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Stranger on a Train Ch. 01

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Gay encounter with a stranger in the south of France.
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Some years ago I was travelling from the north west of France, via Paris, to Perpignan in the south, on the TGV, France's fantastic high speed train network.

I had spent a month relaxing, after having finished my university final exams, in a rented cottage on the Brittany coast of France with my girlfriend.

Now she had returned home and, although not formally agreed, we both knew that this was the end of the relationship. The split was amicable, but we knew the relationship had run its course. She was going back to Cambridge and I was joining the world of work and it would be difficult to keep the relationship going long distance.

I also knew, because we had a pretty open dialogue, that she was spending a lot of time with another guy on her university course who, frankly, was probably better suited to her than I was, and that he would very likely become her boyfriend before too long.

It seemed sensible to go our separate ways now, on good terms, rather than to cling on to something that would probably end, acrimoniously, in the relatively near future.

So now I was on my way to visit a friend and his wife who lived near Perpignan. I didn't know them well, she not at all, but I had had a long-standing invitation to stop by and see them if I was in the area and I figured that France counted as "in the area"!

I was nearing the end of the journey, on the TGV train, walking back to my seat from the restaurant car, when I caught the eye of a pale, young, good looking guy, with very dark eyes, sitting a few rows along from me in the carriage.

He looked extremely cool, and French, wearing a light linen suit, and our eyes locked briefly as I walked past. I really thought nothing of it until a bit later I caught him sneaking occasional glances towards me down the carriage.

At Perpignan station I got off the train but, as I was heading towards the exit, I saw him standing on the platform, looking at me as I walked away. On an impulse I stopped and turned back. I guess I was just curious as to why this good looking cool guy was apparently looking out for me.

I was thoroughly bisexual, and one thing I knew about seducing men versus women is that it can be a much simpler and more direct process. Not always, but often. As long as you are confident that your target is actually gay (or bi) then the approach can be very straightforward.

As it was in this case. I couldn't really think of any reason why this guy should be seeking me out, except because of sexual interest. I was in no way camp, I dressed and behaved in a very straight manner, but I was very open to holding eye contact with other men, and this was a sure way, in my experience, of testing their level of interest.

We made eye contact. I nodded and smiled. He returned the gesture.

We walked towards each other and, as he approached, I held out my hand, as did he, and we shook hands.

He addressed me in French, and told me his name which, although I do remember it, is really of no importance to the story. I prefer to think of him as L'Etranger, The Stranger. This is partly because I am, obviously, a bit pretentious, but mostly because the idea of sex with strangers is an incredible turn-on for me.

I responded in kind. My French was, and is, competent. Not native proficiency, but good enough for all but the most arcane philosophical discussions - and certainly good enough to seduce hot French guys in station coffee bars. Which is where went to sit down and get to know each other a little better.

He was in his mid-twenties, a little older than I, but not by much. A freelance writer who liked to specialise in travel stories but, as is the reality for freelance journalists the world over, in practice he specialised in anything that paid the bills!

He had been in Paris for the weekend and was returning home to his apartment in Perpignan. He was single and, it would seem, not averse to a brief encounter with a tall, dark and, in his eyes handsome, Englishman.

I wasn't expected at my friends' house until the following Friday evening. I had planned to spend a few days on my own exploring the area, but I hadn't booked any accomodation in advance. I was travelling light, and planned to find a budget hotel once I had arrived in Perpignan.

I explained my situation, although I confess that I took a slight liberty with the truth regarding my stay in Brittany, when my now "ex-girlfriend" became my "ex-boyfriend". There would, hopefully, be time enough later to explore the nuances of my bisexuality, but for the moment I didn't want to queer (so to speak) the pitch by sending any mixed and confusing messages. I definitely wanted to get into this guy's pants, and into his bed, and I didn't think that such a tiny distortion of the truth was too wicked in the pursuit of that objective!

As an aside, amusingly, he subsequently confessed that his trip to Paris had been as the guest of the editor of the in-flight magazine of a major airline. The editor, a well-upholstered woman in her late forties, whom he had known for some time in a professional (and - it would seem - also unprofessional) capacity was working on a feature article on Paris hotels. She had invited him as her guest for the three nights and his role, apart from helping her during the day on the feature, was to be her companion, day and night. He had spent an exhausting three nights catering to her extensive sexual appetites, and had come away with some hickeys in unusual places, rope burn on his wrists and ankles and the promise of a commision for a journalistic feature on Morocco. This latter being the unstated, but well understood, by both parties, purpose of the trip. Apparently this was a fairly regular modus operandi for this particular editor, and a regular source of work for my new friend. He also now had a strong desire for "some palate cleansing cock", as he rather charmingly put it.

Anyway, as we drank our coffee the body language was positive, touching hands, touching feet under the table etc, and it was clear that we both had the same objective.

When he had established that I didn't have anywhere to stay, and a few days to kill, he took the plunge and said "Why don't you stay at my place, at least for tonight? Its only a small apartment, but I am sure we could find somewhere for you to sleep" accompanied by a slightly raised eyebrow.

I felt a slight tightening of butterflies in my belly, accompanied by a twitching of my cock, as I knew the game was on "Thank you, that is very kind - if you're sure it wouldn't be inconvenient?"

He smiled and looked me in the eye "I don't think it would inconvenient at all. Do you?"

I smiled back and reached to touch his hand that was resting on the table "No, I don't think it would."

The deal now "done" we took a cab to his place in the old part of the city and walked up a couple of flights of stairs to a small but beautiful apartment, with high ceilings, in an old building. The apartment overlooked the street and had a small roof terrace that was just big enough for a wrought iron table and a couple of chairs to allow for alfresco dining when the weather was good. Which it almost always was during the summer months.

He gave me a quick tour of the apartment before selecting a bottle of wine from the fridge and leading me up onto the roof terrace. The terrace was not overlooked, and we sat close together. It was a warm evening and we kicked off our shoes, and sat, feet touching under the table, drinking the wine, chatting and generally relaxing after the journey.

We were both hot and sweaty from the trip and he said "Would you like to shower?" a pause " With me?" and smile. " The shower is very small but I think we will both just fit if you don't mind getting a little intimate."

I laughed and said "I think that would be fine, but first I'd like to do this", at which point I reached over and kissed him on the mouth, slipping my tongue inside.

"Hmm, that's a good idea" he said, as I drew back for before slipping a hand inside his open shirt, and caressing his hard chest and fondling his nipples, while my other hand started to undo the remaining buttons of his shirt. We stood up, locked in the embrace and continued to undress each other.

Once we were both naked, bodies exposed to the warm evening air, I put my arms around his waist and drew him into me so our groins pressed together. I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him again, deeply. I then kissed along his neck to his shoulders and down his chest stopping at his armpit to take in the aroma. I confess to a slightly quirky approach to sweat and showering. Whilst I completely understand that having a shower is generally a good prelude to sex, I do find the sweat and smell of my partners highly erotic. Much more raw and primal than the smell of soap when a body is freshly washed. Some of the best sex I have ever had has been with partners, male and female, immediately after playing sports or working out. Clothes torn off, fucking and sucking with abandon. I had one boyfriend whom I always used to insist on rimming after we had finished a tennis match. I found the smell and taste of his arse, drenched with fresh seat, intoxicating. Each to his own I guess...

I digress, but the point is I wanted to taste and smell my new lover before the shower washed it all away. I kissed and licked my way down his chest to his groin where I gave his beautiful cock a friendly welcoming kiss, whilst grinning up at him before standing up and resuming the embrace. "You taste fantastic" I said "and you have an absolutely beautiful body".

"Hmm, so do you" he smiled lasciviously, leaning down to kiss me again and then pulling me to my feet and running his hands over my chest and flanks, down to my hips, while he looked at me, saying "I can't believe I found this on the train".

I laughed and said "Well it is all yours darling - totally at you disposal!" then we went back inside the apartment to the bathroom, where he dragged me into the shower. It really was very small and there wasn't room to do much other than wash each other all over, paying special attention to our cocks which were both by now erect and eager for action.

We held each other close, and kissed while we wanked each other with soapy hands and pressed the ends of our cocks together, but eventually realised that we needed to get out of the shower if we were to do anything more exciting.

We decided - rather conventionally - that the bed was the place to be, so we dried each other off quickly and he led me by the hand down the short corridor to his bedroom. I delighted in watching his cute arse and slim hips as I followed him.

He told me to lie on the bed which I did, and he then lay on top of me kissing me first on the mouth and then down my body to my cock.

He took me in his hands, massaging my cock backwards and forwards, minutely examining my glans as the foreskin slid over the shiny bulb. He bent forward and kissed the head gently at first, and licked it to taste the precum already seeping out. He looked at me and smiled, then took me all the way into his mouth. He had absolutely done this before as he used his lips, tongue and teeth to amazing effect. He also slipped a finger around to massage my anus as he sucked.

The problem was he was too good at this and I was worried I would come too soon. So to give me something to keep myself occupied I asked him to turn around and position himself on all fours, knees either side of my head, in a 69 position so I had access to his cock hanging over my face while he devoured mine at the other end.

I have been an arse man - with both men and women - for as long as I can remember, so the sight of his pert buttocks and peeking anus were a huge distraction for me. I pulled him towards my face and licked and kissed his buttocks and down to his anus, before moving onto his balls and finally to his cock. I pulled the hard member back towards me so that I could slip it into my mouth, relishing the thrill, that never gets stale, of the feel and taste of a new cock. They are all different in size, shape, smell and feel, but are all the same in having that magic energy of a living throbbing organism, growing and thrusting in my mouth. My god, hard cock, especially when attached to a hot young Frenchman, truly is heaven!

We sucked each other off for a few minutes but, as always, there is something slightly unsatisfactory about the 69 position. It is great in theory but in practice it is just too hard to concentrate on one thing. I realise that was the whole point, to take my mind off coming, but now I wanted to move to the next stage.

"Roll over my darling, I want to fuck you now!" I said and, as he groaned assent, I forcibly rolled him over and pinned him face down on the bed.

"Condom?" I asked, or rather demanded.

"In the bedside table" he gasped

I opened the draw and found a number of condoms (in different sizes - slut!) and some lubricant.

I opened one up (and no I won't tell you what size) and rolled it down my straining cock. Then I squezed some lube into my hands to warm it a little, before massaging it into, and around, his anus.

I took the opportunity to kiss and lick his arse again as I massaged in the lube "Look what I found on the train" I said as I kissed his cheeks and let my tongue run slowly up and down his arse crack.

He moaned and said "What are you going to do with it?"

I ran my hard, latex-sheathed cock up and down where my tongue had just laid its salivary trail and then positioned it at the entrance of his hole, and said "this!" and gently thrust it against the muscular sphincter.

As usual, in my experience, it required a couple of, ever more forceful, attempts to open up, but once he had dilated I slid my cock in, slowly initially, but with authority.

He moaned as I slid home, and I could see his fingers clawing at the bedding as he managed the pain and pleasure of my intrusion.

There was no apology here. I was taking him, asserting myself, dominating him. He knew this and I could sense the submission as he relaxed and opened his arse for me. He then grabbed onto the slatted headboard and lay down to accept his fate.

As my cock slid into his anus I felt hard and powerful. Harder - I admitted to myself rather shamefully - than I had been with my girlfriend in recent months. Or maybe ever. I lusted after his slim hips and taught buttocks. So different from the soft, rounded female form of my girlfriend. I liked them both, but right now I wanted to be here, with this slim, hard, young man, trying to split him open with my cock.

I pinned him down then grasped the headboard myself as I thrust into him. I revelled in the muscular contours of his back, still damp from the shower, but also developing a light sheen of sweat, highlighted by the bars of light and shadow from the window shutters. He was just so beautiful, and he was mine for the taking.

I thrust harder and harder. I wanted to bury my cock inside him. I wanted him to scream with pain and ecstasy as I took him, violated him.

I grasped his head and twisted it around to kiss him hard on the mouth.

I whispered in his ears the lustful nonsense that sounds so hot at the time, but is so banal when written down in the cold light of day "Can you feel my cock up your arse? Fucking you? I am sliding into your arse, fucking you like the beautiful bitch you are. Do you want my cock in your arse? Do you want my cum inside you?"

I pulled him up onto his knees, head still pressed down onto the bed. I grabbed his hips firmly and thrust with all my might, impaling his arse. I gave him a couple of exploratory slaps on his pert buttocks, primarily to gauge the reaction which, pleasingly, was an appreciative moan. "Do you like it when I slap your arse? Do you like being spanked by me, you little slut? You beautiful little slut."

I continued to spank him, harder and harder, and fuck him, whispering obscenities, describing what I was doing to him, and what I wanted do to do to him until, overwhelmed with physical and mental inputs, I finally came, panting and groaning, inside him.

As I slumped on top of him, my mouth pressed into his damp hair. As my erection subsided it slid out of his anus and I removed the condom.

I turned him onto his back and presented my cum-sodden cock to him "Clean me" I demanded, and he eagerly sucked and licked my still semi-hard cock until it was completely clean, swallowing every drop.

He was still hard and hadn't yet come. I wanked him with my hands and then finally took him in my mouth, at which point he finally surrendered and came in buckets in my throat.

I curled up alongside him, kissing him deeply, and slyly swapping his cum into his mouth. Then, once we had swallowed, we lay there holding each other closely, kissing and whispering sweet nonsense to each other. Panting, heaving in the post coital trance until we finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

(to be continued)

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StraycatndcStraycatndcabout 1 year ago

“I do find the sweat and smell of my partners highly erotic.”

I could not agree more! Perhaps your next chapter can dive in to this wonderful world a little deeper.

DevonCowboyDevonCowboyabout 1 year ago

Very nice, but having read your other stories, I realise I prefer to be the submissive, and when you write in the first person in that context I get truly turned on. That's despite having plenty of experience in both roles. But don't get me wrong, being the sub doesn't mean lying back and thinking of England. I'm a very active sub. I've always been a very energetic dancer and one bf told me he knew I'd be good in bed because high energy dancers always are.

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