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Snake Charm Pt. 02


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"Well hello there Chuckie! Long-time no see it seems you aren't looking any worse for the wear brother in law!" Demi said while taking a seat right across from him.

She was obviously lying because he knew that the past year had taken its toll on his appearance. He found it interesting that she still referred to him as brother in law more than he felt insulted by the obligatory 'Chuckie' that came from her mouth.

"Yeah well if it isn't the she-devil from hell, steal any more wives or daughter's this year!" he said while gripping his cup tightly. Of course, he wanted to kick himself for the comment, it wasn't how he had pictured starting this off.

"Ouch...that really hurt Chuckie, but to answer your question no I haven't. I don't need to steal any more wives or daughter's I have the only two I want thanks to you. Now have I seduced any wives or mother's this year the answer would be yes, with the help of my two beauties that is." she said while sipping her coffee.

"Before we go any further Demi I need to know why? Couldn't there have been any other way than stealing them out from under me?"

"I'll answer that question for you but you have to answer one for me, and be honest Chuckie!"

He nodded his head letting her know that he agreed.

"Are you still watching the videos?" she said while looking right into his eyes.

His face turned red just as it had a year ago when she had pointed out how much he seemed to enjoy watching them.

"Y..y...yes..." he said softly.

"Good, very good Chuckie, I knew you were of course but I wanted to see if you would admit it. Now to answer your question I had to take them, I had plans for us and you were not a part of them, at least not back then. My plans would not have worked out well if I had stayed in that house with them. Shit, when you think about it you might not even have survived if we stayed. The last week we were there you were nearly comatose drunk every night. If anything you should maybe be thanking me for saving your life back then!"

"Thanking you...thanking you...whatever Demi," he said sadly. Of course her comment of "at least not back then" had him guessing maybe he was right, maybe this is about money.

"Come on Chuck, I'm not here to re-hash ancient history, the girls are mine and that's not ever going to change. I would think that you would at least have realized that by now. Think about all the things you've seen the three of us do, how dirty and perverted we all are together. Your wife and daughter are mine both body and soul, but there might be a way to go forward in the future and include you. If that is the case would you be interested?"

He tried glaring at her but it seemed to have no effect on her.

"They were my life Demi, of course I want to be included but how much of my soul will I have to sell to make that happen?" he finally answered.

Demi actually threw her head back and laughed, "Well don't you think since I'm the she-devil as you put it that it should cost your whole soul? How about it Chuckie, ready to make a deal with the devil to be back in your family's lives?"

"What exactly is it that you want Demi? Is it money, because I have wondered how the three of you have been able to live this past year. Is the money too tight now with the babies?"

She just looked at him like the cat that ate the canary, he was in her control still and she knew it.

"Oh, little known fact Chuck, money means nothing to me or my family. One thing you were never privy to was the benefactor I had while locked up. It seems that someone stepped forward while I was locked up and donated a very large chunk of change into a bank account for me. It seems that after I rid the earth of the piece of shit who took Angie and Nicky they found the remains of others. One of the remains they found was the daughter of a very wealthy man, he just wanted to thank me. I had friends of mine on the outside invest it where I would tell them and POOF...rich ex-con. Chuck, I have enough money to take care of my family and my family's family till the day we all pass. So no Chuckie it's not about money," she finished off with a laugh.

He was stunned, he had no idea and Angie had never mentioned this to him if she had ever known.

As if reading his mind Demi added, "No Chuck they never knew, your wife and daughter left you last year without a clue. They trust me enough so when I tell them it will all be ok they believe me. Not like a husband and father who lets his wife and daughter fall prey to a predator twice in his lifetime."

"Twice?" he asked.

"Of course twice, the first time you sat back and did nothing and I wound up in prison. The second time was with me, yes Chuckie I admit I was a predator too. The biggest difference was of course that I love Angie and Nicky and would never do anything to hurt them. Even still you just sat there and watched me take them! You watched me fuck your virgin daughter and you watched me fuck your wife right in your own bed next to you! Christ Chuckie I wondered back then if I had asked you to hold either of their legs open for me would you have agreed."

He couldn't find the words to deny what she was saying. So he just sat silently across from her waiting. He was still trying to rationalize what she had just told him about being wealthy.

"Chuck listen I'm here for my two women, they want to come home. They are hoping to be able to convince you that it would be good for everyone," she told him.

"What?...why do they even think that I would consider that? I mean yes I do want to be a part of their lives but I don't know what good that would do,"

"Well you didn't scream no or hell no so maybe this might actually be do-able!" she said with her normal wicked grin.

"Huh hold on here, what on earth makes you think I would allow that...I ...I...mean..." he sputtered.

"Chuckie the truth be told they don't really need your permission to come home. Angie is still your wife because you never filed for divorce and I know why. Nicolette is your daughter and she has every right to be where her mother wants her. They don't want any problems, you should know that they both missed you in their own way when we first left,"

"Yeah right, based on how you all treated me before you left I don't believe that for one second!" he whined.

"Damn don't whine, we didn't mean to treat you bad, in fact, we didn't even consider you. I told them that you had agreed to let us have our way of the house and you went along with it. Come on Chuckie, this whole thing allowed you to get in touch with who really are sexually." she said as she teasingly ran her tongue along the edges of her cup.

"What do you mean...I was perfectly happy sexually before you came along. Angie was perfectly happy and my daughter was still a virgin!"

"Let's break it down here, if you can be completely honest with yourself maybe you will see the light. If Angie was so perfectly happy with you in bed there would have been no way I would have been eating her pussy the first night I was in your house. Second, Nicolette was a time bomb waiting to happen, that sweet thing took to sex and fucking like she was born to do it. You should thank me here too Chuckie because it could have been some lowlife scum who was her first but instead she got me. You know I'm right too!"

As she was telling him this he started seeing the visions of the videos in the back of his head. God how slutty and depraved his wife and daughter had become but he loved it more than he ever hated it.

"Well what about me, how did this all put me in touch with who I really am?" he said while a vision of Nicky on her hands and knees played in his head. In the vision, she was pushing her tight little ass back while Angie held her by the hips. He could hear the echoes in his head of flesh slapping flesh and the obscene moans coming out his daughter's mouth.

"It's obvious Chuckie, you finally got to know yourself as a cuck. Come on now don't try and deny it or lie, you get off on watching your wife being licked and fucked. You get off on watching your daughter spread her own ass cheeks so me your wife or one of our friends can fuck her sweet ass. I can only imagine how much tissue you have used up over the last year." she teased.

Again she had left him speechless, unable to defend her accusations because he knew them to be true.

"I have to hear it Chuckie, I have to hear the words come out of your mouth before we go forward!"

"Ok, ok, I admit it are you happy now, is there any other way you want to humiliate me right now?"

She laughed at his choice of words, "No Chuckie not right now but the future...well lets put it this way. Being a cuckold means a certain degree of humiliation comes with the territory. If you agree to us coming back to the house there will always be something to entertain you and humiliate you at the same time. You would actually have a cuckold's dream world, three women to humiliate him and cuck him at the same time!"

"Three...do you mean you would be moving back in with them too?" he asked.

"Oh my fucking god, did you really believe that I would leave my ladies with you? Get one thing clear here Chuckie, Nicky, and Angie are mine and will be forever. There will never be a time when I am not their life and they are not mine. Angie is not coming back to be your loving wife, she will be your wife but the loving part is all mine. In fact, the wife part might need to be talked about too!"

"Alright, you still haven't told me why. With your supposed riches why don't you just get a house of your own and settle in?" he asked suspiciously.

"It all comes down to memories and family Chuckie, your wife and daughter have deep emotional ties to that house. Nicky grew up there and Angie raised her, they want their children to grow up in the same space."

"So why not just make me an offer and buy me out if I would sell it."

"Would you Chuck, would you really sell it? Don't be stupid, you haven't dated anyone I bet in this whole year. You still love your wife even though her feelings for you have changed and you miss your daughter terribly. It was Nicky who came up with this idea because I wasn't lying before when I said that they missed you."

"If they missed me so much why was there no contact. Why didn't I hear anything until a year had passed by. Why wasn't I even invited to the hospital when my granddaughter was born."

"I didn't let them contact you, I told them that you were better off. I tried to explain to them that it gave you time to accept the changes in your life. As I said before I also didn't want you interfering with my plans. Now that I have my family all together there's nothing you can do to get between us. Besides you still have no clue how deep my influence actually goes." she said mysteriously.

"Will you please explain that last thing you said, what do you mean?" he asked warily.

"When I said earlier that you should be willing to make a deal with the devil to be a part of your family's lives I MEANT YOUR WHOLE FAMILY! Don't be surprised, I was the one who helped Angie and Nicky reconnect with your parents and your brother and his wife. By the way, your mom makes the most amazing stuffing! I thought I was going to burst at Christmas dinner. What did you do for Christmas Chuckie, maybe a little Swanson's turkey dinner for you?"

His head was spinning with all this new information, but at the end of it all his Angie and Nicky wanted to come home. He might even be able to restart his relationship with his parents and brother too. All he had to do was agree to what he really wanted anyway.

"Demi you are truly one sick bitch, but you know you have me. Once again you have all the winning cards so tentatively I will say yes. I want to meet with Nicky, Angie, and the kids as soon as possible." he told her.

"Wonderful, today is Thursday so how about this Sunday we all get together for some lunch and we can chat some more!" Demi said with a mysterious smile.

"Ok, but where, I have no idea what a good restaurant would be to handle two little babies?"

"No, no, no, Chuckie we don't need any restaurant we're all gonna meet at your parent's house. Your parents, brother, and sister-in-law will all be there and they can help you see things the new way too. Let's say around one and Chuckie please don't be late!"

"Wait what do you mean about seeing things the new way?"

"Don't worry about it, we will see you on Sunday. Oh by the way here is a little piece offering from me. Watch the blue one first, the red one is just some really hot things I was doing with the girls recently," she said while handing him two USB drives.

Demi got up from her chair and told him, "Chuckie, this can be a great thing for you if you handle it right. When you show up on Sunday please keep your emotions in check. I would hate to have to watch your own parents ask you to leave if you start a scene."

"Don't worry I'll stay calm no matter what I feel for my family right now. It's still hard to swallow the way I was asked to not be there for Christmas," he said with a look of hurt.

"That should tell you everything right there Chuckie, your parents, brother, and sister-in-law are firmly in our corner. I won't go into details why right now but in time you will understand. Anyway, I have to go now, I am not lying when I say Nicky and Angie are both looking forward to seeing you. It's time to bring this family back together and a big part of that will depend on you. Enjoy the videos Chuckie, don't rub yourself too raw!"

"Demi one last thing, I don't know if you had any influence when naming the babies but I want to thank you...it means a lot to me that one of them was named after me."

She couldn't help but laugh at his comment, "Chuckie, I'm sorry to disappoint you but neither of the babies is named after you. Angie's daughter is of course named after me and Nicky picked Charlie as the name for her son because...well I'll leave that for you to ask her.

Then she was gone leaving him to deal with all the information she had just dropped in his lap. He wasn't sure what was more shocking to him, whether Demi was wealthy or how she had managed to get his family on her side of their conflict.

He knew his parents would be putting their first great-grandchild foremost in their thoughts. He wasn't as surprised by this as much as he was by his brother's turning his back on him too. Well if a lot depended on him as to how this all was going to play out he intended to cooperate. If he played his cards right not only would his house be filled with life once again but he would be back in good graces with his own family too.

To most people, it might appear that it was unfair for his family to act the way they did considering what Demi had done to his life. He almost understood it though because he had always felt as if he was a disappointment in some ways to his parents.

His father Charlie had been a marine and was one of the hardest men he knew. With his dad it was always about "being a man" and that started with doing military service. He had chosen not to serve and that had put a wedge between him and his father which had never been fully repaired.

It had gotten a little easier for him when his younger brother had enlisted in the marines like his dad. It still didn't stop the snide little comments every now and then from Charlie sr. things like, "it's so nice to know there is one man in our family. At least one son took his duty seriously." His brother ate it all up and would just strangely smile at him. He supposed that was the start of Rob losing some respect for him.

His mother, Terry, was an old fashioned housewife modeled right after the ones he saw on tv while growing up. He found it funny because his mom was a real looker and could have had any man. She had long flowing black hair, a beautiful face and as hard as it was for him to admit a body to die for. He supposed he got his own breast fetish from watching his mom while growing up. She had some of the largest boobs he had ever seen as a child and at times he felt himself thinking things about her that a son is not supposed to think of their mothers. For her, her husband was always the last voice on any subject in their house. If his dad didnt want him there for this Christmas he knew his mother would back his decision 100 percent.

His brother's wife Laura was the complete opposite of his mom personality-wise. She had no problem standing up to Rob if she thought he was wrong on a certain subject. In fact, he secretly wondered sometimes if she was as outgoing and aggressive in the bedroom. She had met his brother while they both were serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan and it had been love at first sight.

She was a fiery redhead that the word spitfire was a perfect description. He remembered many a holiday gathering where she would go toe to toe with his own father on subjects they disagreed on. It was always in good nature though because he knew his dad had nothing but respect for Laura. Truth be told, he often believed his father had more respect for Laura than he did for him. After all, she had served her country and was now the wife of the one son he had that had done the same.

He would sometimes catch his father glancing back and forth between him and Laura at family gatherings. It almost felt like he was being sized up and judged every time it happened, with him always coming up on the short end of the stick. He had long ago given up any hope that his father would come to respect in this same way and he was sure that lack of respect had played a part in his father choosing to pick Demi and her women over him.

He would almost bet that when his father found out the truth of the split up he probably thought Demi was more of a man than he was as well. He would probably have decided that if his son wasn't man enough to handle his women that it always proved what he felt, that his son was a wimpy waste of being a man.

So as he also got up to leave he started thinking if meeting at his parent's house was such a good idea. It was definitely not a neutral zone based on the recent behavior of his family, if anything it probably favored his wife and daughter more. Well the die is cast he decided, he knew he would be there with bells on at 1pm on Sunday and he would try his best to stay calm.

He thought it was ironic as he stepped out into the bitter chill of the January wind that months ago he thought it would be a cold day in hell before he considered taking his wife back. Well his life was pretty much hell and here it was a pretty damn cold day and he had agreed to take her back. Not that he would have her back as she was for all the years before Demi but she would at least be back in his life, along with Nicky and the two babies. He couldn't shake off Demi's last comment about baby Charlie, he wondered why Nicky chose that name if it wasn't for him.

Demi, on the other hand, left the little cafe with nothing but a huge smile on her face. She could not believe the way her life had changed over the last year. Everything she had dreamed about and plotted while in her cell had come to pass. She had seduced her own sister and niece, taking them on as her family. She had taken them from Chuckie so much faster than she expected to because she hadn't expected him to be such a closet cuckold.

Then she had proceeded to get her lovely ladies bred with babies to solidify their relationship. Chuckie didn't know it yet but her name was in the father's place on both birth certificates. She guessed he might be able to play that part with the children but the best he would ever be would be an uncle to them. She had no intention of ever letting him be considered daddy or granddaddy to the two perfect offspring.

Finding the right people to father the babies had been a tough call. She had a couple of different possibilities of who she should choose and was glad to admit she had chosen wisely. The two proud sperm donors would always be a part of their lives too but were well aware that uncles were all they would be to the children too.

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