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Stolen Innocence Ch. 05

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Young woman comes to terms with her rape - Retribution?
2.5k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 12/10/2010
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(This is part 5 of a series and will make much more sense if you read them in order)


The next two weeks are torture. My mom barely speaks to me. I can tell she is furious with me. My parents argue constantly. My father is defending me and my Mom is saying I am obviously disturbed. My therapist thinks I am trying to find an outlet for my anger and my uncle just happened to walk by. I even hear my Mom tell my Dad she thinks I have turned into a slut. "She was fucking him in the hallway!", I overheard her saying. She had obviously talked to Uncle Tony and he was giving her details.

My school life sucks huge. My breakdown got around school and so did the story of my rape. People look at me strange when I walk by and no one talks to me. The boys are disgusting when they look at me and the girls look like they are disgusted with me. Yeah, it is loads of fun. Work is sort of ok. I am able to hold it together most of the time but I spend a lot of time in the alley crying. Max isn't sure what to do, I feel sorry for him, he wants to help me so bad. Sally is sweet but she doesn't want to talk details. They know what happened, the whole town seems to know.

Nothing comes of my accusation. Mom refuses to let the DA pursue the case. She says it is not true and I am just upset so it sorta dies. My extended family doesn't speak to me anymore. The only family member that talks to me is my Dad. He is still sad but not when he looks at me. When he looks at me his eyes light up and he hugs me. He is the only thing keeping me going, my only fan. I wonder how long I can go on but I am just trying to take it one day at a time.

I am at work on a normal Wednesday and he walks in. Denny, but he is alone. He sits in a booth in the corner. It isn't very busy and he is in my section. I take a deep breath and walk over. He looks up at me and nods to the seat across from him. I slide into the booth.

"I heard what happened." He says.

I just nod. Where was this going? Random thoughts fly through my head. Does he want me to become the house slut? That would be fitting. He just stares at me for a little while.

"Tell me." He says softly.

"Tell you what?" I say.

"Tell me everything. That is what hurt you, changed you. I see past that, I see what you were. Tell me about the thing that changed you." He says.

I stare at him. What an interesting creature. That strange line runs through my head. I look over at the counter. Sally is motioning for me to stay and is making hand gestures like she will cover the floor. I look back at him. He shows no emotion, he is just looking at me with what looks like indifference. I figure what the hell.

I tell him everything, from the birthday party all the way through my graduation party and then everything up to now. He sits patiently and lets me talk. He doesn't stop me or even ask any questions. I finish and look at him for a reaction. There is none. He reaches out and takes my hands.

"I believe you and I am so sorry for how I treated you. That was not what you needed. I hope you can forgive me one day." He says and stands up.

He still has my left hand in his and he pulls it to his mouth and kisses it.

"Goodbye Taylor." He says and walks out.

Fuck! Well, that was productive. I'm not even worthy of being a biker slut. Was that what I was wishing for? What the hell was that all about? I am very confused and I slide out of the booth. I straighten my uniform and finish my shift.

Three more weeks pass. School is over, thank god. I am now working full time at the diner. It looks like maybe this is going to be my life. My parents are on the verge of a divorce. The only time they ever talk it ends up in a screaming fit. We still all live together but it is a little weird. Daddy is still in my corner and I think I will be able to make it now with just that. I never see any of my family anymore. I miss my little cousins terribly and I can only imagine what they must think of me. It makes me sad to think of it so I try my best to forget about them.

It is a lazy Sunday. Daddy and I are watching a NASCAR race. Mom is in the kitchen washing dishes I think. She thinks of reasons not to be in the same room with us most of the time. I hear the doorbell and I get up to go answer it. I open the door and Denny is there. I can see there are guys behind him.

He grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. I scream a little and Daddy jumps up. One of the other guys pulls a gun and everyone freezes. I see Mom come out of the kitchen and she stops in her tracks.

"Ok, everyone calm down." Denny says.

"Mom, Dad, please take a seat on the couch." He says and points.

He pulls me over near the couch. Dad looks really mad and Mom just looks incredibly frightened. He pulls something out of his jacket. It looks like a DVD of some sort. He hands it to me.

"Put this in your DVD player, please." He says to me.

I looked at him and he cracks a small smile. I am very confused and I slide the disc in and hit play. He sits me down in the chair and goes to stand behind the couch. All of his guys are arranged behind him. I think that looks a little strange. Did they come here to watch a movie? This is weird. I hear sound and turn to look at the screen.

It is the inside of the biker house. I recognize the furniture. There looks to be around 10 guys sitting around. I hear someone come into the room and hear the guys welcome Denny. He walks into the scene and is motioning to someone. I gasp when Uncle Tony walks into the picture. He looks like he is drunk but he is very happy. He slaps a couple of guys on the back and sits down on one of the couches. I hear Mom say something.

"What did you bastards do to him?" She says to Denny.

"Shut up bitch and just watch." He screams at her.

She turns and I can see her face is red with anger. I can hear the conversation on the screen very clearly. I figure out quickly that Denny must have been wearing a microphone. He sits next to Uncle Tony. There must have been a porno movie on the screen in the biker house.

"Look at that bitch." Denny says to Tony.

"Yeah, she is fine. I would do her in a minute." Tony says and laughs.

One of the other guys makes a joke about Tony lasting a minute and everyone laughs. Tony laughs with them, he is feeling no pain.

"She looks like she is 16." One of the other guys says.

"Well, the flick is called -- Fall of the Virgin." Another guy says.

"Man, I love fucking virgins." One of the other bikers chimes in.

"Like you ever got one, Tiny." I hear Denny's voice.

I look over and notice that all of the guys standing behind Denny are the same ones in the video. I find Tiny and he smiles at me. I have no idea what is going on. I turn back to the screen when I hear Uncle Tony's voice.

"I got one." Tony says and a couple of bikers clap him on the back.

"No shit, was she fine?" Tiny says.

"Oh yeah, she was a fucking hottie. In fact, she still is." Tony says and I put my hand to my mouth.

"How old was she?" Denny says.

"18, in fact I got her on her birthday." Tony says and my eyes start to well up with tears. I turn around and Dad looks furious while Mom just looks confused.

"Happy birthday to her." Tiny says.

"Ok, fucker, how did you get an 18 year old virgin hottie on her birthday? It's not like you are a movie star." One of the other bikers says and everyone laughs.

I see Tony look at all the guys and they sort of quiet down.

"I raped her." He says and they all roar.

"Holy fuck, you should be in the gang. You raped a virgin. Dude, you rock!" One of the bikers gets up and high fives Tony.

I see Tony smiling and high fiving everyone. The party is rocking now. I feel tears running down my cheeks but I can't stop watching and I can't turn around.

"How long ago was it?" One of the guys says as he slaps Tony's hand.

"A couple of months ago." He says, laughing.

"How was it?" Tiny asks.

"Guys, you would not believe. She was so hot and the pussy was sweet. Her little body is rocking and it was the best fuck I have ever had." He says and I curl up my legs and wrap my arms around them, my tears flowing.

"Who was she?" I hear Denny's calm voice.

"My niece and it was her own birthday party." Tony says.

I hold my breath and turn my head slowly. I see Denny and the guys leaving and watch the door close behind them. Dad and Mom are just sitting and staring. They look like they are in a coma.

"You fucking raped your own niece at her own birthday party?" I hear a voice from the screen.

"Fuckin' A. Dude, you are a legend." I hear Tiny's voice and hear a slapping noise, another high five.

"Please turn it off." Mom says.

I don't move. I try but I can't.

"Yeah, and then I nailed her at her graduation party." Tony says on the screen behind me.

Mom gasps again and tries to get up. Dad pulls her back down. She looks at him, anger in her eyes.

"Get your fucking hands off me and turn this crap off." She screams.

"Dude, how was that?" Tiny's voice.

"Even sweeter, not as tight as the first time, she must have been fucking since then. She can't say no now. You just have to keep pressing and she just opens her legs." Tony's voice.

Mom lets out a cry and tries to get up again.

"No, you sit here. Our own daughter couldn't get off this couch because her fucking arms were taped behind her back as your brother raped her so you just sit here and watch!" Daddy screams.

"That is so sweet. Maybe you can bring her by here sometime?" Tiny says.

"Sure, I am sure she would come. Everyone thinks she is crazy anyway, they will all think she's just acting like the slut she is now." Tony's voice.

"No, please stop it." Mom says and puts her head in her hands.

"Do you think she would do us all?" Tiny's voice.

"Yep, and come back for more. Her little cunt is built for cock!!!" Tony's voice.

The tape stops and the screen goes blank. Mom is crying and Dad stands up and walks over to me.

"I'm so sorry baby." He says and he is crying hard.

I stand up and hug my Daddy as he apologizes over and over to me.


Denny's cock feels good as I sit here. I look at him lying there with his hands behind his head on the pool table. He is smiling at me. I grab my boobs and squeeze them. They are growing. They feel almost big now but they are still firm. My nipples are hard again. They seem to always be hard in this house. I run my hands down and feel the bulge of my stomach. It feels so nice. I am growing a life inside me. I have no idea who the father is and I really don't care. It doesn't really matter. It is my baby and I am so excited.

The case did go to trial but they threw it out. Turns out a drunken confession is not admissible in court. Oh well, I did get to tell my story. My lawyer knew we didn't have much of a chance so she let me testify. I told the entire story to the whole courtroom and I didn't leave anything out. There was lots of crying and I was glad. I had been crying a lot and God Dammit it was time for other people to cry a little. Yep, the jury would have buried Tony if the judge hadn't thrown the case out. He felt bad too but Tony's lawyer was good.

Work is wonderful. Now that everyone knows what happened it is much better. Max is a sweetie and Sally is like my Mom. Mom, well, that's another story. She is still trying to come to terms with her brother being a rapist. I don't care. Daddy and I are great and we visit the family a lot. We even visit Uncle Tony's wife and kids. She is always apologizing to me and the kids don't know anything.

Uncle Tony lost his job and last I heard he is living downtown somewhere. His wife divorced him pretty quick and he doesn't even visit his kids much. He is walking with a little limp and a cane now. It seems Tiny has a temper problem and uses Tony every now and then to let out some steam. I love Tiny.

As for me, I have my own apartment and it is great. It is really small but I love it. I do spend a lot of time in this house, though. I know you wanted me to tell you I returned to my virginal self but not so much. These guys are wonderful to me and I love them all. Well, not all at the same time, don't be silly. Let's just say I don't lack for attention.

I am going to school to be a dentist. I was always fascinated by the whole process. It is a lot of school and it will take a long time but Denny and the guys think I can do it. They say they need a dentist in the house. They are so funny.

I bounce on Denny's cock a few more times and feel him cum inside me. I lean over and lie on his chest. He is so warm. I pick up my head and kiss him lightly on the lips.

"Thank you." I whisper to him.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman4 months ago

except for her continuing with several? other guys it's a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very great story but the end is too artificial for me. Sorry i didn't like the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thank you for making me be able to sleep tonight., I hate it when I don’t know what the cruel man’s consequences are for his actions. I know what you put out into the universe is coming back to you and I have faith that she will be alright and recover.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

i am glad she didnt enjoyed her rape and found the pain as pain and not pleasure and didnt fall for her rapist unlike most literotica writers want us believe to she is a real woman

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

well not all the victims has a H.E.A and a super rich denny to protect

during these time boyfriends,fiance anf spouse are the ones who get rid of the victims by slutshaming them and finding another chick to replace them

i wish a father like hers could be with every victim

although her mom and friend heavily dissapoints me .even her aunt believes her and left him but her mom is a terrible parent but i know a lot of woman like this

mom is any girls 1st best friend but here it seems daddy has replaced hers

i cried through her ordeal but denny and his friends helping her felt too unrealistic

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