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Spinal Meningitis is No Joke Ch. 01

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Coming out of a coma, into a brand new world.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/25/2018
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This is a big dick story. If you don't like big dick stories, you probably won't like this.


My name is Joshua, but everyone calls me Josh except my Mom. When I was 16, I contracted bacterial meningitis and almost died. Before that, I was a typical high school nerd. I was 5 foot 2, just over a hundred pounds, and I was an avid reader of sci-fi, fantasy, comics, classical literature, and porn. I played sports with my friends, but none of us were that athletic. Certainly, none of us ran with the cool kids in school, none of us had girlfriends, and we had no aspirations to make any varsity sports team. We all got good grades and were never in any trouble.

Right at the beginning of what should have been my junior year of high school, I got sick. I honestly don't remember that – everything prior to waking up in the hospital is a complete blank. My mother told me that I had flu symptoms for a couple days, and then suddenly collapsed in our living room. When I didn't regain consciousness right away, they rushed me to the hospital. By the time bacterial meningitis was discovered, it had already spread into my spinal column. I slipped into a coma, and remained in a coma for over a year.

When I finally came out of it, my whole world was changed forever.

I woke up watching a porno. This hot blonde nurse was sucking on a huge dick, moaning while she slurped on it. I had the sensation that my own dick was being sucked while I was watching this happen, but genuinely could not take my eyes off of this beautiful woman wantonly sucking the biggest cock I had ever seen. When she finally popped the dick out of her mouth and started licking the slit at the end, I realized she had both hands wrapped around the base of the massive shaft. A big drop of pre-cum formed, and she moaned lustfully as her mouth dove back onto the head of that cock to slurp up the liquid treat. The nurse had her top unbuttoned halfway to her waist, and her breasts were fully exposed. They bounced delightfully as she bobbed her head up and down, taking what looked like half of a ten-inch dick into her mouth.

I was transfixed at the sight, and enormously turned on. Within minutes, I felt the familiar churning in my balls signaling that I was about to climax. I remember thinking I needed to warn whoever it was that had my dick in their mouth, and then croaked out something unintelligible. The blonde nurse in the porno seemed to look straight at me in shock, and then the dick erupted in her mouth. She reflexively gulped down the streams of cum, only a little of it escaping the corners of her lips. Her eyes were somehow locked onto mine as she gently nursed on the head of the big dick. The sucking mouth on my own dick seemed to be matching her movements exactly.

Yeah, obviously it was my dick being sucked by the nurse. The reason I couldn't put the two together was that I just didn't have a big dick. Mine was maybe six inches rock hard, and a little bigger around than my thumb. (And, no, I don't have a giant thumb or anything.) I had no idea at that moment that I had been lying in hospital beds for the last 19 months. Nor did I know I had been unconscious for my seventeenth and eighteenth birthdays.

The gorgeous nurse finally let the big dick go, giving it a tender kiss before getting to her feet and putting her fantastic breasts away. She buttoned up the top of her hospital scrubs, and then used her fingers and thumb to gather the small streams of semen from the corners of her mouth. When she started licking her fingers clean, I groaned in appreciation. God, she was so hot!

At this point, I was starting to realize that there was no porno – there was no screen; this hot nurse was actually standing in front of me. Then, I realized I was actually in a hospital. My brain was coming out of a couple of stupors at once, and the gears in my head were starting to turn for the first time in a very long while.

"Oh, you're really awake," the sexy nurse finally spoke.

I tried to say, "Where am I?" but it came out as "Whrrr zhii *cough* *cough*"

"Take it easy!" the nurse cautioned, "You've been in a coma for over a year. You haven't spoken this entire time, so your vocal chords are going to need a while to get back to normal."

I glanced at her name tag then. "Charlene" I managed to actually croak out.

She actually blushed a bit at me saying her name. Weird.

"I need to notify some people that you are ... back," Charlene said. "Oh, and please don't mention..." she nodded meaningfully at my crotch. I nodded back.

She pulled aside the curtain that had been surrounding my bed and walked away. She reached the doorway and turned to check herself in a wall mirror there before smiling at me and walking briskly out the door. When I finally pulled my eyes away from her captivating backside, I looked around the room.

I was in a small ward. There were three other beds in the room, all occupied. There was very little lighting, so I couldn't make out any details of my unconscious roommates. I could hear the regular beeping of their heart monitors. Two of them were also on ventilators. I made to sit up, and then finally noticed a profusion of tubes and wires attached to my arms, chest, and neck. Three different IV bags were dripping into tubes that led into my arms and chest. I was hooked up to a heart monitor, and a couple of other monitoring devices. I think one was an EEG, but I couldn't tell for sure. My skin smelled slightly minty, from the disinfecting scrub the nurses had been using to clean me. My arms and legs looked really skinny. That was some very poor muscle tone, even for a scrawny kid like me.

I looked around the room again, and then pulled up my hospital gown. Good lord. That was a huge dick attached to my crotch. As I said, I have read a lot of sci-fi, so the first thing that popped into my head was that maybe I was in a horrific crash and had to have my penis replaced. Looking carefully at it, and watching it start to swell and rise, I realized it was actually my own dick, just somehow much, much bigger. I pushed the gown back down and pulled the sheet up to my waist as I heard footsteps approaching.

Doctor Hinton looked the part. Tall, lean guy in his mid-fifties, he had salt-and-pepper hair going, wore glasses, had the lab coat and stethoscope. He flipped on the overhead lights and walked up to my bed in a confident way that told me this wasn't his first rodeo. Charlene and two other nurses trailed behind him. While I wanted to look at the nurses – especially Charlene – Doctor Hinton had this way of just commanding my attention.

"So, Joshua," he said, "welcome back to the world of the living. Charlene said she told you about your coma. What do you remember?"

I slurred out something unintelligible, coughed a bit, and then whispered, "Not much. Actually, not anything."

"OK. Well, you contracted spinal meningitis. You had a lot of swelling of your spinal fluid, including your brain. You don't appear to have any brain damage, and we have been closely monitoring your brain activity this whole time. Your parents have been in to visit you pretty regularly. They should be here soon. I called them as soon as Charlene told me. These are your nurses," he turned and indicated each with his hand as he named them, "Charlene, Sarah, Heather. They have been caring for you for the past ... six months?"

They nodded in agreement, except for Sarah, who cleared her throat and said, "I've been taking care of Joshua for a little over a year." Sarah was blonde, with straighter and shorter hair than Charlene, and the pale skin of her neck seemed to color a bit as she got this out and looked at me.

Doctor Hinton continued, "You also have a physical therapist, Dennis, who isn't here this evening, and we'll be assigning you an occupational therapist. Now, you have been unconscious for a really long time. Your muscles and...well, everything is going to take a while to get back to normal. DO NOT try to get up without one of your nurses here to help you. At least one of them will be here all the time, so hit your buzzer if you need anything."

"You forgot about Jeannie," Heather spoke for the first time. She was a cute redheaded pixie, shorter than the other two nurses by a good six inches. Her scrubs were also much baggier on her than her colleagues, although I would later find out that it was to hide the most bodacious set of breasts imaginable. "Jeannie is the other nurse assigned to this ward. She's off today."

"Right," the doctor nodded, "All four of these girls are outstanding nurses. They have been taking excellent care of you, and we will all be very upset if you try to be a hero and injure yourself. Make sure you use your buzzer to call them if you need anything. It is what they are paid to do, so don't hesitate. Understand?"

I nodded firmly. This part was very clear.

Doctor Hinton turned to the nurses and they huddled, preparing to move my bed. He then started checking my vitals as each of the nurses took charge of a monitor and another piece of equipment. They moved as a well-rehearsed team and soon my bed was rolling out of the ward I had been in, and into a private room. Once we were there, the doctor instructed the nurses and they disconnected me from one if the IVs, and all of the monitors but the heart monitor were disconnected, the wires rolled up, and they were taken from the room. During this process, I was very surprised to notice that I actually had some hair on my chest. Not a ton, like Ron Jeremy or Robin Williams, but a fair amount. Also, the hair on my arms was noticeably thicker than it had ever been.

The room itself looked to be about twelve feet by twenty, with one corner an enclosed bathroom. The bathroom door was open, revealing a toilet, sink, and shower stall. There was a television up on the wall in front of my bed, and a small couch under the window to the right of my bed. I looked back at the bathroom and was struck by the thought that I didn't even know if I needed to go.

"Um, *small cough* what about if I need to go to *another small cough* the bathroom?" I got all of that out much better than any of my previous attempts at talking.

Doctor Hinton regarded me, then kind of looked up toward the ceiling as if he were doing a calculation in his head. "You haven't had any solid food, Joshua. You won't have a bowel movement for a couple days. If you need to pee, just get one of the nurses to help you."

He immediately recognized my panicked look and added, "Joshua. Look at me. These nurses are here to take care of you. They have been helping you go to the bathroom, and cleaning you up afterwards, for over a year. You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Easy for him to say, I thought to myself.

My parents arrived shortly afterwards, just after eight in the evening, looking like they had sprinted all the way from our house to get there. They were both breathing heavily. I heard them running past the nurses' station – all the nurses were in my room – and into the ward I had just vacated. The nurses and Doctor Hinton all grinned, and then Sarah walked quickly out to get them. When they walked in, I noticed that my dad had lost a lot of weight. He looked to be in really good shape compared to how I remembered him. My mom looked exactly the same, her dirty blonde hair half covering her face and her generous bosom heaving as she rushed to my bed and flung herself onto me.

"Oh, Joshua! My baby boy!" she crooned, as she covered my face and forehead with kisses.

My dad smiled and walked over, his big, warm hand reaching out to squeeze my shoulder. Tears were streaming down his face as he beamed down at me. My face was wet from my mother's tears, and maybe from my own. I started to try to talk, then was wracked by a horrible coughing spasm.

Charlene gently but forcefully pushed my mother off of me by her shoulder, then turned me on my side to face the bedpan she had produced. I hocked up what looked like a small jellyfish into the bedpan.

"Oh, gross!" I tried to say, then proceeded to cough up a lot more mucous and phlegm.

Heather calmly explained to my parents and me that, as is normal with unconscious patients, I would have inhaled some saliva and mucous. When I was done hacking up a lung, Charlene and Sarah looked at the contents of the bedpan with a clinical eye.

"Better?" Heather asked me. I was just catching my breath, but I did actually feel better. I nodded to her.

"Yes, ma'am," I said. My first full phrase without coughing, I realized.

As I talked with my parents over the next two hours, my speech was getting clearer and my coughing less and less frequent. I did have a second coughing jag, but it only produced a small ball of mucous, maybe the size of a quarter. The nurses rotated out, but one of them was with us in the room the entire time my parents were there. It was very strange to me, but these incredibly hot women knew my parents very well. After all, my parents had been visiting their vegetable son for over a year, and the people they could actually talk to were these hot nurses.

From talking with my parents, I learned that my older sister, Beth, had gotten a scholarship to go to State. She had just started attending our local community college when I had gotten sick. My friend Brian, who had been a year ahead of me in school, had gone off to college and was now engaged. Mark and Seth, my best friends since second grade, would be graduating in May. Both of them were in serious relationships with girls from my school. Girls we had fantasized about for years. I just shook my head all through these revelations. The whole world had changed.

At ten o'clock, visiting hours ended and my parents left. Mom once again showered me with kisses and a few tears. My dad had me sit up so he could give me a big hug. Heather and Sarah walked my parents out, talking with them the whole way down the corridor. This left me alone with Charlene.

I looked at her, and she was looking at me. At the exact same moment we both said, "Thank you."

Charlene tilted her gorgeous head and the question in her eyes was obvious.

"You brought me back from the dead," I said, "and I loved the way you did it."

Her laugh was like a sexy poem brought to life. "Oh, Joshua..."

I cut her off, "Please call my Josh. Only my mom calls me Joshua."

Charlene had a pensive look then. "But I've been thinking of you as Joshua this whole time. It's going to be hard for us to get used to that. I promise I'll try...Josh."

"Thanks." I said. "Now what were you thanking me for?"

"For not saying anything about me...you know." She leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Thanks for not telling on me for sucking your magnificent cock."

I could feel myself hardening instantly. Man, Charlene smelled incredible. Just a bit of perfume, and that wonderful smell that sexy women have.

She kissed my earlobe, and then straightened up as Heather and Sarah returned to my room. They looked like they were about to say something, but I preempted them.

"Look, I don't want to push anything, but I would really like to try to stand up and go to the bathroom. Is that possible with all this?" I indicated the tube and wires stretching from my right arm to the equipment beside my bed.

"We can try." This from Heather, after the three gorgeous women had exchanged looks.

Sarah cleared her throat and added, "Unless you really need to go now. We can't rush this."

"I should be good. I'll be sure to let you know if that changes."

I watched closely as they disconnected me from the equipment. I was left with an IV tube dangling from my right elbow and some sort of electrical sensor on my right index finger, with an electrical connector wrapped around my wrist. I sat up and they helped me turn to my right and put my feet on the floor. Charlene was on my right and Sarah on my left. Heather was a bit out in front of me.

My knees buckled as soon as I tried to stand. I had no strength in my legs below my knees. Damn.

"It's ok. We've got you." Heather reassured me as Charlene and Sarah took my full weight and helped me stand.

I tried – I mean really, really tried – to take two steps. My feet just dragged uselessly as my angels carried me. I blew out a big breath in consternation. "This isn't working."

"Really, it's ok. We've got you." Heather repeated.

They basically carried me the six steps into the bathroom. Even though I was willing it with all my might, I was barely moving my legs. I was looking down at my feet, to assess my pathetic progress, when I noticed that neither Sarah nor Charlene was wearing a bra. Also, they had excellent breasts – C or D cups with wonderful cleavage and that nice wobbly bounce that natural breasts have. They turned me toward the toilet, and Heather lifted the lid, as she lifted my gown to expose my rapidly hardening (and still shockingly enormous) penis. As soon as my cock was visible, all three girls' eyes locked on it and they sighed. Heather gently wrapped her hand around the middle of the shaft as she pointed it toward the toilet bowl.

I had to close my eyes and will my erection to go down, and then I was peeing. I opened my eyes and watched the pale yellow stream arc directly into the center of the bowl. I couldn't help myself.

"You have better aim with that thing than I do." I quipped.

I almost got dropped on my ass for that one. Sarah and Charlene both let me slip a bit as they laughed out loud. I rocked back onto the balls of my feet, and actually felt the muscles in my buttocks and thighs flexing as I finally managed to take some of my own weight. They noticed immediately. After exchanging a startled look, Sarah and Charlene both started to say something. Then they both stopped and looked at me. I was jerking my head to the side as Heather shook my dick to get the last drops out. Then she kept shaking it, and started stroking it a bit as she did. My cock hardened rapidly in her hand. She kept stroking it, her eyes locked in as she moved it closer to her face. Her mouth was open, and she was licking her lips...

Sarah cleared her throat loudly, snapping Heather out of her cock-induced trance. "Let's get him back into his bed now," she said.

They once again half-carried, half-dragged me until I was back in my bed.

As they reconnected me to the IV and monitor, Sarah started to explain. "Joshua," she said.

"Josh." I corrected.

"Really? That's going to be tough to get used to."

"That's exactly what I said." Charlene chimed in.

"So, 'Josh' the fact that you could take ANY of your own weight is actually really surprising. Normally, anyone who has been unconscious even two months will take at least a week of physical therapy – and usually more – just to be able to do what you did."

Heather added, "Yep. Normally, you would be doing lots of exercises lying in bed just to build up the muscles enough to try ..."

"Getting dragged around by hot nurses?" I finished for her.

All three smiled appreciatively. They knew they were hot, but it was nice to hear from their favorite patient.

I was looking at these three lovely women when I was struck by another thought. Heather, the shortest of the three, looked to be five-two; what I thought of as "my height." The other two were substantially taller, and yet, I seem to be taller than them now.

"Wait, how tall am I now?" I asked.

"Six foot three," Heather replied.

"Seriously?!?" I couldn't believe it! My dad is only five-eight. I expected I would maybe get that tall someday, but this...

"Yes, Joshu—Josh," Sarah said, "We've all been watching you grow as you've been here." As she said the word 'grow' she her eyes darted to my crotch, which we all then noticed was pitching a noticeable tent in my hospital gown.

Charlene cleared her throat, "He kind of knows what we were doing; he woke up coming in my mouth."


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