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Summer Heat


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I quickly too a look at the menu, since I hadn't even opened it yet, what with agonizing over our sleeping arrangements. And wondering if he slept in the buff.

While I was trying to look everything over as fast as I could, I vaguely heard Christopher order a Caesar salad and a croque monsieur, which sounded good. Rather than trying to figure out what I should get, I just handed her back the menu and said, "I'll have the same."

"The same as your husband? Caesar salad, a sandwich and a Lowenbrau?"

I didn't hear him the order the beer, but I looked him the eye, and said, "Yes, the same as my husband, except I'll have a glass of Pinot Noir, if you have it, thanks."

Grinning, Christopher reached for my hand. "So, I guess tonight will be like my honeymoon."

When he saw my eyes flare, he laughed. "Carol got drunk and fell asleep, so nothing happened that night, either."

Before I realized what I was saying, I muttered, "Well, I'm not likely to get drunk on a single glass of wine."

We both started laughing, when I realized how that sounded. And the tension seemed to dissipate, when we also realized we that could probably manage a few weeks of sleeping together - hopefully, without crossing the line.

Although, it had been so long for me, I don't think I'd kick him out of bed if he did try anything.

When our drinks came, Christopher raised his glass in a toast. "Here's to three wonderful weeks of sun and fun."

Yep. And with my hot neighbor beside me in bed. But I kept that thought to myself.

After we'd toasted, I guess because I'd gone quiet, he leaned in and whispered, "Erin, you don't have to worry, because I'd never do anything..."

"With me," I said, "I know. Because we're only friends, and I'm just the mom next door."

He reached out and covered my hand with his, and when he didn't say anything at first, I looked up into his eyes, and he said, "What I was going to say, is that you don't have to worry, because I would never do anything, that you wouldn't want me to do."

"Oh," I said, feeling a blush sweep over my cheeks. So, I guess that meant the ball was in my court. Provided of course, that I wanted to play.


"That lunch was so good, we'll have to go there again," I said, once we were back in the car and heading to the little supermarket on the edge of town, that our server had recommended.

Christopher looked over at me, shaking his head, chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"I think you especially enjoyed that, because you pretended to go to the ladies' room, and snuck away and paid for lunch. When I thought we agreed, that since you paid for the cottage, that I'd be taking care of everything else."

"But the food was good though, wasn't it?" I said, and he just shook his head.

We had just parked the car close to the front entrance, and I hopped out, wanting to get my own cart, but Christoper wouldn't let me. Probably afraid I'd want to pay for whatever I picked up in the market, too. Which was exactly what I was planning to do.

"I just want to get a few things," I said, with him just standing there shaking his head, not moving an inch. Till he finally made me give in, and laugh.

"After you snuck away and paid for lunch, I don't think so."

"But it wasn't much," I said in my defense.

"We had an agreement, remember? Unless you want to let me pay my half of the cottage rental, then I plan to pay for everything else we need. And I mean everything; meals, groceries, booze and any excursions we might want to take."

He chuckled at the face I made, because obviously, I wasn't going to get my way.

But when he tipped up my chin and kissed me, I looked at him wide-eyed, and he just laughed. "I figure it's one way to take your mind off you insisting on shopping on your own. Now, unless you want me to pick you up and put your cute little backside in the kiddy seat in this cart, I suggest we just go in and shop together like a normal couple."

Giving him an eyeroll, I nodded and said, "Yes, dear, whatever you say dear." But he just laughed as we walked into the store together.

Before we got too far, he stopped and said, "Erin, I want you to look around and pick up anything you'd like. And don't try and skimp, just because you know I'm paying."

"Fine," I agreed, with a bit of huff that just made him chuckle.

Obviously, we both had a bit of a stubborn streak. But at least I knew he was only teasing, and he wasn't being nasty about it like my ex had been, when he'd get in my face and try and badger me into seeing things his way.

But being on my own for the last few years, running my own graphic design business, I was used to paying for everything I needed, since I had no one else to rely on, but myself. Though, I knew Christopher was just trying to keep things fair.

"I noticed at the cottage, there's a barbecue out on the front deck. So, I thought I'd pick up some steaks and salmon and maybe do a beer can chicken," he said, as we walked past the meat section.

"You really like to cook, don't you?"

He shrugged. "Well, lately, I've only had me to cook for, with Tyler always over at his girlfriend's place. So, I'm looking forward to being able to barbecue again, and make something a little more fun than what I've been making for the last two years." Then he looked at me and said, "But you're a good cook, so you should pick out something we can barbecue, or roast in the oven."

"I think I'm a better baker than I am a cook."

Grinning, he kissed the end of my nose. "Then you can look for something for dessert."

I forgot how he liked to tease, and how affectionate he could be.

I remember feeling a little jealous when the four of us would eat together, and he would come up behind his wife, slip his arms around her and drop a kiss on the back of her neck, not really caring that we were there.

Thinking back, I don't think Geoff was ever that affectionate - unless of course, he was hoping to get laid.

I knew it probably wasn't fair to compare them, but I couldn't help it. They were like night and day.

I was so glad now that I'd asked him to join me, because I was really enjoying getting to know him a little better, and seeing how much fun he could be.

When we got back to the cottage and put all the bags on the counter, I couldn't believe how much we'd bought. "That seems like a lot of food, just for the two of us."

"Remember, we're here for three weeks. And some of it's going in the freezer, so we don't have to spend all our time shopping, when we could be out swimming, enjoying the beach. How about I put this all away, and you can go and unpack. And maybe we can go for a swim after, now that the sun's not as hot."

"Okay," I said, giving him a playful pat on the backside. "I'll go and change."

He smiled at me over his shoulder as he was putting some meat in the freezer, and said, "Hey, don't tease me, unless you mean it."

I just playfully batted my eyelashes, and he laughed, shaking his head as he emptied the bags.

When I came down the staircase in my tiny pink bikini, and strappy sandals, I almost broke out laughing watching Christopher's mouth fall open, when he stopped to look up at me, with his hand poised in mid-air, about to put some beer in the fridge.

Letting his eyes slide over me, his lips curled up in a naughty smile. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you in a bathing suit before."

"Well, we are at the beach," I said, suddenly feeling a little self conscience, since it really was tiny, and kind of had my girls spilling out at the top, though I wasn't overly busty.

Blowing out a breath, he put the last few things away, and said, "Now I'd better go and change." And I think he might have muttered, "While I can still walk."

A few minutes later, it was my turn to do a double take when he came down the stairs in just his board shorts. I liked that his nicely muscled chest was kind of hairy. I thought it made him look really manly, as I followed the trail of hair into waist band of his shorts, noticing the bulge there, too.

He was surprisingly fit, especially considering he was almost fifty, I thought he had a great body.

I laughed when he held up a tube of sunscreen, wiggled his eyebrows and said, "I'll do you, if you'll do me."

Nope, nothing sexual about that, I thought, as he made a little circling motion, for me to turn around so he could start with my back.

And ooh, when he put his hands on me to firmly cream in the lotion, I realized just how much I'd been missing the touch of a man.

Especially considering where his hands were going; sliding over the tops of my butt cheeks, down over my thighs, and up between my legs, making me gasp, while he chuckled.

As he smoothed his hands up and down along my waist, making sure to coat the edges of my breasts, I swear he was getting me so hot, that I almost came.

"I can do my front," I said, a little breathlessly. Because I knew if I was staring into the heat in eyes, while he was running his hands over the top of my breasts, and up between my legs to the juncture of my thighs, I might actually embarrass myself and climax.

Once I was done doing me, with him watching my every move, it wasn't any easier doing him. When he grinned and handed me the tube and turned around and presented me with his muscular back and nice tight ass.

My hands were so shaky, I was surprised that I managed to get the lotion on him without dripping it all over the floor.

But when he turned to face me, with a naughty look in his eye, offering to let me do his front, I shook my head, grinning right back at him, since I knew what he was up to.

I handed him back the tube, so that he could coat his own nicely muscled chest, abs and thighs. Mostly because I didn't think I could handle him anymore without giving away the fact that I'd never felt more aroused in my life.

I managed to pull myself together by grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge and claiming I was thirsty, nearly downing the entire bottle in one long gulp. Though I was tempted to just press it to my forehead, he'd got me so hot, while he watched, looking a little wide-eyed at my heaving breasts, waiting for me to finish.

When we got down on the beach, we walked across the sand, kicked off our sandals and dropped our towels. Then Christopher took me by the hand and together we waded out into the gently rolling waves.

As we waded out further, the water felt colder and colder, the deeper we got, especially when a wave washed over my girls, making my nipples pebble.

When he noticed the way that I was shivering, Christopher lifted me into his arms, and held me tight against him. Smiling into my eyes, and sliding his hands up and down along back, he said, "The sun is hot enough it should warm you up."

I had news for him, I was already feeling pretty hot, just from being wrapped around his body. And I wasn't sure how much more heat I could take.

Bending his knees, he kept dipping us into the water, making us laugh as I gradually got used to the cooler temperature.

I thought for a second, that he was going to drop me into the water, so I wrapped my arms tight around his neck. But with our eyes locked, he surprised me when he brushed his lips across mine and kissed me.

For a moment, we just stood and stared at each other, I think trying to decide if we should deepen the kiss, or pretend it didn't mean anything, and he was just kidding around.

But when I found the courage to kiss him back, he groaned and slid his tongue between my lips, hugging me even tighter.

We kissed out in the water for what felt like for ever, clinging to each other, and exploring each other's mouths. Every of inch of me was tingling as I felt him growing hard, and poking up between my legs.

I don't think I'd ever felt as turned on, when I sucked his bottom lip between my teeth and teased him with my tongue. "Take me back," I whispered against his lips.

Christopher quickly turned around and waded back to shore clutching my backside, with me wrapped around him. Leaving our sandals and towels on the beach, he strode up the stairs, and carried me into the cottage. Once we were inside, he kept going all the way up to the top floor, till we were in the bedroom.

Both of us breathing pretty hard, with his eyes on mine, he gently lowered me onto my back on the bed, crawled between thighs, tipped up my face and kissed me. While I enjoyed the feeling of winding my hands through his thick, dark hair, wondering how I could be so lucky.

With him notched between my thighs, I could feel that he was rock hard, pressing up against me. And I knew I was drenched, and not just being from being out in the water.

"We should get out of these wet swim suits," I suggested, when we finally came up for air.

I watched wide-eyed, as he stood and pushed his down his board shorts, and kicked them aside, letting his erection spring free. I was so overwhelmed, I actually started trembling, as I realized what we were about to do, especially since he wasn't exactly small.

Hooking his thumbs into my bikini bottoms, his eyes flared as he bared my pussy, adorned with just a few red curls, sitting over my mound.

When he slipped off my top, letting my girls bounce free, he stood back and shook his head, and murmured, "You really are beautiful."

I smirked, looking him over. "And you're pretty easy on the eyes, yourself, mister."

He chuckled as he crawled back onto the bed, and made his way up between my legs. With his hands on my thighs, and his eyes on mine, he spread me open wide. I had never felt so vulnerable, as he groaned and bent his head, lashed out his tongue and slowly licked me. Teasing me with stroke after stroke, adding his fingers, he penetrated me with one and then two, sliding in and out of me, till he had me almost levitating in mid air.

Dusting kisses over my tummy, he watched me shudder really hard as I climaxed. "Are you okay?" he asked, when I just couldn't stop shivering.

I manage to nod my head, and gasp, "I'm hoping I will be, once I remember how to breathe."

My ex was never really into oral, but I was sooo glad, that Christopher seemed to love it, at least judging by the way he chuckled, still licking at my pussy, and teasing my clit with his tongue, to make me come even longer.

Every inch of me still humming, clenching the sheets in my fists, I watched him get to his feet at the side of the bed, reach for my legs and slip them over his shoulders. Keeping me spread open wide, he fisted his erection, and carefully nudged at my opening. My breath hitched as he pushed in, deliciously stretching me inside to fit him, as he bent his knees and started pumping.

"You feel so good," he murmured as he swivelled his hips, hitting me inside, right where I needed him.

"Hmm, so do you," I said, smiling up into his dark, stormy eyes.

He just looked so much hotter than I ever dreamed, naked and fully aroused, and showing me what making love was really meant to feel like as he pumped his way into my body.

Working my clit with his thumb, he kept thrusting, a little deeper and harder with every flex of his hips.

Suddenly, feeling the most amazing tingle racing through me, I cried out, "Oh, god, Christopher, I'm coming so hard!"

He just smiled, looking pleased, with sweat running down his face, jaw clenched, and still desperately thrusting, till he finally threw back his head and groaned, as I felt him pulsating deep inside me. I could feel every pulse as he came, while he was still gently pumping, till I knew he gave me everything he had.

Letting my legs slide off his shoulders, he pulled out, and I could see he was still semi-erect, as he got on the bed, pulled me into his arms, and softly stroked my back as we both struggled to breathe.

"You know what I wish now?" he said, playfully nipping at my chin.

I shook my head, and looked into his eyes, stroking his cheek. "I have no idea."

His expression softened, when he admitted, "I wished I'd had the nerve to ask you out two years ago, once we were both on our own. Then we could have been enjoying each other like this every night, and probably every morning, too."

I was tracing a finger around his lips, and he gently nipped me, and made me laugh.

"Well, you know, we could try and make up for lost time, seeing as we're here for three weeks," I said, getting back at him by pinching his butt and making him laugh.

I watched, wondering what he was doing, when he put his finger in the air, like he was mentally adding something up. "Let me do the math," he said, "Two years, give or take a few days is 730 days. So, in the twenty-one days we're here..." He looked at me with his brows raised, looking shocked. "We have got an awful lot of catching up to do, like over thirty times a day. And I was hoping to live long enough to get back to work in the fall, and maybe retire in a couple of years."

Shaking my head, I laughed as he squeezed me, and kissed the end of my nose. "Well, we can try," I said, with a naughty grin.

"Okay, but just remember you said that, when I've got you bent over the bathroom sink, when you're brushing your teeth, or when I pull you down onto the kitchen floor while you're making breakfast, or when I take you doggy style in front of the fireplace, just because that sweet ass of yours looks too tempting to resist."

I smirked. "Hmm, doggy sounds fun."

He winked. "Just give me an hour to regroup."

I reached between us, and started stroking him up and down, making his eyes roll back in his head. "By the feel of things, I'm not sure if you'll need an hour, considering that he's pretty much sprung back to life."

"It's got to be you, Erin. Or, maybe just the fact that I've wanted you for so long. And now that it's finally happened, I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to get enough of you."

I almost wanted to cry; he was just so sweet. But the truth was, I felt the same way about him.

When he started licking my nipples, and had me twisting my hands in his hair, and sliding my pussy up and down along his erection, I was so blown away by how amazing he was with my girls.

When of course, his phone started chiming.

He looked over his shoulder at his phone on the night stand, and muttered, "Whoever it is can wait. Then he licked my nipple, grinned at me, and said, "But this can't."

He had me on all fours, making me see stars, as he rode me like a cowboy, so incredibly hard and fast and deep, that my poor heart just wouldn't stop pounding -- when his stupid phone chimed again.

Luckily, I had already come pretty hard, when he'd had his head between my legs, and licked me into an insanely powerful orgasm, before he slid into me from behind. And I could tell from how hard and fast he was pumping, and the way he was groaning, that he was almost there.

Reaching between us, I massaged his balls, and he growled as he came, gushing inside me. Dropping his head on my back, with his chest heaving, he kissed his way up my spine, and nuzzled my neck, making me shiver, and laugh when he said, "That's one down, and only seven hundred and twenty-nine more to go, till we're all caught up, sweet cheeks."

When his phone rang again, worried that something was wrong, I said, "I think you'd better answer that, it might be important."

He grabbed it off the night stand, saw who it was, shook his head, and said, "Hey, Carol, what's up?"

Curling up beside him, I smirked, eyeing his semi, because I thought it was kind of funny, that he was still up, even after we'd just made love.

When he noticed where I was looking, with my eyebrows raised, he chuckled, and pulled me closer.

But from the sound of his ex, I could tell she was annoyed.

"I don't know how many times I have to phone, before someone finally picks up. I kept, calling but you never answered."

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