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Starting Over Pt. 06 Ch. 03

Story Info
Dani and John return to Seattle and more chaos is coming.
6.2k words

Part 22 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 02/03/2014
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Starting Over VI, Chapter 3.

This is the sixth section of the continuing saga "Starting Over". In Part I, LTC (Retired) John Jackson had moved to Seattle after being widowed. He ran into some trouble and some decent people (okay, and a few strippers), while working towards getting his private investigator license. That took place between Sep and Dec 2012.

In Part II, he got involved in a ring trafficking in young women. The main perpetrators were captured, but the hired gun/enforcer slipped away. That took place in Apr and May 2013.

In Part III, which took place in 2013 and 2014, John managed to find the enforcer in Key West and was planning to kill him, but changed his mind. He really didn't know if he could kill someone in cold blood, but the man was living with a woman and had decided that he was retiring. John let him go with a promise to do intelligence work for him and returned to Seattle, where Maggie gave indications that she wanted a serious relationship. Then he used that enforcer from Key West to assist in capturing an assassin. The assassin had been hired to kill him and the detective who helped him break up a leg of a human trafficking chain.

In Part IV, it's 2019. John and Maggie couldn't work things out and now John was working on a case that, at first, involved someone who had assaulted Luke's wife Maria. John then had two men try to break into his apartment to attack him. The authorities caught the two men by tracking them to a strip club, but John got beat up by them before the police got there. When he woke, he found that Vanessa, his waitress at the strip club, was an undercover officer. There were several events that were taking place and it was being done by an anarchist group. However, funding for these events was tracked to someone in human trafficking in Singapore by a hacker that John found through Bob in Key West. He returned to Seattle with the information on a thumb drive, and the FBI and others started tracking him. Finally, the master of the human trafficking ring had his son try to soft sell John's daughter into visiting Asia with him, primarily to kidnap her. John found out, he and his buddies stopped it, and then John, feeling the rage, flew to Singapore and, with the backdoor assistance of a government person, was armed and killed both the leader and his son of this trafficking ring.

In Part V, Yvonne, the young hacker came to live with John. She had nowhere else to go and felt so alone during the pandemic that she was craving human interaction. She also admitted that she was attracted to John, even though there was 19 years difference in their ages. A bad guy was hired to hit him due to his involvement in some operations being run by a rogue CIA manager and some disenfranchised CIA members. John and company got them in the end and Yvonne got shot in the leg. She decided to stay with John.

Recurring Characters

LTC (Retired) John Jackson, 5'11", 180, 55 years old.

Marie Jackson, John's dead wife, 5'8", 140, 44 years old, died 15 Jan 2012

Angelica Jackson (Angel), John and Marie's daughter, 5'5", 125, 28 years old.

Mary Bradford, bartender, 5'5", 120, 48 years old.

Samantha (Sam) Walker, 5'6", 130 pounds, 48 years old, John's neighbor.

Joyce Walker, Sam's daughter, 5'4", 120 pounds, 28 years old, and now an exotic dancer using the name Lily

Marion Walker, Sam's daughter, 5'4", 115 pounds, 26 years old.

SFC (Retired) Craig Smithson, 6', 190, 55 years old, NCO from John's Army unit.

Captain Jeff Smithson, 5'11', 185, 53 years old, SFC Smithson's brother and a captain in the Seattle Police Department.

Luke Cole, 5'10", 180, detective in the Seattle Police Department.

Maria Cole, 5'6", 135, Luke's wife.

Marcus Candiotti, strip club manager.

Max Meridian (real name Harold Johnson), Mark's lead kidnapper and enforcer. Now changed his name to Bob Thomas and is married to Susan. They own and operate a bar in Key West.

Susan Thomas, Bob's new wife.

George Watson, a new member of the detective agency.

Vanessa Williams, 5'6", 130, detective in the Seattle Police Department.

Yvonne, 5'2", 105, illegal hacker who helped find the human trafficker who had funded the anarchists in Seattle.

Danielle (Dani) Parker, 5'8", 120, known as a "guide". She takes cases where an individual is in mortal danger and "hides" them by giving them new identities and teaching them how to lay low.


---------------------------- Thursday, July 29, 2021, Bob, Dani, and Vernon on a road trip -----------

Wednesday had been a very taxing day for Bob and Dani. This meant that they slept a lot while Vernon drove into the night. They reached Kansas City about 4am. Vernon woke them just before pulling into a truck stop.

Bob immediately went on line with his phone and searched for flights to Florida. He found one from KC at 10am, and he booked it. He then sent a text to John stating that he was booking at 10am. He didn't say how.

Dani was feeling pretty beat up. She had not rested well and her leg was throbbing. She took some more pain pills and antibiotics and tried to relax. She was having trouble.

Vernon pulled up to the pumps and filled the tank. He looked around and the place was pretty deserted except for a few long-haul truckers. Vernon looked at them. "Need some chow? I think we need to eat."

Bob agreed and looked at Dani. She grimaced. "I don't think I should get out. Just bring me out something for breakfast."

"Sounds good." Bob turned to Vernon. "I have a 10am flight out of here, so you need to drop me at the airport. I sent a text to John. It's very early out there, but he'll answer quickly."

After pulling the truck over to a parking spot, Vernon and Bob went inside and Dani lay there, thinking. She needed to get to ground someplace where she could hole up for a while. Maybe it was John's, maybe somewhere else. She moved a little and could feel the wound calming from the medication.

Bob and Vernon were eating when John got the text and texted back: "Be there at 1030 hours. Have Vernon pick me up at the airport after dropping you."

Bob showed Vernon and Vernon nodded. Bob replied with a yes.

After breakfast, Bob and Vernon went back out to the car. They had ordered an omelet, bacon, wheat toast, and a coffee to go for Dani.

Dani was overjoyed at the amount of food. She was ravenous and started immediately wolfing it down. It went quickly. Vernon sat and worked the GPS for the airport. "It's only 35 minutes to the airport, so we should probably rest here for a while and get there just for you to catch your plane. Then I can pull into the cell phone lot and wait for John."

"Sounds good."

So, they sat and waited for the time to pass. It was only about 30 minutes later that Vernon got a call from his unit. He was being called for an action at 0600 tomorrow. He shrugged and asked Bob to send a text to John. He did.

John didn't text back since he was on the plane, but Vernon decided to book a flight for noon back to Nashville. This was his second car, so he would leave it for John and head back.

When the time came, they went to the airport, Bob got out, went in, and sent a text back that he was at the gate. Everything was fine.

Vernon drove to the cell phone lot and waited for John's text. John sent one that he was waiting and Vernon drove to the pickup door where John was waiting and exchanged positions with him. He grabbed his small go bag and went into the airport. John got in the driver's seat and drove away. He noticed that Vernon had left a 9mm on the floor since he couldn't take it on the plane.

With all this done, John drove toward Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas and called his friend. He was given an address and general directions. John pulled over and entered it into his phone and drove there. He and Dani didn't talk much, but he could tell she was groggy from the last pain meds.

When they arrived at the private residence, John's buddy came out and pointed him to drive around the back, which he did.

"John!" Colonel Robinson said as John got out of the car.

"Jerry!" John shouted back as the two met and embraced. "You're looking good."

"Thanks. You, too. I take it Seattle is still pretty fun for you?"

"Oh, yeah. Loads."

Jerry turned serious then. "Okay, so what do you have for us in the back here."

"I have a woman, shot in the leg, through and through. Clean wound, not a hollow point, so no mushrooming occurred. Just a straight through shot."

"And she can't go to the hospital why?" Jerry looked at John carefully.

"She's someone who hides people in mortal danger. If any of the assholes who are looking for those people find her, she's going to be tortured for the information and killed. She's a good person who just yesterday assisted the FBI and DEA with a raid on a couple of meth labs and supporting illegal slave workers. She just can't be known. The FBI let her go, but the people looking for her are not the kind that care for the law."

Jerry was shaking his head. "Roger. Let's get to it. I told my brother not to ask any questions. I told him it was someone undercover, and it sounds a lot like that. Let's get her inside."

They opened the back of the Explorer and Dani was laying there looking drowsy. They pulled her out carefully and got her inside.

Jerry's brother, Andy, was waiting and checked her out. "They did a good job patching her up. Was that an EMT?" John nodded. "Well, she's doing well. She will need more antibiotics and some lower dose pain medications, but everything looks good."

"Thanks, Andy. As soon as we have a little break, we can load her back into the Explorer and we'll be on our way."

Andy looked at his brother. "Okay. See you later." He left the room.

Jerry nodded his head toward his departing brother. "It's best that he knows nothing at all. He wants to be kept in the dark."

"Roger. Well, maybe we'd better hit the road now."

"Probably best if she's up to it."

"She'll have to be."

About that time Andy came back in. "Here's some more antibiotics and some low dose pain medication. Also, I put some crutches near the door. She should be fine in a couple of weeks."

John shook his hand. "Thank you, Andy. We'll be on our way now."

John and Jerry loaded Dani back up and said farewell. John drove away to continue the trip.

They travelled for about 7 hours and John was ready to stop by this point. He had been up early in Seattle and driving for a long time. It was almost 10pm and they were halfway between Sioux Falls and Rapid City, South Dakota, in a place called South Lyman. So, he found a halfway decent hotel with a back entrance near the elevator and got a room. He got the crutches out and helped Dani into the room. It was a room with double queen-sized beds.

John had not worried about the cost. He had carried a lot of cash with him for this. He was paying cash for everything and never wrote down the actual plate of the Explorer. He always mis-identified the vehicle, plate, and state if they asked for it on a card. Some hotels didn't.

---------------------------- Friday, July 30, 2021, John and Dani on a road trip -----------

The next day, they were up early. He got Dani in the back and she got comfortable. He went to a drive through Taco Bell and got some breakfast burritos for them and then got on the highway.

"Dani, I think we should try to make it to Bozeman, Montana today. That's supposedly 9 and a half hours away and I think we should take our time and stop regularly to get you up and about. I want you to try to move a little more and not stay so horizontal so long. Sound good?"

"Yeah, that's good. I could take some movement. I also am out of clothes. We need to stop somewhere so I can pick up some basics and get out of these clothes. I had two pairs of pants and one was destroyed by the bullet and the subsequent cutting to get to the wound. This pair is getting nasty."

"Yes, they are." John grinned at her.

"Hmmm. I guess that's funny." Dani smiled back.

"Okay, I'll look for something along the way here and we'll stop at something like a Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, or some sort of mall that has a department store. There should be some along the highway. You can look it up on your phone, too, so that maybe you can find one you'd like to stop at. Also, I brought a knee brace that you can put on to make it look like you have had knee surgery or something. This will make your actual wound less obvious."

"Okay, sounds good." Dani picked up her phone and started looking around.

They chatted quite a bit this day as the meds Dani was taking didn't knock her out or make her as drowsy. She still took little naps, but found a Target anchor store at a small mall along the way. So, they would stop there and pick up some things to allow her to change.

When they stopped at the store, Dani put on the knee brace, grabbed the crutches and went in without assistance. She was able to get around pretty well now.

John bought a couple pairs of pants and a shirt. Dani bought a little of everything; panties, bra, jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, and some makeup.

By the time they left, the bill was pretty high, but manageable. They got back on the rode and John got them to Bozeman by about 7pm. Pretty good considering how many stops they made.

---------------------------- Saturday, July 31, 2021, John and Dani on a road trip -----------

They both slept pretty well and were up at 7am.

"Okay, we've got a long drive today, but we should be well rested and ready to make it to Seattle. With stops, it'll be close to a twelve-hour day."

Dani nodded. "I feel a lot better. As long as I stay still, it seems to be healing well."

They got on the road and headed toward John's home. He called ahead and told Luke he had someone with a gunshot wound who needed unreported attention. Luke said he would arrange it.

The drive was long, but Dani seemed in much better spirits and John was glad. They stopped less and just kept driving. They finally got to Seattle at a little after 6pm. John pulled into a spot on the block where he lived and got Dani out to get up the stairs. She managed pretty well with the crutches. She still wanted to keep the weight off the leg as much as possible.

Once they got her to his apartment, Yvonne started fussing over her and John went back to remove the license plates from the Explorer. He texted Vernon and told him he did that. He was going to drive it to a bad area of Seattle and Vernon was going to report it missing/stolen when he returned from whatever terrible place he went with the special operators.

John and Yvonne got Dani settled into the next-door apartment with Julie. Julie was overjoyed to see Dani and they closed the door to catch up. John was doing the same with Yvonne. He went over what he knew about the event and how the DEA and FBI had shown up at the right time.

Then John covered the worst part; a Watkins brother had escaped. They didn't know his whereabouts, but suspected he was coming to Seattle. He was the one who thought he saw his sister-in-law, now known as Julie, up here. If he was coming here, he would most likely start at her apartment. So, they couldn't go back there.

John called Luke and told him this and asked if they could provide assistance on this. Luke said he would see what he could do, but they couldn't put anyone on it using the information they had. John said he understood and then called Craig, the owner of his detective agency, and gave him the lowdown. Craig said he would put George on it. He'd have George install the latest electronics in the apartment and around the building to be able to watch things.

---------------------------- Thursday, August 5, 2021, John's apartment, Seattle, WA -----------

It had been a few days now, and things were settling down. A country-wide bulletin had been issued for the last of the Watkins. He had avoided detection so far and everyone in the apartment was getting cabin fever. Only Yvonne had gone anywhere to get supplies. Dani was healing rapidly and started walking around the apartments to get some exercise. She also did some stretching.

Julie was still calling in sick, which was allowed since the COVID situation was still going on.

Finally, around 2pm, George called John. "Hey, I got him. Gerald Watkins made his way up to Julie's apartment about 3am this morning. He checked out the door and the lock and then crept out. I don't know what his plan is, but he will probably come back. What do you want to do?"

"I'll notify the police and tell them we have evidence he's come there. They have an alert to pick him up, so they should jump at this chance."

"Okay. Let me know."

---------------------------- Friday, August 6, 2021, John's apartment, Seattle, WA -----------

The next morning at about 9am, John got a call from George that he had witnessed the cops grab Gerald Watkins at about 3am when he tried to break into Julie's apartment.

An hour later, Luke called him and told him the same thing. They picked him up and he was already on a plane back to Tennessee. The feds picked him up to escort him back. He didn't say anything about Julie or her real name. He just stayed mum and said he would talk only when he got back to be with the family lawyer.

John passed along the information. Julie breathed a sigh of relief and Dani told her it would probably be safe to go back to her apartment now. She told her to still look out for anyone the brothers might send to check on their suspicions.

Dani then stood from the kitchen table where they had all been sitting. "Well, my work here is done. I'll give my leg two more days rest, and then I'm gone." She walked into the other apartment.

Julie looked at John and Yvonne and shrugged. "She's always very direct and honest. She doesn't waste much breath with small talk."

John smiled. "Yeah, even on the trip she was not that talkative. I did get her to talk about a few things, but nothing very personal."

Julie went back to the other apartment to talk to Dani.

John went back into the bedroom and Yvonne followed. She came up behind him and put her arms around him. "Wanna play?"

John grinned and turned in her arms. "You bet."

The two of them undressed and then John lay Yvonne on the bed on her back. He leaned over her and kissed her, worked his way down to her delicious tits, and finally got down to her pussy. He gave her his standard routine, licking and sucking everything, and then ending up on her clit while his fingers stroked her g-spot.

When she came, Yvonne groaned, "I'm cumming, John. Ugh!" She started shuddering and quivering under his licking. "Oh, god, you are good at eating pussy."

John stopped when she stopped and stood over her with a wet grin, her pussy juices gleaming off his face. His cock stood out hard and ready and Yvonne got up on her elbows.

"Take that cock and fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard and make me scream."

John did that. He leaned over her, pushed her legs back and hooked them over his arms, and plunged his cock deep into her pussy in one thrust. She groaned. John fucked her hard, their two bodies slamming together and making a slapping sound. He fucked her hard for only about 2 minutes before he could feel his orgasm coming.

"I'm going to cum!"

Yvonne grinned up at him. "Give it to me, baby. Cum in my pussy. Make a messy cream pie down there."

And John did. He emptied his balls into Yvonne, grunting with each spurt.

When he finished, John pulled out and collapsed to the side. "Wow! I needed that."

They lay there for a few moments recuperating and then Yvonne got up to go to the bathroom and clean up. John lay there a little longer and then felt like a nap. He had been so busy the last couple of weeks that he was exhausted. He crawled under the covers and slowly nodded off.


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