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Son's Ex-Wife

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Man finds solace in the arms of his former daughter-in-law.
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The title and the description should be all the warning you need for where this story is headed. It's clearly not incest and - although it would raise some eyebrows - it's not technically taboo - so I'm going with 'mature' for the category. If a man hooking up with his former daughter-in-law is too much for you to stomach, please try one of my other stories.


The last place I needed to be was where I was. I sat at Jimmy's Bar and nursed a Diet Coke. I wanted something stronger - but that would be a bad damned idea.

A firm breast pressed against my shoulder, an arm went across the back of my neck, and a soft pair of lips brushed my cheek. I knew her perfume as soon as I breathed it in. I looked to my right to watch my son's ex-wife drop onto the stool beside me.

"Hey, stranger," she said.

"Hey, good-lookin'," I replied.

"What're you doing here?"

"Hiding from Bev," I sighed.

"What'd you do this time?"

"Honestly?" I said. "I don't know. I should probably listen closer."

She snickered at me.

"She tell you to 'get out and never come back'?" she asked, grinning broadly.

"Packed a suitcase full of my shit and threw it at me when I came home from work," I replied.

"Shit! You've really screwed up this time!" she gasped.

"Don't you know it?" I replied.

"What're you drinkin'?" she asked.

"Diet Coke."

"Let me help you out," she offered, raising her hand to catch the bartender's attention.

For the next three hours, Maggie and I talked about anything and everything. Along the way, I finally learned what had busted up her and my son. I'd never felt comfortable asking him. The way she told it, she had wanted somebody who was ready to settle down - and he wanted to go out on the town every night. That checked out. My son was still spending most of his paychecks at the restaurants or the bars. He hadn't married again - but he went through girlfriends like they were going out of style.

I figured that I was safe asking Maggie about what had happened. She'd taken longer to start dating again than Richie had but - was obviously over it as well. It also didn't hurt that we were both more than a couple of drinks into a long night at that point. I wasn't feeling a lot of pain. The two of us were still sober enough to be able to console one another - but the filter was definitely gone.

Maggie had just told her newest boyfriend that it was over. That was how she'd ended up on a barstool at Jimmy's next to me. She wasn't dressed like a slut or anything but my eyes were lingering on her sexy body longer than they should have. I got worried that she might have noticed.


I thought back to all of the times I had lain in bed next to my snoring wife as I listened to my son and his bride - this sexy woman - fucking down the hall. His room wasn't adjacent to ours but - even through the closed door - the two of them were loud enough for me to get a very vivid picture in my mind as to what was happening. More than once, I'd lain awake and listened to their entire love-making session before I'd finally adjusted the hard-on in my boxers and waited for my heartrate to return to normal so that I could go to sleep.


I looked at my phone. It was 10 o'clock. I stood to my feet and fished a couple ones from my pocket to throw onto the counter.

"Goin' home?" Maggie asked.

"Can't," I replied. "Bev took my keys."

"Where you sleepin'?" the brunette asked me.

"Don't know - but six o'clock comes early," I replied.

"You can sleep at my place," she offered.

I looked at my former daughter in-law. I tried very hard to keep my eyes above her long, soft, perfect, oh-so-appetizing neck.

"That would probably be a bad idea," I told her seriously.

"Why's that?" she asked.

This time, I let my eyes drift down her flawless throat to the plunging neckline of her black tank top. A couple inches of the narrow valley between her breasts was visible there. I felt my brain redirecting blood-flow to a certain appendage between my legs. I returned my eyes to her face.

"I might be tempted to do something we'd both regret," I told her, finally, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Who says I'd regret it?" she asked.

I felt my eyes widen a little. I fixed my gaze on her eyes. They were brown. They were looking straight back at me. She was less buzzed than me, I knew. We had switched back to Diet Cokes an hour ago. Her eyes looked clear.

"Maggie..." I half-moaned. "You don't know how much I..." I began saying.

My son's ex-wife stood to her feet and her arms went around my ribs. She pressed herself against me. Her breasts were so firm that they made my mouth water. Those perfect tits were smashed against my T-shirt - her nipples poking into my chest. It had been a long time since a woman this sexy had held me in her arms.

She leaned against me even more, her mouth going to my ear. I breathed her in. Her scent was intoxicating. Every pore in my body felt like it was tingling.

"Let's go home," she whispered.

She took me by the hand and led me towards the exit. My cock was so fucking hard that I swear I was walking like a damned cowboy - bow-legged from a long day in the saddle. As the sexy brunette led the way, I looked at the sway of her hips - and the tightness of her ass - in the jeans that looked like they had been painted onto her body.

In the parking lot, we passed my car and ended up next to a beat-up faded old pickup truck.

"Who's is this?" I asked.

"Daddy left it to me," she said.

"I'm sorry, Maggie!" I gushed. "We missed the visitation and the funeral. I..."

She ignored my apology and used her sexy body to press me against the passenger door of the old beater. Her tantalizing lips were poised in front of me.

"Do you remember when you and I made a mad dash to the store for pumpkin pie filling one Christmas Eve?" she asked me.

"It was damned near a blizzard," I said, remembering that night.

Maggie looked into my eyes and said, "You saw a cute little college girl climb out of a rusty old pickup truck and you said..."

"... ain't nothin' sexier than a girl that drives a pickup," I finished for her.

Maggie's arms went around my neck. Her tempestuous mouth was beside my ear again. Her body was pressed against mine in a most delicious way.

"Do you like my truck?" she whispered.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I reached my arms around her, took hold of that mouth-watering ass with both hands, lifted her up, and pulled her more tightly against me. Her lips found mine and any thought that I had harbored of resisting this woman's temptations evaporated into thin air.

I kissed her long and hard, pulling her body against my long, hard cock that was aching for her tender young body. She gasped for breath when our kiss ended.

When she got enough air into her lungs to speak, she said, "Let's go home."

I held her hand like a love-sick teenager as she drove me to her house. We were barely in the door before our clothes started coming off. I was sure that I was dreaming - but I didn't dare pinch myself - I really wanted to see where this dream ended.

The next thing I knew, Maggie was naked, on her back, in the middle of her bed. I was on my hands and knees - hovering over her - kissing her like the world was ending. When we stopped to catch our breaths, I let my eyes trail down over her luscious form. In all of my years, I don't think I'd ever been in bed with a woman as hot as Maggie.

I gave her another peck on the lips and then I began devouring her body - literally. Her neck tasted just as good as I had anticipated. She moaned as I sampled her tender flesh. Her scent filled my nostrils once more and, somehow, my cock got even harder. I'd always loved her smell and now it was driving me absolutely insane. Before, she had belonged to my son - and was off-limits. Now, she belonged to no one - and she was giving me the green flag. My body was screaming, "Let's go racing!"

Her fists twined into my hair as I moved my attention from her throat to her chest. By the time I got to her areolas and her nipples, she was keening and pleading. I nipped, licked, kissed, nibbled, and sucked every part of her. I worshipped and adored every inch of her taut mammaries until her fists hinted that she was ready for me to move lower.

She already knew where I intended to go - and she controlled the speed with which I was going to arrive. That was perfectly fine with me. I wanted to give her all of the pleasure she desired - because I fully intended to do my level best to take my pleasure with her when we got to that part of the night.

I tongued her navel and she gasped. I nibbled it, licked it, sucked it, and gently bit it. It drove her wild. When I got to her pubic mound, she was growing louder. She gave me a half-second to chase after her clitoris but then quickly moved me on - the moment that I finally got it to emerge from its hiding place.

She directed my face to the insides of her thighs first - holding off on having me assault her center until I had teased her sides. When she finally let me at her labia, I worshipped them. Her inner treasure unfolded before me like a flower in the spring. I don't think I'd ever seen a pussy so pink. I attacked it. She screamed and pulled me away - and then pulled me close again - but more slowly.

If I had been in love with her scent, there weren't words to describe how she tasted. Her flavor tantalized my taste-buds. The sweetest honey I'd ever tried held nothing over this girl's nectar. I gobbled her up. Her thighs locked around my head as she climaxed and I got an extra burst of her sweetness - which I devoured - driving her into further ecstasy.

Her thighs squeezed my head so hard that I thought it would pop - and then her fists were pulling me upward - across her body - until my lips were on hers. She was burning up and I was the fuel.

As soon as she had kissed her taste from my tongue, she purred, "I need you. Inside. Now."

Her hand reached down and wrapped around my rigid prick. She set me to her tinderbox. Without hesitation, I thrust into her molten depths and the dangerous fire we'd had before turned into a blazing inferno.

I know she climaxed at least once more before I lost myself to her flames. I really don't recall if she came again after that. I have a vague memory that her body went rigid and her tight channel squeezed me - up and down my length - and that was what set off the fireworks inside of me.

I don't think I had ever cum so hard in my life. I buried myself as deeply within my former daughter-in-law as I could - and I flooded her with every drop of semen that my body had been able to muster.


My alarm went off at the same time as hers. We jumped into the shower together and giggled at each other as we hurried to get ready - with playful touches and kisses thrown into the mix. My mind was still grasping the concept that I had spent the night with a woman other than my wife - never mind the fact that it was someone as hot as Maggie - and perish the thought that I'd fucked my former daughter-in-law.

We emerged from the house together and I realized that I didn't have transportation. My car was still at Jimmy's Bar - on the wrong end of town.

"I'll drop you," she offered. "We'll grab your car tonight."

"I don't want to make you late," I replied.

"I've got time," she said. "I actually just work down the block from you. Get your ass in my truck."

She grinned and then giggled at the stupid-ass grin that appeared on my face.

"You know my favorite part of riding in a truck with a sexy girl?" I asked her, as we raced across town.

"What's that?" she asked, grinning over at me.

"Watching her tits bounce as we drive over the potholes," I said, smirking.

"I can drive back and forth across the train tracks a few times, if that does anything for you," she said, laughing.

"Oh, fuck!" I gasped, laughing as well. "Let's wait until after work."

"Deal," she said.

I laughed as I watched her swerve to purposefully drive through the next pothole and then she looked over to watch my face as I enjoyed the bounce that it gave her chest. Her taut C-cups were - in my opinion - perfect. My daddy had always said that anything more than a mouthful was a waste - but I liked a little more taters with my "meat and potatoes".

She pulled up to my office and leaned over to give me a kiss. God! She was gorgeous.

"I'll be back at 10 after five," she said. "Bev text you?"

I checked my phone and shook my head 'no'.

"We'll go get your car after you take me out to dinner," she said.

"Do I need to get dressed up?" I asked, smirking.

"Nah," she said. "We'll just go to Hooligan's."

"Sounds like a date," I said, loving how gorgeous her smile was - and amazed that it was directed at me.

"Good," she replied. "Think naughty thoughts about me."

"It wouldn't be the first time," I told her, with a wink, closing the truck door.

She laughed and blew me a kiss before driving away. I looked around to see if anybody was watching and then adjusted the tent in my pants.

That day, I had one of the best days that I'd ever had at work. I finished one project, knocked off a small pop-up task, and thought about my night with the foxy brunette.

As I stood outside of my office, waiting on the sidewalk, I called Bev's number. It went straight to voicemail. I left a message.

"Hey," I said to the recording, "call me when you get this."

I thought about saying that I was sorry. I probably wasn't - especially since it had ended up sending me into another woman's arms. I still didn't know what I had done to piss her off - but I sure as hell wasn't about to regret the night that I'd spent with Maggie. Even if Bev found out about it - which she probably eventually would - I wasn't apologizing for that shit. For one, it was too damned amazing. For two, fuck taking my keys for the house I'm still making payments on and expecting me to find someplace else to sleep for the night.

Maggie pulled up and I hopped into the truck. We were halfway to Hooligan's when my phone rang. I looked at Maggie. I knew worry was written across my face. I glanced at the caller-ID.

"The police department?!" I gasped. I hit the answer button. "This is Stuart Simmons."

"Mr. Simmons. You live at 421 Chestnut?"


"How soon can you be here?"

I looked at Maggie. Apparently, she'd heard the question.

"Ten minutes," she said.

"Ten minutes," I replied.

"You should probably head this way," the voice said.

"Be right there," I replied.

The call ended.

Maggie and I were as quiet as corpses for the rest of the trip. She pulled onto Chestnut, rounded the clump of trees in the middle of the block, and we both gasped. There was nothing left of my house. The charred remains were still smoking.

For a moment, my heart sank. I quickly looked around for Bev's car. It was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she hadn't been home. I hoped she was okay. We may have disagreed - more and more often as the years passed - but I didn't wish her any harm.

We parked the truck and got out.

"Mr. Simmons?" the officer asked.


"Who's this?" he inquired.

Maggie introduced herself and told him that she was my former daughter-in-law.

"Where were you yesterday evening around seven o'clock?" he asked.

"He was at the bar - Jimmy's," Maggie answered. "We both were. We left there around 10pm. He slept on my couch cuz Bev had kicked him out."

The officer looked from her to me. I nodded.

"Beverly Simmons? Your wife?" he asked.


"Do you know where she is?"

"No. I don't see her car. Mine's still at the bar - or should be. Maggie drove me to work this morning. I tried calling Bev's phone a bit ago but it went straight to voicemail. I haven't seen her since about 5:30 last night."

My phone began ringing. It was Bev.

"This is her," I told the officer.

He held out his hand. I gave him the phone. He stepped far enough away that we couldn't make out his conversation. Five minutes later, he walked back over and returned my phone to me.

"At this point," he said. "I'm going to call this accidental. You went to the bar. She waited until about 6:30 and went looking for you. By the time she found your car and came back here, the house was in flames. She went to her mother's after that. From her description, the house probably would have been a total loss by then anyway but we'll wait for the full report from the arson investigators. You have someplace to stay?"

"He can sleep on my couch," Maggie said, "indefinitely."

He nodded and said, "I'll reach out to you if I have anything to report - or if I need more answers - but - as of right now - I don't expect to need to bother you. We should have the full report in a week. You may want to go ahead and call your insurance company."

My phone buzzed with a text but I waited until the officer dismissed us to check it.

It was from Bev: "I want a divorce. Half the insurance money from the house. Half of your pension. I'll find a lawyer and have them get a hold of you."

I showed the message to Maggie. She looked at my face. I was sure I looked like shit.

"Stop worrying," she said. "We'll figure it out."

"I'll pay you rent," I said, "until I can get a place of my own."

"Let's go to dinner," she replied. "We'll talk about it in a couple weeks when you have more answers."

"What about between now and then?" I asked.

"Between now and then, you and I can figure out if we can put up with each other long enough to get married."

"You're not serious," I said, turning to face her.

"I am - or are you not interested?"

"What do I have to offer you?" I asked matter-of-factly.

"You have what I want," she replied. "Take me to dinner before I kiss you in front of all your old neighbors. I'm sure Bev's phone is already lit up like a Christmas tree."

I glanced around and noticed a couple pairs of eyes on us. Maggie turned and walked towards her truck. I followed, trying not to think about how good her ass looked in those jeans.

I pulled on my seat belt. Maggie started the truck and we pulled away.

"You would seriously consider marrying me?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"I thought you wanted to settle down - have kids?" I asked.

"I want someone solid to grow old with," she said. "You're solid."

"I'm already old," I said, laughing mournfully.

"You didn't act old last night," she said, smirking.

"You were incredible," I said. "I could barely keep up."

"You've got two weeks to show me that you can keep up. As soon as your divorce with Bev goes through, we can get married."

"I thought we were going to talk about this later?" I asked.

"Apparently, you can't wait. That's fine. I can't wait either. Feed me and take me home and fuck me."

"What about kids?" I asked her.

"I don't HAVE to have children - but are you shooting blanks?"

"Bev had her tubes tied," I said.

"You against having more kids?" she asked.

"Not necessarily," I said. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be when they're in diapers."

"We'll hire somebody," she said.

I let my eyes range over the body of the sexy brunette behind the wheel of the truck that I was riding in.

"What?" she asked, smirking.

"I really like your truck," I said.

"Good," she said, grinning more broadly.


We ate dinner, drove down by the lake at the city park, and sat in the shade with the windows rolled down to talk. Despite my every attempt to convince my former daughter-in-law that this was a bad idea, she would not be dissuaded. When I finally gave up, she crawled across the seat and settled onto my lap, straddling me and facing me.

It had been several years since I'd spent that long making out with a girl. I should probably call Maggie a woman instead of a girl - but she still seemed impossibly young to me - so far outside of my league that she was in another zip-code altogether - and yet there we were.

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