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Circumstances allow Brandon to be himself among friends.
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"My husband always wants a blowjob but I'm not really into it..." she confided in me.

"Are you telling me this because you just want to get it off your chest, or are you interested in hearing a man's thoughts on the matter?" I responded thoughtfully.

She paused for a moment and continued.

"Honestly, can you guys even imagine what a girl feels like when she has to do that to please her man? Really?..."

I could have told her that I in fact do know, but I thought it best to allow her to continue her rant.

"It's not that Tom's dick is huge or smells bad. It's not that his sperm is nasty or repulsive... it's just that I don't understand why he's just not satisfied pumping it into my juicy pussy! After all, that's what it's meant for!" She paused again and took a sip of her wine.

"I really want to make him happy and keep him satisfied but if he wants blowjobs he's going to need to find someone else to give them to him. I mean... I'll certainly suck on him a little to get him hard, but I'm not interested in making my jaw sore and getting his goo in my mouth and all over my face. Gross." She said as she frowned in disgust.

We both took another sip of wine.

"So Brandon, what are your thoughts? Am I being unreasonable?"

We had just met for a drink at the bar across from Tom's office to wait for him to finish his work. Then we had plans to go out to dinner and maybe see a movie. My wife was at a conference and wouldn't be home until late so I'd accepted Sue's offer to spend the evening with her and Tom. Tom's project was taking much longer to complete that he anticipated so Sue and I had been here at the bar longer than we'd planned. We were beginning to feel the affects of the wine, both of us feeling a bit of a glow as we continued to talk.

"You're not being completely unreasonable Sue. In my experience I've found few women who really enjoyed giving head..." I began to say.

"What do you mean completely?!" She interrupted.

"Well, I mean, it's normal for a man to enjoy the feeling of love that comes with putting his dick into a lover's mouth. It's different than fucking. It's emotional." I took another sip of wine and continued to explain "The sensation of a lover using their mouth and hands to give the ultimate pleasure, with virtually no expectation of reciprocation, to work for and accept his seed willingly...wantonly. Ahhhhh, that is a feeling that a man cannot get any other way."

"Oh I don't know why I'm asking you" she said showing some frustration with my answer "how would you even know. Marci" (my wife) "probably enjoys it so you probably get head all the time." She said with another frown.

There was another pause as we each sipped our wine.

"Unfortunately that is not the case. I wish it was, but it's not. Marci used to pleasure me that way but that was years ago. She doesn't seem to have the desire anymore. She's like you...a little sucking to get me hard, then it goes right into her pussy." I smiled and looked into Sue's eyes "it's okay though, I get it."

"So Brandon" Sue leaned in and softly asked "can you, as a guy, even imagine what it would be like to perform a blowjob? Have you ever put yourself in a position to think about having a big (and believe me, even the smaller ones are big in your mouth) hard dick pushing into your mouth to a point where it sometimes gags you? Can you imagine doing that for fifteen or twenty minutes? Until your jaw hurts! And then, after all that, you have to deal with all the cum!

It's gross! Wouldn't you agree, Brandon?"

I stayed silent as I contemplated my response. Sue and Tom had been friends since our kids were little, we'd spent a lot of time together as couples but the two of us had never had a conversation like this. I didn't know if I could be honest with her or if I should just shut up and agree with her.

"Brandon?" She said "your thoughts?"

The wine made me decide to be honest with her.

"You know Sue. I haven't always been married to Marci."

I paused.

"I might actually be able to relate more than you think..."

Sue's eyes lit up expressing her shock and curiosity... she leaned closer.

"So yes, I have put myself in a position to understand. I agree that there is a physical investment of time and some discomfort. I agree that unless you're a person who sees the end result as a prize, it could be considered 'gross." I continued. "At the same time, it's a wonderful expression of love and from my experience, well worth the discomfort."

Sue was stunned by my answer. She sipped her wine and looked away as she processed what I'd just told her.

She turned back abruptly and asked "Oh my god Brandon! You're gay?!?" She said as she practically spit her wine everywhere. She was truly in shock at the thought.

Calmly I stated "Bisexual or pansexual... just horny... might be more accurate, but yes, I have enjoyed the physical love of another man a few times in my life." I answered

"I need details." She said. "I want to know how you can just hook up with a man but still go on to live a straight married life."

"Sometimes sex is just sex. Sometimes you can express physical affection without becoming soul mates. You had one-night stands or casual hook-ups when you were young didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes, but I didn't have gay hook-ups!" She said.

"Well for the record, I never went out looking for a 'gay hook-up.' The circumstances just occurred and the acts of love naturally followed. I still have fond memories of my experiences."

We sat quietly for a while as she processed.

She sipped her wine slowly and finally looked up at me and asked:

"Would you consider doing it again?" She swallowed hard "I mean, would you give a man a blowjob if the opportunity arose?"

"Absolutely" I replied "but I'm pretty sure Marci wouldn't be comfortable with that — so I haven't pursued that desire."

"So you're telling me that you like giving head, that you like having a man fuck your mouth...did you swallow?!"

"Of course. I'm a man. I know how insulted a man feels when their seed is not appreciated."

"Oh my." She said. "Tell me how it first happened. Tell me how you found out you were this way. Did you always feel an attraction to men?"

"Sue. Let me clarify this in your mind so you get this straight." I said softly "I'm not 'attracted to men,' I'm actually more attracted to their cock than to them as a whole. I cannot imagine having a romantic relationship with another man, but I do truly enjoy the sex."

"So tell me how this happened" she continued excitedly. "What circumstances would inspire you to play with another man?"

The conversation paused as we each took another sip. I was secretly hoping Tom would show up as this uncomfortable, albeit titillating, line of questioning had me feeling like I'd already said way too much.

"Please tell me." Sue persisted.

"Okay" I said "but this stays between you and me."

"Agreed." She said.

I took a deep breath and began... "I was in my 20's and between girlfriends. A buddy of mine from work invited me to go hiking and camping with him. We hiked up into the Cascades where we came upon a beautiful little mountain lake. The water was crystal clear and it was surrounded by pines, the mountain peaks rose above it in all directions. I'll never forget that picturesque setting for as long as I live. We were both hot and nearly exhausted. We threw down our backpacks and without a word, stripped naked and ran into the water.

The water was cool and it felt so good, so cleansing and revitalizing. We swam and floated until we no longer felt tired or sweaty. As we caught our breath and began to relax, I remember looking all around and just absorbing the absolute beauty of the moment. I soaked in the cool waters, looking up at the pine trees and the mountains that surrounded us. I remember consciously thinking to myself that I was sharing the most beautiful moments of my life, right there, and I was sharing it with another naked man! I recall being somewhat taken aback by that thought, but it all felt so natural and so right.

Suddenly I was hit in the face by a big splash of water. I cleared my eyes and began retaliating in a big way, pummeling him with splash after splash. I think I wanted to drown him for so violently yanking me out of my precious moment...

We splashed each other — getting closer and closer to each other as we battled. As we swan and splashed our legs became entangled. At some point I felt the unmistakable heat and firmness of my friend's fully engorged hard on! I soon felt my own as it crossed the front of his thighs. I remember feeling mortified to think that I was alone with another man and we were both naked and sporting raging woodies!

We suddenly stopped. We both started calmly swimming towards the shore. As we stepped up out of the water I couldn't help but notice (and truth be told stare at) his beautiful manhood. He looked long and hard at mine as well as we slowly sauntered towards our gear. Not a word was said as we sat down with our backs up against a log. We both stared at the lake. It was so beautiful.

I decided to say something before he wrecked my moment again...

"So, looks like it's been a while since you've been laid too." I said as I looked at his still hardened cock jutting up from his body.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He said as his face began to turn red.

"Don't be," I said "I'm as hard as you are."

We both looked at each other, sharing our embarrassment but not making any attempt to cover up or change the subject.

My heart seemed to be trying to jump out of my chest right then. My breathing became labored. I don't know where my train of thought even came from or where on earth I gathered the courage to utter the words that followed...

"Would you ever let another guy help you take care of that?" I asked timidly, looking directly at his beautiful hard-on...

He shyly responded "I've never really thought about it," he paused and took a breath "but if you're offering I'd sure appreciate any help you'd be willing to offer!"

We both sat frozen in the moment. I looked at his cock. I studied every line, every bulge and vain. I looked at his balls and pubic hair. My eyes traced every detail of his gorgeous manhood. He began to develop a droplet of clear liquid at his tip as I watched. I was transfixed. I don't exactly know what came over me but I knew at that moment that I had to have that thing in my mouth.

I slowly leaned in, grasping his shaft with my hand, stroking it gently at first. Then, without conscious thought, I opened my mouth and guided him in.

My tongue touched the droplet. I didn't sense any taste but it was slippery and very cool despite the heat I immediately felt emulating from his engorged cock head. As I engulfed his cock head in my mouth I remember it feeling so hard, but so spongy, and hot. It felt so much bigger in my mouth than it looked before. I spent a few minutes just licking and sucking all around it from the head, down and around his shaft, and all the way to his balls, taking each into my mouth one at a time. The entire time he was moaning and saying how good it felt. I moved my mouth back up to the tip and was again rewarded by another taste of his pre-cum. This only encouraged me.

At this point something snapped in my brain and I suddenly switched from exploration to the "man on a mission" mode. I was hell bent to see this through and truly relieve him entirely. I began to stroke and suck and lick around his head with a renewed vigor. I took him as deep into my mouth as I could. He began to moan deeper and louder. I was so turned on myself, from his moans and from the very act that I was so naturally performing, that I began to stroke my own cock as I swallowed as much of him as I could.

Suddenly his breathing stopped. His torso tensed. His thigh mussels became hard as rocks...and he screamed out "I'm cumming!" and he tried to pull away. I held him in my mouth as he began to cum. I didn't even try to avoid it. I swallowed every drop. I loved the heat of his liquid as it filled my mouth, I loved the thick and slippery texture of his spunk, I even loved the flavor — rich yet mild — I was not repulsed in the least, in fact quite the contrary...

He filled my mouth and throat with spurt after wonderful spurt of his precious man milk. I swallowed and swallowed in my effort to make sure I didn't waste any of his prize!

As I swallowed I felt my own cock unload a huge orgasm onto the ground. I was in heaven. I felt a wave of pure satisfaction sweep over me just from the experience of having pleasured another man. My own body confirmed for me just how natural it really was.

"And I was hooked. I've been a cocksucker ever since. Even though I'm not practicing, I'm still a cocksucker just the same" I said looking back up at Sue.

"Does that answer your questions?"

Sue sat silently stunned by my graphic description.

"Wow..." she finally responded "just wow!" She was still stunned by this revelation. She took another sip.

Now, more than before I was really hoping for Tom to show up and stop us before this got any weirder. He didn't, and she continued...

"I never in a million years would've pictured you as a cocksucker... Wow. Now that's something that I'm dying to actually see in person!" She paused again, obviously contemplating her next question... after the lengthy pause and another sip she went on "So Brandon, if I could set it up, would you be interested in helping me give Tom a blowjob? I mean to completion? If he'd let us?

She was looking deep into my eyes as she awaited my response. I couldn't lie.

"Tom is a handsome man and a good friend. I would certainly entertain the opportunity but I wouldn't sacrifice our relationships for it."

Just at that moment Tom arrived at our table. I'm sure my face turned 50 shades of red when our eyes first met. So did Sue's.

"Wow! Did I interrupt something?" Tom said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Brandon and I were just having a discussion about sex, but it's time for dinner. I'm starving and the wine needs some company in my stomach so let's get dinner. I'll tell you about our conversation later." Sue said to Tom.

Awkward. That's the feeling I was experiencing.

We stood and headed out for dinner.

The thought of Sue's last words stuck in my mind like a chicken bone in my throat. "I'll tell you about our conversation later." Oh my god, I thought to myself, oh my god.

Minutes later we were seated at the restaurant. I sat nervously as we ordered drinks and studied our menus. I was terrified by the thought of Sue sharing the details of our conversation with Tom right here in public...

Fortunately Tom was the first to speak. He was anxious to share his progress on his current project so the subject of Sue and I's earlier conversation never even came up. After dinner we parted ways and I went home to wait for Marci. I was hoping she would help relieve some of the pressure that had built up in me during my conversation with Sue.

Marci returned late and I had already fallen asleep. She woke me the next morning with a very sensuous blowjob. A blowjob the likes of which I hadn't experienced in years. It didn't take long for me to respond to her pleasuring, since the events of last night already had me worked up. When I began to cum I warned her and tried half heartedly to pull out of her mouth. Marci held me tight and took every spurt deep in her mouth. Oh my god it felt good to cum in her mouth again. What a wonderful feeling.

Once my climax had subsided, Marci let my dick fall from her mouth and worked her body up onto mine and we came face to face. I was smiling, beaming with pure satisfaction. Marci had a much more suspicious smile in her eyes...

She brought her lips to mine.

I immediately thought to myself "what a special treat this would be if she let me put my tongue in the same place that I just cum in!" This, a snowball they call it in porn, had long been an unfulfilled fantasy of mine — this and a cream pie... neither fantasy had come true yet in my life...

Our lips met and we both let out a soft, but passionate moan. Her tongue parted my lips and mine responded aggressively, quickly probing into her wonderfully warm and wet mouth. I tasted my seed. She still hadn't swallowed. She'd planned this snowball all along. I continued to probe deeply into her mouth. I licked around, pulling as much of my cum back into my mouth as I possibly could. I loved it! I loved that she was sharing her prize with me. I loved the flavor, the texture, the heat and our interaction. We kissed passionately and both of us moaned loudly as our tongues wrestled. One of the most sensuous moments I've ever shared with another person. With Marci's help I'd achieved nirvana.

Eventually Marci popped up and headed for the shower.

"Where are you headed off to so early on a Saturday morning?" I asked.

"Sue wants to go shopping and we thought we'd just spend the day together. Maybe do some yoga or get lunch...maybe both." She said as she giggled a little and stepped into the shower.

"Well that's curious" I thought to myself "I wonder when they made that plan..."

I don't know if it was the blowjob or the fact that I was a little hung over, but I fell asleep while Marci was showering and she was gone when I woke up.

I spent the rest of my morning rethinking the events of the last several hours. I thought long and hard about my conversation with Sue. I wasn't completely regretting what I'd shared with her. Honestly, it was a relief to finally share that story and "come out" with my repressed desires. On the other hand I was really concerned that it would come back to bite me. "What if Sue shares my story with Tom — or what if she's sharing it with Marci right at this moment!" I thought to myself... I felt a sense of terror at the thought.

But then my thoughts turned to the epic blowjob that Marci had performed on me earlier. I dreamily recalled my orgasm in her mouth and the ensuing snowball. Oh god. These thoughts had such a calming effect that I soon lost my sense of terror and was completely at peace.

As I was preparing lunch my phone rang. It was Tom. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck. My sense of terror, or at least serious fear, was returning. "What could Tom be calling about. Did Sue actually tell him what we'd talked about?" I thought to myself. Oh god.

I picked up the phone.

"Hey Brandon, how ya feeling this morning?" Said the voice on the phone.

It was Tom of course, and he was chuckling a bit as he spoke.

"I'm great, but a little foggy..." I responded. "I think Sue and I spent more time at the bar waiting for you than we really should have. And the second bottle of wine at dinner might have been excessive."

"My bad." Tom said apologetically. "But Sue told me she really enjoyed spending time alone and getting to know you better. She couldn't stop talking about it after you went home."

I didn't know what to think or say. I didn't know how much of our conversation she'd shared and I didn't want to spill any beans that Sue hadn't already spilled.

"So are you free this afternoon?" he continued "The girls are out enjoying themselves and I need an extra hand with a couple of things here. Could you come over and help me out? he asked.

"Sure Tom. I'll be over in an hour."

I hung up and went to get dressed.

I showered and threw on some shorts and a tank top. Slipped on some flip flops and started walking the few blocks to Tom's house. Along the way I casually wondered what it was that he wanted a hand with. I thought to myself that it might have saved me some of this mild anxiety if I'd just asked him while we were on the phone.

My mind also kept going back to the question of how much of our conversation Sue had shared with him...


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