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"Yup, I know."

Then suddenly it hit me, "People here will... " I stopped myself. This was too big to know, to work out. "Everyone we know will...".

She bowed her head, "Yes."

"Fuck!" my mind rolling around how to get out of this, round and round with no answer.

She then mumbled, "At least we're not dead, Chris."

I leaned forward and cuddled her, "We'll get through it, love," though I had no idea how.


We ended up going to bed just after our chat. She showered, we cuddled, she cried. She admitted that a load of men fucked her in the house but it was all such a blur that she hardly remembered any of it. It was like some form of emotional damage that the brain blocked out.

She slept well, but I didn't. I kept running our options through in my head so many times. The only one that seemed half decent was to involve the police. But our last run in with them with the car bump thing that started all this didn't go very well at all. To solve our problem the police would have to fix the entire area. That's all the gangs, all the prostitutes, all the drugs gone. That was an impossible task. I decided that any police involvement was simply a quick route to our deaths.

In the morning I called in sick at work and Emily wrote a quit letter. She couldn't bring herself to call them. Her hands were shaking as she hit the send button on the email. She'd worded it that something had come up, she was sorry to leave them in the lurch, she didn't need a reference and that she appreciated the job while she was there. We didn't really expect to hear much from them, as apparently this sort of thing happened from time to time and she'd only been there for a year so they'd likely move on very quickly.

She was friendly with a few of them, so we expected to maybe hear from some individuals and we'd work that out when it happened. A few of the girls there had been here before, for a girls night in. There was a small possibility that one of them would appear to check that Emily was ok. Christ if she came by after work today, where would Emily be at that time? Shit we'd work it out.

I'd also picked up the text message from last night. I was shocked and showed it to Emily. It was one of the old blokes from a flat above us, he overlooked the courtyard that led to a load of houses, including us. He'd seen Emily come home last night and wrote, 'Did my eyes deceive me?' I hadn't replied. Emily and I discussed what to say to him. We thought about saying that, 'Yes Emily came home from a girls night out.' That would explain the outfit, sort of. But we decided, as with the work thing, to wait and see. Maybe the entire nightmare from yesterday would be, exactly that, just a nightmare and nothing would happen today.

Neither of us wanted to go out. We didn't want to have to face anyone. Usually when we're both off work we'd go out for most of the day. Just out and about burning time, enjoying ourselves. Today felt so strange both being in the flat, afraid to go out for the simple reason that we didn't want to have to talk to anyone. We'd already rationalised to each other that it was stupid as no one knew anything and even if they did it wouldn't matter as we could tell them anything. But something about all of this had us scared.

We tried to watch TV, a film, play computer games but we were both on edge, both eating next to nothing all day. We didn't actually know what time anything was happening. Both praying by the hour that the next stage wouldn't happen. Or if it did, that it would happen much later on when it was dark. There were girls on that street all throughout the day. You could apparently pick up a prostitute in the middle of the day there if you wanted to.

I'd tried to talk to her about the men that fucked her last night, but she was very cagey about it. Not wanting to talk about it, saying that she couldn't really remember, and getting all embarrassed. I couldn't push too hard.

And then it happened. There was a knock on the door. I ended up getting it and opening it to a big black bloke that I don't think I've ever seen around here before.

"She here?"


"Get her."

Fuck was this it, was she about to be taken away? Was this how my wife's new, no choice job was about to begin? I turned into the hall. I knew I didn't need to call her, that she'd be listening and waiting but I did anyway. "Emily babe," trying to sound casual.

She appeared and walked towards us slowly. Fuck I wanted to protect her. She looked beautiful, plain but pretty. In a relaxing, usual, safe outfit. She stepped up to us, and he thrust a bag out to her. "Take this, and wear what's in it, ONLY. I'll be back in 30 minutes. Don't be late," and he punched me hard in the stomach. I was not expecting it and doubled over. He walked away as I again tried to catch my breath. It wasn't as bad as yesterday but fuck me, why'd they keep hitting me? I need to get to the gym and start doing something so that I could protect myself.

Emily closed the door and looked after me before scooting off to the bedroom to change. She called after me, "Don't come in."

It took me a good 10 mins to get back to normal. I really needed to be better prepared for these fucker. Why'd they keep hitting me? It was just after 3 pm, it was day time, it was light. He was coming back at 3:30 pm to take my wife to 'the street' to act as a whore. Surely not. Surely this wasn't really happening.

I looked out of one of our windows. There was Jim and Craig, there was Will and his two kids. There were three teenagers, looking like prostitutes themselves with nearly everything on display. Fuck everyone was around, living their usual lives. I half wondered if anyone would even notice if my wife walked past dressed as some whore in this area. Yer they would. They'd all very much notice. SHIT.

I heard Emily whimper in the bedroom and I rushed to the door. My hand on the handle. But she'd told me not to come in. "Love, you ok? Can I come in?"

"No. I'm ok. Don't come in." It was very clear, she didn't want me at the moment. I looked at the clock. Fuck he was going to be here in 5 minutes. I looked back outside, arrr there were even more people there. Oh god. And then the door knocked.

The fucker was here, he was early. Do I make him wait? I walked to the door and this time braced my stomach for a surprise. I didn't acknowledge him when I opened the door. We just made eye contact, he was a big man. Who was I kidding, I couldn't deal with him at all. Suddenly, my bravado left me, "Do you want to come in?" Better than leaving him on the doorstep.

He simply nodded, I stood to one side and he stepped in, taking the few steps into our living room. I noticed him looking at the clock on the wall. Good he knew he was early. I walked past him and knocked on the door, "He's here, love."

"K," was the only reply I got, so I wandered to the living room. He was standing exactly where I'd left him. Luckily I heard Emily walking behind me, so I didn't have to try and make small talk with this cockend.

However I nearly fell over when Emily walked into the room as suddenly everything was made very real. There in front of me wasn't my wife, in front of me was a hooker. I gasped for breath, heart palpitating, not quite believing this reverse metamorphosis. Before we got here, my beautiful wife was blooming into a social butterfly that had a bright wide smile and a twinkle in her eyes. But this! A transformation into a moth instead of a butterfly was hard to fathom. Gone, that angelic halo, gone that laughter in her eyes, gone that bounce in her step. God. How had this come to be? A dark cloud of remorse and regret left my deep exhale of hopelessness.

She had some white heels, bare legs, a pastel pink stretch mini skirt and a white tight t-shirt. The skirt showed off all of her legs and barely covered her crotch. The t-shirt was so thin, and with obviously no bra, I could clearly make out her areola and solid nipples. This outfit took 10 years off her, making her look early 20s. She looked like a porn star, I couldn't get over it. She couldn't go out looking like that. Above everything else she looked cheap.

He didn't wait a split second, instead stepping in front of me and taking my wife by the arm. He started to steer her out of our flat. I didn't know what to do or say but instantly wanted a kiss at the very least. Quickly grabbing her other arm before she was out of range and pulling her back, she turned and I kissed her on the lips.

"Love you!" I felt weak saying it. Letting my wife go out to god knows what now. I knew, I just didn't want to acknowledge it.

"Love you too," she called out as she vanished down the hallway. They stopped at the closed front door.

He turned to her in the small hallway and with no regard for me, reached up for one of her boobs. Taking as much of it into his considerable hand as he could he mauled her, hard. My wife gasped loudly, "Gawwwddd."

He chuckled, "You know where you're going?"

"I errr?"

He squeezed her boob, "You know where you're going?" asking her again.

She quickly nodded, "Yes."

"Good fuck off there, right away. Nail is waiting for you."

He let go of her boob and reaching into his jacket, handed her a small purse. Fuck they really were prepared, what was in it though? My wife took it from him as he turned, opening the door. His hand on her ass he pushed her out the door.

The clicking of her heels on the floor very obvious and loud. He stood in the still open doorway letting her go. He wasn't going to escort her? I quickly dashed back up the hallway, and into the kitchen where I could check on the safety of my wife.

I was proud, shocked and so humiliated at the same time. There she was, her head held high as she strutted past all our neighbours. There was a roll in her hips and a bounce in her walk that looked more exaggerated that would have been caused alone by the ridiculously high heels she wore. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd had her head lowered and she'd scampered past, but no. Good for her as she owned it. I was shocked at her reaction and mine. Fuck she looked soo hot. Her tits were alive, moving and jiggling like two huge water filled balloons inside her top. God she'd looked like a hooker, shit. There were at least 5 people that I could see out there that we knew, everyone noticed Emily. A few simply stared, with their mouths open. One or two said good afternoon to her, which she replied to. One of them gave the very obvious and loud wolf whistle, that she glanced at. Fuck this was crazy. What did they think she was doing dressed like that?

Just as she disappeared out of site the front door slammed and I saw him appear out there. He walked off in a different direction. My instant thought was to go and run after her and the both of us to keep running. But I quickly realised that with my hard cock was rather obvious in these shorts and that wouldn't be ideal. Shit, what was wrong with me.


At 4 pm I was about to explode with worry, anticipation, and sheer nerves when my mobile pinged. Taking it out of my pocket I could see there was a message from Jacob, the old guy from this morning. Arrrr fuck. I unlocked to read it. 'Tell me your lovely wife isn't going to Forest Road?' He knew, he'd seen her, he fucking knew. I poised at writing an answer. I didn't know what to write.

FUCK my life was a mess right now. Sod my life, what was my wife doing right now? Christ was she even still alive? That thought weighed heavily on me as I tried to picture her down there. I didn't know the street very well, we usually avoided it. Another ping on the phone in my hand. It was him again, 'I'll let you know, grabbing my pension now.'

Arrrr fuck did that mean, he was going to... arrrggghhhhh god. This was getting complicated too quickly. I wanted to go down there to see as well. But people out there knew me. I couldn't go out there. They'd know where I was going.

How would they know? That was so stupid. I could be going anywhere. And my wife could be doing anything. Admittedly, she was dressed rather differently, but that didn't have to mean anything. Yes, I'd put on a brave face and go outside. Try to find Emily and maybe take a walk. Why not?

With an unusual level of butterflies in my stomach, gathering my usual bits I headed out. Giving the usual 'Rite' nods to everyone I knew as I tried to casually walk past them. At that point my phone buzzed again. It was a picture from Jacob that nearly caused me to fall down some steps. I stopped to get a better look and zoomed in what made my blood turn to ice.

Against a red brick wall, next to a load of green wheelie bins were 4 women. I zoomed in more. One looked a lot like my wife Emily. I couldn't quite tell, but fuck it really did look like her. Zooming back out a little, shit the 4 women were all dressed similarly. Tight, cheap looking clothes, a lot of skin showing. Their profession and intent, so obvious. I zoomed back out to work out where this was. I didn't recognise it. Putting my phone away, my walk turned into a little jog, I needed to know more.

Fucking Jacob, was he really down here somewhere? He knew where to go? Did he partake of these girls' services? Was he planning on actually paying for my wife? Fuck, that felt so wrong.

I turned onto Forest Road East, I knew enough to know I needed to walk down it to get to the West side of it. I entered it near the main junction where it split, crossing the busy road at the lights, noting plenty of people around. Did Emily walk this way past them all? Did any of the cars beep at her? Was that in itself an usual site around here?

I noted the road sign change and I shivered, Forest Road West. Everyone knew it, a lot of people avoided it and of course a lot of other people headed directly for it. I was in virgin territory in our city. With great caution I tensed my stomach muscles, knowing the type of people that hung out down here. I also noticed the rise in graffiti and abundant litter on the street. There were a few people on both sides of the street simply walking past. At this point it simply looked like a normal street, if a little more rundown and unloved than others.

I wasn't even sure how long this road was, or even what my plan was. Was I looking for Jacob or Emily? If I did find either of them, what was I going to do or say? My lack of planning didn't deter me and I carried on. Suddenly, I was hit with a weird form of deja vu, like I'd done this before. I'd hunted for my wife in a strange location, while she was with hookers. Well that had obviously never happened before. Weird.

Something on the floor caught my attention and sent a shiver down my spine. There was a condom that looked used and a fucking needle next to each other against the wall. God darn this place and these people were dangerous. That image of the clinically white items on the brownlee black, muddy floor, shining like a beacon of what happens down here was seared into my brain. Head up I realised that I was really entering the lion's den. Especially as I was heading towards the street's inhabitants.

I walked past some flats, then a tall red brick wall started. There were also loads of big green plastic wheelie bins, some tipped over. This is what the picture looked like. And then there was a woman and then another one. On my side of the street. I could see loads of legs and thighs, bare arms and shoulders, skin everywhere. I wanted to cross to the other side of the street, to avoid them but I thought that would simply look too obvious. Instead I headed slowly, towards them.

As I did so, more women came into view. More whores. In broad daylight, in the UK. This was crazy. I couldn't help but notice the women. Some were sexy, I mean real sexy. Their outfits showing off their bodies, smiling at me as I walked past. Some looked a little glazed eyed, jaded, spaced out, that worried me. It said drugs, something that neither of us had any experience with at all. God, I didn't want my wife in this world.

I'd walked past 3 or 4 women and there were another 2 up ahead. I came across a gap in the wall that I slowed down to look at. It was an alleyway, narrow, maybe 6 foot wide, with the high wall continuing down it, more wheelie bins dotted around. Walking down the alley was the back of a man and a woman before him. God, were they just a couple out walking or was that it? Was that where a man went with the whores to get a blowjob or even to fuck?

I couldn't stand there looking down the alley watching, so I walked on. Very aware that I'd just had to adjust my growing cock in my trousers, thank god for big pockets and loose jeans. I instantly came up to another two women, one was talking to a man and the other made deep eye contact with me. I smiled back at her, trying not to be rude. She took that as an invitation, "Hey honey, need a friend?"

I was sort of ready for this and was able to clearly answer her, "Thank you, but not right now," and I smiled at her. I couldn't help but look down at her very visible nipples showing through her tight top.

She noticed and tweaked one asking me, "You sure babe?"

No I wasn't, but I nodded and politely walked past her. I then had to dodge a man and another woman who were walking towards me. She had a lost look in her eyes but a weird smile on her face. I turned to watch them both head down the alley together. The other hooker that talked to me and I again making eye contact with a smirk on her face.

On the other side of the road I noticed the wall stop, and some houses or flats start. They were right up on the pavement, no garden or private space. Then there was a wide tunnel that I guess led to a car park for the flats. There were about five women in the tunnel, some leaning against the walls. Oh, there were two men there also. Is this where they all took a break? Were they a different group? A few of them looked directly at me as I walked past. It made me nervous, so I looked ahead and walked past them. Where was my wife? What was Emily doing? Was I in the right place?

I kept walking down the road, trying not to look too obvious taking in all the nooks and crannies of this strange street. I walked past a very overgrown park, it was a mess, not a place for children at all. There was the odd person in it, a few women and men. All standing in the shadow of the trees and bushes, all looking dodgy as hell.

I quickly checked my phone. No messages and a perfect signal. That was good and bad news, I think.

I eventually came to the end of this particular road and had to pass a few groups of teenagers. They all looked menacing as hell, I half expected to get stabbed, 'cause that's what happens in 2024 yer?

It was now time for me to work out what to do next. My watch said 4:34 pm. God, Emily had been gone for over an hour. Could I simply turn and walk back down the street? Would someone want to know what I was doing? Would it be too obvious? As I continued in the wrong direction, I came across a corner shop and it gave me a little idea.

A few moments later I was back on the street heading in the right direction with a small bag of shopping in it. A few packets of crisps, some beers and veg. I'd been out shopping and was now ready to head back. I don't know why I needed to construct this facade, no one out there cared. I chuckled at my own thoughts, aware that I was deflecting from the real drama that was happening in my life right now somewhere.

I quickly came back to the tunnel and there she was. Standing next to another hooker was my wife. The other woman was leaning on the wall and Emily was standing in front of her. I think they were talking? I was still on the other side of the street and stupidly decided to cross it to get closer to them. I say stupidly, as soon as I did another woman appeared from the gloom and walked towards me.

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