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Starting from Scratch Ch. 14


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Together, they slid their fingers between their labia and then slid down their vulva until they were able to push two fingers into each other's vaginas. Within their union, Rhea and Anna sighed exultantly as both basked in the feeling of their loins being filled so deliciously for the first time in a very long time.

Neither woman was experienced in pleasuring another woman. This was their first time in such a coupling, and they were sisters. The boundaries they had both previously hesitated to cross. The glass wall was completely shattered. They were far beyond the boundary of what was socially acceptable and neither of them cared in the least. They were at a full gallop and racing as hard as they could toward a goal they both desired with all their hearts. As each woman was nearly an identical twin to the other, they moved intuitively. Their timing was perfect. All they had to do was do what they found pleasurable themselves and the other woman moaned delightedly in response. As one Rhea and Anna settled with holding their two middle fingers just inside each other's vaginal mouths so that they could feel the other clamping down on her fingers. Then they used their index fingers to slowly and gently caress the other's vulva and whisk circles around the tip of the other's clitoris while they used their thumbs to slowly rub up and down the other's slit from the pubic mound to the clitoral hood. Over and over. Up and down. Round and round the sisters slowly manually fucked the other as their bodies responded by flooding their pussies with their lubrications.

Neither spoke. There were no words for what they wanted, or for what they were doing that they wanted to hear. In those long quiet moments, all they wanted was to feel. To feel each other's bodies against their own. All they wanted was to feel what the other woman was doing to her personally. And in those feelings, they bonded. They associated this incredible act of intimacy with love. Love for each other on a level neither had ever felt before as just sisters. And as their lust, their orgasms, built to overwhelming crescendos they quit kissing and nibbling on each other's nipples as their hips thrust and gyrated in orgasm!

Rhea and Anna, as one, gasped!

Their eyes flew open wide with lusty desire. Their mouths were open in orgasmic-Os, and then, suddenly, Anna was scrambling backward and swinging her legs around with one under one of Rhea's thighs while the other was over the other. Rhea lifted herself so that she was supported by her elbows and she watched and hopped her buttocks and hips as she crab-legged around Anna's legs. Within a few seconds, Rhea and Anna's pussylips smacked together and they were scissoring!

It took a few minutes for them to find a complementary rhythm, but it was no more difficult than finding one's rhythm with a man's dick thrust up inside and stretching them so satisfyingly, and pounding in and out. Grinding clit against pubic bone. Vagina and vulva stretched to the point that both would be sliding up and down that thick shaft. Amazingly swollen, bulbous, and incredibly soft dickhead pounding against their cervix and scraping their walls. No. The feeling of Anna and Rhea's pussylips sliding against each other. Their swollen clitorises kissing and caressing each other. The feeling of their lubrications mixing and spreading across their thighs and ass cheeks was glorious! But, as their rhythms lined up so that as one slid up the other was sliding down, for each of them there was no comparison to what they dreamed of soon feeling from Thomas!

Anna and Rhea moaned as they climaxed! Their hips gyrated uncontrollably and they lost their rhythm as one, they came, and both began to squirt their cum into the other's vagina, across their bellies, and the bed!

About fifteen minutes later, after their orgasms passed and they had time to think about what had just transpired, Rhea rolled around until she was beside Anna and began to kiss her once more before they started fondling each other's breasts.

"I wonder," Rhea purred teasingly, "If I can make you climax just by suckling your breasts?"

"Have you," Anna asked in an intoxicated purr, "Climaxed by having your tits suckled?"

"I have," Rhea answered with a husky chuckle.

"Mmm," Anna purred, "Then I look forward to making you do it again..."

Any further talk was halted as they set about kissing and fondling and suckling each other's breasts until again soon after they were moaning in climax. When Damien and Scot got home Anna and Rhea finally got out of bed and took a shower together. They washed each other and then dried each other. Then, together as a couple that had crossed the boundaries of sisterhood and were now something much more intimate, they changed the bed linens and proceeded to go out and make dinner for the boys.

Damien and Scot eyed their mother and aunt suspiciously. They were in the kitchen and found the women's clothing on the floor. Curiously, they watched mother and aunt kneel and retrieve their belongings without a word. They never did explain why their clothes were there or why they were wrapped only in towels that exposed half their bodies. Rhea and Anna didn't explain, and Damien and Scot never asked. They just admired the view of their more than half-naked mother and aunt as they scampered in and then back out of the kitchen.


And so, it was suspected that before Thomas's return from Montana, Anna confronted Rhea and that it was possible that Anna opened her sister up to the possibility of lesbianism. But, if that was the case, then it was incestuous lesbianism and was regarded by the other more experienced bisexuals as nothing more than experimentation at most. So, together, Deborah and Margaret educated Rhea on all the joys of female-on-female affection. Rhea proved to be a fast learner, which hinted strongly that she and Anna did, in fact, have an incestuous relationship. Margaret, on the other hand, discovered that she was very attracted to the busty, seductively curvaceous, curly copper-haired woman, and her growing affection was reciprocated.

Once Leslie was released from the hospital she and Margaret reaffirmed their union, however, instead of moving in with Margaret, she moved in with Deborah. It was strange how it happened, but once Leslie and Deborah met each other, Deborah started spending more time than anyone else other than Margaret visiting Leslie. They became fast friends and then passionate lovers. It wasn't sexual in the beginning, but very quickly Deborah and Leslie started acting as starry-eyed and giggly as a courting couple, which, in a way, they were. Nurses and family stumbled upon them sitting side by side in Leslie's hospital bed kissing and fondling, or, sometimes, just sleeping together. The same happened with Margaret as well, but, besides her, Leslie didn't really connect with Anna, Rhea, or Emma the same way. And so, Leslie and Deborah moved in together while Margaret and Rhea lived together. Of course, the four of them swapped around often, Leslie spending nights with Rhea and Margaret while Margaret spent nights with Deborah and Leslie.

That left Emma and Anna. Emma was by far the more aggressive bisexual where Anna hadn't been at all until meeting Emma. Since then, however, once Anna and Emma quit competing for Thomas's affection, Emma's intense attraction to Anna led them to discover new depths to their mutual relationship aside from their love for Thomas. Still, Emma could be found making love with almost every other woman except Margaret. Margaret, she avoided. Anna, on the other hand, spent time with Margaret and with Rhea. Although sisters, Rhea and Anna were even more passionately intimate than Cheyenne and Lauren. Those times were few and far between though. For the most part, Emma and Anna spent the majority of their time with each other.

Lastly, Thomas had a room all to himself. His room was visited night and day by one woman or another. At any time of the day, Thomas could find himself being pulled into his room by one woman or another. Thomas's time was managed very carefully and very discreetly by Rhea.

Once all six women were moved in, the first thing Margaret and Rhea did was call a meeting of the six women. At that meeting, Rhea led the discussion on how best to go about sharing Thomas between them. The result was that every one of them started an email account with the same service and a group calendar was shared between them, and on this calendar each woman scheduled her time with Thomas. If there was a conflict then the two women would discuss and compromise. If one could not be found Rhea or Margaret as the oldest would mediate.

The only hiccup to Rhea and Margaret's management of the harem came when Lauren had to be escorted back to her room twice after laying in wait for Thomas to come to bed, take a shower, or use the restroom. Cheyenne's attitude changed dramatically after her father's final assault on her mother and her, and now she flirted continuously with Thomas. Every time she saw him her eyes were hot with desire. She had to be taken back to her room five times.

It continued and accumulated until one evening Thomas was sitting with Leslie's father in the library talking. There was some drinking of Scotch as well. The next morning, Thomas awoke to his arms wrapped around Cheyenne curled up beside him on one side and Lauren curled up on the other with their pregnant bellies firmly pressed against his sides. As far as he could remember he didn't have sex with either of them. However, the girls were completely naked and so was he!

By this time, everyone knew that Cheyenne and Lauren were making their plays to be Thomas's seventh and eighth wives, and so, Margaret, Rhea, and Leslie spent a day having a long talk with the two. A very long talk. When the women finally came out of their room Cheyenne and Lauren looked much chastened. Tears cut rivulets down their youthful cheeks and their eyes were red and puffy, but they still had happy, if tremulous, smiles for him as soon as they saw him. Lauren ran up, flung her arms around his waist, and hugged him while Cheyenne waited patiently for her turn. More tears welled up and gathered on her long thick black lashes. Her bottom lip trembled. Afterward, Lauren mumbled while Cheyenne bawled into his chest, "I'm sorry," before running to their rooms.

Once the girls left Leslie, Margaret, and Rhea approached. Rhea shook her head. Margaret with a thoughtful expression that said she wasn't sure if she liked what she was thinking, and Leslie with a resigned expression as she spoke first.

"Well," She began with a sigh, "It seems that Lauren and Cheyenne are really taken with you now."

"I think it's a crush," Margaret added, "I think it is at least, but it may be serious too. They won't be talked out of pursuing you. They argue that since we have a stable living relationship with you, and since they have suffered as much or more from Leslie's marriage to Larry, they deserve to find their happiness with you as well. That was Lauren's argument. Cheyenne added that despite how she and Lauren got pregnant it doesn't change the fact that they are your babies and therefore they are your women too. Just as much as Emma or Deborah at least."

"We agreed with them," Rhea said and all three women nodded as Rhea continued, "We agreed, as your mother, as their mother, and as your wives to accept them as your--wives with the condition that they will not have sex with you until they are older. In exchange, they want to spend time with you just as we do. They want their turn to sleep with you and bathe with you and cuddle with you, and if you decide that you do--want to--be--affectionate, then that is between you and them and not us. However, they will stop ambushing you and they will not have sex with you unless you are conscious and consent."

"Did I have sex with them last night?" Thomas asked.

Margaret, Rhea, and Leslie just looked at him with flat expressions before Margaret answered, "What do you think?"

"Let's just hope that after they give birth and have the responsibilities of motherhood it will cool their ardor a little," Leslie mused hopefully.

"Maybe," Margaret mumbled, when Leslie and Rhea looked at her she continued, "Don't you remember being their ages? I didn't have kids, but I could and did wear George out repeatedly when I was really good and horny. Hell! On those nights, when I was ovulating, I could have ridden a football team's worth of cocks and worn them all out! And then do it again the next morning after only a couple hours of sleep!"

"Yes! Well," Rhea said as she chuckled significantly while nodding in agreement, "Now that I think about it, there were a few times that I fucked Franklin raw. I had his dick in me every five minutes for a solid week straight! By the time I was satisfied, I was usually pregnant."

"Ha!" Leslie laughed, then nodded, and then continued while wearing a naughty grin, "I've had those times as well. Even with how bad of a husband Larry was, when I was horny I was horny! Got all four of my girls that way and the only thing I know for certain is the relief from my release never lasted long enough. Afterward, I was pregnant and usually five times more horny than I was before. Well, I guess all we can do is hope, but I wouldn't push it too far. Those girls are my daughters, which means, they are walking orgasms right now."

"What should I do then?" Thomas asked.

The three women looked at him with a grin, a smirk, and a smile but it was Leslie who answered, "Be yourself of course, Love. Be yourself."


A couple of days later, Bethany, Rhea and Anna's brother, Daniel's wife, arrived with Scott, Thomas's brother and Rhea's youngest son. Accompanying him, holding his hands in fact, were his cousins, Jamin Variette and Jasper Lowell. Behind them came Cheryline Lowell who was holding hands with Raegan Variette and Ingrid Lowell.

Daniel and Bethany were called, being the only family besides Jeremy and Gretchen, Thomas's sister and her husband, who weren't mad at Thomas and Rhea. They had been happy to watch the kids while Thomas and his harem flew out to Montana. However, since the trip was turning into a prolonged stay, Bethany felt it prudent to bring the kids out to be with their parents and guardians.

Bethany gave hugs all around starting with Thomas and ending with Rhea, then she stepped back and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "It seems Scot is as big a balled stud as his brother. Daniel thought it prudent that I bring the kids out here away from where the girl's parents can find out that they're all pregnant again--this time by Scot."

Emma and Anna chuckled. Deborah shook her head but she was grinning too. Margaret and Leslie didn't know what to think. Only Rhea scowled while Thomas appeared thoughtful.

Bethany relayed the information with a sly grin, "I thought it best that we get the most controversial info out as soon as possible. By the way, I'm pregnant too!"

Anna cooed in congratulations and with Deborah and Emma swept the woman up and directed her out of the foyer while talking excitedly about Bethany's condition and what to expect when expecting. Margaret and Leslie wisely decided it was a good time to go get dinner started. That left only Thomas and Rhea staring at Scot, Jamin, Raegan, Cheryline, Jasper, and Ingrid.

Scot stood there glaring and looking defiant. The girls looked, well, proud of themselves. Rhea's expression was flat as she stared at Scot, until finally she spoke only one word, one question, "When?"

Scot smoothed his expression. Cheryline and Ingrid were, of course still healthy and pregnant from their incest romp Christmas Eve. No. It was Jamin, Raegan, and Jasper who were now newly pregnant. Scot stood up straighter. He looked so much like his older brother, like Thomas. His hair was a shade darker and his eyes were a gray-blue. He still had the teenage slimness but he was of a height with his older brother. Beside him, Jamin and Jasper smiled broadly as they answered in unison, "Valentines."

They leaned forward to grin at each other before Jamin continued, "I--we've loved Scot for a while now. Not as long as Cheryline has loved him, but we've loved him from the same age as Cheryl was when she fell in love with him."

"Anyway," Jasper said, breaking in as Jamin fell silent, "This is what we want. All five of us. Just like you want Thomas, Aunt Rhea, and you're willing to share him with Aunt Anna and the others, so too, we have agreed to share Scot."

Behind Scot, Jamin, Jasper, Cheryline, Ingrid, and Raegan all nodded.

"You are all far too young to have made this kind of decision. You have no idea the commitment you are pledging yourself to," Rhea replied doubtfully.

Scot looked at Thomas and asked, "How old were you when you and Anna became intimate?"

"Younger than all of you are now," Thomas replied.

"Then why are you judging us?" Scot asked, "We can't help it that we have figured out what we want sooner than you did."

"Discretion," Rhea said.

Scot whipped his head to look at her and replied, "We have been discreet. None of you knew that Jamin, Jasper, Raegan, and Ingrid all came to me and Cheryline and asked if we could have a relationship like you guys have, not until Bethany just told you that they are pregnant. I don't see the problem. They were pregnant before, and now are again. So, what is the difference?"

"The difference," Rhea explained in a patient voice, "Is that although we were prepared to support these girls through their pregnancies, once they miscarried it was the same as them getting their lives back. Their choices. Their options. You, son, you made your choice when you had sex with Cheryline and got her pregnant. From now on you must take responsibility for that. The same for Ingrid. She will always have to live with the fact that she had sex with Christopher, and she will spend the rest of her childhood parenting her child. You and Cheryline as well. Being a parent is not easy, that is why you are supposed to wait until you are an adult before becoming one, But now!"

Rhea threw her hand into the air in a gesture of giving up, "Now you have not only gotten Cheryline pregnant, but Jamin, Raegan, and Jasper too! You're babies having babies!"

Rhea broke down then and started crying. Thomas, having remained quiet the whole time, turned toward her and pulled her into a hug. Her crying only got worse from the comfort. Turning his head to Scot he said, "Go ask Anna to show you all to your rooms, Scot?"

Scot nodded, but then paused and waited as Thomas continued, "This evening come to the office and you and I will talk, okay?"

Scot nodded again then led his harem of cousins off to find Anna.


Later that evening Scot went to the office and found Thomas already waiting for him. He knew he shouldn't be scared of his brother. Thomas was always very even-tempered, but he still found himself to be very nervous.

"Have a seat," Thomas said, inviting him in and to sit in a chair opposite of him.

Scot did as he was told and found himself fidgeting nervously. Cheryline was just outside the door and he wasn't sure if that reassured him or made him even more nervous.

Thomas looked at Scot for several long indeterminable seconds, then asked, "Do you love them?"

Scot's eyes were fierce when he replied, "I do."

"Scot," Thomas said calmly, "You're young. They are young. Are you sure you can remain faithful once they have given birth to your children and they no longer look virginal like all the other girls that you will see are?"

"I--" Scot whispered, "I don't know! I know I love them. Each of them. Just the same and yet differently."

"Yes, but will you still love them later when some other young pretty girl comes around?" Thomas asked.

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