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Strip Club Trick or Treat

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Celebrating Halloween at a Strip-Club was a great idea.
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"Going trick or treating? What are you? 12?" said Mike in an annoyed voice. He and Oliver had known each other for a while but even for Oliver the idea sounded a little bit too absurd. They were grown adults after all.

Oliver just stared back at Mike in confusion, and suddenly his face lit up with a smirk. "I see you don't know, haha," he replied. After the short laugh, Oliver stretched out his hand with a phone in his hand and said "When I asked if you were going Trick-Or-Treating, I was actually asking about this."

Mike reluctantly reached out and took Oliver's phone. It showed a website with a list of events in clubs and bars in the area and on the very top of the list was an event called "Trick-Or-Treat." Mike opened the information of the event - it was an 18+ party in a strip club! Without reading any further in the "about" section, Mike sighed and said "Okay, I see what you mean now - no I am not going - this is the first time I ever heard of this thing..."

Oliver did not lose any faith however, he immediately followed through with "But do you want to go?" He was always the type of guy to find trouble both for himself and Mike - that's exactly how Mike remembered him his whole life. Mike knew that Oliver was single and he himself had broken up with Stacy one month ago, so it was not an unreasonable ask whether he wanted to go or not. Actually, Mike was already done sulking and really wanted to let himself go a little.

After three quick taps and swipes on the webpage, Mike looked up towards Oliver again and said, "doesn't matter anyways - they are all sold out..."

Oliver came closer to Mike, his smirk turned into an even bigger grin, "If only your dearest friend did not get ourselves VIP tickets for it already," he quickly reached into his pocket and took out two tickets from it "TA-DAAAAA!"

"I knew it! You wouldn't have asked otherwise," said Mike while taking one ticket. After closely inspecting the small, but expensive looking black ticket with gold-colored letters on top, he finally asked, "how much do I owe you man?"

Oliver, the same way as always simply said, "ahhh, always asking about giving this, giving that... I just want to go have some dumb fun with you - I know the breakup was not that easy on you, so I took it upon myself to do something fun, haha."

Mike hugged Oliver and said "thanks, Oli, I appreciate it," he then tapped Oliver on his back. "So, do we need to dress up? It's trick-or-treat after all? You got an idea what you are wearing?"

"Of course we have to dress up! I will be wearing one of those skeleton costumes! Like the ones Twenty One Pilots wore in their... erm... whatchamacallit... some music video..."

"Either way, I wouldn't know, but good for you I guess. Mean I now need to figure something out... Its only in three days huh"

"No problem, let's hit up the stores now! What are we doing here anyways?" Oliver seemed really excited to go and shop now.

"Okay, okay, let's go" replied Mike. He did not sound too enticed, however in reality he was also getting a little bit excited to go.

Mike and Oliver went to the first store they could find nearby. It was a store full of cheap, zero-effort costumes and what was worse, more than half of them was for kids only and then half of the other half consisted only out of outfits for girls. Mike was about to give up, however Oliver miraculously found a very distant set of shelves at the back side of the store that had some relatively good options.

"Maybe this?" said Oliver as he pointed at "zombie doctor" set. "We could also buy this fake blood and put some on the coat to make it more authentic."

"No, don't feel like it," replied Mike while still looking around. And then Mike saw it - it was just a headband with devil horns on it, but an idea crossed his mind. "A devil, look I wear those and also come with one of my suits on." Although the idea was simple, Mike finally felt inspired and started looking around more. "And also this one, look," he said as he pulled out a Japanese-style face mask with a demon mouth on it.

Mike looked onto the ceiling, making a mental image of the look and smiled, "works! Do that!"

After a quick checkout, Oliver and Mike parted their ways - both had stuff to do, but now they knew that they were going "trick or treating" in three days.

The next couple days were a blur - they were monotonous and boring - Mike was only waiting for the party. Finally, it was time and he got dressed. The suit went really well with his devilish look and make Mike feel more confident. He got out of his house and got to the meeting place with Oliver - they were meant to pregame a little together.

After 15 minutes of wait, Oliver finally appeared and he appeared already buzzed. "Heyyyyyy man, what's uuuup," he exclaimed while carrying a bottle of tequila in his right hand. "Shots?"

"Haha, okay Oli, shots it is" replied Mike and took the bottle from Oliver's hand, "where are the glasses?"

Oliver simply shrugged and said, "Ah shit, right... Okay just drink from the bottle, that's what I did anyways..." and made a gesture of drinking up. Mike took a sip, but before he could put the bottle away, Oliver said, "Come on... more!"

Mike took another sip and met Oliver's protests again, then another and another. Finally, after a couple more "rounds," Oliver said "alright, you are all caught up now, give me some again please."

Mike, already regretting coming, handed over the bottle and said, "here it is, just don't overdo it, okay?"

Oliver snatched the bottle away and before even replying, took another big sip and said, "I will be fine man, look out for yourself," and gulped one more "shot" again. By the end, the bottle was nearly gone and Oliver just tossed it. "Won't let us in with it anyways," he said.

The line to the Strip-Club was long. Not only a lot of guys but quite a lot of chicks were in the line as well, surprising amount of which were total babes - they all wore outfits that might as well have been called lingerie - witches, doctors, zombies, everyone was there. Some guys did not slack either and wore at least something that could be called a Halloween outfit. Mike looked back at Oliver and was going to say "hey, look we are not even the worst ones dressed, I had thought that your skeleton costume was going to be the worst." In reality, however, he could not even start saying it as Mike saw his friend holding a hand over his mouth.

"Are you okay?"

Oliver forced a barely audible "yes" and then looked down at the floor. Mike propped him up, "you sure? We can go back?"

Oliver suddenly straightened himself out and said, "I am fine. We go - look we are going to enter soon..."

Oliver was not wrong - five minutes later they were in and all of the doubts were washed away by the inside of the strip club - it was massive! The middle area practically had a dance floor, while various poles were set up all over the place with insanely hot girls spinning and dancing on them. If the girls in line were attractive to Mike, then the dancers were not of this Earth. Before the boys even got to express their emotions, a dark haired girl in exquisite bright orange lingerie came over. The dark light falling right onto her played with the lingerie's cloth and made it look like it was glowing and it contrasted so well with her olive skin that Mike and Oliver were quickly stunned from her presence. She was not wearing a mask, but had orange horns and beautiful makeup with orange shadow and glitter.

"Look at that, we are twinning!" she told Mike while smiling and pointing at his horns. "My name is Autumn, I was told you are one of our VIPs today, would you like me to show you your table?"

Mike was a little flabbergasted, but replied "ah, sure."

Autumn held Mike's hand and started leading him. Mike also had to hold Oliver's hand so that he wouldn't get lost. Together, they have penetrated through the crowd and got to the other end of the hall, where on an elevated surface was an array of sofas of a semicircle shape, a table and the pole in the middle of each one.

"Here, the view of main stage and dance floor is best, and if you want someone just for yourselves, you can do that too..." said Autumn, while looking into Mike's eyes. It was not too bright, but Mike was sure that when she mentioned "someone for themselves", she winked at him. "Wait a little here, I will bring you your complementary bottle."

After that, Autumn turned around and began walking away. After a couple of seconds of looking at her ass wiggle, Mike looked back at Oliver and asked him. "Complimentary bottle? Why did we pregame then?"

Oliver once again waved his hand and replied with "it's fine, more to us then!"

"Uh huh," replied Mike with a sarcastic tone. Mike was a little bit fed up with Oliver so he did not inquire any further. Instead he went on to watch the show.

Wherever you looked there was a crazy hot angel or a devil dancing, dollar bills flying in their directions and people drinking and dancing. The music was great too, it really elevated the atmosphere - at that point Mike was really eager to get up and be lost in the crowd, but he had to wait for Autumn. Eventually, she came back with a massive bottle of Champagne. Eyes popped out of orbits, Mike looked back at Oliver. "Why did we even pregame man?"

Oliver, in the world of his own, tucked in the sofa, suddenly became alive and said, "the more, the better! Haha, we got some even for the chicks to come over!"

Autumn giggled a little, she added, "true.. mind if I pour me some as well and drink with you?" As she had asked this, she winked at Mike again. This time he was sure of it! Then, she opened up the bottle a little bit, making it go with a large pop, people dancing near the sofa applauding and excited to the moment. She leaned over and began pouring the glasses. "One for you, one for you... and one for me?" She looked up at Mike again, waiting for his approval.

"Y-yeah.. go on, have some fun too!" Mike replied. As he had finished the sentence, the glass was already getting filled up - did she even listen to him speak! Not like he could even try to deny her, but still!

Then, Autumn stood up with her glass in her hand and gestured for the other two to do the same. "Wish you a great night boys!" and after a clang of the glasses, everyone quickly downed their share. Directly after that, Autumn leaned over to Mike's ear and whispered to him "especially you... what's your name by the way?"

"I.. It's Mike and this is Oliver, you can just call him Oli," replied Mike.

Autumn, however, didn't even take a look in Oli's direction and just added. "Mmm. Mike I see... Here, have this..." she added while handing over a neat looking piece of candy in a bright orange wrapper, similar to Autumn's lingerie. The wrapper also had a metallic-looking print of a demon with orange horns on it. As Mike grasped the candy, she kept on whispering into his ear, "You see those two baskets on the floor, this is your trick-or-treat collection, and this is my treat for you... Hold onto it until the end, please. You might want to try to collect as many as possible..." Then, she nonchalantly kissed Mike on the cheek and then promptly left. She didn't even wave to Oli!

Unable to look away from Autumn's steaming hot figure, Mike followed her with his eyes for as long as possible, right until she got lost in the crowd. Immediately after, he looked back towards Oli - he was going to tell him about the candy - Oli was already gone. In a slight panic, Mike began looking around for his friend among the crowd. He found him already among the crowd, dancing and going wild. Mike had nothing else left to do other than go into the crowd as well.

The hard base from the speakers, blinking lights and people dancing and pushing each other around made for a great atmosphere but also made it extremely difficult to reach Oli. What made it especially more difficult were the girls dancing around, wearing barely anything - Mike wanted to go and talk to one, maybe even invite her to their lounge... But Oli was the first thing on his agenda. Quickly going through the crowd and trying to ignore all the girls, Mike finally reached him.

"Oli? Oli! Are you okay?" said Mike while grabbing Oliver by his shoulders. "You just walked off? Where is your mask?"

Oliver took a moment to realize that he was being held by Mike and then, instead of answering any questions, he just started screaming, "Mike!!! OOOOOOOO!" and then hugged him. "Let's go get some cash - the girls gotta get some!" he added and began pushing Mike towards the ATMs.

On the way there, Mike was trying to explain the idea with the candy, but Oliver seemed to be too far gone - he had clearly drank too much. Mike was not sure what he wanted to do - he wanted to stay with his friend, but the party also had to go on. When they finally got to the ATMs, Mike pulled out his card and contemplated on how much he was willing to spend that night. The reason and logic were slowly getting diluted in the desire to have more fun. He started off by staring at $100 option, then $200... Finally he had abruptly clicked onto the $700 option and before letting his mind and reason catch up with his body, confirmed it. The ATM quickly counted up the money and when Mike was done, he looked at Oli. He was sitting in the corner of the room, looking very blank. Two guards were in front of him - before they did anything, Mike stepped in.

"Hey! He's with me!"

"Yeah, he's drunk. He's gotta go" replied one of the guards grumpily, "Want to go with him?" the last question sounded less like a question and more like a threat.

Before Mike could do anything, Oli got himself up. Barely standing, he looked at Mike and simply said, "Sorry, I guess I got too excited for tonight... Wanted... To have some more fun..." before nearly collapsing again. Then, one guard already holding him, he added, "it's okay, you can stay... I think.. They won't let me..."

"But-" Mike was about to try to talk Oliver out of it.

"No b-buts... We came here to have fun... You should still enjoy your night..." Oliver reached into his pocked and took out a ridiculous stack of money. "Was planning to go hard with you tonight, guess you will have to go hard for us both, huh..." Mike took his money - he didn't even want to count how many dollar bills he had in his hands now. Mike wanted to say at least something to Oliver, but as he looked up he already saw Oliver be carried out.

"H-hey! Be careful with him! He's a VIP!"

The guards looked back at Mike nearly full of intent to kill, but while grinding their teeth, uttered, "okay... Sir..." and walked out of Mike's sight.

Mike was alone - with a ton of money in a strip club, but still alone. What was he going to do? He looked around the hall again, but now he didn't think that he was feeling it anymore. The idea of ditching Oli was weighing in heavy on his mind, right until he felt a tap on his shoulder - it was Autumn again!

"Hey Mike," she said, while smiling, "why the sorry face?"

"Hey.. they carried out Oli just now..." simply saying it out loud seemingly made Mike even more sad.

As a response, Autumn simply held his hand again and said, "Let's go have fun anyways," she leaned over to Mike's ear again "tonight's going to be real good, I promise..." Mike's head already began to wonder back to Autumn and all the girls surrounding him at the party. "Let's go for a drink, will get you going again, haha" said Autumn and began leading Mike to the bar.

There, she sat down with him and ordered a shot of tequila. The bartender was also a smoking hot girl! She was Asian with long black hair and she only wore a bloodied shirt - it seemed like there was nothing below it at all. As she finally came back with the shot glasses full of tequila, Mike was still trying hard to see behind the shirt. "You love to look around, huh..." said Autumn who was sitting next to Mike.

"Oh, sorry..."

"Don't be... we are here for you..." replied Autumn, while rubbing Mike's thigh - he got immediately hard from it. "Let's go - the shot is waiting..." Mike quickly downed the shot and chased it with the lemon given by the bartender, Autumn did the same. Then, while playing with her shot glass in her left hand, she asked, "so, did you get any more treats?"

Mike simply shook his head.

"Okay, Jennie, come here..." Autumn quickly called for the Bartender. Without a hitch, Jennie was there in a moment's notice. "Do you like this guy?"

Jennie with a bright smile leaned in towards Mike, checking him out. Mike could clearly see into her shirt - her gorgeous body really was naked! While Mike was staring down Jennie's shirt, she quickly said, "I like the outfit... kind of stylish..." and then nonchalantly tossed a candy in silver wrapping - it had a metallic-style image of a bottle on it. Mike grabbed another candy for himself.

"Haha, now you got two... some guys didn't even manage to get one so far... you are really pretty, you know?" laughed Autumn. Then she reached out her hand and politely asked - can I have the money for the drinks?

"Ah, yeah, of course..." Mike reached into his bulging wallet and took out $20 and gave it to Autumn. She promptly paid Jennie and got some change. When Mike reached for the change, Autumn stuck it into her bra and after a short giggle, said, "thank you for the tip! Now go and have some fun, there are tons to have! Don't worry, you'll see me again..." After that, she leaned in and kissed Mike's cheek again. Before he could even reply, she got up and disappeared in the crowd behind them.

Mike got up - she was right, he came there to have fun! All that was left to do is go wild with the ridiculously bulging wallet he had brought in. And go wild he did - it started with him taking some more shots - they quickly flooded his mind and washed all of his doubts and anxiety away. The music began to blur together - it felt jus tright and Mike could go with the flow and the mood of it effortlessly. Then he went back to the sofa and got a couple more hits of his champagne bottle - he got a bunch of people near him enter the private lounge - now he was not alone. Girls loved the bottle - he was followed by all sorts of witches, doctors and vampires through the night. Some of them turned out to have their own candy as well - it was not just the workers! Mike was getting whatever he really was asked for by them - be it a shot or a kiss. After making out with more than four or five girls and drinking champagne directly out of the bottle, he went back to Jenni at the bar and took some more shots himself. Next thing he remembered was being at the front row of the main stage.

Two girls were dancing and weaving around - one in red underwear - only another Oni mask and garter belt remaining on her, while the other one was wearing all black, classy underwear, with cat ears on her head. Mike remembered piece by piece, how he was throwing money at them, them walking up to him and asking his name. Then he was making out with one of them, then both... They were going in with a French kiss, making Mike really hard. And then he was already near another pole with two more candies on him - one in black wrapper and one in red. Next thing he remembered was making out with a zombie on the pole, while she was upside down - one hand of his was holding his money and the other was holding her candy.

Then the memories get even more abrupt - places, girls and their tits and ass in Mike's face began to blur together. One moment he was at the bar taking a shot and another he was at the poles talking to another girl. Then, suddenly, he was again at the bar, but now Jennie is on the desk with her shirt unbuttoned from below and alcohol in her belly button. Another moment later he was already dragged away by two new girls towards his sofa.


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