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Click hereThe last person I wanted to find us on the beach was Franco. This time the thong was black. He had a friend with him, shorter, slender, hair dyed blonde and crew cut, a double barbed wire tattoo around his ankle.
"Hey, how are you?" Franco greeted us, like a long lost friends. "Naked again! Isn't she too much!"
Sarah smiled.
"So,.." Franco said to me. "You like her hair? It took for ages, but I think it's worth it. Don't you? I hope you didn't mind that Chico and I took her to a restaurant afterwards. Hey Chico, come over. Here, this is my boyfriend, Chico."
He gestured to the dyed blonde guy who moved beside him.
"Hi, Chico," I said, my brain rapidly rearranging my assumptions about what had happened the night before.
The dress, the dinner date, the size of his cock, the taste preference, had all been part of one enormous wind up, Sarah's punishment for my stupidity.
I remembered the late night hairdressers, and that when Sarah had had her hair highlighted in the past, it had taken several hours. They must have eaten late.
And Sarah might or might not be pregnant, but if she was the child was mine. Spanish semen had been nowhere near her.
Franco and Chico hung around for nearly fifteen minutes. Franco did most of the talking, enthusing about Sarah's hair, and about her daring to be naked on the beach, wishing that he could do the same, except that as a guy he would certain to be arrested, although that could be fun. He did like men in uniforms.
When they left, I gave Sarah a look.
"You deserved it," she said.
"You deserved what you got too."
"Maybe I enjoyed it."
"I don't think there's any maybe. And you can expect more of the same."
"That's nice," she grinned.
We both lay silent, our relationship restored.
Then Sarah asked the fateful question.
"Did you really think I'd sleep with someone else?"
"Yes." I said. "And you wanted me to think that."
"Risk getting pregnant?"
"You wanted me to think that too."
"Is that why you fucked me the way you did?"
"Yes," I said again.
She gave me her wonderful mischievous grin.
"If that's the effect it has on you, maybe I should really let another guy take me home to bed. Once we're back in London."
She turned her head away from me, resting it in the crook of her arm.
I could feel myself begin to harden.
I got up.
As I said, I like petite. You can pick petite up and carry her over your shoulder.
I walked with Sarah over my right shoulder, legs dangling in front, bare buttocks level with my face, ignoring the looks from everyone else on the beach. I reached the water's edge, where it was lapping on the sand, and waded in until the water was around my thighs. Sarah was struggling a using her arms, pushing from my buttocks, keeping her torso as high as possible, keeping her head from the water.
I lifted her off my shoulder, held her sideways across my body, arms beneath her back and thighs, and threw.
The splash she made as she hit the water was so beautiful.
The MC's reassurance seems premature. It may come as a surprise to him, but there are many bisexual men in Spain, just as there are around the world. The paternity of any child conceived on that trip remains an open question.
Faux Femdom agitprop. But thereโs always next time. I love sweet people in love who overcome their trials.
Delightful twist and I see lots of animal sex in the future for this couple.
Sexy is fun. Cruelty is unforgivable. I wouldn't leave her for the flrting. I'd dump her for the psychological torture.
I agree with anonymous different story. Just threaten to go on a revenge date would be enough to end it. The other story was dear hubby went to the bar and picked up his own date and brought her back and fucked her.
They're bi - your wife fucked them both last night.
Seriously though, good story. Gave me some ideas for how to harass my boyfriend. P.S. my now-dripping cunt thanks you as well
Damn, you can write. Looking forward to reading more of your stories. But also hoping that all your stories are not too similar to each other though. I've read two including this. And they both seem very similar in their theme as well as how they go. Keep writing though, you are good at that. ๐
Which I hate. I think the macho husbands pack their things and fly home to start the divorce when she goes on the date. I think the mean husbands take all her clothes and things, her passport and credit cards with him when he leaves to go home and files for a divorce. I think the nice husbands tell her that if she goes on the date he will be leaving, going home and filing for a divorce and then does exactly that when she goes on the date. Throwing her in the water is what the weak, simpering cuckolds do. Badly thought out, lousy ending.
1 star
..."Who leaves me lying naked on a beach," she said.
"You know I didn't mean,..."
"It's been an hour. Didn't you think someone might try to chat me up?"
"So that's what he was doing?"
"He was just being friendly, and giving me some lotion."
"I let him put it on."
"Front and back?"
"Front and back," she said. "He offered. I accepted."
"And did he offer anything else while he was at it?"
"A date, this evening."
"You accepted?" I asked, only just properly connecting with the 'see you later's that they had exchanged.
"I accepted," she said. "After all, it was nice of him to be concerned about me. Shall we go for lunch?"
"Under the circumstances, I don't think that would be possible." I said.
"Why not?" She bristled, looking for a fight.
Ignoring her barb, I explained quietly, "Well, first of all, I'm about to lose what's left of my last meal, to say nothing of the prospect of my next. And secondly, I'm so angry at what you've done, I don't want to be around you right now."
"look who's talking!" she screamed at me. "What the fuck were you thinking when you stripped me naked out in the surf!?...and then threw my bottoms--the only thing that covers my cunt and ass from public view--out to sea, where only the whales and the clams are ever likely to see them again?!!" "There are consequences for everything, buster, and my going on a date that man tonight may be just the beginning of the consequences you're going to suffer for humiliating me that way!!"
"Look", I said, "I know I fucked up back there, and I know you have every right to be mad, but what you're proposing is a nuclear option, when small arms fire would be more appropriate."
"I understand, and for me, I'd probably have gotten arrested if it happened to me, so it's a bit different," I said, "but you think that the humiliation of me being seen naked would warrant my dating another woman--a very hot one, at that!?"
At this she remained silent, considering my words, but her anger seemed too great for her to reason, so she just said, "Fuck you!", and stormed off toward our hotel.
Now I REALLY knew to keep my distance, and so I trailed behind her as we walked back to the resort. Once we got there, Sarah, wrapped in her towel, retreated into her room, where I decided I'd give her some space.
I wandered over to the pool with the tiki hut and bar, and decided floating in the pool with a few margueritas was preferable to attempting to tame a riled up, fire-breathing dragon-of-a-wife.
After about an hour of floating and reflecting, I decided I would check in on my fuming spouse, and see if we could salvage what was left of this vacation. Upon entering our cabana, I saw that she was curled up sleeping off her morning ordeal, so I decided to sit in the chair opposite the bed, and wait until she woke, to make my best pitch at apologizing and groveling for forgiveness.
What I didn't count on was the effect this ordeal and the subsequent drinks would have on me, so I ended up nodding off to sleep myself for a couple of hours.
Later, upon hearing running water from the sink in our bathroom, I was jolted awake with a splitting headache, and a wickedly kinked neck. After shaking the cobwebs from my addled mind, I remembered how I'd ended up in the offending chair, and so I steeled myself for what I knew was going to be an unpleasant but necessary conversation.
I didn't have long to wait, however, as she soon emerged from our ensuite, somewhat surprised to see I was awake.
A bit startled, she caught a hitch in her step, and explained, "Oh. You're awake. I was just about to go out."
"Where?" I asked, my brain still a bit fuzzy.
"Duh, on my date, of course! It's almost 8:00, and I have to be at the restaurant by 8:30.", she said.
"What?! You can't be serious!" I said, my anger getting the better of me.
"Serious as a heart attack, mister. You think you can do what you did to me and get off scot-free? Think again!", she said..."Oh and don't wait up, I don't know how late I'm going to be."
"So, just so we're straight", I said, "I embarrassed you today--and I admit I was stupid, and pulled a jackass move that I'm fully willing to atone for, but your unilaterally proposed solution is to date another man, and give him full rights to you, just as if we weren't married?"
"That's right, so DEAL with it!, she said.
"I guess that's my only option, unless I wanted to physically restrain you", I said, shaking my head in disbelief.
"Try it mister, and I'll have security here so fast, you'll be in a jail cell before the water's all drained out of the shower room I just used."
At that point I noticed that she was indeed ready to go out, dressed to the 'nines', as they say; looking better than she had since the day we married.
"Is there any way I can get you to change your mind?", I asked. "Can't we work this out some other way? You're killing my heart, right now, honey, and I'll tell you up front, I may be a jackass sometimes, but I still have my pride; and although I'm an easy-going, fun-loving guy who likes to share a good time with everyone, that generous nature does not extend to me sharing my wife with another man!"
"You're not sharing me, you jackass! I'm taking this pussy away from you tonight, and I'm going to do my best to get it fucked in world class style. I'm going to get it fucked so hard and so deep and so long, by as many men who might be willing to do so, that I'll be so sore I won't be able to fuck again until long after this vacation's over!"
I looked at this creature, whom I think I didn't know anymore. I couldn't handle this level of betrayal, so I switched my tack, and pretended to be cowed by her brazen attitude. "Alright, but if you're going to be out on the prowl, then at least leave my gramma's rings I gave you when we got married. I couldn't stand the thought of her knowing what you've done."
In a pique of temper, Sarah yanked her rings off her wedding finger, and, slamming them into my palm, she huffed, "Fine! They'd only get in the way anyhow!"
With that, she stormed toward the door to our cabana, tossing a last comment my way; "And I mean it; don't wait up. I may not be back until tomorrow night!"
Without turning--my eyes burning with a fury and an anguish in my heart I'd never thought I'd ever feel--I said, "Don't worry darling, there's no danger of that."
After a short pause, where I suspect she hesitated as she studied my back as my body was betraying my anguish, I heard the door close, maybe a little more softly than she had first intended to when she had first approached it.
I cried I know not for how long, before I followed through with the resolve of a man whom my parents--and a life of conquered challenges--had crafted.
My marriage--I know it sounds clichรฉ--but it was over. I checked out of the resort that night, paying for the room and expenses incurred to that point, before catching a taxi to one of the airport hotels. I stayed the night there, using my laptop, and trusty credit card to book a plane-ride home the following morning.
On the flight home, I used one of those expensive in-flight phones to call my brother to let him know he was going to be having a medium-to-long-range houseguest living with him and his girlfriend very soon.
He was stunned to hear my sad news, but he threw wide the doors, and welcomed me like the good sibling he'd always been.
I never opened up to Sarah again. I sued for divorce before she even arrived back in the U.S.. The bitch even stayed the full length of the vacation before returning home, and so I rewarded her callousness by having a process-server dress up as a limo driver, pretending to be her ride home.
I videoed it with my cell phone from above the arrivals lounge, as the server--posing as a driver who'd been paid to locate her and drive her home--identified her, and said the three magic words that set me free from the love-of-my-life-turned-harpy; "You've been served."
Does that mean she should act stupid, risk her health and pregnancy from a stranger? You didn't finish this story. I would think after he dumps her in the ocean he went back to their room, packed and left her there. Flew home and filed for a divorce. Something about stupid is as stupid does, comes to mind. She was a moron. Both were unlikable characters. The combination made for a lousy story. Nothing erotic or entertaining about it.
1 star
She became pissy ( angry ) when he took off her bikini bottom and SHE was the one to get mad and move her blanket down the beach . Like most men he knew to give her some time to cool off and reading two chapters is about right . She allowed the stranger to chat her up and to apply sun lotion ( front & back ) and then to make a dinner date . She chose to give her husband the impression more was happening and she went with a thin dress and no lingerie . If I was him I would have checked out and flew home . By the time she arrived home I would already have moved her stuff out . What she did was cruel and heartless as punishment for a bit of fun ( him taking off her bikini bottom ) .