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Starting from Scratch Ch. 05

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Time Heals.
9.4k words

Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 12/02/2023
Created 08/11/2022
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Chapter 5- Time Heals

Margaret rolled off the bed and walked around it as Leslie joined her. She bent over and grabbed the bottom of Leslie's nightgown, and then she stood up and brought the bottom of the gown up with her. Leslie raised her arms and Margaret pulled Leslie's nightgown over her head.

Leslie stood there right in front of Margaret in all her bruised and battered, naked glory. Margaret also stood in front of Leslie as naked as the day she was born.

"You're coming with me before we go any further," Margaret said.

"Where?" Leslie asked.

"To bathe," Margaret replied.

"But Thomas is in there," Leslie objected.

"Yep," Margaret agreed as she pulled her best friend behind her, "Here's the plan. Right now, we need to present ourselves to Thomas and be honest about how we feel about each other and him. I want to explain what's going on and make sure he doesn't feel guilty about having feelings for you and developing a relationship with you. Afterward, Leslie, we will take it as fast or slow as you want. Sound good?"

Leslie nodded.


Thomas was almost asleep by the time he heard Margaret coming into the bathing room. To his surprise, a very naked Leslie followed right behind Margaret.

Leslie's breasts were even more spectacular than he had imagined. They were perfect in shape and fullness. They looked like two massive missiles, long and pointed, each areola the size of his palm and both nipples the size of his thumbs from tip to the first knuckle. They swayed back and forth but when they came to a stop they sat on her chest with each nipple pointed right and left ever so slightly. Their sheer size made them hang low as if she were to suddenly start shooting fire out of her nipples; the flames would make a six-foot long V before scorching the ground in front of her.

Leslie saw Thomas watching her as she came into the bathing room and she moved to cover her breasts with a hand and arm, but then Margaret glanced at her and she let her hand drop. Her waist was surprisingly smaller than Thomas had thought before when appraising her form while clothed, and her hips and ass were as broad and thick, and just as spectacular as Margaret's.

Both women turned and walked up to the shower first. They rinsed off and then they took turns sitting on a stool as one washed the other. Afterward, they washed off the soap, and then Margaret and Leslie both got into the soaking tub. Thomas was sure that Leslie was going to sit beside Margaret, but she didn't. Margaret sat on his right and Leslie sat on his left.

"The water is so warm tonight," Leslie said as she relaxed beside Thomas.

"It sure is," He replied, it was incredibly hard to not stare at Leslie's breasts, which were floating in the water like large round floatation devices with Margaret right beside him.

He knew she caught him looking at Leslie several times, but she just pretended she didn't see anything. He was thoroughly confused. She had been worried about his being interested in Cheyenne because of her youth, but then was genuinely reassured by his promise of fidelity just last night. So, why was she prancing Leslie in here like a prize mare she was looking to breed with her prize stud?

He didn't know, but it made him uncomfortable. He sat there not knowing where to look, wanting to touch and caress both Margaret and Leslie, but unsure that he should touch either. Finally, he stood up and moved to the other side of the large tub, and sat down. Margaret gave him a questioning look along with a smirk. Leslie looked rejected.

Feeling irritated, he asked, "Please explain what is going on."

Margaret's smirk deepened as she seemed to take on an air of professorship, "We are acclimating Leslie to being around a nice, safe, male companion. Since there is no one else, you are the male companion, and I am her support."

There are less intimate ways of doing that," Thomas countered, "It would happen naturally as we spend time together doing chores around the farm."

Margaret sighed. She looked over at Leslie, and then she cut her eyes back to Thomas. She sighed again, and then she confessed, "Look, the only reason I'm doing this is because it is Leslie."

Thomas's expression must have looked as confused as he felt because Margaret sighed, and then she chuckled before she said, "I love you Thomas, and I love Leslie."

"I love you too," Thomas replied, "and I love Leslie also."

Margaret chuckled again like Thomas just didn't understand, "No, Thomas, listen to what I'm saying. I love you, and I love Leslie."

The connection just wasn't being made, and Margaret could see it on his face. So she motioned for Leslie to snuggle up beside her. She smiled at Thomas endearingly, and then she said, "This is what I mean."

Thomas's eyes nearly bugged out of his eye sockets as Margaret leaned in, caressed Leslie's cheek, and then they kissed long and passionately. When they finally broke off their kiss Thomas's jaw was on his chest.

Margaret and Leslie took one look at him and they both erupted in a fit of giggles. When they stopped Margaret apologized, "I'm sorry Thomas, I didn't realize how I felt about Leslie until just a few minutes ago. You see, there was this brief stint in college years ago when a lesbian tried to convince me that I was one too. We explored it for about a year, but after that, I never met another woman I was attracted to as much as her. There was also the fact that I was married, and I like men."

"So you cheated on George with a woman," Thomas asked, his tone heated.

"No no," She said shaking her head, "George wanted me to explore my sexuality with Julia, though, I am pretty sure he was hoping that I would bring her home at some point and share. Julia was not interested in men at all, or I would have."

"So what is happening now?" Thomas asked, his tone still guarded.

"Thomas, I'm bisexual," Margaret admitted, "And I am in love with you and Leslie. The great thing is I know you are in love with me, and Leslie too."

"And I think I am in love with you and Marg," Leslie mumbled shyly, "I'm scared... on so many levels, but I... I want to know what it's like to be loved again!"

"So," Margaret finished, "I want to share you with Leslie... if you will have us?"

Thomas was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to think. He knew that on some level this was like every man's fantasy, but could this truly work? He looked at Margaret, and then Leslie for a very uncomfortably quiet few minutes, and then, against his better judgment, he stood up and moved back between Margaret and Leslie.

Margaret rested her hand on his shoulder as he gave her a quick kiss. Then, he turned to Leslie. He lifted her chin up and then he kissed her. Softly. Tenderly. They only kissed for the rest of their time in the soaking tub, but he did run his hands across her chest and hefted her breasts. He touched her arms and her thighs. She flinched many times. He hoped she knew he would never hit her, but her body was used to Larry's beatings.

By the time they left the bathing room, Leslie was so tired and emotionally spent that she excused herself and went to her room. Looking sad, Margaret watched Leslie leave. Once they were in bed, she cuddled up to Thomas and said, "I'm sorry for springing my bisexuality on you so suddenly. I hope you can forgive me and accept this new part of who I am."

Thomas turned to her then and said, "I love you, Margaret. I love everything about you. Yes, I was surprised, but you know what, I think this will make us a real family now. And, I do love Leslie."

Margaret sighed in relief. She moved in to kiss her beloved, and then they settled down to get some sleep.


The next morning Margaret and Thomas started teaching Leslie and the girls the different chores that needed to be done to maintain the farm. Margaret took Cheyenne, Lauren, Hannah, and Gwyn and showed them how to feed the chickens, gather the eggs, feed the horses and cows their grain mix, and then showed them to the garden. She taught them what to look for in ripe vegetables. She talked about why she planted in the early spring, mid-spring, and late spring, which crops were quick growers and would be harvested in early summer, and which crops took all summer to grow and wouldn't be harvested until fall.

Thomas, on the other hand, spent the next days and weeks working exclusively with Leslie. They milked the cow, exercised the horses then brushed them down, fed the pigs, and mucked out the stables. Thomas threw down hay bales from the loft and Leslie cut the bands and helped spread them out to the horses and cows. Fences needed mending and fence posts replaced. There was always something that needed doing.

Emma called Thomas and gave him reports, and his lawyer called and Thomas set him to work on releasing his assets. The first thing he did was take Heather off of his accounts and credit cards. Then, he set Martin with the task of liquidating everything that Heather was still a signatory on. The house, the cars, toys, stocks, bonds, everything. They weren't divorced, and the courts hadn't moved forward on the divorce proceedings yet, so he used the time to his advantage and let Martin jump through the legal red tape. Whatever he could get done was something off the table for Heather and Richard to try and claim.

The fourth day after Leslie and Thomas started working together they were milking Betty when Leslie sighed as she took a break from her milking to rub her lower back and groaned, "I swear, I think my breasts are as large as Betty's. Maybe it should be me in this barn getting milked every day, instead of her!"

Thomas laughed, "Well, I would certainly enjoy that more!"

"I bet you would," She purred, her voice husky and alluring, "Shame I don't have any milk to give though."

"Yeah," He replied whimsically, "That is a shame, I would drink it all day."

"You would?" Leslie asked in mock surprise.

"Definitely!" He said enthusiastically.

Leslie bent back to her work, but she and Thomas shared a smile.

That first weekend after Leslie and the girls came to live with them, Margaret took Leslie back to Livingston. They found a pit bull of a divorce lawyer by the name of Tanis Black Feather, and they started divorce paperwork for Leslie. They made it clear that Leslie wanted this divorce finalized as quickly as possible. Tanis said that it wouldn't be cheap and Margaret cut her a check for the expense right then.

By the second weekend after their arrival Margaret suggested they all go to the river and skinny-dip, and to Thomas's surprise, everyone agreed. Two quilts were taken, two rocks selected for sunbathing and drying off, but that didn't detract at all from the enormity of the fact that they were all splashing and playing and having a good time completely buck ass naked!

There was no sex or long lavish make-out sessions. Not with kids around! Instead, everyone played until they were shivering so hard they could barely stand, and then they all got out, ate lunch, and then basked in the sunlight like lizards. Around two in the afternoon they packed up and drove home. Margaret drove with Hannah and Gwyn in the front seat, and Thomas sat in the bed with Leslie curled up on his right side holding his hand while his arm was around Cheyenne's shoulder as she slept with her head on his chest. Lauren was laying down below Cheyenne and was sleeping with her head on his lap.

"I think I'm a bit jealous," Leslie whispered into his ear as she gazed at her daughters, "I always wished that Larry would love our girls like this. It's a shame. I'm so happy that they like you. They make it seem so easy to move on from the abuse they've seen, and I wish it was my head in your lap too."

"We can arrange something," Thomas offered, "No pressure. No sex. We can just cuddle. How does that sound?"

"I..." Leslie hesitated, "It sounds wonderful. Are you sure though?"

"Yes," Thomas said confidently.

Leslie smiled then she looked down and combed her fingers through Lauren's brown hair. Her smile remained but her eyes were sad when she said, "I've tried my hardest to protect them all their lives. I love them so much! I hope they know that..."

"They do," Thomas said as he squeezed her hand.

"How do you know?" She asked.

Thomas's tone was warm, almost like a warm blanket comforting Leslie's soul as he said, "I know because they are here, right here, with you."

Leslie hiccuped a cry of relief and joy, and despite her fears, she turned into Thomas and pushed her lush mouth against his kind, masculine, lips. She kissed him long and hard as tears ran down her cheeks and nose. She could taste her tears but she kissed him and kissed him, sucking on his lips and thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He returned her kisses with a fiery passion of his own and she let him make love to her soul right then and there. His lips on her mouth. His tongue dancing and caressing hers. He breathed into her mouth and she inhaled him like a healing vapor. His kisses, his saliva, in her mouth and on her lips were a balm, and she took solace and let him heal her as they rode back to the farm.


Margaret watched in the rearview mirror as Leslie and Thomas kissed. The past two weeks had done Leslie good. She could tell that slowly her friend was starting to heal emotionally. Physically, Leslie was pretty much back to her beautiful self except for her broken arm. That would take much longer to heal, and Margaret imagined it was the same for Leslie's emotions as well. Psychologically speaking, they had gotten her out of crisis and set the bone, but the only healing for Leslie now was time.

Pulling up to the house, Margaret woke up the two little girls. They blinked drowsily but nodded and climbed out of the car before heading around back to shuck their clothes and head in to take a bath. Margaret climbed out and moved around to see Leslie cuddled up against Thomas.

Leslie looked up at her and Margaret nodded to Cheyenne and Lauren before whispering, "They really tuckered themselves out."

"Seems so," Leslie replied as she looked at her daughters.

"Do we want to wake them up and send them in to bathe, or let them sleep for a bit longer?" Margaret asked.

"Um, excuse me," Thomas interjected, "But, I am not a pillow.''

The two older women giggled so very much like girls as they smiled at him and then down at the two teenagers.

"I think we should let them sleep," Leslie purred, "They've never had a father that they could cuddle up to. I think it's amazing that they feel so safe around you already. Let them sleep Thomas, I promise, I will make it up to you!"

"Me too," Margaret added with a wink and a naughty smirk that said exactly what she was thinking.

Thomas sighed and would have made himself more comfortable but he couldn't or else he would wake the two sleeping girls. Leslie kissed him and then she hopped out of the bed of the truck and the two women walked out to the barn.

"Hey!" Thomas called, "Where are you going!"

"I think we are going for an evening ride," Margaret answered over her shoulder, and then she swished her ass for him to admire. She didn't need to do it though, he already loved the way her hips and ass swayed when she walked.

It took about fifteen minutes for Margaret and Leslie to saddle the two horses, Jasper and Evergreen, then the two beautiful women Thomas loved... abandoned him. Cheyenne cuddled into him closer and he became painfully aware of just how large and squishy her breasts were, as if seeing her naked as they skinny-dipped hadn't enlightened him already. Lauren whimpered and wrapped herself around his leg and curled her fingers into his pants and around his belt as she literally seemed to somehow press every part of her body against him. Looking up at the sky he closed his eyes and prayed for endurance as he silently mouthed, "Oh! God! Help! I am a human body pillow!"

All he could do for the next thirty minutes was try to think about the chores coming up to keep from getting an erection as both Cheyenne and Lauren slept!

When Margaret and Leslie returned Margaret smirked at him, but when she looked at the girls her eyes sharpened. She didn't say anything, but she motioned to Leslie and pointed at Cheyenne and Lauren. Whatever it was they saw, Leslie's smile fell and her blue eyes seemed aflame as she yelled, "Get up Cheyenne! Lauren! We can see that you are not asleep. What are you doing?"

Cheyenne and Lauren sat up as nonchalantly as cats sitting up from their naps. They stretched until their breasts looked like they were twice their natural sizes, and then they stood up and hopped out of the bed of the truck. They turned to their mother, and it was Cheyenne that answered, "Nothing mama, we just woke up a little bit ago. We were just seeing how long it would take before Thomas realized we were awake. Just having a little fun at his expense."

Margaret's eyes narrowed and Leslie looked suspicious but without proof of other motives they didn't say anymore. They stared at the girls until they both got antsy, and it was Lauren who blushed and lowered her head. Cheyenne kept her chin up. The set of her jaw, the turn of her mouth, and her eyes were all defiant.

"Go take a bath," Margaret said, dismissing them.

Leslie looked at Margaret who gave a slight shake of her head. Turning Jasper to the barn she said to Leslie, "We had better put up the horses."

Glad to be able to move out of the bed of the truck, Thomas followed Margaret and Leslie into the barn.

"We had better keep an eye on those two," Margaret said as she flipped the stirrup over the saddle, "They have a look of mischief about them. Cheyenne is too prideful to hide it, and Lauren is embarrassed. They are up to something, and I bet it involves Thomas."

"Me!" He objected adamantly, "Why me?"

"Yes," Leslie agreed as she watched Thomas pull Everygreen's girth strap loose, "I agree. It could be as innocent as puppy love. Thomas, you're a younger man. Marg is forty-eight, and I'm thirty-eight. You're twenty-four years Marg's junior, and fourteen years mine. And like Marg said on that video..."

"That damn video again," Margaret growled.

"...Cheyenne is only eight years your junior and Lauren is only ten," Leslie continued with a smirk at Margaret's discomfort over the video, "Honestly, age-wise, it's more likely that you will have an emotionally and physically compatible relationship with either of them than Marg and I."

"I like them well enough," Thomas said as she shook his head, "But, I am in love with you Margaret, and you Leslie, and only you two!"

"That as may be," Margaret said as she pulled the saddle off of Jasper and threw it over a saddle wrack, "But, that doesn't stop those two girls from seeing you as a real, viable man. Handsome and debonair, you're just the right amount older than them to make them feel like they are women and not little girls. Now, this could just be two girls crushing on you, however, it could be more... way more. They could be full-blown in love with you, and crush or love, they are two fertile females with very adequate assets. In the heat of the moment, anything can happen, even to a young man that is in love with two women already."

"I will keep an eye on them," Leslie said, feeling embarrassed that her girls were already causing drama.

"So will I," Margaret added as she started brushing Jasper down, "and Thomas, you should be on guard. Don't let yourself get caught somewhere alone with either of them. Unfortunately, allegations of sexual assault or molestation are rarely seen as innocent until proven guilty."

Thomas nodded, appreciating the advice.

"I'm sorry, Thomas," Leslie apologized, "I won't let this happen again."

"Don't be," He said reassuringly, "To be honest, we still don't really know what's going on with those two, but it may be nothing more than them being silly. I don't want to think the worst until we have more proof of ill intent. I don't mind them being affectionate, but I agree, I don't want to be alone with any of them. For appearance's sake if nothing else."

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