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South Mountain Pack Ch. 10


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"Yes dear," said Carmelo with his head down like a chastised child as Frank, Joe and Carlo started to laugh. Carmelo glared at the men and said, "Don't act like the three of you aren't scared of your mates."

Frank smiled and said, "We're terrified of them, but we put up a brave front and at least try and pretend we are in charge of our homes." Rose and Annie rolled their eyes as the men continued to laugh. They watched as Sal and the three girls walked out of the kitchen onto the patio and they noticed Sophia and Maria had changed into oversized U of MD t-shirts with their black Capri leggings.

"Hey, is that my t-shirt?" asked Vin and Dom at the same time with matching scowls on their faces.

Sophia and Maria smiled and Sophia said "Nope, Daddy and Uncle Joe bought them for us a month ago when we went to College Park to make sure the apartments were ready. Remember, everyone said they were too busy to go help? We got this t-shirt, one with long sleeves, boxers, shorts, hoodies, a hat and sweatpants."

The Carlucci boys looked at each other and Lorenzo said, "The two of you got all of that and we didn't get anything?"

"Nope," said Maria with a smirk, she nudged Sophia knowing their fathers were looking at them and could hear them. "We helped Daddy and Uncle Frank and they bought us a couple of things and took us out to lunch and dinner. I'm actually glad none of you came with us, it was nice to spend time with Daddy and Uncle Frank without all of you around."

"Especially when they are buying you shit," said Lorenzo with a smile.

Sophia said with a big smile on her face, "Daddy and Uncle Joe didn't have to buy us anything. We love to spend time with them and wish we could do it more often."

"Kiss ass," said Vincent quietly as he smiled at his baby sister.

"Anything that makes Daddy happy," she answered him back and nodded her head towards her father who was standing there with a big smile on his face which was matched by the one on her Uncle's face.

"Like I said before, kiss ass," said Vin as he started to laugh, before anything else could be said the men tilted their heads back and sniffed the air.

"The Millers, Matt and Phil are here," said Dominic as he and Vincent stood up and ran around the corner of the garage.

Anthony started laughing as he said, "They didn't notice anybody else arrive, but they sure noticed when their intendeds got here."

The Millers were getting out of their vehicles still talking excitedly about their discovery when Vin and Dom came running around the corner. Brianna moved into Vincent's arms as he scented her neck but when he leaned in to kiss her, she shook her head no and whispered, "They'll see." She ducked her head shyly into his neck as he laughed.

Morgan smiled at Dom as he held her hand and whispered to her, "Is it okay if I scent you and hold you?" Morgan took a deep breath before shyly nodding her head and stood completely still as if she was afraid to move. Seeing her reaction, he whispered, "Are you okay? Remember what I said before, if you are uncomfortable with anything or want me to stop at anytime all you have to do is tell me and I will stop immediately. I will never hurt you Zenzero."

"I'm okay," she said shakily. "Momma and Nana Ellen said you are going to want to do this after we've been apart, but they didn't say why. They also said you are going to be very possessive of me and want to mark me, but I don't know what marking means either. Are you going to do that now and is it going to hurt?"

Dominic took her chin in his hand so she could look into his eyes as he said, "My wolf and I want to make sure you are okay and the best way to do that is to scent you. I can tell if you've been scared, anxious, happy, basically whatever emotions you have will show in your scent. When I hold you, my scent passes onto you and yours onto me, this way others know we are intended mates, that is how I mark you for now until we mate." At the relieved look on Morgan's face Dominic started smiling as he said, "Now is it okay if I scent you?"

She nodded happily as he leaned down and scented her neck deeply and then she pushed him away saying, "My turn." Dominic smiled at her as he tilted his neck, letting her take control once again. He needed to talk to her parents and find out exactly why she was so scared and then work to reassure her again and again if needed that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Okay lovebirds, let's get a move on," said Todd as he started unloading the back of the SUV. Brianna and Morgan blushed as Vin and Dom laughed and moved to help their future father in law.

Vin and Dom led the way around the garage carrying cases of beer while Todd, Holly and Papa Mike carried cardboard boxes, Matt carried a basket with bottles of wine and Phil carried a flower arrangement. They proceeded to the patio and put everything down and the adults exchanged greetings.

The girls started laughing and talking excitedly as Sophia, Gabby and Maria ran to greet them. They were clasping hands and jumping up and down, all talking at once and the only thing that could be understood was uniforms, headbands and shoes.

The boys stood there shrugging their shoulders looking uncomfortable since they weren't used to being ignored. Damian got a wicked smile on his face and said in a high falsetto, "Gianni, did you get the matching headband or the matching ribbon?"

Gianni started laughing and answered in a matching falsetto, "Oh Damian, I got the matching ribbon. Do you think I should have gotten the headband too?"

"My headband has glitter and rhinestones and all kinds of sparkly stuff," said Marcus in a falsetto voice that sounded similar to Minnie Mouse.

"My shoelaces light up in the dark and throw sparklers fifty feet in the air," said Lorenzo in a high pitch squeal. The Carlucci boys started jumping up and down squealing in delight as they clapped their hands as Anthony, Alberto and Angelo started laughing hysterically as they saw the reactions of the girls.

"I'm going to count to five before we come over there and whip your ass," said Sophia with a deadly glare as she put her hands on her hips. The boys took one look at her and started running as Sophia, Maria and Gabby chased after them.

Damian held his hands up and said, "Sorry girls, I can't run and you can't touch me because I'm recovering. I'll be on one of those loungers by the pool." The Miller girls looked at each other and then with a shout joined in the chase, running past the adults who were staring at them.

"I have something to say, Alpha Carlo," said Todd with a serious expression on his face. "I respectfully decline the offered Alpha position. As parents we want what is best for our children, and as much as I would like the challenge of being an Alpha, I must put my family first. Any changes I would implement would take months or years and my daughters cannot afford to wait that long." He hesitated and started smiling as he watched his daughters running around the yard like they were playing tag at recess and laughing hysterically, "Moving here was the best thing for them, our old Pack has nothing but bad memories and this is a fresh start and a new life for them. I cannot and I will not put them through any more hardships."

Carlo took a deep breath and said, "Let me tell you what is going on before I formally accept your response, because you may change your mind." At Todd's look of confusion he continued, "I want everyone to remain calm while we talk, I don't want to get the youngsters upset." At their nods, he told them everything Aldo had said to him, his conversation with Gina and finished with the conversation he had with his cousin Dante. The Millers took it better then Carlo thought they would, Holly was leaning silently against Todd's chest and Nana Ellen was holding tightly to Papa Mike's hand. Rita had a furious expression on her face that was matched by the one on her mate. The Carlucci's had blank expressions on their faces, from Carlo's earlier announcement they had been expecting the worst and they got it.

Frank looked at his mate, his brother and sister in law and said, "Can we leave our Pack behind knowing what they are facing in the future? If we leave, they'll have two more Packs as allies, but with the number of males taken into custody is that really going to be a help? And since their Packs were involved in what was occurring, how loyal are they going to be to us?"

Carlo looked at the Frank, Rose, Joe and Annie and said, "I'm not going to tell you if you should take the positions or not, that is up to you and what you think is best for your families. I know if you do take the positions, I can always count on you, but don't let this affect your decision, you need to look to the future and what this position would mean to generations of your family."

Joe rolled his neck before saying, "We'll tell our youngsters everything tonight and we'll make the decision as a family."

"Regardless of what your decision is, I'd like you to meet with me and Aldo tomorrow morning at 6 instead of 7. We need to go over security at The School House and order what supplies we need. Carmelo that includes you too," said Carlo as Frank, Joe and Carmelo nodded. "I've already told Anthony I'll tell him everything tonight and he'll be at the meeting."

"Angelo and Alberto will be told everything and will be at the meeting," said Carmelo as Rita nodded.

Todd looked at his family and sighed loudly before saying, "It seems the reason the Pack is being targeted is because of us. We don't want to be responsible for starting a war and bringing harm to the Pack so we think it would be best if we leave, but we're not going back to Davis Pack. We can deal with this on our own."

"Todd, you seem like a reasonable man, but that is the biggest crock of shit I've heard," said Carlo as he crossed his arms over his chest. "No matter where you go you'll be noticed and they'll find you."

"Since two of my sons are mates of your daughters, they'll be involved. That means my family will be involved," said Frank as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Since my brothers family will be involved, that means my family will be involved," said Joe as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Since my sons mate is a Carlucci, that means my family will be involved," said Carmelo as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Since you are now our brother, we would be involved," said Matt as he crossed his arms over his chest and Phil nodded his head in agreement and crossed his arms too.

"Brother?" said Frank with a smile. "That must've been one hell of a shopping trip."

"Todd adopted us as his brothers and Mom and Dad made it official," said Matt with a smile. "And the girls call us Uncle Matt and Uncle Phil. The best part is we have a family bond now, I'm not sure how but we do."

Gina hugged Phil as she whispered in his ear, "I'm so happy for you, I know as much as we tried we couldn't be a substitute for your family and you both deserve this."

"I've never heard of such a thing," said Carlo with a perplexed look on his face. "I know mates develop a bond after they finish the mating process, but I've never heard of one spontaneously happening."

Frank, Joe and Carlo looked at each other as Carlo said, "Maybe this is also part of Luna's plan, She knew they would need each other, Matt and Phil to heal and the Millers to protect their daughters. I have no other explanation for it, but it'll help tremendously in their protection since they can communicate without using cell phones. No one will be expecting them to be able to do that."

"I've never seen Matt and Phil so happy," said Joe. "It's almost as if they finally feel like they belong." Frank and Carlo looked at Matt and Phil and there was something different about them, a light in their eyes that wasn't there before and it seemed as if their postures were a little bit straighter almost as if they had finally found their self worth and confidence.

Carlo looked at the Millers and said, "There was a reason why you developed a family bond, even though you aren't related by blood. It's the ties that bind this Pack together, ties of loyalty, friendship, family but most of all love. Once you joined this Pack, we took an oath to protect you no matter what."

"Dobbiamo proteggere la confezione e la famiglia sopra ogni cosa, that means we protect the Pack and family above all else. It was the Rossi family creed in Italy and when the original fifteen emigrated here, they adopted it as the Pack creed," said Carlo with a firm voice.

"We protect our own. It's not just something we say, it's something we live by," said Matt as he looked at Todd. "When Frank and Joe came to get us, that's what they told us and it's true. If you are ever in trouble or need something, all you have to do is reach out and someone will be there to help and more then likely they will bring backup, lots and lots of backup. In this Pack, you are never alone."

Excited shouts from the youngsters drew their attention and Todd looked at his daughters before saying, "You're right, if we left we would never stand a chance if we fought them and my daughters...well, I don't even want to think of what would happen to them. We'll stay and fight this together as a Pack, but Carlo, I don't want my girls to know right now. They are finally happy and feel safe and I want them to stay that way as long as possible."

Carlo nodded his head and said, "At the meeting tomorrow night, I'll make sure nobody tells your daughters. I understand your reasoning and I'll do everything in my power to follow your wishes, but you do need to tell them. The more you try to hide it from them, the more hurt or betrayed they may feel in the end."

Todd rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Holly before he said, "We'll sit down and talk with them at the next Full Moon, this way they have a month of school, football games and other activities to enjoy. This will also give us a chance to make plans, if we're going to tell them, I want to have as many details as possible so they know what to expect." He looked at Frank and said, "I imagine after your boys find out, they are going to be even more protective then normal, so we'll need to take that into account when we go over the dating rules."

Frank nodded his head and said, "I'm sure Anthony and Alberto will feel the same way and we'll talk about increasing the protection around our daughters."

"Maybe we should have a talk with our youngsters before the dating rules meeting. The boys are going to wonder why the rules for the Miller girls will be stricter then they were for Sophia and Maria," said Joe as he looked at Frank.

"This is getting too complicated," said Rose with a determined look on her face. "Todd, I understand your reasoning, but they need to know now. The longer you put it off, the worse it's going to be and you don't want them to feel as if you are keeping something this important from them. Have you thought about how they'll feel if they accidentally overhear somebody talking about it? Knowing their family knew and didn't tell them or more importantly that their father knew, someone they look to for support and protection?"

"What do you all think? Should we tell them now or wait a month?" asked Todd as he looked at his family. The five of them looked at each other and it was obvious they were communicating through the bond, but had excluded Todd.

A minute later Matt spoke up and said, "All of us agree they should be told now. Like Rose said, if they find out you withheld this from them, they may wonder what else you aren't telling them. As a family we need to be upfront and open with each other and we can't do that by keeping secrets from each other."

Seeing the look on Matt's face, Phil took a deep breath before he looked at his new family and said, "I have something I need to tell you, but now isn't the right time. Matt's right, I need to be honest and I need to talk about this to heal."

Todd said quietly, "Anytime you need to talk, we'll be there to listen and help."

Seeing the concern on their faces, Phil started to tear up again and he said, "I don't know why I'm so emotional right now."

The Millers sensing their Uncle's distress stopped running and stared at the adults and before anyone could stop her Maeve ran towards him saying, "Uncle Phil, what's the matter?" As she reached him, she threw her arms around his waist and hugged him. The rest of the youngsters followed her and the Miller girls stared at their Uncle with concern while the others stared at their parents in confusion.

Todd said, "Don't worry, he's okay. It's just been a really emotional day for him, well for all of us really." He looked at his Alpha and nodded his head before saying, "We need to have a little talk before we start the dating rules meeting."

Carlo looked at the youngsters and said, "We've learned some disturbing news today and we feel everyone needs to be made aware of it. Get something to drink and snack on and we'll meet you on the patio in a couple of minutes." The youngsters immediately turned around and he watched as Sophia and Maria led the youngsters into the kitchen and got drinks for everyone.

He looked at the adults and said, "I'm not going to hold anything back, they deserve to know everything, but the most important thing they need to know is we'll always protect them." The adults nodded their heads, aware of the need to tell them but wanting to keep them carefree and happy at the same time.

As they walked over to the patio, Todd looked at Frank and said, "They never stop protecting them, do they?"

Frank smiled and said, "No, they don't. It's how they were brought up, to always think of protecting the girls." Holly looked at the youngsters assembled on the patio and smiled seeing the girls seated on a bench closest to the patio doors while the boys were seated in chairs fanned out around them. Sophia, Maria, Brianna and Morgan were seated off to one side against the wall with their intendeds next to them, on the other side Gabby was sitting with Sal and Angelo. There was undeniable tension in the air as they sat and waited for the adults.

On the adults table were several bottles of wine, glasses, a corkscrew, the decanter of whiskey and more tumblers for the men. They had also set out a small snack tray with cheese and crackers.

"Thank you boys for setting this up for us," said Rose with a smile.

"How did you know it was the boys?" said Maria as she frowned at Damian.

"Because as ill-behaved, obnoxious, arrogant and condescending as they are, they still have good manners," said Annie as she smiled.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment? Because it sure didn't sound like one," said Damian as the boys started to laugh. "I would have said, charming, personable, and eager to please with devastating good looks." Gagging noises could be heard from the girls as the boys and adults laughed dissipating the tension.

Carlo looked at the youngsters and said, "We debated on how much information we were going to tell you and finally decided to tell you everything. We felt if we held anything back it wouldn't be in your best interest and we want you to know that no matter what, we will always protect you and keep you safe." The boys sat up straighter while the girls stared at their Alpha. "I want all of you to keep as calm as possible and let me finish before asking any questions." Carlo took a deep breath and then told the youngsters everything and didn't hold one thing back.

Frank and Joe looked at the youngsters and monitored their reactions, ready to step in if needed if they got too upset. The Miller girls reached out one by one and held each others hands, Anthony and Alberto pulled their intendeds into their sides and held them as close as they could, and Vin and Dom pulled Brianna and Morgan onto their laps and held them as they cried. Frank watched as Gabby reached out and grabbed Sal's hand holding it tight, as Sal turned to look at her, he let go of her hand and put his arm around her shoulder bringing her into his side to hold her. It was a sweet gesture but combined with what he saw earlier he wondered if he needed to have a talk with his youngest son.


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