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Sophia and Joshua


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After all I was married. He was facing a future of great brightness assuredly away from this college town. Yet, we knew we wouldn't be able to stop what happened with such force tonight. Lying there we cuddled softly kissing. Not aware that Vance was driving into the drive way. Not until we heard the car door instantly we knew we were going to be caught. The door lock sounded like a cannon going off as we laid there naked and basking in our sexual encounter. Listening to his footsteps as he walked up the stairs he reached the landing. We laid there not covering our lust played out.

His face turned towards us we didn't know what to say. He walked over to us without speaking he came close enough he could smell our sex. I watched his face he had a smile on his face.

"So finally you two fucked. I thought after I left Sophia, you would come out here. How was she Joshua? I think she is a great fuck. She is isn't she? Look at that pussy Joshua it's a tight pussy isn't it?" He said as he leaned down to kiss my lips. Touching my pussy getting Joshua's cum on his fingers. It was slipping out of my pussy he watched my pussy as Joshua moved out of me. 'I am so glad you fucked him Sophie he needed this before the big game. Didn't you, Joshua?" He laughed as he sat down across from us.

We laid there naked being caught we never thought this would be his reaction. Vance only smiled as he watched us sit up.

"Are you done? I would love to watch you enjoy one another." He said enthusiastically. 'I think watching my wife fucking my quarterback would be hot." He added.

We both seen his hard cock stretching his slacks in front. Smiling Joshua laid me on my back as he got between my thighs placing my legs over his shoulders. Without speaking he nuzzled my pussy with his nose I found myself becoming so turned on I looked over at Vance as he unzipped his slacks bringing his cock out. Seeing the man I loved pulling his cock out as another man licked me I was so hot I thought I would cum right then.

It was only after I actually hit the hard surface of the floor I realized I was sleeping. Looking at the clock it was after one in the morning. Joshua was sleeping soundly. I listened and the house was quiet. Very easily I shook Joshua until he opened his eyes.

"Baby you better get downstairs before Vance gets home." I whispered relieved by the fact we got away with it.

"Okay Sophie. Give me a kiss?" He said as he stood up gathering his bottoms as he leaned down to kiss me sweetly.

After he went downstairs I straightened up the living room. Making sure everything was in perfect order. Walking into the bedroom I slipped into the shower and washed off Joshua's scent from my body. Slipping into a soft night gown I slid into the bed under our comforter. I barely had enough time to drift towards sleep that Vance was in our bedroom. Quietly not to wake me he slipped out of his clothes and got into bed. I felt his kiss on my cheek as he wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into him amazed I felt no guilt in what I had done with Joshua. Also slightly let down that I had dreamt the last part.


As the morning broke in our master bedroom I could feel the hardness of Vance's cock in the small of my back. I was always awakened by his amorous love making. I leaned into his body as he pulled me closer. Feeling his cock digging into my back I felt so luxuriously female lying there knowing he would take me. His hands worked around to my nipples as he slid them under my gown. He was always so impatient in the morning, this morning proved to be no different.

"Lose the gown Sophie." He said with passion.

Pulling the soft satin gown off my shoulders, he kissed my back and neck with great intensity. Enveloping my breasts in his large hands, tweaking my nipples harder I gasped at the feeling electrified through my body. Snuggling into him I turned over so he could enjoy his morning sucking. His hungry mouth found my nipples quietly he sucked one and then the other. In his hands I was like putty. His love making was very fierce very motivated for our orgasms. Reaching down to his hard cock I grasped it in my hand. His hips shoved forward in anticipation knowing I would stroke him he suckled my nipples.

This morning we were lost in touching one another. The phone rang we both ignored it making our world just about us. He managed to turn me onto my back as he used his forearm to open my legs he positioned himself between them. Without a word he plunged his cock in as deep as he could in one quick stroke.

"Oh baby girl you feel so different this morning. More juicer what have you been doing?" he laughed in his throat.

My mind rapidly thought of Joshua immediately I thought of his cum splashing deep inside of me. Vance leaned his head down resting it next to mine as he pumped with vigorous motions. His weight on mine was so wonderful I wanted to scream out but knew that distracted Vance. I laid there holding onto him feeling the pumping feeling my orgasm coming on. His breathing in my ear was quietly becoming erratic

I knew he was close. Getting up on his hands he brought it on home with some rabbit quick pumping. Looking in his face his eyes closed I could watch his face as he lost control. His face was so expressive but never a sound came.

I didn't have long before I came with him we both worked from the other as we rode the wave of orgasm out. He fell exhausted on top of me, kissing my lips he rolled off. All though we both were satisfied I allowed myself to think of Joshua's moan. I instantly put it out of my mind as Vance jumped heading towards the shower.

"That was very nice Sophia. I won't have time for breakfast this morning but coffee would be great." He shouted over the cold shower he always took.

Routine was important to Vance if nothing else routine was never different. The morning of a game Vance always liked knocking off a piece of morning ass he said it made him think better. I laughed at the thought he was so virile for a man in his fifties. How could I have done what I did to him last night as I slipped on a robe leaving to make the coffee. Deep in thought I didn't see Joshua as I entered the kitchen.

Joshua grabbed me as he did he twirled me around kissing me hard. I was surprised by the passion he displayed. I melted into him with the touches of my husband still fresh on my skin. Kissing him back I felt so enthralled by him.

"Good morning Mrs. Brooks." He said very sexy.

"Joshua what are you doing?" I laughed out loud.

"I'm telling you good morning. Also I am letting you know I need you this morning so how about it?" Joshua said taking my breasts in his hands.

"Joshua, Vance is in the shower he will be here in a second wanting his morning coffee. I think we better cool this." I said half heartedly.

Joshua let me go but not without a kiss of promise of things to come. Just as we heard Vance walking out of the master suite. Joshua had made coffee so I was covered we both sit down across from one another as Vance walked in pouring his cup of coffee.

"Good morning Joshua, how did you sleep?" Vance asked with interest as he sat down.

"Great coach. Better than I have in months. I am ready to play this game and bring home the win." He said enthusiastically.

Looking at both men I felt a little embarrassed that both had seen my wanton side. I loved Vance without a doubt. I also knew that Joshua was in my life for how long who knew? Excusing myself I went back to our room climbed into the shower to clean off Vance. Deep in thought I realized I was caught in something I knew not how it would end. I loved Vance but I wanted Joshua's body also. Looking through the shower door I could see my body in the mirror I had always prided myself in keeping fit. Being almost six feet tall, I had a lean long look. My legs did seem to go on forever as Vance loved telling me. I had well developed ankles and calves, thighs that were very smooth. My waist length hair fell down around my back a few loose curls onto my forehead. My large firm breasts were topped with light pink nipples. They darkened as they were excited as the warm water kissed them I saw they had started to be responsive to my touches.

I turned around so I could see the back of me. I had a high soft yielding ass and my waist was small. I was and knew I could turn heads. Yet, I was satisfied with Vance. Why did I seduce Joshua last night as on cue I saw him walking across the bathroom. I watched him drop his pajama's and open the door to the shower.

"Are you washed from your morning sex, Sophia?" He asked as he touched my face tenderly.

I knew he was aware of our lovemaking by now. I felt no shame I enjoyed being made love to by Vance. I also knew now that Joshua was going to fuck me soon, too. The water nozzles showered down around us as I went to Joshua kissing his face. I felt his hardness on my stomach appreciating his hardness I got down and took him in my mouth. He moaned loudly it shot through me the anticipation of hearing his enjoyment I relished his cock even more. Licking him long and hard, slow and slower. I made his cock become like steel knowing he would pierce me with it later.

"Oh Sophia, your mouth what a mouth. Yes, there more like that. I love the way you curl that nasty tongue around the head." he managed to garble through his gritted teeth.

I went into overdrive wanting him to cum on my face. I worked his cock like it was the best tasting thing I had ever had. It was actually, rare occasions Vance would allow me to go down on him. I enjoyed it but Vance wasn't very oral. I knew oral was a sensual way to show intimacy between lovers.

Yes, Vance was my husband but he was my lover too. Now I had Joshua in my mouth it gave me great satisfaction knowing I could bring him to climax. Different as night and day were the men in my life.

Joshua was pumping his cock deep down my throat I even swallowed him down so that his cock went down my throat. Hearing him moan and groan caused me to attack his cock without let up. His orgasm came so quickly after I swallowed him we didn't have time to pull it out. He shot down my throat as he pushed my head into his groin. Listening to the screams bouncing off the acoustics made my pleasure soar. His cock didn't even go soft, yet he was only nineteen so what could you expect I laughed at his youth.

We both were in our prime and we were insatiable as it worked out. He pulled me up so we could kiss again his hands working down my back and then he squeezed my ass.

"Mm mm you are delicious." I said without embarrassment.

"You aren't bad yourself woman. What a woman you are my beautiful lady. I always heard an older woman appreciated younger cock. I think it's true totally. To bad I can't tell them my experience on this matter. You make me feel so wonderful." He kissed my lips as he whispered the word wonderful.

"Younger cock has so many advantages." I purred in his ear as he took what he wanted from my pussy.

His fingers found my lips opening for his enjoyment. He turned me around so we could see in the mirror as he stayed behind me. His hands were busy gliding over my body.

"I think men don't appreciate the woman's body as it becomes mature. I love your breasts, the saying more than a mouthful is a waste is all wrong." He laughed deeply as he reached under my breasts holding their heaviness in his hands easily. 'Look at these they are magnificent, Sophia so responsive so absolutely beautiful." he said enthusiastically as he pinched their nipples hard.

I screamed out in passions he was igniting the fire being built a little at a time. I knew he would quench my needs in due time. I found this so exciting watching his hands owning me. Unabashedly we explored each other looking at his cock was a delicious treat. It stood straight up lying at his stomach nothing seemed to make it soft. His readiness was such a turn on. He was proud of his prowess and well he should have been. Young cock was something to behold at any age. Being so much older looking at my fortieth birthday in a few weeks his cock was so magnificently built.

Being thick with the girth, long in length he was a perfection of the Adonis type of Greek God's. Poetry was made from this beautiful rock hard specimen. What a waste on many young girls I thought of Muffie.

"Joshua last night I don't mean to pry. Last night you had argued with Muffie just before coming upstairs. Was it about sex?" I asked knowing he wouldn't mind me asking.

"Yes. It seems she thinks I can be put off forever and I have gone along with it. A man needs to feel a woman can and does want him sexually you know?" he answered as he opened my pussy lips looking at my inner pussy in the mirror.

"Oh Joshua that's how girls are brought up. You know I was a girl once." I said without thinking.

"Once?" he laughed loudly. 'I think you are still a girl Sophia. Don't you?" He said stroking my clit to readiness.

We laughed at my choice of words. Yes I thought I am a girl, a woman with a beautiful man showing me pleasures. A man that fuck's me in the morning that I love and adore. Love and sex are beautiful. Sex and inspiration is also very beautiful as I felt my knee's go weak cumming at Joshua's fingers and his voice whispering in my ear.

"Yes, baby cum like that for me. Now!" He seductively said. And I did just that.

Seeing me cum brought Joshua into another level more determined to have me. I felt the change in his reaction and reacted instantly with more passions. We used the whole shower stall finally spilling out onto the floor. He fucked me every position has known to me and some I hadn't thought of. His eagerness was such a turn on for me. Sometime we made it to my bed as we snuffled into one another it was him that caught the time jumping he realized he was to be at practice in fifteen minutes.

Laying there being completely exhausted by this morning I smiled at my circumstances. Two men of great qualities both showing me their passions. I wasn't sure what it would be like but without a doubt I knew I wanted both my cake and to eat it too.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Sophia and Joshua

This was a good story, but written so poorly that I almost clicked off before I got into it. So many mistakes in the verbiage that I would have to go back and reread so that it made sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
hopes and wishes

Sophia had a very nice situation for her, but choice and consequences have to enter this at sometime. I like to see her lose both, myself.

Shywriter20Shywriter20over 16 years ago
Great turn on!

I had me wanting more. Very erotic! Would love to see Chapter 2. You describe things so well. I found myself putting myself in Joshua's place.

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