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St Joseph's School For Girls Ch. 1

Story Info
Teachers teach disruptive school girl a lesson.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/19/2002
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Jon despaired he really did, he was at the end of his tether. She was really getting to him and he hated her for it. He was usually very calm, handing any little catastrophes with a quiet air of efficiency and authority. But not now, not here. Tom slammed his fist on the table. The girl in front of him jumped out of her skin.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" said the girl showing the sort of contempt that made Jon even angrier.

"Young lady you will not talk to me that way!" said Tom glaring at the girl.

"Why the fuck not?" she said back.

"Because young lady I have been put in charge of you and you will abide by my rules!" Jon said firmly to her.

"Fine whatever" she said nonchalantly.

"No not 'fine'," said Jon, "yes sir" he said still with an anger in his voice.

"Yes sir" she spat back at him and then turned to face the wall.

Jon had been a teacher for almost six years but he had never come across a pupil as difficult as Jennifer Cahill. Her mother and father had split up and there had been a big custody row. Her father had won and he had sent her to boarding school while he settled down with his new wife who was only two years older than his 18-year-old daughter. Her father was also rich, he had bought Jennifer everything she had every desired and that meant she had grown up into one spoilt little brat.

"Jennifer" said Jon as he calmed slightly

"Call me Jenny" spat the girl; "daddy calls me Jennifer, that asshole."

"Cant we try and work together on this?" said Jon trying to reason with the angry girl in front of him.

"Don't think so!" she said in an American accent back at him.

"Fine!" said Jon getting to his feet, sod it he thought, I don’t know why I have to go out of my way to try and teach a spoilt little bitch like this Economics anyway, she obviously doesn't want to learn, what can I do! Jon picked up his brief case and walked out of the room. He marched straight down the hallway. St Joseph's College for girls was a very old college it had been here for almost three hundred years and was very highly thought of. The college was a private school and you had to be able to pay a hefty sum to send your son or daughter here. Jon marched down the corridor pushing open several large oak doors before he came to the principal's office. He banged on the door and then opened it.

The Principal Julius St. John Smyth sat in a large padded leather chain behind a big dusty oak table. He wore the traditional mortarboard and robe as used to be common practice in private schools. He looked up past his glasses at Jon. "Mr. Daly to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure," he said cracking a smile on his old face.

"Its that Cahill girl, sir" there is no getting through to her, she is unwilling to learn, she is rude and she is an arrogant little b."

"Girl?" cut in the principal.

"Yes, Principal," said Jon shrinking a bit.

"I agree she is a problem Mr. Daly, but that is no reason to give up on her."

"That’s not it at all sir," said Jon, "she's unwilling to learn, she has given up on herself"

The principal sat back in his chair and removed his glasses, placing them carefully on his desk. "Mr. Daly, I don’t know if you are aware of how much Mr. Cahill means to the college? He was a former student and is kind enough to donate a sizeable amount to the school every year."

"I see," said Jon.

"You see without this money we would close down within the term," said the Principal.

Jon nodded.

"Mr. Cahill has expressed a very keen interest that his Jennifer should do very well in this her exam year, even to the point where he has threatened to withdraw his donations should she get below a B for any subject. So you can see my predicament, cant you Mr. Daly."

"Yes Principal, I can."

"I will see what I can do," said Jon as he got to his feet to leave.

"Good, good" said the Principal, "I know you wont let us down Mr. Daly."

Jon walked out of the Principals office and closed the door behind him. Jon thought to himself as he walked the dusty old corridors back to his office. How am I going to get through to her, there is no way at the moment she going to get a D never mind a B. Jon rounded the corner and walked straight into someone coming the other way. Jon immediately apologised, as did the other person, Jon looked up to see Dr Francis James, she had joined the Chemistry department at the beginning of the year.

Jon had noticed her first time he had seen her, she had amazing body, very slim with large firm breasts. She always dressed smart but sexy often wearing short skirts and see-through blouses. She also seemed to like wearing high heels, Jon had noticed her at least fifteen different pairs since the beginning of the year.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry," said Jon as he kneeled down to collect her papers.

"It's quite alright" she replied in a soft voice, "looks like you were miles away, anything troubling you?"

"Oh just a troublesome pupil is all," he said with a wry smile.

"Let me guess," she said putting her finger to her fully red lips, "Um, Jenny Cahill."

"Yeah" said Jon, "she has to get a B but she is never going to do it if keeps acting the way she does."

"I have the very same problem," said Dr James, "if you have five minutes I would love to show you something I have been working on."

Jon looked at his watch, he had an hour before his next class, "I guess I have time," he said.

She set off down the dusty corridors and into a chemistry lab in the East Side of the building.

They both entered and Francis locked the door behind them. She then walked into a back room and picked up a tray, she carried it into the room and placed it onto a workbench in front of Jon. She then went back and grabbed a couple of other little cans that looked like deodorant sprays.

"Jon," she said, "what is the one thing that you would like to be able to do to little Miss Cahill?"

"I would love to bring her down to size" replied Jon with a distant look in his eyes.

"Good" said Francis, "what I have developed here is a 'free-will inhibitor'."

"A what?" said Jon a little surprised at what she had said?

"Let me demonstrate, this wont hurt a bit." Francis picked up a can and sprayed it at Jon.

Jon looked a little bemused, "ok" he said "what next?"

"Well now," said Francis, "I can make you do anything I want."

Jon leaned on the side of the workbench looking a little skeptical, "I don’t think so," he said

"Ok then I will demonstrate, how much money do you have in your wallet?"

"About fifty-four pounds" he replied immediately

"There you go," said Francis

"That’s not really much proof, why would I not tell you?"

"Ok then something else that you probably would keep to yourself, what did you think of me when you first saw me?"

"I thought you were one of the sexiest women I have ever seen and I wondered what it would be like to fuck you!" Jon gasped as the words left his mouth.

Francis blushed and then smiled.

"Um sorry about that" said Jon who had gone a bright shade of pink.

"Its ok," she said, "maybe one day you will find out" she laughed.

"How long will it last? Asked Jon.

"In the spray form only a couple of minutes at most, but in liquid form indefinitely!" replied Francis with an evil grin on her face.

"This is amazing, we could so teach that bitch Jenny Cahill a thing or two with this."

"Yes we could, now take you trousers down," commanded Francis

Jon's hands went to his belt, but he had regained his free will and just looked at Francis.

Francis just laughed and cleared her things away into the back room. She came out with a small vile of liquid, if you can get her to drink this then we've got her.

Jon took the vile and held it up to the light, it was clear, "It looks like water," said Jon. "Ok, I'll get her drink it somehow"

Francis just smiled at Jon and watched him leave the room.

Jon put the vile carefully in his inside pocket and made his way back to his office. On his way he passed Jennifer Cahill coming the other way surrounded by a group of girls.

"Jennifer, sorry Jenny, can I see you at the end of the day please?"

Jenny looked disgusted but spat out "whatever," to which she got a raucous laugh from her peers and then kept walking.

Jon didn’t really have his mind on his teaching for the rest of the day, and finished off his last class early so that he could return to his office to prepare. He pulled out a bottle of whiskey from the bottom draw of his desk and a glass; he half filled the glass with whiskey and drank a small amount. He then poured the vile of liquid into the glass and mixed it in. He then waited.

Not long later there was a knock at the door, Jon looked up to see Jenny Cahill enter and flop down in the chair opposite him.

"Jenny," started Jon, "I'm worried that you're not going to pass you exam this year."

Jenny just shrugged her shoulders.

Jon glanced down at his watch and stood up, "excuse me just a moment Jenny I really want to speak to the Principal before he leaves tonight."

Jon left the room and wandered up the corridor in the general direction of the Principals. He got around the corner and then stopped, he waited there for about three minutes, then walked back the corridor towards his office. He opened the door and saw Jenny she didn’t look well. She was conscious but her eyes were half closed and she held an empty glass in her hands.

"Jenny" Jon spoke quietly, "Jenny."

There was no response. Jon took the glass from Jenny and placed it back in his desk draw along with the whiskey bottle. He then sat and waited for Jenny to regain some kind of consciousness. After about twenty minutes Jenny blinked and looked at Jon, "don’t you think you should be getting to bed now Jenny?" Jon said quietly.

"Yes," said Jenny slowly getting to her feet, "that’s a good idea!" Jenny stood up and opened the door; she left the room and made her way upstairs to her dorm room where she climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Jon was excited he made his way to the chemistry lab in the east wing. He found Francis doing some kind of experiment, she had lots of test tubes and Bunsen burners dotted about.

"I did it," said Jon, excitedly showing Francis the empty vile.

"Excellent," said Francis with a big smile, "where is she now?"

"I told her to go to bed, she looked a bit out of it."

"Ok," said Francis, "it will take its effect while she sleeps." Francis turned the burners off, she then pulled something from her jacket which she kept concealed in her hands, "I guess I will see you tomorrow then,"

"Yeah" said Jon as he turned to leave. He felt a fine mist on the back of his head as he started to walk.

"Jon," said Francis, "one thing, can you come here?"

"Sure" said Jon, turning on his heels and moving towards Francis.

"Have you ever fucked anyone on a desk before?"

"No I haven't" said Jon.

"Well you are gonna do it now, Francis removed her white lab coat and unbuttoned her blouse showing off her large breasts in a pretty white bra. She then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, she wasn’t wearing panties but she did have hold up stockings on. She lay back on the counter and told Jon to fuck her, Jon took his clothes off in seconds. He mounted Francis and was in no time pumping his thick cock deep into her wet pussy.

"You know," said Jon, "you didn’t need to spray that stuff on me to do this."

"I know," she said short of breath, "it was only deodorant!"

Jon laughed; then lifted Francis' legs up trying to get as deep as possible into her gorgeous pussy. She was very horny and used her hands to play with her breasts as Jon thrust his cock into her.

"Promise me I can have your cum in my mouth," she said as she gasped for breath.

"Ok, but you'd better do it now," said Jon. Jon withdrew from her and sat on the counter; Francis hopped onto her high heels and lent over Jon's cock, sucking it until he blew his cum into her mouth.

Francis purred as Jon came into her mouth. She swallowed it down her throat milking every drop from Jon's cock before she released her grip.

"Mmmm" she said as she let the creamy cum slide down her throat, "lovely cum Jon" she said as she grabbed her skirt and put it back on.

Jon smiled and just said "thanks"; he grabbed his clothes as started to dress.

Soon they were both dresses. Francis came up to Jon and placed her hands on his butt, "any time you want a fuck, come see me," she smiled as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

That night Jon couldn't sleep he was too excited, his head was filled with thoughts of Francis and the Cahill girl. Thoughts of finally being able to teach her a lesson no more would she be the scourge of his life. He finally fell asleep.

Jon's alarm went off at seven am. Unlike most morning he quickly got up without pressing the snooze button and jumped in the shower. In no time at all he was dressed, he quickly ate his breakfast and picked up in brief case. His accommodation was small but adequate; it was one of the advantages of these boarding schools that he was allowed to live in site. He made his way downstairs to his classroom and sat waiting for his students to arrive. About ten minutes later they slowly filed in and sat at their desks. This class was made up of ten pupils including Jenny Cahill. Jon looked up from his papers, and scanned the room, all except Jenny Cahill was present.

"Anyone seen Jennifer today?" he asked the class.

"She's just running a bit late" replied Ashley a petite blonde who lived in the same dormitory as Jenny.

"Well ok, then we shall just wait for her" Jon said to the class, he sat back in his chair and started to read his papers.

Ten minutes later, Jennifer Cahill pushed open the large oak door that lead to the class room, made her way to her desk and slouched in her seat.

"Nice of you to join us Jenny," said Jon projecting his voice down the room.

Jenny didn't really pay much attention she glanced up at Jon and then looked back down at her desk.

Jon decided that it was time to see if Francis' potion had worked.

"Jenny, stand up" Jon said softly.

Jenny stood up immediately

"Now sit down and pay attention" Jon said watching her with interest.

Jenny sat down quietly and watched Jon attentively.

Everyone in the class was little surprised; this wasn't the Jenny that they knew.

The rest of the class was great; Jenny did everything that Jon asked her to do things that she normally would have just sneered at. Jon asked Jenny to stay behind after the class, which of course she did. Jenny followed Jon to his study and sat neatly in the chair opposite. There was a knock at the door and in walked Dr Francis carrying a large bag.

"How's it going?" she asked.

"Very well Francis, very well, watch this," he turned his attention to Jenny, "Jenny please ask Dr Francis to forgive you for being such a spoilt little bitch."

Jenny turned to face Dr Francis and with utter sincerity asked "Please forgive me Dr Francis for being such a spoilt little bitch."

"Very good Jenny" Jon said.

Jenny beamed a smile.

Francis walked around to Jon's side of the desk and put the bag down, "have you had her do anything naughty yet?" she asked.

"Like what?" said Jon innocently.

"Like give you a blowjob maybe or even let you fuck her?" said Francis with a smile.

"No" said Jon a little nervously.

"Ok" said Francis picking up the bag once again, she handed the bag to Jenny, "take this into there and put it on!"

Jenny just nodded, opened the door to the classroom and entered closing the door behind her.

"What did you just give her?" asked Jon.

"You shall see soon enough" said Francis as she placed her hand on his shoulder, she leant over and pushed her breasts into his back while she ran her hands down the front of his shirt.

It felt wonderful to Jon, this sexy woman's breasts pressing onto his back while she ran her hands over his body. Jon had noticed when Francis first entered that she was wearing one of her very short skirts today, with it she wore a suit jacket that was buttoned up and they, must have been six-inch stiletto high heels. She wore her hair up and had spectacles on. She started to unbutton the front of Jon's shirt as she slid her hands under it. She reached around and kissed him passionately on the lips.

There was a knock on the door, Francis stood and said, "come." The door opened and in walked Jennifer Cahill. Jon couldn't help but laugh out loud. She was dressed in a French maid's outfit. She had put her long blonde hair up; she had a black uniform with frills in the skirts that puffed it out. The skirt was short enough that you could see she wore white French knickers. She also wore black fishnet hold up stockings and on her feet she had six-inch black stiletto high heels that were identical to the ones that Francis was wearing. In her hand she held a feather duster.

"Very nice" said Francis as Jenny entered.

"Thank you" she said.

"From now on Jenny you shall call me miss and you shall call Mr. Daly Sir, do I make myself clear?" asked Francis.

"Yes miss" replied Jenny.

"Good now come here and dust this desk"

Jenny came over to the desk and started to dust it with her feather duster.

"She looks ridiculous doesn't she?" Francis asked Jon.

"Yes" he said, "but very sexy too."

Francis laughed, "yes she's not bad looking is she?"

"Jenny" said Francis.

"Yes miss" she replied as she continued to dust.

"Have you ever been fucked jenny?"

"No miss, I haven't" she replied.

"What's the closest you have come Jenny?" asked Francis

"I once gave a boy a blowjob" replied Jenny as she dusted.

"Really and who was that boy?" asked Francis.

"It was my older brother James" she replied still dusting.

"Really?" said Francis with a big grin.

"Yes miss" replied Jenny even though Francis wasn't looking for an answer.

"And Jenny who instigated this blowjob?" asked Francis

"I did miss, I wanted to know what it tasted like" replied Jenny.

"And" said Francis

"And it wasn't very nice" she said wincing at the thought of it.

Francis had an idea, "From now on Jenny you are going to love the taste of cum, in fact you are going to love it so much that you can't get enough of it. There will never be too much for you. You will crave the taste and will try to milk it from whatever source you can. Do you understand?"

"Yes miss" replied Jenny, licking her lips.

Jon was enjoying this he just sat back and let Francis carry on with her interrogation.

"Jenny have you ever had a lesbian experience?" asked Francis.

"Yes miss," replied Jenny

"Describe it to me"

"Well miss I have licked Ashley Jones's pussy and pushed my finger up it, she has done the same to me, I once watched my mum taking a shower and found it very sexy" Jenny replied in a monotone voice. She was still dusting and didn’t really look as if she realised what she was saying.

"From now on Jenny you will crave pussy juice just as much as you crave cum, do you understand?"

"Yes miss I do" replied Jenny.

"Jenny do you masturbate and if so how?" asked Francis

"I do miss and use my fingers mainly, I have used my electric toothbrush in the past" replied Jenny.

Jon laughed.

"What is your most perverted fantasy Jenny?" asked Francis as she placed her hands on Jon's shoulders.

"Well miss I have often dreamed about being spanked, and have often dreamed of being raped, but I think my most perverted fantasy would have to be the dream of sexual humiliation in public, people laughing at me really excites me."

Jenny finished dusting and stood up straight in front of the desk looking directly at Francis.

"How are you finding your shoes Jenny?" asked Jon

"They are a little hard to stand in but they are very sexy Sir and it makes my pussy wet just wearing them" replied Jenny straight-faced.


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