanda wore. Wanda noticed the woman's eyes tracking slowly down her body.

"Thanks." Wanda had thought the same thing about the outfit but it did help to hear it from another woman.

When Wanda modeled the next outfit the woman was still there. She didn't have a name tag on, so she knew she wasn't an employee.

"Love the way that makes your ass look," she said with what could only be construed as a lecherous smile.

Wanda was stunned. She glanced around the room to make sure it was her the woman was speaking to. Finding the room empty except for the two of them she again thanked the woman and headed for the changing stall.

"If you need any help just let me know. I'm Debra by the way."

Wanda stood completely still inside the stall. What in the hell? As she stood in only bra and panties with a shirt dangling from her fingers she mind scrambled to try to decipher what the woman may have meant.

"Hello? Are you okay in there?"

"Umm, uh... y... yes I'm fine, thank you." stammered Wanda.

Suddenly the stall door pushed open. "Yes, you are fine," Debra growled as she entered the changing room and closed the door behind her.

"Wha... what are you doing?"

"Taking a taste of something that looks mighty delicious." As Wanda still stood in shock, Debra leaned in and closed her mouth on Wanda's, kissing her deeply. Wanda was too shocked to protest and surprised herself by responding to this stranger's kiss. The shirt she still held fell to the floor as she reached for Debra.

The two women wrapped around each other, the kiss lengthening and getting hotter. Tongues darted in and out of mouths, testing and playing with each other. Debra molded her hand to Wanda's breast, fingers caressing the soft flesh above the bra cup.

When the kiss finally ended the women stood and stared with varying expressions. Wanda's with stunned amazement and Debra's could only be described as hungry. Wanda gave a shocked jerk as a finger suddenly darted inside her panties to take a quick swipe over her moist pussy. Debra brought the damp finger to her mouth and gently sucked the juice off.

"Oh yeah, you taste yummy. I want more of that." She grinned and reached for Wanda again, pulling her close. The two women again exchanged a hot, wet kiss, Debra's hands seeming to be all over Wanda's body at once.

Wanda felt like she'd just been set on fire. Tingles raced through her body, but especially in her pussy where the juices began to flow heavier. Breasts rubbed against breasts, and even through the other woman's clothing, Wanda could feel nipples pressing into her own.

Debra quickly removed Wanda's bra and then gasped at the sight of her large nipples. "Oh wow, I have got to have those," she said and Debra's mouth latched on to the large berry, sucking and pulling it deeper into her mouth.

Wanda's brown eyes turned into round saucers. Who was this woman? And why was she with Dale? And why in the world would she be doing these things? And would she be a total slut if she jumped the woman right here in the changing room stall?

Debra seemed to sense Wanda's hesitation and dipped her fingers inside Wanda's panties. As the fingers found the wetness combined with the newly waxed pussy, she moaned and sucked Wanda's nipple even harder. This caused fire to shoot straight to Wanda's slit, gushing more fluid into Debra's hand.

With one last, hard kiss, Debra knelt in front of Wanda and jerked her panties down to her ankles. Lifting out one foot, Debra placed Wanda's foot up on the bench and spread her legs. After taking a deep breath to inhale the musky scent, Debra dove in and began licking and sucking the tasty juices.

Wanda gasped and reached out to place a steadying hand on the wall. She tangled her fingers in the red hair and moaned in pleasure. She didn't know why this woman was eating her pussy but it felt damn good and she was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

Debra continued to lick and suck Wanda's wet cunt, and slid a finger up inside her tight vaginal walls. As Debra started to concentrate on the hard little nub, gently biting and flicking it with her tongue, she slid in a second finger, reached high and began to rub, looking for "the spot." It wasn't long before she found the inside bundle of nerves and started working it.

Wanda moaned louder and ground her pussy into Debra's face. Her legs were trembling with the effort to hold her up. The magic fingers inside her were causing Wanda to have to bite her lip to keep her moans quiet. Suddenly the orgasm hit her hard, causing her knees to completely buckle. She sank down on the bench, quivering, her tunnel walls spasming around Debra's fingers. It was several minutes before the shaking stopped, the two women kissing and both tasting Wanda's love juices between them as her body calmed.

She cleared her throat and attempted to speak without stuttering, "Ah, look I've never done this before, I don't know who you are but I know Dale and I really wouldn't care if he fell off the face of the earth and as you were with him, I just don't know how to take you right now."

The pretty redhead frowned in puzzlement. "You know Dale? But how? He said he'd never seen you before but he'd sure like to see much more of you."

"What?" Wanda exclaimed folding her arms across her bare breasts. "How can he say he's never seen me before? I mean we... well uh... I know it was a long time ago but geez! I certainly never forgot him and if I meant that little to him, then sister you can just get the hell out as I will not be having anything to do with you."

Debra pulled away from Wanda. "Whoa wait a minute. You and Dale? When? Because I mean he really acted like he had no idea who you were. I know we haven't been together all that long, but long enough to have discussed most of our lives with each other. Who are you? Tell me your name right now."

"No. No I don't think I will. I want you to leave now." Wanda turned and began gathering up her clothes.

"Oh no lady, you tell me who you are!"

Wanda turned on full bitch mode. She turned to the other woman with an icy stare. "Look bitch, you barged in here and came onto me, store cameras are going to show that. I've told you to leave, now do so before I call security."

Debra narrowed her eyes at Wanda before spinning around and storming out. She left the stall door wide open and as Wanda had only managed to pull on her panties, she sat in the open almost completely nude. She gasped and grabbed the door just as another woman entered the dressing area and gave her a strange look.

Wanda sank to the bench inside the stall and tried to get her thoughts in order. Never had she been approached like that, but damn it had been fun. And she had to admit that Debra's lips had been quite tasty. But what was Debra's relation to Dale? And why did he not remember her?

Wanda finished dressing and left the stall but gave a quick glance in the mirrors to make sure all was in order. At that glance she stopped and stared. The new hair, the make up... no she didn't look anything at all like the teen age girl that had hopped in the back seat of Dale's car all those years ago. So Dale did tell the truth to Debra in a way. He had never seen her look this way and very well may not have recognized her.

Wanda continued out of the dressing area and purchased the outfits that she had selected. She wanted to hit a couple more stores before calling it a day and headed off to the next closest one. As she turned a corner there stood Dale and Debra seeming to be in a hot and heavy argument. Wanda grinned to herself and continued on her way.

Later at a shoe store, Wanda stood admiring a pair of heels that reminded her strongly of the pair Sharon had worn. The memories alone made the shoes worth the hefty price tag. As she turned to sit on a nearby bench to try them on, Dale sauntered up to.

"Hello. It seems you have me at a disadvantage. Debra says I should know you, but I just don't remember coming across someone so gorgeous. There's no way I could forget you, so I'm thinking you have me confused with someone else."

"Oh no, Dale. I remember you very well. In fact, so well, we could say that you changed my life forever." Wanda turned from Dale to admire the 4" ice pick heels she just slid onto her foot.

Dale shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned. He stared long and hard at Wanda, searching her face.

"Its very rude to stare. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you'd move along now." Wanda turned to a store employee. "I'd like these shoes, do you have a size smaller I can try?" Inside Wanda was laughing at herself for her cool demeanor and Dale's obvious frustration.

"Look lady, I want to know who the hell you are!"

Wanda simply raised her eyebrows at Dale, "Life's funny that way, you don't always get what you want."

The employee returned with the shoes and Wanda turned away, dismissing Dale. As she completed her purchases, she noted that the couple stood outside the shoe store waiting for her. It was apparent that they weren't going to give up. As Wanda considered her options, and remembered the explosive orgasm, she decided to take a chance. It was what Sharon would have wanted her to do.

She strode up to the couple and met a pair of angry green eyes and a pair of confused gray ones that she once thought reminded her of fog over a lake. "Okay, here it is. Dale, do you remember a Wanda on graduation night?"

Dale seemed even more confused. "Yes I do, I could never forget that night. It was the first and only time a girl completely broke my heart."

"Broke your heart?" Wanda was incredulous. "You damn near broke me! Because of you I have never been with another man and have no intentions of ever being with a man again."

"Wait, what? You're Wanda? No, it can't be. She had darker hair and she was this plain simple girl; I thought we loved each other. You... you just can't be her, you're gorgeous and.. and just so not like her,"

"Yes Dale, it is me, Wanda. And I did think that I loved you and that's why I gave myself to you."

"Oh my god, your the woman I've heard so much about? The one that took Dale's virginity and then never saw or spoke to him again?" Debra broke into the conversation.

"Okay, look can we go someplace not quite so public to discuss this?" Wanda looked around at the people giving the trio strange looks.

"Yes, please, I really want to talk to you," Dale said, reaching for Wanda's hand.

Debra frowned at the move but chimed in, "Why don't you come to our place, it's close."

Wanda thought for a minute about the safety aspects of going to their house, but then decided that she was big girl, plus, if she got the chance to get a taste of Debra's pussy, she was going to take it. "Okay, I'm done here so lead the way."

It was a short drive across town to a house that was only a couple of miles from Wanda's own. The neat blue house sat back from the street and looked similar to many others in the area. Wanda pulled up,parked behind their vehicle and got out.

She followed the couple into their house, taking note of the clean, orderly and nicely decorated rooms. Dale showed her into into a cozy den as Debra excused herself to go get some refreshments. The two sat uncomfortably looking at anything but each other until Debra came in bearing a tray with cookies and a pitcher of iced tea in tall pretty glasses.

Dale jumped up to take the tray from Debra and set it on a nearby table. He quickly served the tea and cookies to the two women as everyone found a place to settle in. "Okay, let's go back to the beginning," he started.

"No, let's start with something more current. Are you two married? And what was with jumping me in the dressing room?" questioned Wanda.

Debra looked to Dale and then answered, "Yes, we're married and we are swingers. We have an open relationship and when we saw you in the mall we both said that we wanted to get in your pants. I made the first move to break the ice, so to speak, and then I was going to try to get you to come here so we could both have you. But you threw me off a bit when you asked about Dale."

Wanda looked back and forth between the two. She had noticed a few scattered pictures around the room and noted that the couple was in most of them. They obviously lived together so there was no reason to not believe the story.

She looked at Dale, now to tell her own story. "Way back in high school, I just knew that we'd be together forever in the way young people do. But after graduation when we... you know, well it hurt me so bad and I actually bled for like two days. I thought you had seriously hurt me inside. I was too ashamed to go to my parents and tell them, so I just cut myself off from everyone. I decided that if having sex with men hurt like that then I wasn't meant to have sex with men. But because of my beliefs, all that really meant was that I had sex with no one."

"It wasn't until just yesterday that I actually had sex with someone other than myself. And since I have been attracted to women, I knew that I was a lesbian. I've only been with one woman and that was only because the circumstances were just so weird. At least until today when Debra... well, when Debra did me," Wanda blushed at the last part.


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