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Son's Ex-Wife


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We kissed and talked and cuddled until darkness fell. The police cruised through the lot and shooed us on our way. Maggie drove us home, backing into the drive. She ordered me out of the truck, leaned the seat forward, and pulled a thick red plaid fleece blanket from behind the seat. She led me to the back of the truck. She climbed up, into the bed, and helped me up. She spread the blanket out and started undressing. I looked around quickly but only the neighbors across the street could see us - and their house was dark. I hurriedly took off my clothes.

She had me lie down on the blanket and then she climbed on top of me. We cuddled and kissed until I was as hard as iron and then she straddled me and slipped me inside of her clasping channel. I gripped her breasts in my fists and accepted her kisses as she fucked herself on my cock.

I came before she did but - when she felt my jizz painting the exterior wall of her womb - she went off like a bomb. We lay together under the stars and kissed until we got cold. We slipped into the house, still naked, and crawled into bed. I was asleep soon after.


The next day, after work, we stopped at the bar and got my car. I drove it to Maggie's and parked it in the driveway. We cooked fettuccini alfredo, garlic bread, and frozen lima beans. After dinner, Maggie helped me as I started working on an inventory of the contents of the house.

Two hours later, I emailed what I'd come up with to Bev - to see if she had anything that she needed to add. I expected to receive some kind of snarky reply but, by the next day, she had returned the list with a few things added that I had forgotten about.

The insurance agent called me, and I sent the list to them. The investigators had already determined that the fire was an accident - so we were cleared to proceed with finding out what the insurance company was going to give us.

I got an email from a lawyer, claiming to be representing Bev. Maggie referred me to the attorney that she had used when she'd divorced my son. That was sadly hilarious. A few days later, Maggie went with me to their office, I signed a few papers, and they told me that they'd let me know when it was done. To celebrate, we stopped at Dairy Queen for some diet-offensive moral support.

After that, we went home and I tried to fuck her through the mattress. I didn't quite succeed. We agreed to try again the next night - and the next - and the next.


A month later, I was single - with a pocket full of cash. I bought my girlfriend a dress that made her look even hotter than normal. I put on a nice suit and took her to the fanciest restaurant in town. After dessert, she took my hands and told me to ask her to marry me. I did. I started to scoot out my chair, but she shook her head and just told me to ask her. When I did, she said 'yes'.

On the way home, she made me stop at a shitty gas station. She pulled off her panties and threw them onto the seat of the truck. She dragged me into one of the filthiest bathrooms that I'd ever seen (or smelled). She pulled up her dress and made me drop my trousers and boxers to my ankles. She draped my jacket over her shoulders and had me press her up against the stained, graffiti-covered wall and fuck the shit out of her until we both came.

We pulled our clothes into place, left the bathroom, and walked over to the truck. We stripped off our shoes and our clothes and threw everything into the fire-damaged dumpster beside us. We doused our hands and forearms in hand-sanitizer and threw the rest of the bottle into the trash with our clothes. Wearing only our underwear, we climbed back into the truck and headed for home. Maggie laughed when I told her that I felt like I needed a tetanus shot.

I had never done anything so wild or crazy in my entire life and I was drunk on love. Maggie made me feel like I hadn't felt in years. Pleasuring her was exhilarating, intoxicating, and satisfying. As far as I was concerned, proposing to her had been the easiest decision of my life.

As we drove home, I asked her (again) about where she wanted to go for our honeymoon. She said she'd rather spend the money on something else. I told her that I wanted an excuse to see her in a bikini and fuck her on the beach. She grinned and leaned over to beg a kiss.

Shortly after the fire, my son and my daughter had both called to make sure that I was okay. After that, only my daughter checked on me. She and Maggie had grown close when they were sisters-in-law and the two of them had kept in touch afterwards. Several weeks before the wedding, Maggie texted my daughter and asked if she'd be okay with the two of us getting married. I was relieved when my hot-ass fiancé told me that we had Sheri's approval.

We settled on the Florida Keys as the destination for our honeymoon. We found a quiet place with a private beach. We picked a flight that had a layover in Vegas. We got married in the airport by an Elvis impersonator. He was a riot. The picture of the three of us is still hanging on the living room wall.

For the next week, we made love on the beach, under the stars, after a day of looking for sea shells and watching the pods of dolphins frolic in the waves.


Two weeks after we got home, Maggie took a pregnancy test and announced that I was going to be a father again. I dragged her off to the bedroom and made sure she stayed pregnant.

The day after Maggie's pregnancy-test announcement, Sheri showed up at our house for dinner. We made chicken parmigiana - which has always been one of her favorites. She was ecstatic. After dinner, we moved to the front room and finished catching her up on all of our news.

It was late before Sheri headed home. She told me that she'd find a time to mention our updates to her brother - but she didn't expect him to bother us. He was still preoccupied with living life the way he wanted - with little time for anybody else.

Maggie told her that we'd love to have her visit for the holidays - if she wasn't already going to mom's. Sheri told us that she'd make time for us. She hugged my neck, kissed my cheek, and told me to be good to Maggie. My beautiful (and pregnant) bride stood next to me, with an arm around my waist, as I waved good-bye to my little girl.

"I'm glad she's not pissed," I said. "I don't need the whole family mad at me."

"Richie won't be mad," Maggie said, laughing.

"I wish you weren't wrong," I said, kissing her neck.

"You wish he was mad?" she asked, smirking at me.

"I wish he gave a shit about something or someone," I replied.

"Lucky for me that he didn't," she cooed, stealing another kiss.

She giggled as I scooped her up in my arms, kicked the front door shut, and carried her to our bedroom.

It had been a while since I had tasted my wife's sweetness. Once she was on the bed and naked, I crawled between her thighs and brought my mouth to her quim.

"You probably shouldn't," she complained.

"But I love how you respond," I told her.

Her fingers twined into my hair and she let me forge ahead. I took full advantage of her permission. I started at her thighs and mons - and worked my way to her center - taking time to abuse her clitoris often enough and long enough to keep her breathless.

When her thighs clamped down on my head, I knew she was close. I pushed forward until I captured her most sensitive nub. I covered her whole mound with my mouth, sucking hard, and digging for her hidden pearl with my tongue.

I nearly jizzed myself when she screamed my name and her body shook with her climax. I felt like a fucking god. Once her thighs relaxed, I ducked my head down and lapped at her sexy slipperiness. She gasped once more and trapped my head between her legs again. I slowed the stimulation but made sure she was spotlessly clean before I stopped what I was doing.

She pulled my head up - to get my lips on hers - and we kissed as I made love to her. When her next climax arrived, I came along with her - my balls unable to hold off another second longer.


Sheri visited us on Thanksgiving night and Christmas night. She stayed over both times. We put a video of a fireplace on the TV and sat on the couch, talking until early into the morning. We all slept together on the sofa. Maggie and I curled up at one end of it and Sheri took the other. The three of us worked as a team the next morning to make breakfast. We made so much food that we ended up eating it for lunch as well. After lunch, Sheri gave us hugs and kisses and then headed home.

In March, my daughter was born. Ember Hope was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When I told Sheri that, she laughed and told me that I'd told her the same thing when she was little. I realized that I was kind of slighting her and had the good grace to look embarrassed. She caught my face in her hands, kissed the corner of my mouth, and told me to stop thinking so hard. Sheri was the third person to hold my newest little girl.

The nurses were kind enough to take a few pictures for us. They took one of me and Sheri standing beside Maggie's bed as she held our daughter. At Maggie's direction, they also took one of me sitting in the rocking chair - with Sheri sitting across my lap - holding Ember as the two of us looked at the little doll. The nurses said it was one of the cutest pictures they'd ever been asked to take. By that point, they knew that Sheri was my daughter as well. Sheri took the rest of the pictures.

I had an 8x10 made of me in the rocking chair with my two girls. I took it to work and put it on my desk - along with one of me standing by Maggie's bed as she held our daughter. Up until that point, I'm not sure my coworkers really believed any of my crazy stories about my new wife.


To celebrate our anniversary, I talked my beautiful bride into another trip to the Keys. She convinced my daughter to tag along to watch the baby. Maggie jokingly told her that we were going to try to make another one.

Sheri brought a friend with her. She paid for his flight (round-trip - with no stops in Vegas this time). I paid for the rest - well - the insurance money did. If Maggie was serious about having another child, we were going to need a new place to live. The two-bedroom house that we were in now was almost too small already.

At home, Ember's basinet was in our room right now - but she'd be moving to her own room eventually. Maggie let me nurse along with my daughter a few times. She wouldn't let me do it all of the time. She claimed that I was a "greedy little pig" and wasn't leaving enough milk in her breasts for our daughter to have enough to survive.

I fucked her, once, while Ember was nursing. Maggie said she liked getting plowed while the baby was sucking her breasts - but she complained that I was too rough for her to breastfeed while I was slamming my dick into her. I contented myself with fucking her between feedings after that.

Once again, we had a fabulous time in the Keys. During the day, the five of us hung out together. Karl seemed like a pretty nice guy. From what I could tell, he was treating my daughter well and that was what was most important to me.

In the evenings, my bride would feed my little girl and then we'd leave her sleeping in our room to sneak off to the beach to fuck under the stars. Sheri and Karl stayed with Ember until we returned. After that, they went off to their room - or maybe to that same spot on the beach - I didn't ask - and I tried not to think about it too much.

Each night that Maggie and I made love on the sand, under the stars, listening to the waves, she begged me to give her another baby. I really didn't know if she was still on the pill or not. Regardless, I did my very best to do as she asked.

I loved gripping her ass as she rode me reverse-cowgirl but I missed being able to watch her face as she climaxed - and I only got to abuse her breasts if she laid herself back on my chest. She wouldn't let me get too crazy with her tits, though, because it made a mess. We usually stuck with cowgirl or missionary positions - so that I could watch my beautiful bride as I gave her pleasure.

Our last night together, she rode me and let me suck her fat boobies to my heart's content as she fucked herself on my cock. I gripped her ass in my fists and slammed her down onto my aching cock - meeting her descending cunt with my cock in midair as I thrusted up into her. My face was covered in her breastmilk as I finally reached my limit and began firing rope after rope of seed into my gorgeous wife.


Karl came with Sheri for Thanksgiving. We stayed up late, talking like before, but when we finally separated to go to sleep, Sheri and Karl slept in Ember's room.

When they returned for Christmas, we opened Ember's presents and showed them to her - but the 9-month-old was more infatuated with the ribbons than she was with the gifts.

Karl got down on one knee and handed a small wrapped box to Sheri. She gasped and ripped it open. It was a gorgeous ring. I held Ember as Maggie and Sheri hugged. My older daughter came over to show me the ring and I kissed her cheek and told her that I wished them both the best. Karl walked over and I shook his hand, shifting my sleeping daughter to my other shoulder first.


During our third trip to the Keys, Maggie and I served as witnesses for Sheri and Karl's wedding on the beach. Bev was there was well. She ignored me. I did my best to return the favor. I knew there was really nothing for us to discuss but the wound still felt a little raw. I'm sure that she would have said the same thing about me. As it was, I couldn't be unhappy (at all) about how things had turned out. Thankfully, Bev was staying somewhere else - if she even spent one night in the Keys - and I never had to see her again.

Ember Hope was the most darling little flower girl that you've ever seen. Her mother had picked a dress for our little angel that matched her half-sister's wedding dress. My heart ached at the thought that I would - someday - have to give her away as well.

Since it was my daughter's honeymoon, she was (obviously) unlikely to want to watch my toddler while I took the child's mother out onto the beach to practice making another one. We hired a local teenaged-girl to keep an eye on Ember while we slipped away for mommy and daddy time.

That week, we saw my daughter and her new husband off and on - but they spent most of their time on their own - just like Maggie and I had, our first time there.

When it was time to head north, Ember clung to her new little friend and did not want to say good-bye. The girl's parents thought it was adorable and we took pictures of the two of them together. Maggie had taken the girls shopping and they wore matching sundresses for the pictures. We promised that we'd give them a call when we returned the following year. The young girl assured us that she'd be available to watch Ember when we came back.


After we were home again, Karl and Sheri visited more often. On one of those visits, Sheri mentioned that her mother had asked whose child I had been holding at the wedding. She said her mother had been a little astonished to learn that it was mine. Other than that comment, I never heard another word about it.


Thanksgiving night, Sheri and Karl came to visit, as usual. After dinner, we huddled around the tablet and Maggie made a video-call to our little babysitter in the Keys - Emily. Maggie had been showing the picture of the two of them to Ember and having her practice saying the girl's name. When the teen's face appeared on the screen, my daughter screeched and yelled "Emily!" It was the most adorable thing that I think I've ever seen. The teenager was nearly in tears. Our daughter had barely been talking when she'd seen her last. The two of them visited for quite a while and Ember blew her a kiss before they said good-bye.

At Christmas - after the presents and the food - we called Emily again and it was almost a repeat of the previous month - except that Ember's vocabulary had improved. Emily was amazed at how much Ember was growing and learning.

From that point on, we made a practice of calling Emily on the last Saturday of each month - to give the girls time to visit and catch up. Ember, of course, didn't know enough words to be able to converse in depth - but that didn't keep her from talking non-stop as the teenager giggled at her and asked her questions.

On the evening of Ember's second birthday, there was a knock at the door and I opened it to discover that my wife had been keeping a secret from my daughter and me. Sheri and Karl were already at our house but I never expected to see Emily and her parents standing in our doorway.

Ember's scream sounded like a tornado siren going off. She raced to the door and threw herself into the teenager's arms. My daughter sat on the girl's lap for the rest of the night - after - of course - taking her on a grand tour of our tiny home - beginning with her room.

Ember sat, perched, on Emily's lap as she leaned forward and blew out both of the candles on her cake - with a little help from the teen. The girls' mothers were both snapping pictures as fast as they could.

At the end of the night, Ember begged for us to let her go with Emily to spend the night in their hotel room. Since the teenager's parents said that it was okay, Maggie packed my little girl's suitcase and we sent her off with hugs and kisses.

Once Sheri and Karl left, the house was strangely quiet.

Maggie turned to me, took my hand, and said, "Come on, Mr. Simmons. I think it's time we made another baby."

As far as I knew, she was still on the pill. That didn't keep me from doing my best to breed my bride.

"I know you like watching me cum," she said, "but I'm really horny. I want you to fuck me doggie style and pound the hell out of me. After you've finished breeding me, I'll ride you until I cum again and you'll get your chance to see how much I love cumming on your cock."

She stripped down to her lacey black bra and panties and climbed onto the bed. She told me to pull the crotch of her panties to the side and fuck her hard. She stuck her face onto the mattress and I watched as she clenched the bedsheet in her teeth.

I thought about trying to tear a gash in the panties and fuck her through the hole - but the crotch was reinforced - so I did as I was told and pulled the cloth to the side. I took my cock in-hand and worked it up and down her slit until she was good and slippery - and then eased it into her vagina. She moaned softly.

I laid myself over her back, reached around her ribs, grabbed the underwire of her bra, and pulled it away from her body, spilling her fabulous breasts out so that I could abuse them. I gripped her tits in my fists, pulled them as far around her body as they would reach, and began sliding my cock in and out of her as I tugged on her tits.

Her keening cries and moans increased - which spurred me to tug a little harder and fuck a little faster. I fucked her for a few minutes and decided that I wanted more tension. I released her breasts and let them flop and sway. I moved my knees outside of her legs - pushing her thighs together - increasing the tightness of her entrance and her gap.

I gripped her ass-cheeks in my fists and powered into her - faster, harder, and deeper.

"Aw, fuck, Stu!" she moaned.

I had told myself that I could last through two of her climaxes tonight - but my balls threw in the towel before I was ready to concede and - as my lover's channel clamped down on my cock - up and down the entire length of my penis - I lost control over my own body.

I collapsed onto my wife's back as my cock spasmed and my balls began pumping all of my sperm into my bride. I clung to her, trying to push in a little more deeply, as blast after blast of my seed spewed into her clenching depths.

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