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Submissive Mom

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Mother accepts her new role as son’s submissive sex slut.
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I've always considered my mother to be incredibly sexy. She was full-figured, with an ample ass and natural EE breasts. She stood at 5'2" and weighed about 134 lbs. Her perfect hourglass figure was topped by her luscious blonde hair and bubbly personality. I had always compared other girls and women to her, and none of them had stacked up to her beauty. At 38 years old, she was the most amazing woman and a constant source of my dreams and fantasies.

I had never known my dad so my mom was everything to me. Apparently, my dad was an older man that mom had worked for as a secretary when she was fresh out of college. Working in such close quarters resulted in an office romance leading to my conception. They quickly married and he was forward-thinking enough to have a secure future. But he had suffered a massive heart attack and died about a month before I was born. Luckily due to his life insurance and selling the business, Mom didn't need to work anymore and we had been financially secure.

Mom had never remarried and rarely dated after I was born. She seemed to throw all of her time and energy into my upbringing. At 18, I had finished high school and had settled into my dorm room. Due to my good grades and competitive swimming, I secured a full scholarship to Harvard.

In discussing with Mom about me either staying on campus or staying at home and driving the 20-30 minutes to classes every day and night, she had voiced her opinions but had left the decision up to me. However, considering my early morning classes and late swim practices, we both knew that I would need to stay in the dorm. I couldn't help but notice the pained and sad expression on her face when she thought I wasn't looking, as she thought of me leaving for college. Realizing that Mom was depressed about having an empty nest, I tried to perk her up by saying that I would come home every weekend and all holidays. Mom gave me a half-hearted smile at this but nodded in understanding.

After I had settled into college life, I made it a point of sending long emails to Mom telling her about my day and light-hearted text messages to let her know I was thinking about her. I would come home on the weekends, do my laundry, and spend all my free time with her. This seemed to work and we carried on like this for several months. Then one Friday I came home early and hoped to surprise her. I came in quietly and tried to sneak up on her. As I slowly entered her room, I heard her shower running. I briefly considered giving her a jump scare in the shower but quickly forgot about this plan when I saw her laptop was open on her bed and was still showing a paused porno.

Smiling incredulously, I realized that Mom must have been masturbating before I was supposed to get home. Feeling frisky, I had to see what Mom was watching. I checked quickly and saw that the movie was about an older woman with a younger man. Looking closer, I noticed that the performers shared subtle likenesses with me and mom. Confused and more than a little turned on, I quickly checked the website, her ID, and password, before I exited the room.

Sitting in the living room, I quickly logged onto the website on my phone and checked Mom's watch history. I found her preferences seemed to be one-on-one with the performers resembling us. She even dabbled in mother-and-son incest porn. She seemed to prefer the son or young man to take the lead and even enjoy a little domination. Sitting alone, I considered the possibility that my mother was turned on by and fantasized about the two of us having sex.

Acknowledging my attraction to my mother was easy, but to consider that my mother was attracted to me took a little more time. Thinking back over the last several years, and certainly since I had left for college, I could definitely see the signs. The question I had to ask myself was: what was I going to do about this? My answer was easy: I was going to seduce my own mother.

Making a quick plan to act normal for now, I went to my bedroom and began to unpack. I changed into an old pair of lounge shorts and shirt, that showed off my toned physique perfectly. I then got all my dirty laundry and set them on top of the washer, but made it a point of not starting until Mom was out of the shower. I then relaxed for a bit, until I heard mom leave her room. Smiling deviously, I snuck up behind her, quickly wrapped her in a tight hug, and kissed her cheek as I exclaimed, "Hello, gorgeous. Did you miss me?"

Mom gasped but immediately turned around and threw her arms around me, as she shrieked, "Baby! You're early! I missed you so much!"

I hugged her tighter as she seemed to snuggle into my arms. I joked about not starting my laundry until she was out of her shower, to which she smirked and slapped my shoulder playfully. With this, we fell into our normal playful routine. Both of us talked while we began my laundry and then settled in the living room to talk more. Deciding that now was as good of a time as any, I began to set my seduction plans into action.

I first started to lay a little more provocatively on the couch and gave her a clear view of my crotch. As we were speaking I noticed mom was nonchalantly roving her eyes over my body, but always bringing her gaze back to my crotch. Wanting to up my game, I began describing how strenuous the swim workouts were and how much better shape I was in now. I then stood up and raised up my shirt to show her my toned chest and abs. I commented that I had dropped more body fat and now had to stick to a specialized diet.

All the while I was talking, I continued to pull my shirt up to show off my back and pull my shorts up or down to show off my thighs, I even "accidentally" pulled my underwear down with my shorts and flashed my toned ass cheeks. I apologized and made a joke about stripping to earn more money, making Mom nod and hum appreciatively catching my joke but I could tell she would greatly enjoy a private show. Seeing this I smiled knowing of other ways I could get her worked up.

That night I looked through her preferences, favorite movies, favorite scenes, and favorite performers on her porn website of choice. I made it a point to go through them and see if I could get any ideas for the future. We continued in our usual way throughout the weekend and were able to fall into our normal routine. I made it a point of prolonging our hugs, complimenting Mom on her figure, cuddling her on the couch at night as we watched movies, and rubbing her feet and shoulders at every opportunity.

By Sunday Mom and I embraced as I packed my bags and got ready to go back to my dorm. Mom hugged me tightly and I laid my head on top of hers as I traced my fingers around ver the small of her back. Finally pulling away I placed a tender kiss on her cheek, just to the right of her mouth. The next few weeks were a flurry of activity and subtle strategies for seducing my mom.

I began by adding more and more personal details to my emails and getting more playful in my texts. Mom never reacted negatively and even egged me on for more. Remembering how much she had enjoyed it when I had shown her my physique, I began adding pictures of me in only my swim Speedo or wearing only a towel around my waist. I would justify the pictures by saying things about a new muscle beginning to form or something along those lines. I even made up a story about the swim team possibly doing a calendar to raise money. This allowed me to send Mom numerous pictures of me in my Speedo posed in very risqué shots. I made sure that my hard cock was clearly visible beneath the tight fabric. I even "accidentally" sent her a picture with my hard cock head poking out the top of my Speedo.

Mom always complimented me on my physique and was supportive of my continued work ethic. I began to notice that the time Mom spent watching porn actually went down after I started sending her these pictures. At first, I began worrying that she was on to my knowledge of her website of choice or had simply changed websites, but she still watched her preferred porn there from time to time. I began wondering if she was now masturbating to the pictures I sent her.

Wanting to up my game, I told her that the photographer for the calendar said that the poses weren't good enough. I then asked her for her advice. Within 5 minutes of me sending that email, Mom had emailed me back lamenting the photographer's opinion and offering her own opinion on his mental health and eyesight. Mom ended the email by casually suggesting that she could help me with my photos this weekend by taking better pictures while I was dressed in various revealing clothes and posed in various positions. She even mentioned that I might want to consider using baby oil "for that wet look."

I of course accepted her help and said I couldn't wait. We continued our usual routine of emails at night and texts throughout the day for the rest of the week. I could tell that Mom was excited about "my photo shoot," as she called it. By Friday morning Mom had told me several times to bring my Speedos with me when I came home. I smiled thinking about how much she apparently wanted to see me wearing only those skimpy swimsuits. I smirked thinking about the little surprise that I had bought just for her viewing pleasure.

By the time I had driven home that afternoon after swim practice, I was as geared up as Mom. Mom threw her arms around me in a big hug as soon as I walked in the door and squealed, "Oh, baby! I missed you sooo much!"

I dropped my bags and wrapped her in a tight hug, as I laughed at her exuberance. Feeling playful, I tightened my grip, lifted her into the air, and spun us both around before placing her back on her feet. Mom cried out in surprised joy and clung to me. I looked down to see her gazing up at me with a look of adoration on her face. I smiled widely and placed my forehead against hers as I gazed into her eyes. I watched as Mom's eyes dropped to my lips before staring up at me again.

Pretending not to notice, I placed a gentle kiss on her cheek as I huskily said, "I missed you too Mom."

Mom's cheeks went red as her smile widened. I felt her pull herself tighter against my body. I could feel her rock-hard nipples poking against me and I swear I felt her rub herself against my crotch. Without another word, I grabbed her by the hand as I slung one bag over my shoulder and picked up my other bag with my free hand. I then silently led us upstairs to my bedroom.

We continued on in silence still holding hands and began to unpack my bags. Neither of us seemed to want any space between us at the moment.

Sighing softly beside me, Mom quietly said, "Why don't you get changed and grab your clothes so we can wash them? I'll meet you in the hall."

Mom then dropped my hand and walked out of the room, before shutting my bedroom door. Sensing that Mom was upset that she couldn't watch me change, I quickly stripped naked and just wrapped a towel around my waist. I then grabbed my dirty clothes and walked out of my room. I was rewarded by hearing a quiet, "Oh" from Mom as her cheeks suddenly went red. As I nonchalantly walked toward her I clearly saw her clench her thighs. I shrugged as I approached and said, "I figured I may as well take a shower too. I don't mind a cold shower after a tough swim."

Mom nodded silently and began helping me sort my laundry. After we finished sorting the laundry I said that I was off to the shower, feeling playful, I said, "Would you like to join me? You look a little flushed. I could wash your back for you."

Mom pursed her lips and mock glared at me as she answered, "No, thank you, honey. I doubt I could handle a cold shower."

I smirked and hugged her to me as I teasingly said, "I'd keep you warm, Mom."

Mom seemed to shiver in my arms and whispered, "Oh, I know you could."

Mom apparently didn't mean for me to hear her, so I pretended that I hadn't. I simply kissed her on the forehead before letting her go. I then walked into my bathroom and began shutting the door. Before I had completely shut the door, I took off the towel and "accidentally" gave Mom a perfect view of my naked ass. Hearing a quiet moan as I shut the door, I realized that Mom had enjoyed the view.

I took a quick shower, having not actually needed one, and then got dressed. I came back downstairs and found Mom lounging on the living room couch. After exchanging smiles, I silently slid in behind her and let her lean against my chest. I snaked my arms around her waist and placed my chin on her shoulder. I placed a gentle kiss on her neck as she placed her hands over mine. With that, we settled down for a little relaxation.

After 30 minutes, I decided to get Mom worked up again by asking, "So, what do you have in mind for the photoshoot?"

Mom let out a slow breath as she turned her head to look at me. Our faces were now an inch apart, as she looked into my eyes and started describing her ideas. She described having me in only my Speedo, with only a towel around my waist, pants with the zipper down and unbuttoned, and even some risqué shots where I could be positioned in such a way that you couldn't tell if I was naked or not. She suggested baby oil again and even volunteered to "help" apply it. She described different poses and locations around the house that would look amazing. During these descriptions, Mom had begun to rub her ass against my crotch and rub her fingers over my arms as she got worked up.

Realizing Mom was getting turned on, I added my own suggestions. I described a picture of me stepping out of a steamy shower, me laying in bed and holding up the covers as if beckoning someone to join me, or even a picture of me from below as if I was laying on top of someone. Mom really liked my suggestions and again volunteered to help in any way she could. I asked her if it would make her uncomfortable to photograph me in such a way and of course, Mom said that she was fine with helping me in any way I needed.

I smiled appreciatively at this, thanked her, and gently kissed her cheek. I made sure to place the kiss just on the side of her mouth to both tease and excite her. Mom moaned softly at the kiss but quickly announced that she would be right back. She then hopped up off the couch and quickly made her way to the stairs. I asked if she was ok and she said that she needed to pee. I nodded and teasingly said, "Have fun."

Mom shook her head at me and then walked up the stairs to her bedroom. I smiled knowing that my mother was going to be masturbating while thinking about me. I smiled wider as I decided to really begin stressing her out and turning her on. I felt my already rock-hard cock twitch as I imagined what it would be like to finally strip my beautiful mother naked and bring her to orgasm again and again.

The rest of the night, Mom and I finished my laundry, finished a few chores, made dinner, and then relaxed. I continued to make small compliments about her figure, face, clothes, etc just to let her know I was looking. I never stepped over the line and any outside viewer wouldn't think anything about my comments, but they were having a profound effect on her. After we had eaten and cleaned the kitchen, I decided to add a little more spice by quickly picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the couch. I then deftly sat down and positioned her between my legs with her back against my chest. She huffed adorably but I could see the blush on her cheeks and the embarrassed smile on her face. We stayed like this until we were both getting sleepy and decided to go to bed. As she was walking up the stairs, I laid a swift smack on her lovely ass. Mom immediately jumped and yelped in surprise, before turning around to look at me in shock. I could see the blush on her cheeks and simply shrugged and declared, "If you don't start moving faster, I will pick you up and carry you again."

Mom mock glared at me, but then quickly ascended the stairs. I gave her a quick hug and kiss good night, before retiring to my bedroom. The next day I continued to tease, flirt, and compliment my sexy mother. As the day wore on she began to relax and give back some of her own. Our playful back and forth grew until we were acting like a romantic couple. All of our teasing, taunts, subtle touches, and heat-filled glances had culminated in the photo shoot.

Mom had me lay out the clothes that we had decided upon, which consisted of a pair of khaki cargo pants, my Speedo, and a towel. I still had my surprise for her, but I was saving that for later. We decided to start with the photo of me in bed where my lower body was covered by the sheet and comforter. I went ahead stripped naked and climbed into bed as mom went to get her phone for the pictures. I was rock-hard, but I was covered by the comforter. Mom began to pose me in various positions and snapped lots of pictures. I know I flashed her my hard cock several times and wondered if she ever took a few pictures of my cock just for her.

After that, we went with the khaki pants unbuttoned and with the zipper down. Mom suggested that I forego underwear, as it would look sexier if people couldn't see anything specific but could tell I wasn't wearing underwear. She posed me thoroughly and took lots of pictures. I know my hard cock peaked out of my pants a few times, but Mom never said a word. She also had me lay on my stomach with my chest and head raised as I looked provocatively at the camera. She made sure to pull my pants down a little bit in the back so the photo would show the top of my ass.

After this, we moved on to the Speedo. Mom took great pleasure in helping me with the baby oil. Mom then posed me in numerous risqué and erotic positions that either had my ass or hard cock easily visible through the tight Speedo material. Throughout all of the pictures I always made it a point to be locking eyes with mom no matter how sexually she posed me. Mom had to continuously readjust herself or clench her thighs as my poses became more and more erotic, so erotic that no school would ever authorize a calendar company to sell these pictures on their behalf.

We had decided to save the towel and shower poses for after the Speedo poses since I would need to take a shower anyway to get off all of the baby oil. Saying I was going to shower, I then smirked as I asked if she wanted to take any discreet pictures of me actually in the shower. I suggested some pictures of my back and mom but her lip and blushed as she said, "Yes, some shower shots could work."

I smiled knowingly as led Mom into my bathroom. I then started the water and let it warm up, before removing my Speedo. I bent over lewdly to give Mom an excellent view of my ass. I stepped into the shower and motioned for Mom to position herself at the far end of the shower so that she could stand out of the actual shower but lean in to take the pictures while avoiding the spray of water.

I began to soap myself as erotically as I could and made sure to bend over numerous times. I even "accidentally" flashed Mom with a clear view of my hard cock when I turned around to dip my head under the water and rinse my back. I heard sporadic clicks of the phone as Mom took pictures throughout my shower. Once I couldn't feel any more baby oil on my skin, I suggested that she reposition herself for pictures of me as I was stepping out of the shower.

I smirked when I heard Mom take a deep breath as she waited for me to step out of the shower. I then posed for several more pictures and let Mom position me as she thought best. As we finished with the shower pictures, Mom suggested we adjourn to her bedroom to take the pictures of me with only a towel around my waist. Mom again took the lead and posed me in highly erotic positions, several of which "accidentally" displayed my hard cock.

As we finished with those poses, Mom asked how I wanted to go about shooting the pictures of me from below. I suggested that, if she was comfortable with it, she could lay on her back on her bed and I could straddle her body. She could then take the pictures with a POV. Mom nodded quickly and never commented that I only had on a towel. She readily laid down on her bed and clenched her thighs again, as she looked up at me and waited for me to mount her. I then acted surprised when I noticed that I was only wearing a towel. I apologized and said I had something that I could throw on quickly.

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