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Something Better


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"That's funny; that's the same thing I want to do." Clarissa pushed Natalie against the wall in the hallway just before the master bedroom. Her roommate looked stunned as she went after Nat's pointy nipples. "Starting with these."

"Mmm..." Nat whimpered as Ris's sneak attack landed. She kissed, licked, sucked, and teased first one nipple and then its stunning twin. She tried to remain firm yet gentle in her actions, thinking off all the times an overzealous lover would play with her more like a titty twister than anything tender. Natalie did not stay dazed long; her own busy fingers found Rissa's breasts. Natalie pulled Ris up, and fire ignited as their lips met again. Rissa wondered if she had ever felt that much passion in a single kiss and couldn't think of another.

Natalie pulled her into her room, turning the lights on just before she caused the windows to turn opaque. Clarissa would have to worry about flashing the park later; her body was desperate for Natalie and unworried about any consequences.

They were on Nat's King-Sized bed in a blur, making out again. Natalie kissed her and went to work, introducing Rissa to a world of delights and lesbian sex. They spent hours exploring one another's bodies. Nat may have kissed and licked a vast majority of nerve clusters in Ris's body, and her fingers joining in had Clarissa orgasming explosively. They did have to pause their fun when Chester started barking at Nat again when Ris screamed, unable to contain the pleasure.

"No, Ches, mama isn't hurting Ris." Natalie rolled off the bed to calm the poor pup. It was well past midnight; she was probably also starting to worry about the apartment board and noise complaints. "I don't think your talk worked." Natalie looked at Ris with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

"He's just going to take more time. You did make me cum several times without barks. Chester, I am going to make your momma cum now." Rissa pulled Natalie back up onto the bed and on top of her. "At least he hasn't come up on the bed to watch."

"He is an inquisitive pup." Natalie held her pinned with a ravenous kiss. "A cold, wet nose to the cooter is never a good time," Nat said with a laugh.

"That happen often?" Ris stared at those incredible blue eyes and added an amused giggle. There had to be a story to go along with that.

"Only once, but I was just masturbating; at least he didn't ruin a moment with a lover. I was so close to cumming, though, that put a stop to that with a hurry." Natalie glared over her shoulder at Chester in his dog bed.

"Well, why don't you bring that 'cooter' up here so I can get my late-night snack in. I think my tongue may be slightly better than a dog nose."

"I like your ideas, girl." Natalie had to come in for one more long make-out session. "But I also adore kissing you."

Time seemed to skip forward in an instance again as soon as Natalie's delicious pussy was on Ris's lips again. Soon, Nat whimpered through a powerful seeming orgasm, probably trying to keep noise to a minimum. Her apartment was well insulated, but Chester had a sharp bark if he got involved.

"Why does my pussy taste so good on your lips?" Natalie said as she sloughed to the side of Ris and locked lips in a long, slow sensual embrace.

"You got one part of the question right. Why does your pussy taste so good?" Natalie just shrugged and then scrunched her nose with a smile in response. "How come you never told me sex with women is so much fun?"

"I think you have that part right as well. It's just sex with me that is this much fun." Another kiss, and then they embraced one another, and the long day finally won out; falling asleep next to the beautiful woman next to her felt so right.

The windows might have been opaque in the morning, but that didn't stop the morning light from waking Ris up. She sat up in the big bed and looked over to Natalie, who had been playing the role of the big spoon beside her. Ris had a tiny sliver of worry for an iota of time in which she was scared that it was perhaps the alcohol and tough week that had driven her into Nat's arms, but when she looked at the beautiful sleeping woman, all she could do was smile proudly. Silently she snuck out of bed to make Natalie her favorite waffles, bacon, and a full pot of coffee. If she made the bacon in the air fryer, she could stay naked for her girlfriend. My girlfriend! Rissa smiled widely; Chester stayed curled at his momma's feet.

Cupid 542 -- Early that same morning

"That was inspired, Angela!" 542 smiled as Angela beamed over a cup of tea.

"Whatever do you mean, 542?" She tried to play coy.

"Don't think I missed someone playing a bit of a muse for Derek there." He tried to look serious. "I thought we couldn't use any magic."

"Long-term division can't, but some of my old friends owed me a favor. Besides, it was just a dollop of inspiration. Did it help?" Angela got up and made some more tea. 542 smiled that she got out his favorite tin from the cabinet.

"I think so, but lust hit our girl again in the car on their way home." 542 read through his notes and peered into a looking glass that updated probabilities with current data. There was no one future; there was merely a web of possibilities that solidified as the present moment hit them, creating a flowing river of time.

"What's that going to do other than waste magic?" Angela turned around as she messed with the kettle.

"Well, I am still scared that they are burning too hot and fast." 542 looked back down. "It's like starting a fire; if the small starter fuel burns up before the larger deeper logs and branches catch, it will just leave the stronger pieces scared with carbon instead of making a bigger blaze. That must be his plan."

"Seems like a gamble." She poured two cups of tea after letting 542 apparently stare at his tools for a moment.

"Tomorrow is still going to be a problem. I don't see any futures where she doesn't panic Sunday morning."

"We'll get through this. You got this."

"I just gotta think."

Natalie -- Saturday morning two days until Valentine's

Nat's apartment smelled simply heavenly. She was a little sad that Ris wasn't still playing the little spoon in her bed, but Chester was still warming her toes at the end of the bed. Natalie questioned if she had just dreamed last night, but the smell of Ris's shampoo and perfume permeated the pillow beside her. Natalie sat up and stretched, leaving the bed to scurry to the bathroom without waking her pup.

Chester was almost the perfect apartment dog. Usually, he would sleep in on the weekends to 10 am or so before demanding a walk, and on weekdays he was a helpful little alarm clock. How Ches knew the difference between the two, she wasn't sure. Sure, he would need compensation in time to run around the dog park today, but perhaps they still had an hour and a half until he needed to go out. Nat was required to see where she and her roommate sat this morning. She said a silent prayer that Rissa still felt the fire that Natalie did.

"Morning, Rissa." She couldn't help beaming as she walked down the hallway. Clarissa was still naked; that simple fact could only mean great things. Nat didn't know that she would ever see something beautiful as Ris in the morning light spilling through the translucent windows, her body lightly dusted with flour.

"Don't be smiling too much, babe; you know this means you have dishes." Ris walked directly over to her and pulled her down into a slow kiss. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really well, I always do after some fantastic sex. A beautiful girl in my arms and a warm puppy at my feet meant I slept like a log. What about you?" Natalie looked down to see that Rissa's embrace had transferred a liberal amount of flour to her; it stood out further on her tan skin. She just smiled back at Ris and modeled the dusting.

"I like being the little spoon." She just smiled and waggled her eyebrows at Nat. Ris had obviously already done a little makeup and quaffed her hair just a little. It made Nat self-conscious that she had only brushed her teeth and peed when in the bathroom. "I think your dog is broken, though."

"You mean other than the whole barking anytime I make you cum?" Natalie accepted a steaming mug of coffee from Ris as she went back to tending the waffle iron.

"That might be a problem. I think he just needs to get used to that. But I was referring to making bacon and him not being here begging."

"Chester is a bit odd." Natalie set her mug down, then stepped behind Ris and took advantage of her being focused on pouring batter into the hot waffle iron. She kissed her neck and then nibbled one ear lobe playfully. When Rissa leaned back against her and moaned a little, Nat's hands wandered over her new lover's tight body. "Are those your grandma's Belgian waffles? With the big sugar crystals?" She found a ticklish spot on Ris's ribs.

The sound of Rissa giggling and laughing was the sweetest of melodies in the warm kitchen. "Yeah, I'm trying to impress this girl I like." Ris brought an arm up and curled around Nat's neck, pulling the taller woman into a passionate kiss. "She better remember I know where she is ticklish too," Clarissa warned with a laugh and went back to tending the waffle iron.

Nat took the opportunity to cup a breast in one hand and slide a finger between Rissa's slit; she was already dripping nectar. Ris changed her stance by the counter, opening her legs a little further and granting better access to her pussy. Natalie took the cue and curled a pair of fingers into Clarissa. Valiantly, her love tried to keep cooking as Nat plied her trade. "You are so wet, honey," Nat whispered into Ris's ear.

"Oh!" Ris yelped out, just managing to open the waffle iron as it dinged and extract another waffle. Her pour of the next batter spilled more than a little onto the granite island. "You're making this a challenge, babe," Rissa said between moans.

"Hmm, guess I'll have more to clean up." Natalie giggled before kissing Rissa down her shoulder blade and then down her sexy back as she knelt down. She kept the motion going down Ris's taut leg. When Nat got to the ground, she sprawled on the tile in preparation for a sneak attack. On her back, Natalie laid down on the floor, crawled close to the cabinet, and popped up between Rissa's legs; she needed another taste of tangy perfection. She drove her tongue between Ris's folds and flared a thumb across her clit.

"Oh! Fuuu..." Rissa's legs shook slightly, and her knees seemed threatening to buckle. Natalie paused to look up with her best puckish smile. Ris looked down at her. "I knew cooking naked was dangerous."

"I just need an appetizer." Nat quipped and then went back to work, zeroing in on the clitoris. She had just wrapped her lips around it and traced her tongue around her target when something cold and wet found her pussy. "Wha!" She yelped in surprise and quickly closed her splayed legs. A white, orange, and brown furball just wagged his tail with a happy, oblivious look on his face.

Rissa leaped to the side and then started cracking up laughing as she helped Natalie to her feet. "Chester! No licking your momma's pussy! That's my job." Rissa exclaimed at the inquisitive mutt but kept laughing.

"Well, that kills a moment." Nat couldn't help joining in the infectious laughter.

Rissa shrugged but leaned in for another passionate, long kiss. "It's breakfast time anyway. I'll bet we can find another moment or two today." Her brown eyes twinkled beneath the warm sunlight, promising more fun.

They were soon sat on the couch, leaning against each other. This morning was already more than Natalie had ever dreamed of; she couldn't help the permanent smile affixed to her. Rissa was an unbelievable cook; her grandmother's secret family recipe was addicting. "When did you get the special sugar for this?"

"Brought it with me, been saving it for a special occasion. I hadn't had the need to use it in a while. Breakfast after incredible sex with Natalie seems like a special enough event." Rissa said with a smile as she handed her plate to Nat; she wasn't about to shirk her duties as the clean-up woman in the kitchen.

"To think of all the people who think they have real Belgian waffles just because they have a thick waffle iron."

"You know we are really going to have to hit the gym today to burn off all that sugar."

"Darn, I was thinking of other ways to burn off the sugar." Nat started to rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

"Believe me, that is definitely on the schedule, but I am trying to impress my new girlfriend." Rissa followed her to the kitchen and leaned on the island. She had to know how perfectly it put her flour-dusted breasts on display.

Nat's heart fluttered at Rissa's words. Girlfriend! Oh, hell, yes! "Girlfriend, eh?"

"I sure hope so; you know I am not normally the one-and-done type of girl." Rissa walked around the island and grabbed Nat's face, pulling her into another wild kiss. "If that's all right with you." Ris had a teasing smile.

"Sounds delightful, honey." Natalie had to restrain telling Ris that she loved her; it was still too soon. However, she couldn't help turning on music and dancing through the kitchen as she cleaned up. Rissa disappeared to get dressed to walk Chester. Natalie quickly finished up and joined her. Even in broad daylight, her girlfriend seemed to have zero hesitance in holding Natalie's hand as they took him on a walk and wandered through the busy park.

Clarissa -- Later that afternoon, after the gym

After pushing herself so hard at the gym, a long hot shower felt great. Clarissa could easily foresee spending more time walking around the apartment naked and wanting to look her best. Ris couldn't help putting on makeup and styling her hair just to go sit next to Natalie on the couch. She doubted it would be long until she felt comfortable being herself again around her girlfriend, but Nat looked so beautiful; she just wanted to look her best.

"Wow," Natalie said from the couch with a smile. "You look gorgeous."

"So do you," Rissa plopped down beside her with a wry smile. "I was thinking, there is an art walk going on downtown tonight. There is also an outdoor café with heaters that accepts dogs. I want to take you out on a date tonight." Natalie had reached out and entwined her fingers with Ris. "Between that and taking the goof to the dog park in an hour, maybe we can tucker the little guy out."

"You want to take me on a date?" Natalie asked and then kissed as a perfect way of answering. "Whatever will we do with the hour until Chester's playdate at the dog park?"

"I want to show off my beautiful new girlfriend. As for now, I have an experiment I want to try." Rissa waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"What would that be, my dear?"

"Maybe call it some exposure therapy for the pup. I want to move you to that side of the sectional, and I'll stay here. Then I am going to masturbate until I cum. Let's see if the nutty one over there still barks at you if I am going solo."

"Aww, but what do I get to do?" Nat kissed her one more time but played along with the experiment.

"I would hope you would masturbate too; I could use a little visual stimulation. If we are far enough apart, maybe Chester won't think you are attacking with me."

"Toys?" Natalie asked as she nestled against the far armrest.

"Not this time. They would be additional variables." This was partially a ploy to get more information about what Natalie liked in bed to better grow in her lovemaking with her best friend.

"Okay, can we ask each other questions, or is this a 'quiet and let me work' type of experiment?" Natalie asked as she brought her legs up and spread her glorious hairless pussy in front of Ris. Her fingers started to circle around her clit, not waiting for Ris to be the starting gun.

"We never really talked about sex before, at least not in-depth. It would be nice to know what my girlfriend likes in bed." Rissa spread herself, much as she had last night, when she stumbled onto the couch with one leg on the ground. She traced her fingers up and down her slit as she got warmed up just a little.

"You really do have some fantastic plans, babe." Nat used the pet name on her that only she had used on Natalie, but it sounded fantastic. "Now, don't misconstrue me; I love the way it looks on you, but what's up with the inverted heart of blonde? You wax everything else."

"I went all the way once, but I didn't feel like a woman. I like just a little bit of pubes. Maybe if my cooch looked as good as yours bald, I would do it again. It doesn't bother you, does it?" Ris curled a pair of fingers into her vag; she was already really wet. She had been dreaming up this scenario in the shower. Her opposite hand on her clit, unconsciously imitating the tight circles Nat was employing.

"Not at all. Karen was '80s pornstar hairy. However, it is nice not to get hair stuck in my teeth." Natalie smiled and grabbed one of her breasts.

"Clint was hairy; I know the feeling. Amir shaved though, that made for better blowjobs." Since Nat mentioned an ex, it didn't feel bad to bring up her own past. "How do you feel about penetration? I am noticing you are only playing with your clitty."

"One or two fingers only, but it's not necessary. Maybe a small dildo on special occasions with the right woman. You?" Natalie paused the tight circles around her clit and sunk her middle finger into her perfect snatch. It took a surprising amount of willpower not to go over and help her girlfriend out.

"I have always liked a nice big hard cock, with plenty of clitoral stimulation. A vaginal and clitoral orgasm at the same time is fantastic. Though, you may have made me cum harder than I have with even that." Ris started to move her twined fingers in and out of her vagina

"I have never had a vaginal orgasm." Natalie looked over at her, serious and a little sad.

"Hmm, I think I have a goal." Rissa beamed; maybe she could introduce her girlfriend to something new. "I have a toy that can really hit the spot." She added with a wink.

"You are free to try. I am willing to attempt anything with you."

"Sounds like we have something to look forward to after our date."

"Favorite toy?" Natalie arched an eyebrow.

"I got a rabbit-type vibrator that gets me off really well. You?"

"I think I may need to buy you a dildo, vibe, or maybe a strap-on; I want to be the one to take care of your clitty." Natalie smirked out a challenge. "As for me, a little clit sucker that kind of, almost, approximates oral sex. You're way better, by the way." She winked at Ris; she could feel her heart-melting.

Rissa paused the conversation for a moment spreading her legs a little more, hoping to give Nat an even better view. So far, Chester was unmoved by the proceedings. "So, how hard do you like your clitoris sucked?"

"I'll let you know if it's too hard." Another wry smirk and a wink. "Strangest place you have ever had sex?"

"University pool, when I dated Dave, the lifeguard. You?"

"Same, actually, but it was with Annette on the swim team," Natalie said with a snorting laugh. "Different school, though, when I was getting my master's. Solo, out on the patio, right there." She pointed out the opaque sliding door.

"Really?" The apartment building stairwell was right outside the patio and had several windows out; although it did not have the traffic of the elevator, it was still well used. "What's the story with that one?"

"Well, the goof wasn't always so well behaved. He had a much smaller bladder at the time." Ris smiled; Nat obviously wasn't saying his name to keep from blowing the experiment. "Near the end of the summer, I had to take him out at 3am, after I had a fantastic sex dream." Her girlfriend paused her story, furiously circling her clit. "Fuck, I am going to cum!" That had to be some memory for Nat.


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