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Stacy wants to Play Ch. 04

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The 'Puppy Dog 'Incident.
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Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/12/2022
Created 10/24/2010
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Amanda and I went shopping the next day. She still had my dressed as a little girl. and when we arrived back to the house She dressed in a mini mouse outfit complete with the ears. Then we went out to see Meghan and Jessie

I walked out into the living room. Stacy, Meghan and Jessie were already there. Jessie started laughing and Meghan just stared with her mouth open. I went over and sat at the end of the couch and put a pillow in my lap. Neither Stacy nor Amanda said anything about the pillow. I was embarrassed beyond anything I had ever experienced. Earlier today had been bad but that outfit was nothing compared to the ones we had purchased today. Jessie looked right a Stacy and started talking.

"My mom said she had seen Lacy dressed like a little girl at the mall today. I told her she was crazy but now I see she was right."

OMG Jessie and Meghan's moms had seen me. Now my mom would get a report for sure. "I actually convinced her she was seeing things. I guess she will feel better knowing she is not crazy." She was laughing again. I wanted to crawl under the table.

Stacy looked at her very serious "That is the way it is going to stay. The longer they think it could not possibly be her running around in these clothes the longer we can go without trying to explain it. So nobody here says shit to the 'Grups' ever!" Grups was our word we used for Grown Ups since we were little girls and even though we weren't little anymore we still used it when we were talking about our parents. Stacy was serious and nobody would cross her on this, I knew that for sure.

"Hey, no prob." I could tell Jessie was back peddling now. Like I said before Stacy had a mean streak a mile wide and nobody crossed her.

Meghan still had not said a word. She was staring right at me with her mouth still open. To be more specific she was staring right in the middle of my chest. That was when I realized I had not put the Pacifier away! I panicked and grabbed for it but in this outfit there was nowhere to go with it but in my mouth. So that was exactly what I did.

Meghan totally freaked out. "Was that what I fucking think it was Lacy?" she was standing up now and she was screaming. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Have you turned into some kind of a fucking freak?" Then she turned on Stacy and Amanda "You two have lost your mind doing this to her. I am leaving and I am going straight to get her parents. She has had some kind of a psychotic break and you guys are really going to fuck her up. I didn't believe that bullshit story you told us about yesterday but now!" She actually screamed right in the middle of a sentence. "I think you have all lost it" She was moving fast toward the door when Stacy grabbed her and threw her back on the couch.

Meghan was really petite almost as small as me. Stacy had always intimidated us physically and that was exactly what she was going to do this time. Stacy had this way of controlling every situation even if you didn't realize at the time she was running things.

"Now wait a minute," Stacy said, "Meghan just hold on."

I could see the anger on Stacy's face and so could Meghan. "This is no different than the puppy dog incident." I could see the blush on Meghan face. "Nobody is forcing her to do anything! I may have gone a little farther than I meant to yesterday, but all this," she pointed me up and down, "This is all her and Amanda. Now I think you should just relax and at least hang around and see how much she likes this before you go running to the Grups."

I could remember the puppy dog incident very well. Nobody could ever forget it. I had felt sorry for Meghan for months after that. It was just another shining example of Stacy going just one step too far. Before we continue on I think it is important that you here a full accounting of that night. Even though it is not necessary to know what happened to enjoy the story I think it will help you understand a little about Meghan.

The puppy dog incident happened here last Halloween. We all went as something we loved from our child hood one last hurrah. We were way too old for trick or treat but we thought it would be fun. Amanda, Stacy and I all went as Disney princesses. Jessie went as Daffy Duck and Meghan dressed up as Pluto. We all had a great time; we only went to the houses right here on our street then came back here. It was the first night I was allowed to use the Pool house and we were all staying the night out here. Later on my eighteenth birthday my parents gave me the keys and told me they wanted me to have the responsibility of living on my own. I knew they just wanted me close by so they could keep an eye on me.

We were drinking some wine I had taken from my mom's wine rack. We started playing a childish game of truth or dare. That is when things got a little freaky. I dared Jessie to quack like a duck. Then Jessie dared Amanda to twirl like a princess. Amanda then dared Meghan to bark like a dog. She got a funny look on her face. "Arf, Arf." Meghan then dared me to drink my whole glass of wine in one drink. I did it even though I knew it would get to me fast.

Stacy looked straight at Meghan told her to play dead. Meghan Rolled over on her Back and stuck her hands and feet up in the air. "You are the cutest little puppy in the world!" Stacy said giggling and we all laughed a little and it was my turn again. I don't know why but I decided to pick on Meghan again she did look really cute doing puppy tricks and she was playing into it pretty good. I told her to roll over. She backed away from the circle and got down on all fours. She looked straight at me and went "Arf, Arf" again and rolled over. Then she moved back to the circle she was obviously embarrassed but she was laughing and smiling so we all laughed with her. "That was for making me drink all that wine at one time" I said

It was Jessie's turn now and she held up a Frito and said "Beg!" Jessie did not even bother to say who the dare was for, we all knew. Meghan was now the center of attention.

Meghan gave her a dirty look then asked "Can I have a Frito please?"

Jessie just looked at her funny. "That is not how a puppy begs. Do it right."

Meghan gave her another dirty look then smiled. She got up on her knees and brought her hands up in front of her like she was begging and said "Arf, Arf". Jessie through the Frito and Meghan actually caught it in her mouth we all cheered. Meghan started to go back to her place in the circle but Amanda stopped her. "Wait I want to do that too." Meghan gave Amanda an exasperated "whatever" look and turned toward her and opened her mouth.

"No way, you have to beg again."

Meghan being a good sport got back in the begging position and barked again. Amanda threw the Frito but she missed this one and it landed next to her on the floor. She reached over to grab it but Stacy chimed in "Puppies don't use their hands!"

I actually saw Meghan's demeanor change then she leaned over and grabbed the Frito off my floor with her teeth and ate it. Meghan was six shades of red at this point and moving slowly back to her place in the circle when Stacy said "Hold on there puppy, it is my turn!" I started to say something about it actually being Meghan's turn but Stacy just glared at me so I shut up.

Meghan turned back toward Stacy and got into her begging position. She barked and held her mouth open but this time Stacy moved back and sat on the edge of the couch and held the Frito out in palm of her hand. This forced Meghan to crawl over to Stacy and use her mouth to take the Frito out of her hand. When she finally got the Frito from Stacy, because Stacy kept moving it just out of reach, Stacy reached out and petted her head and said "Good Puppy" I could swear I saw Meghan shudder a little and I could definitely see goose bumps all over her. "Stay" Stacy commanded. And Meghan froze in front of Stacy still on her hands and knees. Jessie chimed in that it was her turn and I was skipped too. That was fine with me because eventually Meghan was going to get pissed and I wanted nothing to do with it.

"Crawl all the way to the Kitchen and all the way back to where you are right now and bark the whole way." Meghan gave her sister the dirtiest look I had ever seen and started crawling and barking. At this point we all poured some more wine and moved to the couches to sit. Stacy and Jessie on one couch Amanda and I on the other. Meghan came bounding back into the room still barking away and we all laughed. I could tell she was embarrassed but she seemed OK.

It was Amanda's turn now and she commanded Meghan to chase her tail. Meghan actually did, with a lot of enthusiasm, barking the whole time, which I noted Amanda had not even told her to do.

I was watching Meghan as she chased her tail in the middle of my living room floor. I thought for sure I noticed a very small wet spot in the crotch of her body suit. I was not going to say anything about it because I was looking pretty hard to see it. I guess that was one of my first "huh I like girls better than boys" realizations. I was just trying to see if Meghan was as turned on doing this stuff as I was watching her. The commands continued but now Amanda was being skipped too, so it was just Stacy and Jessie telling Meghan what to do.

They made her fetch an old paper we had still rubber banded in the corner. Then Stacy told her to play dead and not to move. When she dropped to the ground and closed her eyes Stacy knelt across her waist and started tickling her. Meghan finally moved rolling over so she was laying flat on her back. "Bad Puppy" Stacy said with a huge smile on her face.

"Now I have to punish the Puppy."

Stacy Stood up and I noticed the wet spot in Meghan's body suit was getting bigger. Stacy grabbed the paper off the floor Meghan had fetched earlier and look down and her.

"Get up on all fours I am going to spank the puppy ten times for not playing dead. You better bark really loud between each spank".

Meghan looked to her sister for help but none was coming so she slowly got up on all fours. Now Jessie was out of the game too and it was just Meghan and Stacy. Stacy smacked her with the paper. The smack was a lot harder then I was expecting and Meghan barked loudly. After Stacy and finished all ten swats Meghan head had dropped all the way to the floor and she was breathing really hard. Amanda had leaned over the back of the couch to get more wine form the table behind us.

"Stay right where you are Amanda." Amanda did not move she just looked back over her shoulder.

"Up Puppy!" Surprisingly Meghan popped right up. "Come here Puppy." Stacy was walking over toward Amanda and Meghan followed her with her head down. When they got to the couch right behind Amanda Stacy looked at Meghan and said "Sniff her butt!"

Meghan was totally defeated now she put her hands up on the couch and started sniff around Amanda left cheek and hip. "Bad Puppy!" Then I saw the evil Stacy smile come over her face. "A real Puppy would stick her nose right in the crack." I watched in amazement as Meghan did what she was told. It was right then that Stacy and Jessie noticed what I had noticed earlier, only now the wet spot was huge covering her whole crotch and then some.

"WOW, I think the little Puppy is getting excited." Stacy reached down and rubbed Meghan's butt just to let her know that we could see how wet she was. Meghan still had her nose buried in Amanda's butt crack.

Jessie immediately started making fun of how she was getting off on being treated that way. Meghan got up and ran into the bathroom. We could hear her crying all the way out in the living room. When the crying stopped Amanda went in to make sure she was ok. We were all kind of shell-shocked and I was extremely drunk. Amanda opened the bathroom door then slammed it shut. She was laughing and came running back into the living room. We all looked at her and when she had recovered from laughing enough to talk she told us what was so funny.

"Well I think she is just fine but she is way too busy to come back out here and join the party." Then Amanda made a gesture between her legs like she was playing with herself and we all laughed until we cried.

A half hour later she came back out and we didn't say anything else about it that night. Every since then whenever we talked about it that night is referred to as the "Puppy Dog Incident".

I was still sucking furiously on my "Pacifier" and Meghan just looked at me. "Take that nasty thing out of your mouth Lacy we all know what it is." Amanda immediately sat down next to me and pulled my head over to her chest so I could snuggle in to her.

"It makes her feel better Meghan." Amanda kissed me on the top of the head. "It is not what you think anyway and it is none of you business as long as she is happy why can't you just accept her. We have all been friends forever and this is how she wants to be, so let's just accept it and move on for Christ's sake."

Stacy was going to put her two cents in too. "There really is no point in you getting the Grups involved. It will just make things worse and embarrass her into something far worse." I could see that Meghan was starting to realize maybe they were right. Anyway it did not matter, I can tell you from experience Stacy was going to get her way and Meghan knew it too.

We all moved to a circle on the floor. We started drinking and talking about other things and everybody started to relax. Soon Meghan's whole rampage was forgotten. Meghan moved over next to me and I still had the pillow in my lap to cover up the fact that I was not wearing panties. Meghan leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then she whispered in my ear. "I can see how happy you are and if this is what you want, I love you and I will do anything I can to help."

After that Meghan could not keep her hands off me. She would play with my ribbons and bows in my hair. The she would rub my back. I was wondering if she was feeling guilty about what she said or if it was something else. I looked at Amanda every once in a while to see if she was getting jealous but I could not see any sign of it.

Meghan must have kissed my cheek twenty times. I really was not paying any attention to it anymore. This time when I looked at Amanda I could tell it was getting to her. When I turned back to Meghan instead of her kissing my cheek she kissed me right on the lips. Without thinking I found myself kissing her back. Then I felt Amanda reach over and grab my pillow she pulled it right out of my lap and tossed it onto the couch. I had to scramble real quick to cover myself but I knew Meghan saw my bald naked pussy.

"I guess you don't need this anymore Baby Slut" Amanda said and walked off to the kitchen to get a drink.

I knew she did that to punish me for kissing Meghan. I had dropped my Pacifier out of my mouth a long time ago but I did not cover it up, I just left it hang around my chest. Meghan reached over and started playing with it, which was a little embarrassing.

"Do you really like this?" she looked me straight in the eyes and waited for my answer. I knew she was asking me about the whole situation but I decided to make a joke.

"Well it did taste funny at first but I got used to it." I just smiled real big and she dropped the "Pacifier"

"Not that, you big Baby." She smiled knowing she had got me back. "This whole thing. This game you are playing. Amanda treating you like a little girl."

This was the first time I was talking about this as an abstract thing so I thought for a second. "Yes I believe I do. I don't always like everything we do but overall I know I do." I found myself wanting to tell her everything. "Sometimes they make me do things that embarrass me but it makes me so hot." I just smiled and looked away I was doing to it myself now I could feel the moisture building up down below and without the pillow I was getting self-conscious.

"What do you mean hot?" Meghan looked straight in my eyes as she asked me.

"You know exactly what I mean. I feel just like you felt the night of the Puppy Dog Incident only I feel that way twenty four hours a day." I knew I was embarrassing her a little but I wanted her to be able to understand.

"How can you stand it? I have never talked about this before but I need to know. I was so turned on that night I would have fucked myself right in the middle of the living room if someone would have told me too!" She was not smiling but she was not upset she just had this serious look on her face.

"Well imagine this" I was actually going to tell her about not being allowed to cum. "I am not allowed to play with myself at all - no touching. Amanda keeps me right on the edge of having an orgasm for hours! Actually it has been twenty four hours so far."

She looked shocked but I decided to continue. "I don't even know when or if I will be allowed to orgasm today at all or tomorrow. Amanda had said I had to wait a week but I am hoping she will let me off of that since I did some pretty nasty things for her."

"Oh my god, you have to trade sex stuff with her just to be able to play with yourself." I saw her rubbing her thighs together and her hand was buried in her crotch.

"Well actually I am not allowed to do it myself - they do it for me. Right here in the living room I got down on my knees in front of Stacy and she reached around from behind me and rubbed my clit hard until I cum." I wanted to shock her to give her the real idea of what was going on. I saw her shudder through a small orgasm then she looked at me.

"Oh, I am so sorry I can't believe I just did that. I swear it was not about you embarrassing yourself, I am not that way." She looked down at the floor.

"I know what you mean you were imagining them doing it to you weren't you?" I looked at her and she just nodded. I handed her the pacifier still tied around my neck and she put it in her mouth. "See now it is really you and not me. All you have to do is sit there till they come back out and they will know." I giggled a little as she sat there sucking on my pacifier. She was openly rubbing herself. I wanted to make her feel what Amanda and Stacy make me feel all the time. I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"I bet if you started barking they would come running out here." She groaned really loud and fell over on the floor I could actually see the orgasm rip through her body. I was so proud of myself I had given her a gift. That was not something I wanted to do all the time. But I did enjoy making her excited. Now I had a problem she still had my pacifier and she pulled me down to the ground next to her. Then I saw Amanda's feet right next to my head.

"Ok guys I think they are ready for the surprise now. If the baby hasn't fucked the whole thing up." She was actually mad. Amanda reached over and pulled my Pacifier out of Meghan's mouth and jerked me hard to me feet. I felt like crying and I was so happy a few minutes ago. Then she pushed me down into the corner of the couch. Amanda looked down at me and smiled it was when I knew she was really not mad, just playing again. Meghan had worked her way back up to her knees. Her hair was a mess and so were her jeans. She looked like she was just waking up from a dead sleep. Amanda looked back at her.

"You just stay." I figured now Meghan was going to get what she wanted. "Who gave you permission to play with my little girl?" Amanda knelt down right in front of Meghan and Meghan just whined a little. All I could think is 'Here comes the puppy dog act!' and I almost came with no touching at all. I stuffed my pacifier in my mouth as fast as I could. "You know little puppy girl" I heard Meghan whine again louder this time. "You are going to have to be punished for that. You crawl you little ass right back to the bedroom so Stacy can get you ready." Now I knew what my surprise was they had this whole thing planned except I stuck my nose in it and made her cum.


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