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Starr vs the Emperor of Space Pt. 10


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"H-Hah, yes, well..." S'kye rumbled, his cock having clearly throbbed and visibly twitched at the lewd suggestion, and considering it was currently almost nestled against the underside of the Faewoman's dusky breasts, she must have easily felt it. "Little S'kye here is a terrible space poker player."

"Terrible indeed. But far from little..." Snow licked her lips, then drew backwards. "I wish take my virginity, Prince S'kye! To claim me! To make me yours! fill me with your cum and...and make a half-hawk baby inside of this royal womb!" She turned around, grabbing onto the desk, looking over her shoulder, her voice hungry. "I want that more than anything else -- to show the whole of Venus that our love is true, that we wish to be have your child growing inside of me..." Her head rested against the desk.


The sudden exclamation came form the corner of the room -- and drew both S'kye and Snow's attentions. Jasmine, realizing she had spoken her thought alone, flushed and smiled shyly at them. "Sorry," she said, drawing her fingers from her pussy -- which she had been playing with for the entire lewd show before her. "I...just wished more than anything else to end the war between the Hawkmen and Faemen -- pleases me to see you two getting along so well." Better than I thought possible, she thought privately.

S'kye laughed. "You were with Jasmine Starr the whole time?" he asked.

"W-Well, in my defense, we did go straight to fighting..." Snow muttered, then laughed. "B-But yes, Jasmine is a dear friend of mine."

"Mine as well!" S'kye said, then laughed. "Another thing we have in common, my dear Snow." His hand cupped and squeezed her ass. "I...must confess...I am more than a friend with Jasmine. I have lain her. I have...knotted her, even..." He murmured, shyly -- clearly afraid, deeply, that this might offend his new love.

" too," Snow whispered. "T-Though, ah, she...knotted me. So to speak."

S'kye jerked his head back in shock. "She was the woman you laid with?"

"T-The very same!" Snow squeaked, laying her head against her arms, hiding her face in embarrassment, even as her sex -- which was prominently visible thanks to her bending over the desk, showed the honest arousal she felt, dripping along her thighs. "Y-You're not mad?"

"Mad?" S'kye's laughter was deep and pure. "Snow, my dearest, this simply means you have...impeccable tastes in women as well as men." He looked playfully smug, clicking his beak, and Snow laughed raggedly.

"Such a big head on this one...alas, it comes with such a big cock," she purred, lifting her head from her arms. "So we cannot deflate him overmuch."

"Heh," S'kye said, then clicked his beak. "Well, since it is questing for Jasmine that brought me here, and Jasmine who brought you here, and...I suspect, Jasmine who revealed you to me and me to you, then I suppose it is only right that this final moment, this consummation of our passions, should be in...Jasmine's hands as well..." His tongue darted along his still damp beak as Snow shivered and nodded eagerly.

Jasmine stood, then crooned. "It would be my greatest honor, oh Prince of the Hawkmen," she said, sauntering forward, still mostly dressed. She took hold of his cock, gripping him with casual expertise, and lifted -- grinding the tip of him first against Snow's eager clit, then slipping the head of his cock up and down her soaked pussy, soaking him in turn with her arousal. It took every bit of S'kye's willpower to not thrust at that very moment -- but Jasmine stayed him with her other hand, pressed gently against his belly. "Wait," she whispered, then slowly pressed his cock into Snow, making the young Faewoman Prince mewl softly. "Now...thrust."

She released and S'kye thrust forward with all of his might. The desk, which had been rooted to the ground through the long ages by ancient bolts and space welds, skidded forward a full inch as Snow's head snapped back and she cried out -- but there was not a hint of pain in that voice. Instead, it was pure pleasure as she gripped the desk and wailed: "Fuck me! Oh fuck me, my love! Take my royal fae cunt and claim me as your Hawk bride!"

"Yes!" S'kye growled, grabbing onto her shoulders, pinning her upon the desk as he thrust into her with every bit of his skill and prowess. His balls clapped against her thighs, and Jasmine watched with delight as her sex spread bit by bit, more and more, every time his knot thrust against her until, at last, she gave way with an animalistic groan and her cunt was well and truly knotted -- his member tied into her...from here to their ending. Even if S'kye had wished to avoid knocking up the Faewoman, he would have been unable to...and S'kye so clearly did wish to breed the princess.

He thrust faster and faster, his hips blurring as the desk creaked and Snow's moans of delight grew less and less coherent. "Yes! Yes! Knot! Yes! Oh goddess! I love you! I love you!" Her fingers were tightened so much that her knuckles had turned pure white, bright white against her ebony black skin, and her hair wobbled about her head with the reverberations sent through her whole body. Jasmine, who herself had been on the other end of S'kye's passions, knew well how good it was feeling -- but even so, she felt a faint pang of Earthly jealousy...for while S'kye had fucked her well and hard, he had not made love to her, as he now made love to Snow!

"I'm! Going! To! CUM!" He groaned out, throwing his head back, then leaning forward. His tongue lapped along her neck, his breath warm in her long ear. "Beg for it!"

"Please! Yes! Please! Fill me with child! I want to have your baby! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh S'kye! Oh my Prince! YES!" Snow screamed and as she clenched upon him, his arm slid around her chest, holding her close to him, lifting her up as he thrust but once more and then his own climax was on him. His cock throbbed and the knot that tied them together did its job: Not a single droplet of his virile seed escaped from around her midnight black pussy -- instead, her belly swelled faintly as she was pumped with more and more seed, so that she seemed already to be pregnant.

Snow twitched. Writhed. Shuddered. Gasped. Her ears wobbled and drooped as she went limp, sagging into S'kye's powerful arms as he held her close, nuzzling her neck.

"Mmm..." he sighed softly. "You are mine now."

" you...are mine," Snow whispered. "I...can feel your seed catching in me." She shivered, her eyes closing as, above her sex, a glowing white symbol appeared, branching outwards -- some aspect of the Faewoman's biology revealing itself to the shocked Jasmine Starr. The symbol curved inwards and created two circles next to one another, and shimmered faintly as S'kye looked down at it over Snow's shoulder.

" that?" he rumbled.

Snow looked down, then laughed. "...twins. It means twins, my love."


Afterwards, in the ancient recreation room, the three of them sat and discussed their future. This was in part because, after their marathon of passionate lovemaking followed by their bout of equally passionate combat, both the Princess Snow and the Prince S'kye were quite exhausted. The other part, though, was...while anatomical flourish of S'kye's knot was quite pleasurable for the women he laid with, when he was so passionate and inflamed as he had been with Snow, there was an unfortuante side effect...which was why Snow remained upon his lap, squirming as she waited for him to soften to the point where she and he could cease being joined.

"I suppose you two are quite stuck in now," Jasmine said, chortling.

"Oh fie!" Snow huffed. "You're jesting because you're jealous."

"I mean, I enjoy the knot, but I'm not sure I'd enjoy it for an hour," Jasmine said, shaking her head as she looked down at the tape-reels that she had recovered from the computer machines of the ancient Terraforming device. Using her own magneto-rapier to read the stored information upon the tapes, she had been trawling through them to find some clue as to what had truly caused the end of the Hawkmen and Faemen's working relationship, a thousand years before.

"It feels...fine!" Snow said.

S'kye chuckled. "You don't need to lie to salve my feelings, I know that even something fun can be...obnoxious after an hour." He wriggled. "I think...almost..." He gasped and Snow groaned as she was able to pull up -- and his cock slid free, and with it came the thick flows of his seed, dripping from her. She panted softly, then laughed, splaying her legs wide, leaning back against the warm bulk of her husband to be. "There we go."

"Yes, that's better," Snow murmured.

"It means when I am once more prepared, I can knot you again, my love," S'kye murmured in her ear.

"Oh, I cannot wait!" Snow laughed, softly. "I worried I might be too lustful for any man, after being pent up for so many years."

"Most men, maybe, but not me," S'kye said, caressing her belly, his finger tracing the line of her glowing womb tattoo. "But first, we must focus on the less exciting future prospects -- Jasmine, have you found the evidence we seek?"

Jasmine sighed, slowly, looking down at the tape reels. "No," she said. "So many of these tape-reels are so old that their information has died away. There's scraps here and there, but nothing that points at who caused the Terraforming Project to end." She scowled. "I may have found a way to bring peace between you two, but not for all your people...I'm sorry."

Snow shook her head. "There must be a way!" She said.

Jasmine rubbed her chin. "There may be," she said, quietly. "But it depends on how you two feel about some...deception."

"Well," S'kye said. "As my old persona demonstrates, I will don any lie that helps me save the lives of others."

"Mine as well," Snow said, her voice stout.

"Then it is simple," Jasmine said, standing. "My magneto-rapier can slice apart these tape reels. Then we can piece them back together again, using the adhesive in your travel pack, Snow, and create a single tape reel that says...well, whatever we wish it to!" She smiled. "There are some references here that almost sound like 'Zardo', but heavily degraded. We combine that with some of the security reports, edited to make them seem like more than scuffles and fights between workers, and we can make it seem as if Aytan Zardo was behind the terraforming project failing."

"But...what if he wasn't?" Snow asked, softly. "What if...what if it was the Faemen's faults?"

"Or the Hawkmen?" S'kye added, holding his wife to be gently.

"Then it was," Jasmine said. "But those Hawkmen and those Faemen are long dead. For a thousand years, you have spilled blood over this world -- this world named for the Goddess of Love and Passion. Maybe it does not matter who spilled the first blood. Maybe, matters who spills the last..."

Snow and S'kye looked into one another's eyes, their love clear on their faces. "Yes," S'kye rumbled, taking his wife to be's hand in his, enfolding it between his golden scaled fingers. "Let us have spilled the last blood, my love."

"Agreed, my love." Snow leaned forward, her nose rubbing against the curve of his beak, and they pressed together. Jasmine smiled to herself, then stood.

"Lets get to work!" She said.

The three of them set to it with a will -- combing through the memory tape-reels and examining them, then slicing them with magnetic precision using their multi-purpose magneto-rapiers. The adhesive used to stick them back together was, if used with enough care, almost perfectly seamless. The task was long and tiring -- but fortunately, all three had a way to take their minds off the task when it became too onerous.

"It...won't fit!" Snow exclaimed. "It can't fit, it's not possible!"

"Watch...and...LEARN!" Jasmine groaned as S'kye, with a final thrust, managed to bump his knot against the taut ring of her puckered asshole, his heavily lubricated cock sunk entirely within her, leaving her pussy free to drip as she panted heavily. "F-Fuck...fuck, fuck, fuck, you'" She rolled her head back, gasping. "I...haven't...had a man in my ass s-since...45!" She laughed, raggedly.

"What was the occasion?" Snow asked as S'kye, barely bale to restrain himself, began to gently buck his hips, rocking Jasmine into the cushions they were using as a bed. His balls slapped, gently, against the small of her back as Jasmine clung to Snow's hand, gripping her as she moaned softly.

" my a member of the Hitler Youth...and a pederast SS officer...was...very unobservant!" Jasmine laughed, raggedly, her eyes half closed as she groaned. "I find this...far preferable."

"I...only understood a fragment of that and am not sure I wish to understand more," Snow said, her brow knitting in concern as her husband to be fucked Jasmine Starr in the ass. It served to leave them all quite refreshed to once more bend themselves to the onerous task of stitching together a falsehood that could end a thousand years of war and bring about a new future for Venus...even if Jasmine had to stand awkwardly for a long period of time before she was comfortable taking a seat once more. But after what felt like a day but was, according to their wrist mounted computer-electronic automated timepieces, merely fourteen hours of labor...they had it. They had a document that showed an attack by Aytan Zardo shortly before the end of the Terraforming Machine's operations.

Carefully winding the tape up and storing it, for Jasmine knew that there would be no replication of it, was followed by all three setting forth to the Maze of Madness once more. As they walked, S'kye did reveal how exactly he had arrived in the Terraforming Machine -- he had stoken a skyship from Sky City and flown it down through the acid winds, trusting the hull to survive just long enough to reach the machine -- and from there, he had hoped to enter into the Maze of Madness and then find the Faeman city and effect a rescue of Jasmine Starr, who he had believed the captive of the merciless Faemen.

"What did you think we were forcing her to risk death in horrible trials?" Snow asked, her voice playful as they walked through the tunnels, moving far swifter now, as they knew the way back to the underground city of the Faemen far more than they had guessed at the route to the Terraforming Machine. "Like, sticking her arm into a...stump with..." She trailed off as Jasmine laughed.

"I admit, I did think rather lowly of you," S'kye said, chagrined.

"Alls well that ends well," Jasmine said. "Though, we should decide how exactly we are to break the news about the Hawkman to your guard -- let alone your mother..."

"I will tell her that I am actually her daughter, and that in love!" Snow said, firmly. "And that S'kye has already made me with child, and that if she doesn't want her grandchildren to be bastards, then she will allow us to be wed." She nodded. "And if she doesn't like it, I will invoke the right of ritual combat and claim my place with sword and blade!"

"Ah, quite forthright and heroic," Jasmine said, chuckling. "But it may run into a few setbacks."

"Hurmph!" Snow huffed. "Name a single one."

"You can't duel every single member of your society into accepting you," Jasmine said. "I say we introduce this in a more..." She paused. "Subtle way." She smiled, then, turning back to look at the two of them. "I have a plan."

"You always do, Jasmine," S'kye said, chuckling. "You always do."


Jasmine and "Fireth" sat together, watching the Spider Queen watch the spooling magneto-tape memory playback on her video-screen. The images were grainy and patchy, the data fragmentary...and the entire tale illusory and phantasmal, constructed by Jasmine and her own creative embellishments with ancient records. The Spider Queen's eyes were narrowed as she focused all of her not insignificant intellect and training upon the story that Jasmine hoped she would believe. Jasmine looked as if she had not a care in the whole world as she reclined on the seat within the private viewing room -- while Princess Snow, once more in her masculine guise, paced back and forth.

"I see..." Evilla Spidrena, the Queen of the Faemen, said, as she slowly took down the magneto-tape reel from her player, gently folding the tape's end back into the ring and closing the cover upon it. She hefted it in her hand, turned to face Jasmine, then...her eyes blazed with wrath as she slammed it down on the table. She swept to her feet.

"It's a fake."

Jasmine saw, in a flash, her plans combusting like one of Goddard's prototype rockets, bursting apart under pressure and volitile combinations of fuel and heat. "Mother, it's-" Snow started, not even remembering to pitch her voice properly thanks to her time spent no longer keeping up her masquerade. But the Queen barely noticed -- she was too busy thrusting her finger at Jasmine.

"Do you think I would not recognize this kind of hatchet job? Me? I've been the Queen of the Faemen for longer than your home country has existed as a state. I've seen a thousand subtler attempts than this -- and I wasn't fooled by half of them! And you bring this to me? To drag the Faemen into a two way war with Zardo and the Hawkmen? For the Hawkmen have computer machines as well! They can sniff out fakery as easily as I can, given time!" She cast aside the tape reel aside.

Jasmine...laughed. She slapped her knee, then stood, slowly, before cupping the Queen's cheek. "Evie, I knew it!" she said, smiling at her warmly. The Queen let the hand linger, before slapping it aside with royal disdain!

"Evie is not quite the proper name to use for me in this time, Starr," she growled, but despite her wroth, she did show the faintest edge of a smile, as if her pleasure at Jasmine's company was beating through her ire. "You-"

"Knew you'd see through it? Of course. And you'd know the Hawkmen could see through it as well...but that's just it, my queen," Jasmine said, taking the hand that had struck her hand away, gripping her gently. "Both King Arr and you might know a thing is a lie -- but that doesn't make it not true."

"What devilry is this?" Evie asked.

"No, mother, she's right," Snow said, stepping over. "We don't know the truth, not really. We just have histories -- and we have to choose which history we shall use. One that drives us apart, or one that brings us...together. I..." She looked aside, then whispered. "I know the meaning of such choices...for...mother, I am not Prince Fireth at all! I-"

"Yes, I know, honey," Evie said, gently.

"What!?" Snow exclaimed. "You...knew!?"

"I'm your mother," Evie said, shaking her head. "But having you in the role of a male prince was better than you as a grim as it sounds, better to have you get to choose between female mates among the noble houses than need to navigate the dangers of angering our male noble population." She snorted. "You've never seen a more troublesome lot until you've seen our males getting jealous." Evie shook her head, slowly. "If only there was some perfect male for you to be with, my Snow, one that could preclude all others and survive any challenges that were pitted against him without sparking a war between our houses...but...alas..."

Snow and Jasmine exchanged a meaningful look.

Evie dropped back into her seat and sighed, throwing her head back to recline against the rear edge of her comfortable couch. "You...say that we can choose a history. But..." She sighed. "I wish I could believe it."

Jasmine stepped to her side, then sat down. She slid her arm about Evie's shoulder, her nose nuzzling into the wild profusion of pale white hair that bloomed about the Faeman queen. Her voice was soft. "My Evie, please, you just need to trust your people -- and to trust King Arr. He is no tyrant or despot or monster -- and I have a...way to convince him."

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