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Starfinder: The Jade Regent Pt. 09


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"Alright, wiring the shuttle around then. Might as well keep all that scrap metal and parts," Nora said with a shrug-bounce to Brash, keying at her wrist to connect to the shuttle.

"So, just to confirm, the raven statues aren't magical?" Sam asked.

Brash shook his head. "They weren't coming from the station. The shimmer came from the shuttle." He said, his voice serious, his eyes narrowing. "They were on the shuttle, then shimmered over! Like Hunter From Space in that movie with the guy with the mustache!"

"Which movie?" Rakain muttered, trying to make sense of Brash.

"I want that cloak tech," Nora groaned, closing her eyes. She nuzzled Brash's bulgy lap like a pillow and pouted, "Super jealous..."

Hana nodded, "Not magic.. though maybe they had the same plans we did?" She said curiously. "Like, they planned to sneak in, grab the sword, and sneak out again?"

"Possibly," Rakain said to Hana, eyeing Nora getting touchy feely with Brash.

"Except the sword's AI was already gone," Ami said, frowning, her voice grim. "No, I think whoever is behind all this KNEW we were going to try and get the sword...and left behind suicide assassins on the shuttle to make sure we bought the fucking farm!"

Sam nodded, ignoring Brash for the most part as she tried to unravel this mystery. "And the idols don't have anything hidden inside them? Check them out in the lab?"

"Odin's Eye, I think," Nora groaned. "That damn bird had it's eye on us the second we got onto the station."

"It could be that our employer is Double-Crossing Us," Xata theorized. "It is common in Cyber-Punk Trids."

"We're getting paid for this?" Sam asked jokingly

"I wasn't aware," Rakain snickered.

Hana frowned, "Maybe.. I guess I just have a bit of an issue with the idea of suicide soldiers..." She said, frowning slightly. She shrugged, offering a statue to Sam, "Here you go." She blinked, pointing at Nora, "That's.. a good point. And the closest thing we have to an employer is Ami."

"Yeah, I'm your employer, dude," Ami said. "Since I'm the one whose going to get a throne. I'm not betraying you!"

Brash frowned. "Raven's are jerks..." He said, grumbling under his breath. "Ohh, look at me, I'm super happy with tinfoil. It's just FOIL, it's not special..." He grumbled, looking jealous.

"I mean the individual who put us onto this tack could be Playing a Double Game," Xata elaborated. "But hopefully not."

Hana snickered, "Ravens have a visual defect which lets them see tinfoil as gold."

Brash nodded. "Exactly! Jerks!" He said, cheerily, while Ami shook her head.

"You think Korra betrayed us?" she asked Xata, looking at her.

"Not Korra. The Man in the Mansion." Xata thrust her finger dramatically into the air.

"I think she means the guy who had the sword before us," Hana murmured to Ami.

Xata rubbed her chin. "But I can't think how he would have done it."

"Ohh, right, that guy," Ami said, rubbing her chin.

"Or why," Brash added, nodding.

"Well, we still have-" Ami started - but then Alfie coughed quietly.

"Um, we're getting a com signal from Kalsguard station," Alfie said, her voice soft.

"Bring it up!" Hana said cheerfully.

"This oughta be good," Rakain said, leaning on a nearby console.

We really should clean out the shuttle, Sam typed on the tablet for the rest of the team.

Brash nodded, then leaped off Nora's shoulders. He leaned against her back happily, leaning against her as the com came on and they saw a rather nervous looking Korra filling the screen.

"Hey," she said. "Did you get the sword?"

Hana paused, looking over Korra curiously, seeing if there was some special reason she was nervous, like someone off-screen. Xata shared her curiosity. Hana pursed her lips, then frowned. "No, we didn't manage to get the sword. Some ninjas appeared out of nowhere and ran off with it." She said, sounding disappointed. As she spoke, she texted: Something's up with Korra.

Xata followed her lead. "They really sent me for a loop with their Ninja Skills." She did her best to look punch-drunk.

Korra punched the wall. "FUCK!" She swore. "Shit, I'm sorry, I have even more bad news...I've noticed this weird as shit raven roosted in my berth - they've been watching my ship for the past thirty minutes and I don't know why, creeps me the fuck out. It's also got cybernetics."

Rakain kept his mouth shut, not trusting himself not to say anything dumb. Ami squeezed Rakain's shoulders gently, seeing his tension.

Nora swore under her breath, "Oh damn it..."

Hana frowned slightly, "Well, if you want, you can meet us at out berth and we can maybe commiserate over some drinks." She said sympathetically.

"Should I do anything about the-" Korra blinked. "What the fuck!?" She asked - a shadow fell across the screen, as if the light in her room was being eclipsed by something...and then the screen went to static!

"I know I could use one or two," Xata amplified, trying to sound like someone who had ever had a drink. "What the-"

"Alfie, com off!" Hana said, pausing a moment as the com shut down. Then she turned to the others, "We need to get to her now!"

"Agreed. Something is very wrong," Xata said.

Alfie nodded. "Do you wish me to set course to the station?" she asked.

"With all speed, Alfie," Rakain said.

Nora blew a breath out of her mouth, eyes closed. "Please let her be okay..."

Brash frowned, then shifted into his dragon form, hopping onto Ami's head. "Okay," he said. "It's pretty clear to me that cyberlooky raven mcdickhead is definitely being a jerk! Did you know that you can hear with your eyes?" He asked, looking down at Hana. "If he was hearing with his eyes, since it is a cybernetic eye, he could have heard that! And if he thinks that we failed, then he'd know that the only thing we have left to go on is Korra, cause she said she knew where Ravenscraig is! So he'd have to smoosh her!"

"...hear...with an eye?" Ami asked as the engines kicked on - the Sunwolf leaping towards the station.

Hana frowned, "Shit.. starting to think I should have just told her we had the sword.." She bit her lip nervously.

"Smoosh her?" Rakain said, petting Brash vigorously.

"Then whoever-it-is would also know," Xata reassured Hana. "Your Cyberpunk instinct was correct."

Nora groaned, rubbing her cheeks, "Shit...shit, shit, shit."

"But they MIGHT be less likely to try and kill Korra.." Hana sighed, rubbing her temple in annoyance.

"We don't know she is dead." Sam pointed out.

"They well not kill her, or they would have already done so. They need her for something." Xata nodded, trying to reassure her android friend.

"OR she's a loose end they're just cleaning up now.." Hana said, gritting her teeth.

"I have read all about this sort of thing," Xata started - at that moment, the Sunwolf arrived at Kalsgaurd's docking level. She had been built and designed by Nora for speed and maneuverability, and so it was easy enough for Alfie to glide the ship forward into the berth that Korra's rockhopper was parked in...and they saw the rockhopper was being a rock.

A big rock.

A big walking rock.

The Earth Elemental stood above the dented and damaged ship, smashing its fists into the armored side with resounding CLANGS as the Sunwolf swung around to face it, hovering on its jets. THe elemental roared and threw the wireless antenna it had ripped off first - which had been what had shut down their communications - right at the Sunwolf, which clanged with the impact but was otherwise undamaged.

"Oh, he just wants some peace and quiet," Brash said, nodding sagely. "Rock elementals always want to lay down and take a nap."

Hana frowned, "I'll take care of the raven.." She muttered irritably, heading for the ship's airlock, trying to get outside as soon as she could.

"Guys look!" Rakain said, pointing to the berth at the top of the shuttle bay. Perched there was the Cyber Raven. "Fuckin' bird's having the time of it's life!"

Xata tore droid-ass for the nearest airlock, cycling though it and leaping out to the surface with her blade at the ready. As Xata leaped from the hovering Sunwolf and landed dramatically on the floor of the berth, the massive earth elemental turned to face them - and the raven laughed. A human laugh. Not the laugh of a bird. It flapped up into the air, then held up its claws - creating a portal of magic, then shot through the swirling magic as it teleported away.

Meanwhile the immense earth elemental started to thunder towards Xata - moving forward with grinding thumps! But it was slow for its immense size - and didn't reach her in time to take a swing!

"Xata, close your eyes," Nora said as she blew out a breath. She keyed a few things on the sunwolf, creating an interface for one of the broadside cannon's on the ship. She started taking control, lining the shot up carefully. "Aaand...droping shields, loading all power to this cannon."

With that, she pulled the trigger on the stone elemental.

The Sunwolf's side gyrolaser whirred, swung around, and fired off a single blast. A rather weak shot, for an anti-ship weapon.

But it was hitting a twenty foot tall rockman. Not a space ship.

The impact slammed into its chest and when the white flash faded, Xata was standing before a few tiny rocks, a few other chunks of rock falling from the sky to clunk onto the ground, smoke coiling slowly away from the chunklets.

"Well..." she said, as Brash gasped.

"This ship has GUNS on it!?" He asked, sounding stunned.

"Well that happened," Rakain said, holstering his gun.

Xata was a little dazed. She maybe hadn't closed her eyes quite in time? But she was deliriously impressed. Hana cursed slightly, "Damned bird got away though.." She sighed, shaking her head, "At least Korra's okay..." She shook her head, heading out to the other woman's ship to make sure she was okay.

"Remember the ship has guns," Nora said, breaking into a small snicker as she said the phrase over coms to Xata. "We'll be down though to help. Go check on Korra real fast."

The door to Korra's ship opened as the Sunwolf settled down on the ground. Korra stepped out of the ship, her forehead having a single cut on it, wincing slightly as she said. "So, uh...fucking thanks..." She laughed, shaking her head. "Holy shit, does your ship have a fucking Pact World PBC on the fucking roof!?" She asked, pointing at the huge turret on the top of the Sunwolf.

Rakain jabbed a thumb at Sam. "Ask this one."

Xata walked into a wall and told it: "We have Very Advanced Weaponry. We are a Ship of Heroies."

Hana blinked, "No idea, you'd have to ask Nora or Sam about it. Are you okay?" She said with concern.

Korra shook her head. "No, my ship's smashed to shit..." She sighed. "A-And apparently, we're totally fucked. No sword, no Ulf..." She sat down, looking close to tears.

Hana opened her mouth, then paused, "Come over to our ship, we need to talk someplace secure." She waved Korra over. Xata would have tried to look meaningfully at Hana at this point if she could tell where she was. As it was, she wandered in a daze.

Korra nodded. "Sure, sure..." She pushed herself up, grinning slightly as she started to walk towards the ship - clearly putting on a brave face as she walked. "So, is the inside of the ship as nice as the outside? Who made her?" She asked. "Did you buy it off the rack?"

"Hey~" Sam said, rising to the taunt. "It's not a Pact Worlds PBC. It's a Vesk Destroyer Particle Beam Cannon. Clear difference." She boasted before they headed back to the Sunwolf.

"Nora made it herself. Inside is fully holographic." Hana said casually, waiting until they got inside. "We got the sword, but I was worried you were being watched. ..with good cause it seems.."

Sam noticed the matter that Xata seemed to not be, well, walking in a straight line and having a few difficulties starting. She went back and took ahold of her arm to guide her. "hey." She offered as reassurance.

"Now we're all gonna be seeing ravens in the corners of our eyes for days now," Rakain muttered.

As Xata's optics rebooted, she found herself staring into Sam's face. It was like providence. She smiled at her. "All better. Thanks to you."

Brash bumped against the side of Rakain's head gently. "There! Helped!" he said, cheerily, while Korra frowned.

"So..." She said, quietly, looking at the sword. "We find the AI gem, we find Ulf, and we figure out who is behind all this by going to Ravenscraig..." She smirked. "Want me to lead you the way?" SHe looked around the inside of the Sunwolf. "And...this is some fucking ship..."

Hana nodded, "That is the idea." She smiled, then snickered, "Nora is pretty damned impressive." She said cheerfully, patting Korra on the back.

Rakain grabbed Brash and bundled him in his arms, hugging him close and snuggling him hard. "We like it in here," he said to Korra.

Nora beamed, "I mean, it wasn't easy getting everything working in the right way. Alfie helped a bunch. "Speaking of, Alfie? I'm giving Korra VIP guest rights."

Sam couldn't help but snicker at what was about to come.

Alfie bowed. "Of course," she said - her sudden appearance making Korra blink. She bit her lower lip, slowly, whispering under her breath.

"Hoooooooooooot dammmmmn..." Korra looked like she was reconsidering the value of her starship in the grand scheme of the universe.

"Much as I'm fond of Alfie, I find this rather more impressive." Hana said, using her computer to summon up a hovering chair and crawling into it.

"Hey now, careful. Don't want to lose your jaw." Sam teased the newcomer.

Korra blushed, shaking her head. "S-Sorry, just saying..." she said, coughing quietly. "Uh...right! The route to Ravenscraig..." She paused. "It's this old planetary defense fortress run by the Thanes, before the collapse led to the rise of the mega-corporations." She looked at the others. "Do you guys all have the supplies you need before we try and take them on?"

"If not, we should once we sell off that shuttle, right?" Hana said, smiling at the others.

"Could probably grab some grenades or explosives. Have to sell that shuttle off. I can use the parts and income to make the Sunwolf tougher to take out." Nora suggested.

"Can you tell us what supplies we would need to take them on?" Xata inquired. "I suspect we may not have time to upgrade our ship beforehand, am I correct?"

"Not saying that's a bad idea, but...won't it take time to upgrade things?" Korra asked. "I don't know how long Ulf has before they decide to take him out, right?"

"I'm hoping to snag a new gun before we head out," Rakain said. "Our enemies are getting bigger and I need a gun to compensate for that."

Sam nodded. "We should sell off the shuttle, as well as anything we aren't keeping. We may not be so welcome back here after doing this if it's under the control of the local powers."

"I feel like Time is of the Essence." Xata was confused.

"How long will it take to get to Ravenscraig?" Hana said curiously.

Korra thought. "About...a day. No, two, since we can't drift drive there." She shook her head. "The asteroids have weird stuff in them that make drifting harder." She nodded.

"Give me a coffee drip on endless tap and I can get anything done in hours." Nora said, rolling her shoulders. And with that, they got to work - heading out to purchase whatever could be done while Nora did some quick spotwelding on the Sunwolf. Within a few hours, they were ready, and within a few minutes of that, they were soaring towards Ravenscraig.


The Sunwolf darted through space as Korra guided Sam away from Kalsguard. They soared through the solar system - their engine roaring as they flew closer and closer to the cold, red sun that dominated the center of the solar system.

After two days of mounting tension, they came on an icy asteroid that tumbled through space - painted blood red by the vast red sun that shone its cold light on the ice, making it glint like a ruby.

Then Alfie spoke up. "Detecting radar sweeps." She said. "I suggest we land in a crater, then approach the fortification on foot."

"Anyone getting deja vu?" Ami asked, grinning as she checked her laser pistol.

Hana snickered slightly, "You know, helping someone become royalty seems to involve a lot of raids on asteroids." She said in amusement.

"I blame the fact evil likes being away from planets," Ami said, grinning.

"More accurately, Evil likes planets and planetoids, and hate space stations." Sam teased as she checked the sensor mappings to find a suitable landing spot.

Brash puffed up. "Oh! Oh!" He said, excitedly leaping off Rakain's lap - where he had been lounging in his dragony form. "Can I come with this time?!"

"We need a Mighty Presence on the ship, Brash," Xata said solemnly. "Who will guard our escape route if not you?"

Brash giggled. "Korra!" he suggested.

Korra, who had been sharpening her ice pick, which seeme dto be her primary weapon, started. "What!?"

Xata leaned down to stroke the dragon by the ears. "Korra is very nice. But she is not Brash Who Kept Faith in the Dark."

"So, what you're saying is you want to leave behind your gold pile and Alfie to go out into a boring old space station?" Hana said curiously.

Brash bit his lip, then slowly rolled onto his back. Then he rolled in a circle. Then he rolled out of the room, giggling as he did so - and a few moments later, a crash and tinkle of coins indicated he was now playing in his coin pile.

Ami smirked. "Logic had carried the day!"

"He's so cute but so dense," Nora mumbled, covering her mouth with a small snort.

Ami's eyes looked faintly' distant. "You can say that again..." she murmured, sounding quite pleased.

"No, he's just very direct." Hana said, shaking her head slightly.

"He is not dense." Xata sounded a bit cross. "He has a very clear idea what the important things are. Who is to say he is wrong?" This made her pensive about her own notions of Adventuring... but only for a moment.

"You find him much cuter than I." Sam admitted in a tone that said she knew her opinion was heresy. "But he is young, and I hope he enjoys these years. And we are all dense when we are young." Sam teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Nora pursed her lips and turned to focus on her console.

Ami gasped. "You take that back, or I will order you out the airlock!" she said, playfully - even as the ship started to settle down onto the crater - hidden by the shadow.

Hana snickered slightly, shaking her head, "Calm down, guys. Brash is a bit simple, but that's not a bad thing. I'm sure once he gets a century or two under his belt he'll out think us all."

Ami snickered, then shook her head. "So...out the airlock, then?" She asked, tugging her helmet over her head with a faint click.

Xata barely even noticed the cross-currents. She was Ready for Adventure. "Out the airlock, Miss Woodwise!"

Hana nodded, "Out we go!" She cheerfully headed to the airlock with the others.

"Once we are landed, yes." Sam said in agreement. She would wait until they were getting into the airlock before closing her helmet. Rakain checked all his seals and tapped his choker, feeling his spell reserves still pretty full. He unslung the laser rifle he'd bought in town. He'd had to sell the asimuth pistol he'd left Rustpoint with to afford it, but figured it was worth it.

Greater firepower beat out sentimental value any day.

Ami nodded - and together, they walked into the airlock. The door hissed open and they stepped out into the ice asteroid. Walking forward, grabbing onto the edges of the crater, they came out and saw...Ravenscraig.

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