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Click hereMy heart was beating hard as I walked into the room. I stopped to take in my multiple reflections in the well-placed mirrors throughout the room. I'm not usually a vain woman, but in this instance I luxuriated in the beauty and desirability of the woman I saw in the mirrors. I know now it had everything to do with feeling wanted. Confidently, I turned and strode towards him.
His stared in wide-eyed amazement as I approached openly, wantonly, as seductress; my every cat-like movement radiating sex. I had never felt so sexy, so attractive; I'd never been so horny!
I stopped a few feet in front of him, and I'm sure I could see a bulge in his pants as I twirled before him, pulling back the robe to reveal myself clad only in lace bra and black satin-bikini panties. Gathering the robe up just above my waist, I spun slowly and stopped with my back facing him, proudly displaying my ass. I rotated my hips seductively and as I looked over my shoulder it turned me on to see the look of desire on his face. Dropping the robe I turned to face him.
"Well, what does my boyfriend think?" I asked in my most coquettish manner, as though I didn't know the answer.
He muttered his approval, and I asked him if he wanted to see more. Of course he did. As I turned to return to the dressing room, proud in my conquest, I slipped off the kimono so that he could watch every curve as I walked away from him. I conveniently dropped it just before the dressing room door, and gave him a long look at my curvaceous backside as I bent over to retrieve it.
I knew I had raised the temperature in the room more than a few degrees, and as I looked at the array of sexy lingerie I'd brought into the dressing room, I decided to be even bolder with my next choice. Taking off my bra, I slipped into a beautiful sheer baby doll, sheer enough that without a bra, my nipples were just visible through the lace and silk. It felt luxurious against my skin, and my nipples grew hard. Over the baby doll I put on a long black lace robe, equally sheer, but adding coverage and an air of elegance and mystery.
At first, I took on a more demure attitude as I modeled the robe, consciously cooling things off a bit. There was no doubt it was a beautiful garment, but it's impact was less overtly seductive, and so I played it a little coy as I walked in Gregory's direction. This garment spoke of beauty and grace more so than of lust and desire. It was polite and safe.
His response was equally sedate, and I strode leisurely towards him, twirling on my heels every few steps, like a dancer to show off the robe. Picking up the hem and then letting it drop, I stopped mid-way. "It's beautiful, don't you think?"
He agreed and I sensed he felt relief at being able to assert some control over his passions.
But it wasn't to last, for as I came within a few feet of him, I turned, and with all the showmanship of a magician waving his cape,I dropped the robe off my shoulders, my arms still in its sleeves so that it draped luxuriously behind me but revealing the sheer babydoll and through it my bare breasts. My nipples were large and hard and visible through the sheer silk, and the sight nearly caused him to collapse there before me.
I played it coy, affecting an innocence that should have won me some kind of award; the impact of which seemed to make my son all that much more uncomfortable. Feigning ignorance of what I was revealing, I leaned in close to him and ran my fingers around my nipples, and asked him his opinion.
"I don't know, do you think I carry this off? Do you think I fill it out well?"
I don't recall him replying with anything but mono-syllables. Letting the robe drop, I stood before him, presenting my body, only minimally concealed through the sheer babydoll. I reveled in the power of my sexuality.I had never felt as desirable before, and rarely have since. I could discern a large bulge in his pants, and was dangerously close to reaching for it if it wasn't for the saleswoman calling from the sales floor to ask if we needed any assistance. I quickly pulled the robe up and around me and answered "no" but that I'd found some lovely things and we'd be right out.
The moment had passed, but its impact was reverberating throughout the room and between us. Gathering up my things, as well as Gregory, who seemed utterly incapacitated by the experience, I made my purchases, thanking the saleswoman for her assistance, and promising to return.
As we left, I grabbed Gregory's arm and said "We have so much fun together, don't we? I'm so happy you're my boyfriend!"
He agreed enthusiastically, and I added: "I can't wait to be alone and give you a private fashion show! How would you like that?"
"I ...I would love it" he stammered , squeezing my arm and looking at me in disbelief. The sexual tension filled the atmosphere around us like hot air in a balloon, only to be punctured by the sound of someone calling out my name as we approached our car in the public parking lot.
"Marie! Marie!" I turned to see one of our neighbors waving towards me. "It's so good to see you! And Gregory! Pick up anything nice?" she said, pointing at my bags.
"Yes, yes...we.. I did." I was a bit taken aback and startled into reality. She had dispelled our fantasy, surely as if she had been Harry Potter breaking a wizard's spell. We shared small talk for ten minutes or so, run-of-the-mill gossip and whatnot. She asked when Greg was leaving for school and he and I said " tomorrow" in unison and with the same note of sadness. She wished him well for the semester, said she'd have to invite my husband over for drinks one night soon and went on her way.
The intrusion of reality upon our erotic dream embarrassed us both, and we spoke very little on the way home, choosing instead to listen to the radio. I remember that song "Miracles" by the Jefferson Starship was playing and it brought a tear to my eye. I felt it was speaking to the tumultuous contradictions at war with one another inside me. The buzz from the wine had begun to wear off, and I was getting a terrible headache. Suddenly, I was ashamed of my behavior, remorseful; I wished for a moment we had just come home after the restaurant.
But we didn't. And now there was an understanding between us, unspoken as it was on that depressing drive home, that we both shared an erotic desire for one another. As we pulled into the driveway, I wondered if it was too late to put the genie back in the bottle. Noticing his father's car was already there, he turned to me and smiled sweetly. "Well, I guess I have to make sure I'm all packed and ready to go."
"Guess so" I replied.
"But... I had a great time... on our date."
I smiled. It was as though we were teenage sweethearts on my parents porch.
"Oh, I did too..."
" ...and I can't wait to come back for my private fashion show!" And we both laughed, releasing all of the tension that had built up within the car on that long ride home.
" I can't either.'" I giggled. "It's a date!" I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Pulling back I looked in his eyes and saw a well of emotion.
"I'm going to miss you, Mom..." he said.
"I'm going to miss you, too. I meant what I said in the restaurant."
We looked in each other's eyes with a mixture of sorrow, confusion and desire. Hesitantly, I placed my lips upon his, and softly, tenderly I kissed him. It was only a moment, and only one kiss, but the sound of thunder could have torn the sky wide open as our lips touched. His lips were sweet, and soft. In that brief second, thousands of conflicting thoughts and feelings raced through my mind; doubts and recriminations mixed with longing and desire;
"...this is my son, my son; this is my son, oh god, what am I doing?"
And yet I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in his kisses and fall beneath him. Before I succumbed to desire, I pulled away and rose out of the car. Part of me wanted to leave both of us wanting more, and part of me hoped it was enough to bring us to our senses in time to pull back from the cliff we were driving towards.
That night he went out with his friends, while his father and I spent another silent night in front of the television. While I sat quietly sipping my drink, periodically mustering a laugh for whatever inane comedy played out on the screen; in my mind I was re-living the day's events over and over in an endless loop. I was frightened and exhilarated all at once; filled with misgivings and embarrassment.
My husband had fallen asleep, and I retired to our bedroom to climb into bed and distract myself with whatever book I was reading at the time. Our bedroom had its own bathroom and to relax myself before bed, I decided to take a quick shower. As the warm water ran over me, my thoughts turned to my day with Gregory. As I relived my little fashion show and remembered his lustful gaze, my hands caressed my breasts and gently squeezed my nipples, sending a shiver of delight through my body. The memory of my seductive display filed me with breathless excitement. But the touch of my own hands was not what I wanted, and after a moment's reverie, I turned off the shower with a sigh of disappointment.
I took a towel from the rack, dried myself and stepped into the bedroom unclothed, startled to find Gregory standing just within the door! Losing my breath, I stopped dead in my tracks, and instinctively held the towel up in front of me. The coverage wasn't entirely adequate and while I wasn't conscious of the thought, I didn't want it to be.
"What are you doing home?" I asked in mock annoyance. "It's so early!"
Clearly as surprised as I was by the situation, he fumbled for his answer; "I—I...
I have to get up early....for the trip back.....and...and...."
" Yes?"" I said expectantly. We were both frozen in place like statues.
" ...I wanted to see you....not like this....I mean...I'm sorry....I didn't mean to...."his eyes, filled with longing, pleaded with me.
We stood, six feet apart, still and motionless for an eternity. Slowly, I let the towel fall to the ground. I stood there with my body revealed to my son, his eyes drinking in the curves of my flesh, the space between us thick with his longing. Hesitantly, we moved close to one another, and as our bodies came together, he placed his lips on mine. The kiss was tender and soft. As we kissed, I took his right hand and placed it on my breast. As he cupped my breast in his hand, I shook inside and felt my pussy flooding with moisture. Our kisses were passionate, but so slow and luxurious. I wanted to revel in each and every one, imprint it's memory forever on my mind. He pulled me close, and I placed my hands on his chest. His right hand gently squeezed my breast while his left hand fell to my ass, and as I felt his touch upon my flesh, I nearly lost my mind.
"Squeeze my ass" I whispered to him. "...Squeeze it..." and as his strong hand took hold of my voluptuous bottom and grabbed it tight, I gasped, and kissing him harder, pushed my tongue up against his. I was quickly losing myself to desire, and I felt our passion running away like racehorses from a starting gate.
As his lips caressed my mouth, then my cheeks, then my eyes and he made his way to my ear, he whispered "......I love you...I love you so much...."
As I swam in his arms I responded in kind; "...I love you too...I do , I do...." lost in the moment, I still found myself wondering at the nature of that love. A mother's love? A romantic love? Or was it both? But at that moment, I didn't need to know the answer.
His mouth moved below my ear, and his lips pressed against the nape of my neck, taking my breath away. Aware of my reaction, he lingered, giving me shudders of delight. I squirmed in desire within his embrace and pushed my loins up against him. One kiss at a time, he lowered his mouth to my shoulders, my chest and then my breasts. His tongue moved in circles around my nipples, and then gently, slowly, one after another, he placed his entire mouth upon my breasts and hungrily began to devour them.
Oh my God, I had never been so excited! I could hear my heart pumping, and the blood coursing so fast through my veins. I was dizzy, lightheaded, lost in his touch, an insatiable animal. And while I was unable to vocalize anything more than heavy breathing and monosyllables, in my mind I was thinking;
"...yes, yes, yes, oh, yes! Don't stop, don't stop, darling, suck my tits, suck them my baby boy, suck your mother's breasts. Caress them, squeeze them, love them, you know how you want them. Oh, yes. My son is suckling at his mother's breast, oh God, how I've longed to feel his mouth on me, to hold him here and never let him go. " Ecstasy is an overused word, but to have my adult son at my breast, to feel his adoring love over my body, was sheer ecstasy.
Taking his left hand, I guided him between my legs and showed his fingers how to touch me. He rubbed my clit, and his fingers slid easily in and out of my moist pussy.
I was dripping wet, and so overwhelmed with desire was I that it took only seconds for me to explode in his hand. The pleasure washed over me in waves, and I felt myself literally fall weak at the knees. Only the strength of his arms held me upright.
I was desperate to feel his cock inside me, but after the orgasm my senses returned to me and suddenly I remembered;
" ...your father....stop, stop now...your father is downstairs. we have to get a hold of ourselves..."
as much as I did not want to stop, still, in that brief second of sanity, my common sense got the better of me. No sooner had I said those words but we could hear his father moving around in the living room below. I picked up my towel, and waving Gregory out of the bedroom, I returned to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I turned the shower on, and stood beneath the warm water for a moment, lost in thought, dazed at what had just happened. I was enthralled, I was frightened; I felt the joy of falling in love, and I felt the concern of a parent.
One thing I didn't feel, was the guilt of an adulterer. Somehow, the fact that Gregory was my son quelched any pangs of adulterous regret. The only guilt I felt was that Gregory was left frustrated, while I'd felt such pleasure.
By the time I'd turned off the shower, dried and wrapped myself in a towel, my husband had made his way upstairs and Greg had gone off to his bedroom. We readied for bed; my husband dressed in his pajamas, crawled under the covers and fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. I lay awake, my heart pounding with excitement, thoughts racing through my mind like phone calls across the overhead telephone lines laced across our neighborhood.
My husband was a sound sleeper, and once I'd determined he was not about to wake up, I climbed out of bed. I was wearing only the top of my pajamas; I didn't bother with the pants and though I was brunette, not blonde, the look was decidedly Kim Novak.
Making my way across the hall to my son's bedroom, I pushed the door open a crack. The nightlight from the hall illuminated his room just enough to show him sleeping peacefully in his bed. For a moment, I saw him as a child, his momma's little boy dreaming of airplanes and football games. But then the recollection of our encounter collided with those thoughts and ran them over like a freight train.
He was a man, a handsome young man who adored me and I wanted him. Silently, I entered his room, closing the door behind me. I waited a moment while my eyes adjusted to the light and then made my way to his bed, softly sitting myself at his feet. Slowly, quietly, so as not to wake him suddenly, I pulled the covers away from him, surprised and delighted to see he was not wearing anything; his beautiful, flaccid penis in full view. Tenderly, I took it in my hands and fondled it. He stirred just a little, and his cock became engorged. It thrilled me to watch it enlarge like a balloon while he was yet sleeping. What a magnificent thing to behold!
As it became hard, I lowered my head towards it and began to lick the long, thick shaft. My god, it must have been eight inches! Stirring in the bed, Gregory began to wake. Startled to find me in his bed, caressing his cock, I put my finger to my lips to signal his silence, and then returned to his beautiful member; placing my lips over its sleek circumcised head and running my tongue all around the slopes of that beautiful helmet as I looked into his shell-shocked eyes. I could taste his salty pre-cum as my tongue embraced his cock; hungrily swallowing it whole, sliding my mouth up and down the smooth pole as I steadied it with my hand. I devoured him with wild abandon, as though I were a starving animal come upon carrion. Its taste was intoxicating, addictive as chocolate. My tongue danced like an Olympic skater over the round cap of his penis, lingering over the small slit at its peak, sliding back and forth over the small crevice, every so often daring to push the tip of my tongue just past the threshold. I savored every slope and curve, luxuriating in my son's phallus, certain there had never been a work of art as beautiful. I imagined the sleek, smooth helmet rubbing my clit and gently sliding between the lips of my wet pussy. Desperate as I was to straddle atop him and feel his cock push inside me, I was as committed to my path as a speeding train set upon its track. Harder and faster my lips moved up and down his shaft, relentlessly sucking him like a candy cane at Christmas, until finally, his body stiffened beneath me, his groin arched upward and he erupted in a raging torrent of hot ejaculate, filling my mouth and throat so full and fast I nearly succumbed to the rush of it.
I swallowed it all, reveling in the taste of him and then, having taken a breath, my tongue ran languidly along his still hard cock, greedily lapping up every stray drop of his profuse emission. I looked up and stared into his wide eyes as my tongue continued its path up and down his shaft, pleased to see the mixture of astonishment, pleasure and exhaustion upon his face. Finishing, I rose to leave, motioning again for him to remain silent. Bending over him, I kissed him softly on the lips and then left him, closing the door behind me.
The next morning his father drove him to the train station... and he was gone. Several months... and many sleepless nights... would pass before I would see him again.
End part 1.
I'm impressed. A story of love and monogamy. That didn't portray the mother as a souless whore, or lesbian. And the son as a pimp or whoremonger, cuckold, or swinger! I applaud you, Jocasta 68! Great story, well told. I sincerely hope this stands as a model or pattern for other writers of this genre! Five-stars and wishing I could give more!
The best story I have read on this site. It was well written and flowed so evenly. I hope part 2 is soon to be available.
Absolutely beautiful!!
What a wonderful read, full of excitement and loveliness.
You are truly a talented writer, and I thank you wholeheartedly.
While the fact of the lapse of over two years is not conducive to a continuation of this beautiful story of love, I will still hold out hope as to what their future holds.
I see a divorce happening, that allows the beautiful classy Marie and the adoring Greg to set up a loving home together.
A small quaint one bedroom cottage out away from town on a wooded lot with a pretty yard and some colorful flowers that match the color of the love that they have for each other, as they adore and cherish each other in meaningful monogamy for the rest of their lives.
It could be that good and meaningful! Will you grant us this lovely satisfaction?
I can only hope......
One of the hottest, sweetest stories on Lit, hats off to the writer, neck craning to see birds.
Sensual, erotic, and intimate incestuous love story between mother and son. The emotional and sexual epiphany between mother and son was beautifully and logical developed. 5-star series.
Perfect Story, I love it, 5 stars. Please. submit part 2. I can not wait longer !
Excellent story. Done very well.
You have got to go visit his college for the weekend soon.
And be sure to tell us about your adventure !!
Is the next part ready yet? Wow, what a story. I love the details of the 70s that you've woven in, the slow burn you've created between mother and son, and the underlying love that's growing into something much more than either ever expected. Brilliant work! Also, is the next part ready yet? How about now? :D
Looking forward to find out how it turned out with the characters. Very hooking. Great start
What a fantastic story! I was absorbed by this tale, beautifully written, wonderful use of language, great interplay between the main characters, and the plot was actually believable too. Makes me want to read the next chapter, and soon. I gave it an easy 5 Stars, most deserving.
Hard to believe someone thought this was “3 pages wasted.” I was sucked in (pun intended) because of the excellent writing ability. Looking forward to future chapters.
A tender story of !ove. So realistic in the thoughts of taboo desire evolving. I've been reading (and experienced) since 1974 and this is one of the best.