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Smoking Causes Fun

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All I did was go outside for a cigarette or three.
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I stepped outside the bar, the reduced noise volume was an instant and welcome break. I could hear my ears ringing but what I really needed was a cigarette. I was wearing a short black skirt and a black spaghetti strap top which showed off my legs and cleavage.

Inside my purse I flicked open the lid on the packet of Marlboro Lights and pinched the white filter. Whilst sliding it out of the packet I fished out my red lighter and leaned back against the building.

A few other people were smoking around me. I placed the white filter between my dark red lips and raised my hands to shield the end of the cigarette. That's when I noticed him, smiling at me as he sat with two male friends at the tables which lined the front of the bar.

I paused for a second and glanced at him before refocussing my eyes into my hands as I clicked the lighter. I sucked hard on the filter, drawing breath through the cigarette before inhaling a satisfying lung full of deliciously thick smoke.

Lowering my hands and dropping the lighter inside my purse, I glanced at him again. He was grinning lecherously at me now. I licked my top lip, moistening the dryness then exhaled a long, thick stream of smoke into the night sky.

He was rather cute, but he looked a lot older than me, so I tried not to give him too much thought. I looked up and down the street whilst taking long drags on the cigarette.

However, feeling his presence upon me, I felt compelled to glance in his direction every time I exhaled, just to see if he was still watching me without him knowing he had my attention.

He seemed to dip in and out of the conversation taking place at the table, glancing back and forth at me when he spoke, but then full on undressing me with his eyes again when his friends were in control of the conversation.

Each time I looked it felt as if he knew I was stealing another glance, and his smile would turn into a big grin. The cocky git knew I was looking to see if he was looking. That raised the corners of my mouth into an involuntary half smile.

Under most circumstances having a guy paying particular attention to me in this fashion would heighten my awareness. Survival instincts would kick in and my guard would go up, but with this guy it actually lowered my guard a little.

It shouldn't have because he was easily twice my age. I was nineteen, fresh out of the initial Covid lockdown and enjoying being free again. I was convinced this guy was knocking forty. He could have easily been one of my dads friends, obviously he wasn't.

Drawing the last drag from the cigarette I stared back at him and checked him out. Two can play his game, I thought, inhaling sharply.

He had wavy styled dark hair with a short, neatly trimmed beard. His eyes were very attractive, alluring even, especially when he smiled and undressed me with them. My heart began to flutter. He knew I was now admiring him.

Blushing as he grinned so blatantly at me, his eyes roaming up my legs and over my breasts, I crushed out the cigarette, exhaled and then returned to my friends and the loud music inside.

When I went for another cigarette an hour later, he was still there. We instantly locked eyes and smiled. I pulled out another Marlboro Light cigarette and placed it between my dark red lips again. Déjà vu, I blushed, as his gaze skirted the full length of my body once more, causing me to smirk and the cigarette to lift horizontally as I cupped my hands around the end of the cigarette and lit it.

Craving the nicotine as always, I sucked hard on the filter whilst still managing to smirk. I then cast him a serious look as I inhaled the smoke deep into my body. A few knowing moments passed before I smiled once more. I looked away and exhaled.

To appear in control, to show him he had no power over me, I stood up straight and stopped looking at him. Rotating my arm from my shoulder, keeping the cigarette poised between the first and second knuckles of my index and middle fingers, I kept the smouldering cigarette at mouth level, off to the side. With my palm up and my hand facing outward, I languidly drew on the cigarette, inhaled confidently and exhaled through pursed lips.

This silent flirting continued until I finished the cigarette and stubbed it out for a second time.

Another hour later, almost midnight, I stepped outside with a cigarette already in one hand and the lighter in the other. I left my purse on the table with my friends.

There he was again, still socialising with his friends. He looked my way the moment he saw me. With his big lecherous grin and those deeply, dazzling eyes of his, he started at my feet and slowly drank every inch of me in. He nodded his approval and I grinned wider than he did.

I'd never been checked out this blatantly in silence before. I actually wished he smoked so he could approach me for a light, any excuse to come up to me and initiate a conversation, but he never did.

A little drunk and aroused by this point, from all the drinking and dancing inside the bar, I was grinning with each drag from the cigarette. Then I'd give off a little giggle when I exhaled.

Nearing the end of the cigarette, my friends exited the bar, handed me my purse and told me we were moving on. My heart sank for a brief moment. I told them I'd catch them up once I'd finished my cigarette.

Mr Mystery smirked, cheekily telling me to spin around by signalling a twist with his finger. I took my final drag from the cigarette and turned around slowly, not making it too obvious to others around me. So much for being in control, I giggled at myself.

When I looked back at him I was chuckling. I crushed out the cigarette and he appeared delighted, winking at me with a cool nod of his head.

It didn't take long for me to forget about Mr Mystery. At the next bar my friends and I hit the dance floor and ended the night with some silly shots.

When we left the bar I headed in the opposite direction by myself. The girls went for food but I wanted to get a taxi home as soon as possible. The queues at the end of the night were always horrendous.

Taking a short cut down one of the old Victorian arcades, hobbling on the cobbled stone in my ankle strap heels, smoking a cigarette, I heard someone behind me. I stopped and looked but there was nobody there.

I continued on, without fear or concern. The taxi rank was only another twenty metres or so away at the end of the arcade. Then I heard the noise again.

Stopping for a second time I stepped with my back up against a fire door, which separated a day time café and boutique. I was slightly anxious now. I drew on my cigarette and exhaled, hoping it wasn't the cities community support officers out patrolling the streets, about to fine me for smoking in the arcade.

With its rows of shops, covered by a long glass arch, I was technically smoking indoors, even if all the shops were closed.

Then I saw Mr Mystery approaching me alone. I recognised that handsome smile and those dazzling eyes, laden with sexual intent, even inside the dimly lit arcade.

"You followed me?" I gasped nervously.

I didn't panic, but fear gripped me and my heart started pounding. I dropped the cigarette onto the floor and preyed he would walk straight past me, but he didn't.

Without a word, he stepped up to me, put his hands on my face and kissed my lips. We sighed through our nostrils. Him sounding relieved, me sounding shocked. He then took my arms and raised them above my head before holding my wrists firmly together. My chest heaved forwards and he grinned hungrily into my cleavage.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you are?" he asked lustfully.

"No! What?" I responded wide eyed.

"The way you dress this sexy body, show off those big tits. The way you stand smoking a cigarette. Sultry, seductive, teasingly slutty, waiting to be noticed!" he explained lewdly.

Speechless, I held my breath while he searched my body with his eyes. My heart was pounding again. I could have screamed. I could have fought back. I could have even pulled my arms back down, he wasn't holding them that tight. I could have easily kneed him in the balls and hobbled down the arcade screaming for help, but I no longer felt worried. I don't know why but I didn't.

He watched me for a moment, as if waiting for a reaction from me. When one didn't come he kissed me again. It was a long, feverish kiss. I remained frozen, kissing this mystery stranger whom I had silently flirted with several times throughout the evening.

Whilst kissing he slid his free hand up my right leg, round the back and under the hem of my short skirt. He cupped and squeezed my arse cheek, moaning into my mouth as our tongues entwined.

I was so horny and dazed by what was happening to me that I moaned too, submitting to him.

His hand came round the front from my arse and he kicked my right foot a little wider. I moaned again, knowing where his hand was about to go.

"Not here," I barely managed to pant.

Forcing his tongue deeper inside my mouth, this older man ignored me and cupped my throbbing mound with his hand. I groaned and sighed a deep breath of arousal. Surely this isn't happening, I thought, but it was.

He pulled my thong to the side and in slid his fingers. He rubbed my pussy lips, groaning into my mouth as soon as he felt how wet they were. I gasped repeatedly as this stranger toyed with me, rubbing my outer lips, smearing my juices.

My clitoral hood became so lubricated it opened up and revealed my aching clit to his fingers. He pressed one tip firmly against it and controlled my clit in clockwise circles.

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned, before he suddenly released my wrists. My aching arms dropped to my sides.

"Light up a cigarette," he said, his tone wanton and authoritarian.

"W ... www ... what?" I stuttered, confused.

"You've been teasing me all night with this body and the way you smoke. Now light up!"

I quickly searched my handbag and lit a cigarette.

"You're such a sexy little tease," he groaned, slipping a hand up inside my top whilst still rubbing my pussy.

I sucked urgently on the cigarette as he caressed my right breast and worked his hand between my legs. I had three pleasurable experiences going on at the same time, none of which I could solely concentrate on.

Pulling up my top, releasing both my breasts, exposing them inside the arcade, he pushed me hard up against the fire door and inserted two long fingers into my body. I jolted and cried out in pleasure, exhaling a lung full of thick cigarette smoke at the same time.

"I love a young, dirty, chav!" he hissed, before pushing his tongue inside my smoky mouth.

Shocked to be called a chav, I tried to push him back but he was too strong and too in control of the situation. My feeble effort lasted a few seconds before he freed my mouth of his tongue and bore his eyes into mine.

In a lust riddled stare off, I took a long drag from my cigarette and exhaled straight into his face. He chuckled and thrust his fingers deep inside me. He'd won yet another short battle as my eyes flickered and I felt the rumblings of an orgasm.

"Keep smoking! I want to watch you cum as you smoke!"

This guy was crazy, but he was also very good. I didn't understand his fixation with me smoking, but his fingers inside my pussy, his hand groping from one breast to the other, had me concentrating on climaxing.

I no longer cared where we were. I didn't care if he thought of me as a chav. I only cared about the sensations between my legs exploding throughout my body.

I took another long drag, my eyes closing as I inhaled and flicked my hips. I then held the smoke deep inside my lungs, consumed by his fingers as he curled them against the roof of my insides and fucked my pussy harder.

I began to tremble, exhaling thick smoke from my mouth as I moaned. He pulled my nipples as I took another drag. He sucked one nipple and the other as I inhaled. He then bit my left nipple softly when I exhaled.

Then, I exploded inside the arcade, my back firmly up against the fire door, preventing my trembling body from collapsing in a heap.

"Light another one!" he demanded.

I lit another cigarette then he spun me round and pushed me into the fire door.

My hard, aching, hot nipples sizzled against the steel. The burning cold sensation made me gasp, but then something else had me gasping.

With my hands and breasts squashed against the door, the cigarette smouldering between my fingers, the dirty bastard pulled my hips out, bunched my skirt up around my waist, slapped my arse cheeks and pulled my black thong to the side.

He manoeuvred himself behind me, forced my legs shoulder width apart and reached round my front to squeeze the sides of my breasts.

"Take a drag from that cigarette!" he hissed, nudging his erect cock between my legs, about to penetrate me.

Managing to fulfil his commands, I inhaled a mouthful of smoke.

"I'm going to fuck you while you smoke."

His words made me want him to do it more than anything. I exhaled and immediately took another drag. I had never felt so turned on or so slutty in my life.

"What's your name?" I panted, inhaling as I did.

"Does it matter?" he grunted. "I'm going to fuck you then leave with your pussy full with my cum!"

I groaned loudly, exhaling cigarette smoke from my mouth and nostrils as he slid his cock into me. Totally unprepared for his girth and length, I sucked desperately on the cigarette and scraped my long nails against the steel door.

My pussy felt like it was resisting when he first tried to enter me, but as he continued grunting and pushing, telling me how tight I was, my pussy produced so much lubrication that within a few harder thrusts, it was giving him a warm, wet, tight welcome.

He grabbed my hips and thrust harder, forcing everything he had right up inside of me. Unable to bring the cigarette back to my mouth, I let it burn down between my fingers while he fucked me inside the arcade from behind.

I felt so dirty it only added to my desire. This older man, this stranger, was now fucking me hard and fast, grunting behind me as he used my tight, young pussy.

"Cum for me you filthy little chav slut!" He hammered into me over and over again. "I'm going to fill this tight cunt with so much cum!"

Suddenly, I dropped the cigarette butt to the ground and started rocking my hips back and forth. My skirt was around my waist and my top was up around my neck. My breasts swayed and banged against the door while his big cock ruined my insides. Then I climaxed.

My pussy contracted so hard he pushed even harder to remain inside me. His breathing increased deeply and his grip tightened on my hips. His legs began to tremble against mine as his thrusts went deeper. He then groaned and came inside me.

When he pulled out and stepped back, releasing his firm grip on my hips, I heard a sucking sound followed by something warm and sticky running down the inside of my right thigh. His thick cum was leaking from my well fucked pussy.

I pulled my skirt and top down and quickly scooped my breasts back inside my top. When I turned round he was gone. With nothing to wipe myself clean, I had to agree I was a chav that night.

Walking those twenty or so metres to the end of the arcade, to finally catch a taxi, I felt dirty, very dirty, but deeply satisfied.

The woman inside the taxi office told me a taxi was on its way, so I went outside for a cigarette while I waited. Drawing languidly on the Marlboro Light cigarette, with my legs tightly closed together, I exhaled and giggled.

What the hell just happened? I wondered.

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