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Stepmom Goes to the Prom


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Jillian did try a wig, as the boys suggested, but she did not look right as a blonde and the red wig just did not look real. In the end she dyed her naturally auburn hair a much deeper red and added extensions so that it fell all the way down her back. With the hair and wearing more make-up than usual, she had to admit, she did look like a different person. The cover story was that she was her own distant cousin, a college student, who was in town visiting. Can I really pull this off? Are any of Sam's friends going to buy I'm some twenty-three-year-old college student? She still out her doubts, but she had no choice now but to try and pull it off.

Sam was pacing in the living room and fussing with his tux as he waited for Jill to come out of her bedroom. He couldn't believe it was really happening. He was actually going out with Jill and he might have a chance to be with her again. It was the only thing he'd been able to think about for the last couple weeks. He couldn't wait to see what she looked like as she refused to let him see her dress ahead of time. Jill had been shuttered in her bedroom since she came home from the hairdressers while he was upstairs earlier.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor, chill out," Nick said. He was lounging on the couch and trying to watch the TV Sam kept pacing in front of.

"The limo's going to be here any minute and Mom's not out here yet. We're the first stop so everyone will be late if we're not ready," Sam replied, adjusting his cummerbund for the hundredth time. He was wearing a classic black tuxedo. His short, black hair had been trimmed at the barber earlier. He was ready for his big date.

"She will be out any minute. And don't forget her name tonight is Jenna."

"Right, Jenna."

Right on cue, Jill emerged from the bedroom and both boys' jaws dropped. Neither of them could believe the stunning girl standing before them was their stepmom. Obviously they both thought Jill was sexy, but they had never seen her wear anything like that prom gown and with the make-up and the hair she looked like sex in a dress! Sam's mouth worked, but no words came out. Her hair was partially gathered on her head, but then tumbled down her back like a cascade of flame. She looked so hot as a redhead! Her make-up was done perfectly and when she moved he realized she was wearing a touch of body glitter. The dark red dress dipped low to show off plenty of cleavage and hugged her lithe body and Sam did not miss the sliver of thigh exposed by the high slit as she walked. His cock was rock hard staring at her and he knew that if he did not get to bed Jill again tonight he was going to have the world's worst case of blue balls.

"Wow, Jill," Sam finally said.

"Holy crap you look hot. Goddam, why didn't I take you to my prom?" Nick marveled. He was pretty hard too and then he saw it only got better when she came into the living room and he was the gown was basically backless.

"Thank you, boys. I'm glad you approve. Do I really look good enough?"

"Are you kidding? I think every other girl there is going to hate you," Nick said. He jumped off the couch and took Jill's hand and twirled and then dipped her, using the chance to cop a quick feel. When she felt his hand on her tit Jill tried to pull herself up, but not before he got a good handful. Damn, he missed those titties.

"Thanks, Nick. I think. Actually, your dad picked this dress out. I was surprised."

Thank you, Dad, Sam thought. "You do look amazing. This is so cool."

Jillian saw his excitement and almost blushed. Both boys looked like they wanted to rip the dress right off her body and while it was so inappropriate it did feel good. She hadn't made love to her husband in almost two weeks and seeing two strong young men who wanted her did have an effect.

"Okay, let's get some pictures. I'm sure Dad will want to see," Nick said, grabbing the camera. He snapped several shots of the couple by the fireplace and then took a few of each of them alone. He had fun posing Jill, making sure the slit in her dress was open or trying to get a down blouse shot. Jill kept posing until she realized what he was up to. Nick played innocent and was saved by the honk of the limo's horn.

The limo was a stretch SUV and Jillian flashed a lot of thigh stepping up into it, which she saw Sam did not miss. Even the limo driver was leering at her. The limo was huge inside, especially with just the two of them inside. Ropes of LED lighting ran around the perimeter of the ceiling and there was a flat screen TV over the bar, which was locked. The parent in her was relieved the limo company was being responsible, but looking around the plush limo she couldn't believe how spoiled kids were these days. Despite all the room, Sam sat very close to her on the back seat.

"Listen, Sam. We need to set some ground rules. I know I am your date tonight and I will do what I can to convince your friends, but you need to remember that I am your stepmother and we need to keep some boundaries. I understand that might seem weird, given what happened between us before, but we can't go back there. What we did wasn't right."

"But it felt right," Sam said, taking her hand. "It was so good, wasn't it?"

"It was good. It was great, but it wasn't right. I really do feel like a mother to you boys and it wasn't right to do something like that to your dad anyway. I cheated on your father." Oddly, it was the first time they'd really talked about what happened on Mother's Day.

"I think of you like my mom, too, but I have to be honest, I always thought you were pretty, even when I was little. And then when I got older I noticed you were kinda hot too."

"Only kinda hot?" Jillian teased, trying to ease the tension.

"You know what I mean. It's just when that happened between us I couldn't believe it. It was just so cool to be with you and wow, it was intense." Sam blushed as he spoke about it. "I mean, girls my age aren't like that. Being with Emma was never like that."

It was Jillian's turn to blush. She supposed she did know more about sex than a teenage girl. She knew a lot more about sex and pleasing a man than she did in high school. Did I blow their minds? Jillian wondered.

"Thank you, Sam. That really does mean a lot to me, but you do understand why nothing like that can happen tonight. Like I said, we'll convince your friends that I am your date and not your stepmom, but nothing will go further than that." She really did want him to have a good time. In fact, she promised his father that she would do whatever she needed to for Sam to have a great prom, but she was sure her husband did not mean for her to go above and beyond. Tonight would not be like her prom night.

"I understand," Sam replied half-heartedly. Jill sounded so serious he started to doubt that he would be able to get her into bed, but then he checked her out again and thought, I just have to do it.

The limo picked up six other couples and it became crowded inside, forcing Jillian and Sam closer together. He slipped his arm around her and lightly caressed her bare shoulder, which felt nice. She was also pressed closely to his friend Buck, a big, beefy boy who was a lineman on the football team, though she thought there was enough room in limo for Buck to give her some space. But Buck had barely taken his eyes off her since he got into the limo with his date, Ashleigh. Sam introduced Jillian as "Jenna," an old family friend from out of town and everyone seemed to buy it so far. Nick proved to be prescient as all of the boys in the limo were checking her out and none of their dates seemed to like it very much. Jillian just kept her hand folded her lap and her mouth shut.

Jillian felt silly when they stood for their official prom portrait. It was so stiff and formal and she wondered if she would cringe looking at it years later, like she did when she looked at her own prom photo. She did try to sex this picture up by standing to make sure the slit in her dress showed off her legs and the expensive, spike heeled shoes she'd bought to match her dress.

The prom took place in a nicely decorated catering hall with several large, round tables placed around the parameter of a huge dance floor. A DJ spun tunes on a stage at the front of the room and there was a bar with two bartenders serving soft drinks, juices and energy drinks. When they arrived Sam and his friend staked out a table the girls put down their purses before dispersing to see their friends while the guys went up to the bar for drinks. It left Jillian on her own for a moment at the table and looking around the room she felt very out of place. She needn't have worried about her gown because so many of the young women's dresses were even skimpier and sexier than hers, although she thought she wore her gown with a confidence most of those girls just didn't have yet. Really, she couldn't believe some of those girls' parents let them out of the house dressed that way. She could imagine quite a number of fathers almost had heart attacks.

Sam brought Jillian a Coke and they sat together alone at the table. She let him take her hand and did not mind when he pulled her chair closer. They were supposed to be on a date, after all, and she promised to help him sell it. When the dance floor started to fill up she asked Sam if he wanted to dance, but he was shy about getting up there so they decided to move around the room and mingle for a while. To Jillian it would be a test of whether she really pulled off the look or not. When they encountered Sam's math teacher, a black man in his early fifties she thought he might have figured it out. Sam did not do well in math and Jillian had met with the teacher more than once to discuss his grades. He looked at her oddly right away and she looked away when Sam introduced her. The teacher said, "It's nice to meet you, Jenna," and when she looked back she saw he wasn't looking at her like he recognized her. He was staring at her chest! She chuckled to herself and thought, Wouldn't have pegged him for a dirty old man!

Sam was proud to escort his stepmom around the room because in his humble opinion she was by far the hottest chick at the prom. He would have been pissed if he saw his friends looking at his stepmom they way they were looking at "Jenna." Jill was quiet and he hoped she was having a good time. Seeing her drink was empty he took her cup and went to the bar for a refill, where he ran into his friend Josh, who offered to touch up the drinks from a silver flask. Sam looked both ways to make sure no one would see and nodded. They couldn't drink in the limo on the way there because the school did random breathalyzers at the door, but once they were in they were free. When he turned to go find Jill he almost walked right into Emma.

"Uh, hi," Sam said, his heart freezing in his chest. Emma was more than a foot shorter than him, barely five feet tall, and when he looked down his eyes were drawn right to the deep cleavage sprouting from her little prom gown. She was wearing a teal, sequined gown that pushed up her already considerable chest and flared out to a very short skirt with plenty of tulle underneath. Her tits were Sam's favorite part of her body because they were so big and perky for such a tiny girl. He realized he was staring at her breasts and forced himself to look into her pretty blue eyes.

"Hey, Sam!" Emma said, leaning forward to give him a hug. He had to bend pretty low to accept her kiss on his cheek. "I'm so glad to see you. I didn't know if you were going to make it. Good for you!"

"Yeah, of course I was coming. I wasn't going to miss Prom."

"I just thought that because of how recently we broke up … "

"No, don't worry about that. Where's Kyle?"

"He's in the boy's room. Where's your date?" Emma asked, glancing around.

Right on cue, Jill glided over and slipped her arm around Sam's waist. She leaned up and went to kiss his cheek, but he turned and kissed her full on the lips. It was quick, but not a familial kiss. Sam was confident Emma would not recognize his stepmom. By the way she was looking at Jill he knew he was right. Emma's eyes swept up and down Jill like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. He would have loved to read her mind at that moment.

"Emma, this is Jenna," Sam said proudly.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you," Jill said, shaking the stunned girl's hand.

"Hi, Jenna. How do you guys know each other? I don't remember Sam ever mentioning a Jenna, but there is something so familiar about you. Maybe we met some other way. Sam and I used to date, you know."

"I do. Sam's talked about you. We know each other from way back. Our families were friends before my parents moved away. I am to admit, I always had a crush on Sam, even though he was a couple of years younger. He was just so cute." To make her point, Jillian squeezed him tightly. She ignored the girl's hint of recognition.

Jillian had seen Emma close on Sam from across the room and when she saw her stepson with that deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes she swept in the rescue him. She knew the last thing he needed was to be harassed by his ex. She was very afraid that Emma, who she'd met many times, would recognize her. If she didn't than probably no one would. There wasn't a hint of recognition in the teen's eyes, just the green of jealousy, which made Jillian proud. So she could compete with the hot teenagers after all. It made her feel sexy and that made her hornier than she already was. She couldn't wait to get home and get to her vibrator.

"I guess it's lucky you could make it on such short notice," Emma said.

"Oh, Sam and I talk all the time. I was happy to come out. I finished finals a few weeks ago and I really needed the break. Besides, Sammy and I haven't spent any time alone together in ages." Jillian wondered if she was laying it on too thick. She'd always liked Emma when she was dating Sam. The pretty blonde was the quintessential, all-American girl-next-door and she'd been sweet and polite whenever Jillian saw her, but she did not like that the girl hurt her stepson. And Jillian had always thought that girls that pretty had a mean side.

"You two have fun. I need to go find Kyle, but I am sure we will see you at the after-party."

"See you there," Sam said, slightly dazed.

"Yeah, see you there," Jillian echoed. She grabbed Sam and kissed him again, this time intentionally going for the lips and this time the kiss lingered. She was enjoying making the little blonde jealous. Once Emma was gone, she asked, "What after-party?"

"We all got rooms at the hotel for after Prom. Didn't you guys do that back in your day?"

"Yeah, we did, but you didn't say anything about doing that tonight." Jillian and her friends did get a bunch of rooms, but she spent most of the time in her room with her boyfriend. What they'd started in the limo before their friends were picked up, they continued at the hotel … all night long. "I don't know if I want to do that. I'm guessing your friends are going to be doing things that, as a parent, I shouldn't see."

"Come on, the after-party is the real fun of the night," Sam protested. "You don't have to be uptight tonight. Forget about being a mom and just be Jenna for the night."

Jillian took the Coke from him and as soon as she sipped it she tasted the vodka. Vodka and Coke would not have been her choice, but she knew for teens it was about the getting drunk, not how you did it. "Is this what you mean by not being uptight, drinking at the prom? Don't you know what's going to happen if you get caught? If we get caught?"

"It's cool, really. Just relax."

Jillian realized that to keep her promise to both Sam and his father she was going to have to relax and go along with things, but she wasn't entirely comfortable with it.

When the DJ played a slow song she was finally able to drag Sam onto the dance floor and she snuggled closely to him while they dance. It has to look real, she told herself, but it actually felt good to be in Sam's strong arms and press against his hard chest. His hands caressing her bare back felt so nice. There was more vodka than she thought in those Cokes, because after drinking just two of them she was pleasantly warm and didn't stop Sam when his hands dropped from the small of her back to her butt. She just pressed closer to him, though she didn't know what to do when she felt his large bulge pressing into her stomach. Jillian felt she should pull away, but didn't want to break the mood. It turned her on to know he wanted her, but she told herself, You can't encourage him. Still, she stayed in his arms while he softly ground against her.

Sam was surprised by how much Jill was letting him touch her. He could tell she liked it when he trailed his finger across the soft skin of her back by the way she pressed into him. Of course that only turned him on and he couldn't help getting a hard-on. He wondered if she would pull away when she noticed. He went for broke and groped her ass, pulling her into him tighter. She had to feel his cock then, but she did not pull back. Instead she let him massage her ass and laid her head on his chest. He was sure she was getting just as turned on as he was. Before the song ended he tilted her face to his and kissed her. After just a moment's hesitation she opened her mouth to his and his tongue slipped past her lips. She met it with her own and they made out right in the middle of the dance floor. By the time the song finished and their kiss broke his head was spinning and he wanted to drag Jill off someplace private. She just looked very confused.

When they returned to the table several of Sam's friends were sitting there and Jill sat in his lap with her arm around him, making him feel like the man. He even discreetly groped her and was surprised when she did not try to stop him. He wondered how far she was willing to go to convince his friends she was really his date. He planned to find out later in the evening. He knew the after-party would be the place to make his move on his stepmom.

After the last dance all the couples piled back into the limo and head for the hotel where their rooms were booked. Jillian ended up on Sam's lap again and she didn't like the feelings being so close to him stirred inside her. Her resolve that nothing happen between her and Sam was weakened by that kiss on the dance floor. It felt so good to be in his arms and pressed against his strong chest and when he kissed her it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. She was already opening her mouth to his when her brain kicked in and by then it was too late. Sam was a great kisser. She kept telling herself that she was only going along with everything now to be a good date, but that wasn't the whole truth. When one of Sam's friends passed a flask around she drank deeply from it, despite the burning of the raw alcohol as it went down her throat. Jillian knew that as a parent she should be stopping these kids from drinking, but that wasn't possible.

The desk clerk did not look happy to see them as they passed through the lobby. More than once he warned them that the police would be called if they disturbed any of the other guests. Apparently, Sam's friends had been to the hotel earlier to set up, bringing in liquor and a little sound system. Sam slipped Buck some cash and was handed a room key in return. Kids from their school had the entire floor and there was already loud music coming from some of the rooms. All the couples from their limo went to their separate rooms to get ready to party, agreeing to meet up in a half hour.

"We really should not be here," Jillian said as soon as Sam closed the door on their room. She walked to the far side of the room and stayed there, trying to keep as much space between her and Sam as possible.


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