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Star-Crossed Lovers Ch. 07

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Trouble in paradise...
1.2k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/05/2021
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Candace felt like a kid waiting on Christmas to arrive when it came to Sam's visits. She didn't mind at all that she got the same gift each time either. Not that it had ever been just about the sex, but the orgasms he gave her on the first day back of his visits...Her ears would ring and she felt weak in the knees into the next day.

It had become their routine without them intending it to. They would be handsy all the way back to Candace's house, rubbing dangerously high up the inside of each other's thighs on the car ride, and their clothes would magically disappear as soon as the front door was shut.

She ended up enjoying her week visiting him in LA more than she expected. Sure, she lived in a city too, but it wasn't the sprawling metropolis of Hollywood. You could still travel across town in well under an hour in Knoxville.

But, they hadn't gone out a whole lot while she visited either. The places they did go were more laid back. Candace had an inkling that Sam had kept their itinerary that way for her sake. He knew it wasn't the kind of place she would visit for the hell of it. So, they had mostly lounged in his pool, went to the beach a couple of days, and took a short hike in the Hollywood hills one afternoon. The only exception he insisted they take was going out to dinner to his favorite seafood restaurant the night before she left.

Sam visited her once a month for the following few months. Candace always looked forward to his visits, but, instead of getting easier when he left each time, it only got harder for her. She tried to blame the increasing pregnancy hormones, but she knew in her heart that wasn't the only reason.

It was especially hard to let him go after the visit when they found out they were going to have a son. Sam was starting on a new project and wouldn't be able to visit her for 2 months.

"You know I'm going to bug you to death about baby names while you're gone, right?" she asked before he boarded his flight.

"I know," he laughed, rubbing her bump. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be."

"Oh, whatever. It's your kid too. Be a team player," Candace teased, leaning in to kiss him. They looked at each other for a long moment.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

Candace shook her head slightly, not wanting to admit what she was thinking.

"I'm going to be huge by the time you see me next."

"Don't go getting self-conscious on me. I expect pictures, you know?" he smiled.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"He'll be kicking by the next time you're here too," she spoke more quietly, looking down at her feet.

Sam sighed. "I know. And I'm sorry. I'll just have to make up for lost time when I come, yeh?" he squeezed her shoulders.

Candace felt bad for even bringing it up. She didn't want Sam to think she was trying to make him feel guilty. She understood. She got a little crazy too when work was slow. It wasn't that either of them were workaholics exactly. But they weren't content to sit around for too long either.

"I'll call you as much as I can."

Candace just smiled in response. She already knew he would.

His next return was extra emotional. They both had tears in their eyes as he exited the gate at the airport. Candace usually reserved her tears for the ride home when he left, but she couldn't help herself this time. She took a little solace in the fact that he couldn't either. He hugged her tight.

"Look at you," he held her at arm's length. "You look beautiful."

Candace was getting to the point in her pregnancy where she felt like people said nice things to her so she wouldn't get a complex. She rolled her eyes.

"You do," he rubbed her protruding belly.

There was really no reason for her to feel self-conscious. She was noticeably pregnant, but not huge by any means. It was her first pregnancy, after all. Candace felt bigger than she really was.

Their love-making was even more intense than usual. Even still, she couldn't help but feel like something was off the entire time he was with her. She couldn't put her finger on it, though. It was like there was an underlying sadness tainting everything, but she didn't know why.

Candace couldn't keep her emotions in check before he left. Tears began trickling down her face on the drive to the airport. Sam happened to look over at her while talking and noticed.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" The look of concern and sadness in his eyes just made her cry harder until her whole body was shaking. She swiped the back of her hand across her eyes furiously, but her vision was still blurred. She was already looking for a good spot to pull over when Sam suggested the same.

Candace buried her face in her hands once the car was in park. Sam rubbed her back gently, but waited for her to calm down some before speaking.

"What is it, Candace?" he spoke softly once she finally dared to look him in the eye.

"I hate this," she started, still fighting back tears.

"Me going home?"

Candace nodded her head in agreement.

"I don't know how it is for you, but it gets harder for me every time you leave. It's like a piece of me is getting torn away. Do you know that I cry as soon as I drop you off at the airport every time?" she looked at him, waiting for his response. "Every. Single. Time. I just didn't have the strength to keep it in today," her bottom lip trembled.

Sam hated seeing her this way and wished they could work something out. He had thrown out the idea of her coming to live with him, but, not surprisingly, she had not been thrilled by that prospect.

"Candace..." he leaned over awkwardly and hugged her. Sam let her finish crying into his shoulder before letting go of her. He still wasn't sure what to say. He didn't like leaving any more than she did, but had no idea she got this upset.

"Would it be better if I got another ride to the airport from now on?" he offered.

"It would be better if you didn't leave at all!"

Sam was stunned into silence by her outlash. She had never gotten mad at him before.

Candace swiped at her eyes once more and put the car back into drive, checking her sideview mirror.

"Candace," he carefully placed a hand on her arm.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore," she insisted, and quickly merged back onto the street.

Sam sighed to himself. He didn't know what else to do or say. He didn't want to upset her even more. Even if he could find the right words, they probably wouldn't help at the moment anyway. They rode in silence the rest of the short drive to the airport.

Candace didn't hold his hand as they walked to his gate like she always did. Neither of them spoke until it was finally time for him to board.

"Please don't make me leave like this," he pleaded.

She grudgingly kissed him on the lips.

"Just go. Please. Text me when you get home," she mumbled as she turned away. She didn't look back, but Sam stared, his heart aching, as she disappeared down the terminal.

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