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Space Love

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John finds Love in a Strange Place.
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This is my entry to the "SUMMER EVENT 2019". I want to preface this by saying I am not a professional. I do everything on my own. I know I have to grow as an author, editor and especially as a writer.

Meet John and his merry bunch. This will be a short story.


"Sun, sea, sand and most importantly babes." Rick wiggled his eyebrows as he was explaining the importance of this new mission to his friends.

"Remember Taurus 2? You said the same thing and we're caught in a web, literal giant -- fucking -- spider's web." John skeptically said to his best friend.

"By the end of it you were crying to mommy as the spider - ," he stopped his ribbing as Rick glared menacingly, but soon everyone was laughing manically.

When everyone stopped Rick managed to get his breath back and start anew, "But this time is different,"

Everyone were on the edge of their seats as the man in question started to describe their new destination. All of them were clothed in light summer clothes as the transport rushed them through space. They fought for a year, tooth and nail, for their Imperium on all fronts just to get 2 weeks of R&R. Rick managed to get them a special access to a remote and popular summer resort known for its debauchery.

" -- The babes just do what you want and you don't even need to ask for some of it, they just do them," a gleam in his eye managed to convince all of the men as they one by one started cheering.

"Can't wait." One of them said.

"Lord, forgive me for I am about to sin," one of the men crossed himself, the look in his eye was leading John to believe that he was imagining all of the things Rick just said.

John shook his head and smiled, "I hope you can deliver."

Rick grinned widely, "When did I disappoint?"

John raised his eyebrows and started to count on his fingers beside Rick who sat by and watched everything with wide eyes, " -- last week, the day before yesterday and while we were waiting on you to wake up."

"But other than that I never disappointed you." Rick said with a giant smile.

John watched his best friend and chuckled, "No, you're my rock, bud."

"Hah, I knew it." Rick triumphantly stated.

John leaned back and crossed his arms. He closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep. He was about to drift off when he heard the men yell and laugh interrupting his sleep.

"Can't wait for some poon." One of the more vocal men stated, the others started to follow with cheers and hoots.

"One thing I should mention before we get to our destination-- " John said through his closed eyes, " -- we're going to be on our best behavior. No means no. If I hear one of you stepped out of place or a girl had a problem with your behavior you'll be scrubbing the latrines back in HQ for 6 months."

"Sorry boss!" the man who started it all apologized.

Soon the mood was back to its former spirits as he once again drifted off to sleep.

"No!" He heard someone scream.

John knew where he was. The pungent odor of the exploded IED told him everything he needed to know without the dream clarity. He was back in the trench.

"Marcus!!" He screamed as he was holding half of his friend's body, the other half nowhere to be seen.

The scent of dirt, blood and burned clothes was all over him. He watched metallic limbs climb down the trench and slither towards him.

His eyes opened as he breathed hard, drenched in sweat. None of his crew noticed his condition and he was grateful for it.

"Another one?" He heard Rick's voice.

There was no need for conformation as Rick knew his friends condition. "Bud, you need to get help for that."

"I'll get to it once we get back." John whispered.

"You've been saying that since it has started, and it has been, what? Six months?" Rick asked.

"Eight. But who's counting." John smiled, still he sat crossed armed unwilling to show any discomfort to any of the men around him.

They remained sitting in silence as the transport neared its destination. Once it landed the men cheered. Two weeks of rest and relaxation with whatever else came towards them in any form of fun. "Sun, sand and beach lovin' babes." Rick cheered as the transport doors swooshed open.

John could hear men cheerfully welcome the sights and sounds of the welcoming summer resort as they exited the transport one by one. He stood up from his seat and started to collect his belongings. Few duffle bags of necessities for the 14 day vacation, clothes mostly, but of course there were other things he packed as he started to never leave home without them. A marine is always prepared. His knife, boots and most importantly few packets of food processer that would last him for few months in a case of an emergency.

They were taking no space and being trapped without food was something he said was never going to happen again.

The men were quiet by now, he heard some arguing, but thought nothing of it as he walked towards the exit.

As he exited the transport he was greeted by the scorching sun. He noticed the lack of sand and beaches, the sea not in sight, only asphalt and concrete buildings. He grimaced. The heat was overwhelming him.

"Rick!" He yelled out to his friend who was by now surrounded by his angry friends.

He looked apologetic and started to run towards John, "I swear man, this is the right place."

"Look," he pointed towards the end of the road, John could see a large bus approaching their destination, "our chariot is arriving. All of you need to relax."

"I really hope there are babes on that bus, if not, I'll be pissed Ricky!" One of the men growled.

All of them watched the bus slowly make its way along the road. Eventually crawling to a stop in front of them. The doors hissed as they opened their way to a busty babe in a tuxedo. The men gaped as she sashayed down the stairs and started speaking, "Hello my name is Raku, welcome to our resort." She gently bowed.

"Now that's a total babe." Rick silently said and the men started cheering.

"If you will, please enter the buss and await further instructions." Raku said and moved to let the men board their new mode of transportation. Gently smiling at the men's enthusiasm.

As he was the last man to enter the buss he couldn't but notice the woman that was smiling gently at their high spirits. He entered the bus and sat at the nearest open seat. Again right next to Rick. The men started singing and joking as the bus gently moved and achieved top speed as it ran through the unfamiliar land.

John was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the land. As they left the transport landing grounds he saw the landscape in the distance. Tall, sturdy buildings were everywhere. Asphalt and concrete was the main motif of the building preference, however there were pockets of nature that intertwined magically with the architecture.

John saw many planets. Some of them were barren wastelands, others were lush green forests, yet he was always amazed how advanced civilizations made the instinctive progress back towards the nature. Like humans, everyone wanted to save their roots that led back to rustic nature. He wondered if there are any space faring civilizations that just wanted no part of the nature.

"I have to hand it to you Rick. This is pretty amazing." John commended his old friend.

The man shrugged, "It's different from the posters, but still, I agree it's amazing."

The bus traveled as they talked. The men watched the world slowly changed. Some of them openly wondered as they started traveling the road and a jungle started sprouting around them. Tall and heavy trees grew on either side of the road. Their sheer imposing size taking away their breath.

Rick and John were lost in their own world. The men were having fun. Some playing cards, others listening as Nuts played his guitar. Some notes reached John and he couldn't resist to bob his head to the beat, while the men sang 'Rose Tattoo'. Following Nut's voice the men would yell "Rose Tattoo" when their que came. The men sang. The men laughed. And the men cheered.

John could only smile at the sight. "I'm glad the men are having fun."

"Me too." Rick silently said.

The road ahead of them slowly changed as their songs changed to a melody even John knew. An old Earth acoustic ballad that Nut played whenever he got the chance to, everyone quieted down and listened to the soft lyrics. It held John's heart as he was reminded of the past. The tears silently came.

The men would help the song along with their deep voices, but left Nut with his melodic voice. A tribute to their captain, their friend and their comrade "...The enemy never slew ya, Johnny boy I hardly knew ya..."

"Gentlemen, we're here." Raku's gentle voice traveled across their dark memories to remind them of their present.

"Well, on to our adventure." John said.

"HAROO!" The men yelled as one startling Raku in the process.

John gently patted the woman on her shoulder, "Sorry miss, it's a thing we do." His smile was so enchanting she got lost and forgot what she was about to do.

"Please," John gently gestured towards the exit and she immediately regained focus.

He watched the woman's ass move as she moved towards the exit. She was greeted by the apologetic voices of his men. John smiled and started walking himself towards the exit. Behind him he dragged his belongings. Raku saw his arms were full so she quickly moved, "Sir, you can leave your stuff behind the servants will come to collect them." She quickly said.

John's eyebrows went up, "Oh?!"

"Yes, here they come." She quickly pointed to the women that ran past them and into the bus, one of them gently moved his bags, not knowing it was heavy the bag dropped to the ground and she immediately started apologizing.

"No worries ma'am, relax, the bags he's carrying are all heavy as shit." Nuts said.

"Hey! They aren't all heavy." John started to defend himself.

'Sure, that's why it takes 4 people to carry your shit." Rick added on. Everyone laughed at that.

Raku gently interrupted their banter, "Gentlemen, I welcome you to the resort of 1000 Pleasures."

"I'm going to spend my time here to know every one of them," One of the men commented.

"Can you name 5?" Another voice asked.

"Sure I can, Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath -- " the man started counting on his fingers.

"Idiot those are deadly sins," Rick stated laughing.

The man shrugged, "What's the difference?"

Rick stopped suddenly in deep thought, "By George I think he's got it." A chorus of laughter rippled through the merry bunch as they started following their guide into the wide entrance of the hotel.

"This is the reception," Raku pointed towards the long desk behind which stood three female workers equally apart from each other. "When you are lost or confused about something they will help you, as will any other servant in this resort. If you can't find any the reception is your best option as there are always someone behind the front desk working."

She led them in three rows of five people to the women behind the desk they awaited them all smiling as men got lost in their revealing clothes. One by one they received special keys and started walking towards the rooms. Happily ribbing each other as their voices got lost in the vastness of the compound.

At last John's turn arrived as he was lucky number sixteen. He stopped in front of the woman right in the middle, the other two at her sides looked on. Their gazes looked longingly on as John stopped in front of the beauty and waited for her to finish her previous customer.

The woman wore short cropped blonde hair. John noticed that she wore a tailored suit as everyone else, revealing her busty chest as she worked on her Pad.

She seemed a little bit lost, confused as she worked on the tablet slowly and diligently, careful not to make any mistake. She checked and re -- checked the information few times before nodding happily and finishing.

John was asked several times by more experienced receptionists to come next to them, but he was politely and quietly waiting for the woman in front of him to finish her job. Soon he was mesmerized by her diligence and thought it would be rude to just walk away denying her the hard work and effort she put in.

"Done!" She happily exclaimed as the data she put in the Pad was confirmed. "Now I can rest and relax."

She looked up and noticed John happily smiling and patiently waiting for his turn, she turned bright red and started apologizing, "I'm extremely sorry dear customer, I was just -- ".

"Not to worry miss, I enjoyed watching. You're very meticulous." John gently raised his hand to calm the frantic woman.

"Sorry." Came a final quiet apology as her face went a deeper shade of red.

John thought she looked extremely beautiful, however chose to keep the information to himself.

Finally she composed enough to proceed with her job, "Name." She asked a little bit too formally.

"John Leaf." He answered.

"Can I see some ID?" She asked remembering finally the proper procedure.

"Of course." He smiled back and handed her the ID he already had in his hand.

Once the task was done John was given the key to his room. The key looked special. It was engraved with letters of the hotel name. The logo of a naked woman danced erotically around the letters. The woman's body was enchanting and he could not pull his gaze away from it as he rode the elevator to the seventh floor. The beep of the elevator woke him from his daydream. He tried to exit the elevator but the doors would not open. For some reason there was red light around the doors and the screen.

He quickly figured what he needed to do and placed the key on the screen. The doors chimed, flashed green and slowly opened revealing the interior. He watched in amazement as the massive interior was revealed to his eyes.

He stepped inside and immediately felt he was not supposed to be inside such a luxurious mansion. There was no end to the room. Once he thought it ended he found another part. Then another. Finally at the end he saw that his room alone had three floors and all of the necessities he would need during his stay.

"There must be a mistake," but deep inside himself, he hoped not.

He pushed the button beneath the screen and a cutesy face appeared on the screen, "Front desk, how may I help you?"

"John Leaf here. Was there a mistake with my room number?" John slowly asked.

"What room are you in sir?" The receptionist asked.

"Please it's John, and I'm in room 1200" he said.

He waited few moments as the woman glided her fingers across her Pad, "No mistake, John. That is your room."

"But this is too much." John said.

The woman just smiled, "Please enjoy your stay John and if you need anything, anything at all call me." She said.

When the call ended John watched at the screen confused as he was sure the woman's last words were spoken as if she was seducing him. And succeeding. He shook his head and turned his attention back towards the massive room behind him.

He made his way towards the upper floors, examining them as he climbed the stairs. On the ground floor was everything he needed for his daily comfort. Living room, kitchen and a big bathroom. On second there was two bedrooms, another two bathrooms and a game room.

The third was the largest floor of all. He walked in and he noticed his stuff were neatly arranged in front of the doors he came to the logical conclusion that behind those must be the master bedroom. Noticing another door to his right he entered them and saw a huge bathroom.

A massive shower, bathtub and a hot tub. He noticed a frosted screen door behind he could just make out the outlines of a toilet. He smiled. Entered the same doors and used the toilet to relieve himself. The trek was long, arduous and hot. He needed to piss several hours ago but found nowhere decent to do so. Once the task was done he took his clothes off and bounced towards the shower.

The jets started to wash him as his aching muscles screamed, not in pain but from disuse.

He scrubbed every inch of his sweaty body eventually just enjoying the water pressure on his skin.

He suddenly jumped forward as he felt a pair of hands on his back.

"You!" he gawked at the naked form of the young beautiful receptionist in front of him.

He attempted to ask her what she was doing here, but quickly she ran towards John and wrapped her arms around him. Her lips quickly found his. He forgot what he was trying to do as she started to grind on his growing member.

John held her close to his body as she moaned and gyrated her hips. Her short cropped hair was already wet from the warm water coming from the jets around them. She made few hand movements behind him, the water stopped and soon the jets started spraying them again. It felt like they were in the rain.

He slowly started to suck on her tongue. John heard her moan and felt her shiver. She slowly jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist.

He managed to stop and pull away taking a breathless look at the svelte girl in his arms, "How?"

"I have a spare key." She softly responded as she continued to slowly kiss down his neck.

"Why?" John proceeded down the list of his questions.

She stopped her assault as she looked in his eyes and simply said, "I wanted you."

She could feel him responding and quickly positioned herself to allow him full command over her body. She was surprised by the sheer size of his member.

They both gasped as he invaded her insides.

Quickly John noticed he could barely control his passion. Careful not to injure the woman in his arms he moved his hips inch by inch. He almost cried out in bliss as his pelvis touched her body. She shivered in his arms. John was careful not to put too much pressure in his hug, yet he missed the warmth of another.

He needed more. "What's your name?" He asked through the haze of lust. Finally remembering he didn't even know the girls name.

She seemed a little lost, watching him through half lidded eyes, "Name? I'm Ize. John don't make me beg."

John smiled, he too was almost screaming for release. "Ize you feel so good in my arms."

As he mentioned her name it was like a switch, making her convulse and scream in ecstasy.

John breathed heavily as he supported the unconscious woman in his arms. Stepping away from the shower he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the ground beneath him blowing warm air to dry both of them. Once that was done he carried the sleeping woman to the room and gently laid her on the giant bed. In seconds he was beneath the covers and out.


He was watching his men play in the sun. Other guests, mostly females were keeping them company. John watched as his man laughed and tried to seduce a couple. He smiled at their constant bombing.

The men never lost their spirits, "God I love the summer!!" One of them exclaimed as he got turned down for another time.

John was relaxing from the activity just few hours ago. Ize was still silently sleeping in his bed. Strangely his body felt more tired than it ever was, he tried running few miles, but after few hundred yards he stopped. For some reason the mood just wasn't there.

The sun was warm, the sea breeze nice, but something was missing. John and Rick couldn't pinpoint what, after talking, yet both of them agreed that something was amiss.

He shrugged not entirely sure.

He closed his eyes behind his glasses. The sun comfortably burning his skin. The men's voices slowly started to die down, he took one brief glance behind the black sunglasses and saw that they were all relaxing in one way or the other.

"What're you doin'?" He heard a familiar voice.

"Trying to sleep, what about you Nuts." John asked.

"Same," he answered and both men allowed the silence between them to fill the gaps, "Can you sleep?" Nuts interrupted.


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