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Steve's Last One Night Stand

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The ultimate player has a naked, chastity belted future.
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Steve had a problem as he was truly a true sex addict. This malady has been all the rage in the media lately, and there is considerable debate in the Psychiatric community as to whether Sex addiction is a real disorder or just a fancy way of excusing bad behavior, but, if it does exist there would be no doubt that Steve would be exhibit A. His hormones ruled his life 24/7 driving him to relentlessly chase pussy and it was a total compulsion that dominated his every waking minute.

At the gym Steve would hit on his instructor, at the restaurant where he had lunch each day he would shamelessly flirt with the waitresses to desperately try to obtain their digits. Nurses, cashiers, work colleagues you name it, if it was female and attractive Steve was hitting on it, constantly.

Since Steve was fairly attractive, and had a decent job and a little money, his relentless pussyquest was quite often successful and this only drove his compulsion harder. Almost every night Steve went home with a different woman and he was the envy of all of his male friends.

His libido and testosterone were all off the chart compared to normal guys and this imbalance threw him into this constant erotic frenzy that compelled him to pop off into some new young conquest each day or else his balls would begin to ache. If he went two days, they would throb in complete pain. This compulsion ensured that he was always focused on scratching an itch that was never quite fully satisfied.

Jacking off wouldn't relieve his compulsion fully as part of the desire Steve had was the conquest not just the release of his load. He loved nothing more that having some beautiful woman riding his face giving him a handie or a slurpy blow-job, or even better, throwing her against the bed and slamming deeply into her inviting hot wet nest.

As he was so compelled to constantly have sex, and had quite a lot of success in this pursuit, most women who enjoyed his bed found Steve to be an amazing lover as he had LOTS of practice. Most were convinced that he was the best lay they had ever had in their lives, and a constant problem for him was the fact that many of his conquests wanted more from Steve than just a one-night stand.

Over and over girls would fall hard for him, and to his credit he used to attempt to be their boyfriend, but within days his compulsion for conquest would flair up and off he would go back on the perpetual pussy hunt. None of his so-called "girlfriends" were happy with his absolute ridiculous serial philandering and most wrote him off pretty quickly. Now that Steve was 30, he didn't even attempt monogamy anymore having long ago given up on the idea as old, antiquated and OBVIOUSLY not for him.

Gloria, a gorgeous and stunning curvy brunette was typical of the type of woman that set Steve's radar humming. They met at Club Moon Dance, one of the hottest nightclubs in South Beach, and she was instantly attracted to him. He exuded a confidence rarely seen in other men and when he led her out onto the dance floor, she was quite impressed by his salsa moves, expertly spinning her across the floor like a pro.

She knew he was a player,that was obvious, although she had no idea to what extent. She was fine with that to a point as she was a bit of a player herself, sort of the female version of Steve with a few notable exceptions.

One, she got off on men's desire for her more than actual sex and two, she was unbelievably insanely rich. Gloria, being the only daughter of one of the biggest mobsters in the country had enormous money but more importantly she also had power. She truly was daddy's little girl and there was few things, legal or illegal, that she would request from him that he did not easily and instantly grant.

As Steve slowly seduced Gloria at the club her mind was already racing on how she was going to make this handsome dog into her own personal love toy. She relished the idea that she would have him eating out of her hand by morning; begging her for attention, groveling at her feet, worshipping her as a Goddess. She got off on that and as she ground her ass into his crotch on the dance floor, she was pleased with what she felt, Steve was packing. Grinning to herself, she knew she was going to have a good time with him tonight.

What drove Gloria most too was her desire to be utterly DESIRED by Steve, and taming a bad boy player and turning him into a fawning desperate lovesick little bitch was what got her off more than anything. This not only stroked her considerable ego, but also made her wet beyond belief. In a slight evil twist, the more she was desired, the more she wanted to deny her target as his growing desperation for her fed HER libido as much as his single minded mission to get his cock sucked fed his. The meeting of these two sexual Titans was a disaster waiting to happen, similar to what happens when acid meets a base or matter mixes with anti-matter, KA-BOOM!

As their bodies ground together on the dance floor, Steve could feel little Steve start to twitch.

"Patience little fella, we are almost home" he thought to himself.

Gloria was just the sort of woman that really got him worked up and pushed all of his buttons and he was already salivating at the night he envisioned before him. Gorgeous beyond words, she obviously was enjoying the attention he gave her and tonight he was laying on the charm THICK.

He nudged up close to her ass, cupping her waist with his arm and lightly began to kiss her neck. Hands roaming free, but still controlled, he lightly explored the hem of her dress, stroking the outside of her thigh with his free hand while simultaneously nibbling on her ear. Gloria was going wild!

Steve obviously knew what he was doing, and she salivated at the thought of not only what kind of lover he was going to be, but how delicious his transformation from player to played would feel. When he whispered in her ear that they should take this party somewhere more private, Gloria eagerly agreed and followed Steve back to his apartment.

When she entered his place, she couldn't help but smile. IT was OK, but it was obvious Steve was not particularly wealthy, at least not wealthy by her standards, which were considerable. She thought to herself how Steve would react if he knew how rich she was but Gloria always kept this a secret, as she liked to allow her natural womanly charms win over her conquests more than having some gold digging stud drooling all over her. She also didn't want to spook guys who might be a bit concerned over fucking the daughter of a Mafia boss. Steve got them a nightcap and joined her on his couch.

Slowly he removed her heels and placed her feet in his lap and bringing a foot up to his mouth he lightly kissed it while softly running his finger up the center of her sole, causing her to giggle like a schoolgirl. Skillfully he stroked and rubbed her feet, alternating between massaging and sucking driving her wild with desire. Finally she could take no more and forcefully grabbed the back of Steve's neck and drove her tongue down his throat.

Within seconds they were passionately making out on the couch, and in the heat of the moment rolled onto the floor, knocking the drinks off the coffee table thus making a huge mess. Steve, now horny beyond belief, picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, tossing her into the center of his bed and quickly stripped naked.

Gloria licked her lips as his gorgeous form came into view. Every inch of him was delicious and she looked forward to licking every hard curve and furry spot on his amazing body. Steve reached over and gently removed her dress, casually tossing it on the floor and with one hand he popped open her bra. OBVIOUSLY this guy has a lot of experience here, she thought to herself as she found herself naked except for her panties on his bed.

Kneeling at the foot of the bed he again lightly kissed both of her feet and lifted her legs up over his head, skillfully removing her now sopping panties with his teeth. Gloria softly moaned as he took his first long luxurious lick of her quivering pussy, audibly sighing as he leaned into her and began to worship her clit with his very talented tongue.

Oh, this guy is amazing, she thought to herself as Steve ate her out to one orgasm after another for hours, he was insatiable! All of his moves caused her whole body to undulate under his skilled hands and mouth as Steve alternated between teasing her cunt with his incredibly hard dick while sucking her breasts, before kneeling back on the floor and tossing her legs into the air diving into her soaking wet cunt. This went on for hours and each orgasm she had got her hotter and hotter. Finally she could stand no more and she sat up, grabbed Steve's face and demanded he fuck her now and fuck her hard.

Steve grinned, knowing that his standard seduction routine once again had conquered another lovely beauty.

"Happy to comply my lady" Steve cheerfully said as he climbed onto the bed, his hard cock bouncing like a happy puppy eager to get outside. Slowly he entered her, taking each inch in bit by bit, reveling in the feeling of her velvety walls enclosing around him, wrapping him tight in their silky wet embrace. He loved teasing his ladies a bit, knowing that this drove women crazy.

"Patience, Patience little Stevie", he thought to himself as he fought the urge to pump wildly.

Like bringing a saucepan to a light rolling boil, he slowly but steadily increased the speed and power of his thrusts. Gloria was screaming like a banshee, lost in a world of orgasmic bliss as every thrust of Steve's cock in her pussy seemed to throw her over the edge. Eventually his speed built up and eventually he was slamming into her like a wild-man.

Now hammering his conquest he strained but held back his flood building up in his balls, as among his many skills with the ladies, Steve had the amazing ability to control when he shot. He liked to wait for his woman to beg him to release into her, and that was the moment he loved the most. He didn't have long to wait long as Gloria, now shrieked at the top of her lungs.


Steve smiled and proceeded to unload a huge deposit of his manjuice all up in her, coating her womb throughly with his boiling cum. Gloria collapsed on the bed, hair strewn all crazy and dripping with sweat, as his excess spooge oozed out of her onto the fresh clean sheets.

Turning over and sighing she smiled as he kissed her sweetly on the ass and joined her up on the pillow, quickly going to sleep. Later Steve would remember this night and wished he had savored it more.

The next morning Gloria awoke to the smell of sausages being grilled in the kitchen and as she groggily wiped the sleep from her eyes and sat up in bed, she was greeted with the sight of a completely naked Steve, cock rock hard and standing before her with breakfast in bed.

"You want sausages with your eggs?" he playfully asked as he wagged his cock back and forth before her.

"Mmmmmmmm, yes please" Gloria answered as she put the plate on the bed and took Steve's cock into her mouth, licking it and sucking the tip, teasing it with her tongue.

Minutes later, after a very impromptu and enjoyable blow-job, they both enjoyed their breakfast together, had a quick shower and Gloria got dressed. As she left his apartment she turned to Steve and said "Call me" while Steve blew her a kiss as she shut the door.

When Gloria got to her car, she was still visibly quivering. She had to admit, last night had been one of the most erotic of her life, and she couldn't wait for a repeat performance. Despite being driven to have hot sex, what really got her juices flowing was what usually would happen now. Giving herself to a man almost always would hook him, and in some perverse way, she enjoyed toying him along, refusing his calls, canceling second dates, making him more and more desperate to see her. This got Gloria quite gushingly wet, and she relished having this big time player desperate, horny and hooked.

When three days passed and Steve had still not called her, Gloria grinned. "Oh, he IS good, he knows to wait to increase his appeal. This boy is DEFINITELY worthy of my taming."

When two weeks had passed and still he had not called, Gloria was royally pissed. Offended that he was not clamoring for her attention like ever other man had, she was shocked by this turn of events as this the first time ever she had not captured the object of her desire. Growing angrier as she thought about it, try as she might, she couldn't get him out of her mind. Disgusted at own her weakness, she decided to amp up her desire to forget him and head out to the club that night for a little R&R. Perhaps a new romantic conquest for her would get the memory of the handsome player out of her thoughts.

When she saw Steve from a distance out on the dance-floor, with some scantily clad tramp grinding on his crotch her annoyance turned to blind rage. Telling her girlfriends she was under the weather, she stormed out; furious, crying and dangerously angry.

Steve, blissfully unaware that Gloria had been there, kept right on being Steve, and tonight he was chatting up a Miami Dolphins Cheerleader, whose considerable charms he was going to enjoy that night. The next morning, he sighed as he watched Debbie (his conquest that night) wiggle her glorious perfect golden ass as she strode across his bedroom floor to go take a post sex shower.

Leaning back with his hands behind his neck, he savored yet another glorious memory of the night's events. Another quick breakfast with the latest notch on his belt and Debbie was off on her way.

After she left, he stepped into the shower and, his libido really not knowing any bounds, rubbed one more out as the hot water poured over his body. The sound of the shower prevented him hearing the three men who just had picked the lock on his front door and entered his bedroom.

Drying off after his shower, he walked naked into his bedroom. Steve never knew what hit him as two men grabbed him and threw him on the bed, while a third took out a syringe and shot a tranquilizer in his ass. Five seconds later he was out cold.

When he finally awoke he felt like his head had been put into a washing machine all night, going round and round on a constant spin cycle. It pounded like a mother, and his vision was still a little blurry. He had no idea where he was, but it was obvious it was not his house. Slowly his mind started to clear and he shot up, remembering what happened. The look on his face was priceless, and Gloria knowing it would be, had made sure to install a video camera to capture the moment.

Steve suddenly realized that not only was completely naked in a strange house, but to his horror, his cock was encased in a chastity belt. His heart started racing as he tried to make sense of this startling turn of events.

Deciding to remain quiet and put seemed the best strategy as he had no idea who had done this to him, but he had to admit he was quite worried. After a couple of hours, it was obvious that whoever it was was they were not there.

He called out fruitlessly for help for about 15 minutes to nothing but deafening silence. Eventually he decided it was safe to explore his surroundings as he was obviously alone. They were Spartan but still quite plush and the room he had awoken in had a large bed in the center of the room but little else. Ominously he spotted manacles on each of the corners of the bed and he felt his stomach churn.

There was a bathroom attached to the room, which he was glad to find, and despite his concern at being in the cage he was relieved to find that he could urinate with it on quite easily. The way it was designed he could clean himself with some difficulty he guessed, but full erection, much less ejaculation would obviously be impossible.

The room he was in, as well as the bathroom, oddly had been completely stripped bare of anything he could use to cover himself. The bed was simply a large mattress, without even a pillow on the bed. The windows had no curtains and there were no towels in the bathroom. It was apparent that whoever was responsible for his situation wanted him naked and exposed.

There was a TV set in the corner and he noticed both rooms had video cameras that tracked him as he wandered through his surroundings. Slowly opening the bedroom door, he peaked out as he was quite worried about what kind of sick psycho had him imprisoned like this, so he was very wary as he entered.

There was a living room with a couch and a chair as well as a kitchen but little else. The fridge was enormous and the cabinets were all full of food so where he was he at least was glad he would not starve to death. As was the case with the bedroom, video cameras were in every room and obviously had motion detectors as they tracked his every movement.

When he spied the front door, he was surprised to find it unlocked and he almost didn't even try it, just assuming it was pointless. As he stepped outside his shock increased exponentially.

The reason the door was not locked was this bungalow was located on a very isolated and apparently deserted Island, and as he scoured the horizon, it was obviously quite a few miles away from the mainland as he saw no sign of land anywhere in sight. It was not a large island, but it was not overly small either; just a delightful little beach and a few palm trees would have made this a delightful tropical hide-away and if he had not been imprisoned, he would have thoroughly enjoyed his stay.

Looking around further outside, to his amazement he found there was even a small pool and off to his left, down on the beach, he spied a small dock where small craft could moor when visiting the retreat. It was quickly dawning on Steve that whoever had set this up and brought him here was very well heeled, and it was apparent he was certainly not going anywhere soon.

As the afternoon drug on, Steve explored the whole island as well as the rest of the house. There was a solar generator to provide power to the bungalow, and the house had its own fresh water well, so the place was pretty self sufficient.

By late afternoon Steve was getting a bit tired of his forced nudity but discovered that unless he wanted to make a skirt out of some old palm leaves, which were a bit too high for him to reach anyway, he was pretty much going to have to remain naked. There was not a loose piece of cloth anywhere on the island as all of the furniture in the house were made of wood without any cushions.

He tried turning on the television sets that were in all of the rooms, but they appeared to be close circuit and obviously controlled elsewhere. Now quite bored, and even more frustrating horny, the itch to have sex was starting to flare up he just sat down on the hard surface of the wood and sighed.

As he struggled to think unsexy thoughts, he just looked down at his cock, completely off limits to him now in its stainless steel prison, and wondered what he could do to get off in this situation. After finding some food in the kitchen, he ate and went ahead and turned in for the night. Whoever had put him in this situation obviously was in total control, and he could not do anything but wait for them to show their hand.

As the sun started coming up and streaming through the bare windows, Steve tossed and turned. It had been a horrible night, and his cock had not cooperated with its new imprisoned status. It strained at its steel bars, desperate to get out. Filling the cage to capacity with his manhood he laid there silently as he desperately tried to will his manhood back down into a flaccid state as his semi-hard on was causing him a considerable pain.

As he lay there struggling, the TV set in his bedroom suddenly switched on.

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