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Summer Lovin Under the Stars

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Camp counselors fuck in the grass after lights out.
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He could hear her shuffling through the grass, the beam of her flashlight lighting the way in front of her. Aside from the stars above them and the two citronella candles he had lit, there was only darkness. Maggie didn't come into view until she was right there, standing above him at the edge of the blanket he had spread out in the grass. She shone the flashlight up beneath her chin, grinning wildly.

"It's me," she declared, before turning off the beam of yellow light and plopping down onto the blanket next to him.

"Hey there," he put an arm around her shoulders and planted a peck on her lips.

She was all bundled up, a zip-up hoodie on top, a pair of jeans below, slip-on sneakers on her feet. It got chilly at night up in the mountains where the sleep-away camp was located. No matter how hot the day had been, once the sun was down everyone was forced into sweatshirts. But Dylan was sure they'd warm up quite nicely with what they had on the agenda.

"Well, this is quite romantic," Maggie giggled pointing at the citronella candles he set up.

"Oh, you bet. Nothing sexier than keeping the mosquitos off the naughty bits," he nodded, grinning.

"I was tempted to cover myself in bug spray all over," she motioned around her body. "But then decided that you might end up with a nasty taste in your mouth that way."

"Oh, I see, you want my mouth on you, huh?" Dylan reached out to cup her face in his hand and kissed the side of her jaw, inching down towards her neck.

"Mhmm," the sound came out as a hum from between her lips just before he reached them with his.

He pulled her down onto the blanket, kissing her deeply. Her legs wound around him, pulling him closer to her. There was immediate heat between them, grabbing the attention of his cock. He reached up under the layers of Maggie's clothes and flicked the clasp on her bra open with a one-handed maneuver. She giggled, while he moved his hand to the front to cup her breast.

"I'm never gonna get tired of the way you do that," she whispered against his lips.

"What? The bra thing?" Her breast was so soft and pliant in his hand. His thumb and index finger closed around her nipple, twisting it.

"Mmm, yeah," she confirmed. "The benefits of hooking up with an older guy, I guess." She giggled again, then sighed as he moved his hand to her other breast.

"The benefit being that I don't waste time fumbling with your bra and can get right in there to play with these awesome little nipples?" She moaned at his words as he twisted and tugged a little harder. Maggie seemed easily impressed by him and he would bet her panties were already wet.

He slid a hand down towards her jeans. His fingers moved nimbly to undo the button and the fly before slipping inside. He could feel the dampness on her panties on the outside and pressed his fingers against them, causing her to moan again.

"Oh God yes," the words followed the moan. He loved the affirmation, pressing his fingers into her seam, further soaking her panties.

Maggie was undoing his zipper too, not quite as nimbly as he had done hers. She had to shift around to use both hands, holding onto the fabric with one while pulling it down with the other. She fumbled inside his shorts, looking for the fly of his boxers while he already had his fingers inside her.

"Oh fuck," the words sounded desperate as she squirmed in his hand, gripping his cock and trying to pull it out through the fly. "Why are you so fucking good at this?"

"Practice," he told her, strategically positioning his hand with two fingers inside her and his thumb over her clit.

Maggie's hand was tightly wrapped around his shaft, stroking. He could feel the cool air against his skin, especially when the drop of precum ran down his cock and was spread along his length by Maggie's palm. It intensified the sensation, the building heat inside his balls with the chill along the outside. Her grip on him seemed to intensify too, fueled by her own proximity to the edge. Her breathing quickened, her pussy bucking up towards his hand, seeking the release. He watched her face, her eyes closed and her lips parted as she neared that cliff and then fell over it.

"Oh fuck," she said again. This time the words were breathy, pleading. Her channel tightened around his fingers and she shivered, coming in his hand. He desperately wanted to be inside that hot, wet pussy, feeling the spasms of her orgasm.

His touch on her grew lighter as she rode out the climax and once he felt her relaxing, he pulled his hand away. He reached into the cargo pocket of his shorts to pull out the condom and set it down on the blanket before he moved to shimmy Maggie's jeans down past her ass and towards her knees. She was still panting, her eyes closed, face upturned towards the sky. It was so dark and clear and full of stars.

"Are you ok?" He checked with her, stroking his own cock while kneeling next to her. Her eyes opened and a huge grin lit up her face.

"I'm fantastic!" She declared before bracing herself up on a hand and lifting up so that her face was right on level with his erection. "Let me." She didn't wait for him to let go of his cock, leaning in to lick the tip of it. Her lips closed around it and she slid her mouth down towards the root, her tongue pressing against the underside.

"Now that's fantastic," he told her, moving his hand out of the way, letting her take as much of him as she could fit inside her mouth. She looked up at him, her eyes smiling, while she moved up and down his cock.

"I'm not so good at this." her hand replaced her mouth for just a moment as she said the words, then dove back on.

"I think you're underselling yourself, Maggie." He stroked her hair, resisting the urge to grab her ponytail and hold her still while fucking her mouth. He didn't want to scare her or make her uncomfortable. What she was doing felt great too and Dylan tipped his head back, looking up at the navy sky. The cool air blew across his face, refreshing and calming.

"You know what I find really sexy?" She asked, her hand replacing her mouth on his cock once more as she looked up at him. "Imagining that you could have been my teacher, in high school. That this could have been this naughty, porn-like, forbidden arrangement." He laughed.

Their nine-year age difference seemed far more negligible here, at camp, where they were both on staff and even though she was a counselor and he was the waterfront director, they didn't have to hide their relationship. He wasn't her supervisor, she was 18, and they kept things kid appropriate in front of campers. But outside of the bubble of this summer camp, back in the real lives of the school year, he was a high school teacher and it was true, he could have been hers, just last year, if they lived in the same town and state. It was amusing that she found this fact arousing.

"Is that why you're into me? The schoolgirl fantasy?" He stroked her hair again as she circled her tongue around the tip of his cock while stroking the shaft.

"It's not just that." He could tell that she was blushing even in the darkness. Those big brown eyes looking up at him with that defensive expression gave away her slight embarrassment. "I like you." She shrugged. "I find you attractive, I like hanging out with you. The schoolgirl fantasy is just the icing." She winked, then stuck her tongue out to lick the head of his cock again.

"So if I told you," his hand closed lightly around her ponytail, "that Mr. Casey needs to fuck your little mouth because you've missed too many homework assignments?" His inflection suggested a question, allowing her to decline. But her eyes were sparkling back up at him in the darkness and she nodded without hesitation. "Move your hand away," he instructed and she immediately complied, her mouth open and waiting, tongue circling the tip.

He grasped her hair tighter and pushed into her mouth. She moaned around his cock as he thrust in and out, going further and further into her throat each time. She gagged and he pulled back, letting her catch her breath, then drove back in again. It was too good, he thought, he'd come like this and that wasn't his intention.

"I need to fuck you, Maggie," he told her, pulling out of her mouth, and she nodded silently.

His hand felt for the condom he had left on the blanket earlier and ripped open the package, moving hurriedly to roll it on. Maggie had laid back and he positioned himself over her his legs straddling hers. He slid the tip through her wet folds, guiding himself to her entrance, and then slowly pushed inside her. She whimpered as he entered her, eyes closing. She was so incredibly tight and with her thighs together, constrained by the jeans still at her knees, it felt almost uncomfortable. Almost.

Dylan leaned on his elbows above her, driving into her with slow, measured strokes, watching her face. She licked her lips, bringing her arms up to circle his neck. She felt incredible around his cock and he did not want to come in a hurry, trying to savor the feel of her. He tuned into the surrounding sounds — the crickets and cicadas, the distant sound of bullfrogs at the lake, the way the trees moved, leaves shuffling in the wind.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," the words tumbled out of Maggie's mouth as she came again. He didn't think it was possible for her to get any tighter around him, but her pussy gripped and pulsed around him with unbelievable intensity. "I'm sorry," she added as her climax receded.

"No, why? Shh, don't be sorry," he began to comfort her, not understanding why she felt the need to apologize.

"Well," she pulled her lip in between her teeth briefly, her eyes wide and round staring up at him. "I know you were trying to reprimand me for the missing homework, Mr. Casey, and you didn't give me permission to come."

This brilliant fucking girl! Dylan restrained the grin that was pulling at his lips and tried to dawn a stern expression. He didn't know whether to kiss her or flip her over and spank her.

"Oh, Maggie, I think you need a good pounding for that," he told her. "I want you to get on your hands and knees." He pulled out, holding onto the condom, and waited for her to awkwardly maneuver herself into the position with the jeans still down around her knees.

He didn't wait then, plunging right inside her as she gave a quiet yelp. His groin slapped against her ass as he drilled her with his cock. Despite the chill in the air, he was breaking a sweat. Maggie's ass felt fantastic in his hands and he gripped a little tighter as he neared his release.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Casey. I'll make it up..." The pleading tone in her voice pushed him over the top. He slammed into her as he came, his balls tensing and wave after wave of orgasm flushing through him.

"Holy shit, Maggie!" He stayed inside her as his climax retreated. And once he pulled out, they both collapsed on the blanket. "Man, that's a nifty little game."

"I don't think I've ever had better sex than that," Maggie announced. The statement made Dylan proud of himself, but he chuckled.

"You flatter me." Dylan kissed her forehead.

"Oh, I'm being completely honest, Mr. Casey," she winked at him, pulling up her pants. "I can't wait to see what else you can teach me."

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swingset66swingset66about 2 years ago

Great story! There wasn't any need for alot of build-up. It didn't show how they met or their very likely awkward first time having sex as the story didn't need it. This was a slightly older man (he could have still been playing with his Pokemon cards when she was born) and an 18-year-old girl who found her maturity. You can tell there was affection for each other that went outside the desire but there it didn't get overplayed. The romantic in me would love to see what happens next with these two but would be happy also if this was a summer romance that they would think about from time to time as they get older.

Lovecraft_LoreLovecraft_Loreover 2 years ago

5 stars

I wish it had minotaurs fighting with chainsaws, or maybe a sex based occult rite like the ones that normally happen at summer camps. Still it is a sweet little tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Give sexy Mr. Casey, nine years older than Maggie, a bit of sexy chest hair for his masculine muscled chest. He is fully an adult, a teacher, and I'll bet a very sexually attractive man! More sex to come, I hope!

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