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Susan in Training

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Mature woman trained by younger man as husband takes photos.
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This is a fictional account of a mature woman being trained by a younger man while her husband captures the training on film.


Chapter 1

It was more than a month ago that Susan and her Husband Albert who is 55 years old met Daryl a young man in his forties for the first time, after they made contact on Craigslist. The younger man put an ad on the site 'in man for couples' looking for a mature woman he could test theories he developed of a sexual nature on. Her husband showed the ad to Susan. She agreed to meet with the younger man as long as her husband checked it out to make sure she would be safe in the younger man's presences.

When Susan was questioned after the first meeting she told her husband that the little display she put on for Daryl in a store in Springfield was fun, but she thought the three where going to a motel no do something in a semi private area. Daryl Emailed her a few days ago to tell her that he wanted to meet with them again, this time in a motel. She told him she would tell her husband, if he agreed they would be set a time and date for the meeting with the younger man.

Susan did not tell her husband about the call she received until after they had dinner. She was contemplating forgetting about meeting with Daryl again because of her insecurities. Her husband asked her if she heard from the younger man. She explained that she had an email from him to meet, but she really did not want to meet with him as she feels he really is not interested in her. Her husband told her that they are going to meet; she will have a good time with the two men.

The following Saturday morning the couple left the Berkshires heading to West Springfield. Susan a blond haired woman with a touch of grey, dressed in a skirt to just below her knee, a button down blouse, with a bra and panties set her husband picked out for her. To finish off the outfit a pair of shoes, she knows her husband likes. Over the outfit she put her long coat, as it was cold day. She was a little excited at the prospect of showing off for two men, but nervous that Daryl would not like her.

The reason for her insecurities, Susan is a woman in her early fifties, She stands about 5'5", a grandmother, with large natural breasts that sag a little fitting into a 38d bra, her stomach is not as tight as it was when she was younger, She carries a little extra weight, but less than the national average. This makes her insecure, but it does not bother her husband or Daryl. Both men think she is sexier than the skinny young girls, so both men are going to make sure she has a good time from here forward.

They arrived at the prescribed motel at the time indicated, meeting Daryl outside. The three adjourned to the rented room laughing. He told Susan to sit on the bed explained to her she looked very nice, after he helped her remove her coat. Both men took off their coats, placing them on the little table in the room. Susan's husband Albert had a digital camera to take pictures of the proceedings starting with the removal of Susan's coat.

To break the ice they conversed for the first half hour of their meeting. Albert snapped a few pictures of Susan, some she was laughing, others with serious expressions or having a frown on her face; most were good pictures of her.

There was a silence that came over the room as each realized the time has come to start what they came together for. Her husband said. "Do you think we should begin?" to let her make the decision to continue with her training.

Susan looked at him with a nervous smile that was turning into a blush saying softly. "I guess so, if you want me too?"

Albert took a picture of her as Daryl took her hand to help her off the bed. He made her stand in the middle of the room. He sat on the bed looking at her saying. "Susan you're a pretty woman, but I think that you should get more comfortable. Why don't you remove your bra and panties at this time?" Making her blush even more she became more agitated, as she knew it was time for her to make a decision. Should she comply with Daryl's request or tell her husband it was time to leave?

In an attempt to have more time to make her decision she asked. "Can I go into the bathroom to remove the garments?"

The answer came back a resounding "NO" from both the men. Daryl continued to say "We are here to bring out the beautiful woman in you. You just have to do as we ask. You have a free will, if you say no the testing is over. You have to want to do as asked."

Sheepishly she bent down, lifted her skirt to hook her thumbs in each side of her panties pulling them down her legs, getting them below her knees, the intimate garment fell to the floor. Daryl bent down to pick it up, noticing that the crotch of the panties was very wet. Susan put her hand on his shoulder for balance as she stepped out of her panties. She kept her modesty removing her panties, but the removal of the bra was going to be more difficult. Susan on the last trip to Springfield flashed Daryl, so he saw her breasts anyway. She just turned her back to the men present, unbuttoned her blouse, removing it, she did not realize that they could see her breasts in the mirror. She unhooked and removed her bra handing it to Daryl, putting the blouse back on only buttoning one button in the center of her blouse. Al obtained the photographic record of the forgoing activities for future viewing pleasure and to document Susan's progress.

Daryl presently took her bra complementing her, saying she looked better in her outfit presently. He had her stand in the middle of the room, as he walked around her complementing her on her great legs, narrow waist and small buttocks. Susan is gaining confidence finally realizing she is an appealing woman it made her blush, but feeling good. Albert is recording the event with his digital camera.

Taking Susan's hand Daryl lead her back to the bed, had her sit on the edge of it. He had her lean back on her elbows; this made the blouse part showing most of her breasts. "I am going to position you for more pictures." Said Daryl has he adjusted her skirt so the garment was above her knees; he had her spread her legs some.

Susan was very self-conscious in the beginning; showing a man she does not know very well her intimate being. She was fighting with her values, she is not in a comfortable position, so opens she her legs wider, exposing her pubic area to Daryl's gaze, but she does not feel it is right, because of her puritanical upbringing. What is going through her mind at this moment is. "What will her parents think if they saw her like this? What will people think of her? Will people talk about her behind her back if they knew what she was doing at this moment?"

Daryl retrieved a chair that from the corner of the room, bringing it very close to the bed, and sitting down positioning his knees between Susan's legs he started to talk to the older woman. "How would you like me to bring the beautiful woman out that is inside of you?" He said looking at her exposed sex.

Blushing profusely she said. "I would really like that." Al is busy taking pictures reveling in his wife's exposure. He is excited that his wife has agreed to the training.

"You will have to ask your husband if it is ok for me to help you bring out the sexy woman in you." continued Daryl as he stroked her legs starting at her knees, working up the outside of her thighs, stopping at her hips alternating sides, doing this a few times to stimulate her libido.

Al was taking photos trying to capture all the interaction between Sue and Daryl. His wife had to ask him twice if it was OK for Daryl to continue. He answered in the affirmative, continuing to take photos hopefully he can capture his wife's sexual glow.

Daryl is telling Susan how soft her skin is as he rubbing the inside of her leg from her knee going to her pubic area, until he noticed her starting to stiffen up with tension, putting her hand on his to stop him from going any further. She was willing, but she did not know what her husband thought about another man touching her flower of life. Arnold is taking more photos of Susan enjoying this experience.

Susan looking at Albert with pleading eyes asks. "Will you mind if Daryl helps me bring the sexy woman in me out?

Albert looking through the viewfinder of his camera says. "That would be great if Daryl doesn't mind." As he snaps a few pictures of his wife leaning back on the bed exposing more of her intimate area to the two men Albert was very excited watching another man slowly bring his fingers into contact with his wife's exposed sex.

"As we are all in agreement lets start with describing what I would expect from you. Susan with your husband's assistance, you will have to do as I ask to prepare for our meetings, complying with each of my requests. I will show both of you the proper dress for Susan for all the meetings from now on. If you follow the instructions Susan you will feel very sexy, wondering why you did not follow your instincts many years ago.

Running his hands up her legs higher on her thighs just touching her moist pussy lips with the back of his hand, she was becoming accustom to his touch not pushing his hand away, opening up to him while he continued to talk to her in a soothing voice saying. "I can see you're relaxing presently. Do you like what I am doing to you to this point? Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes, that feels very nice. Please continue." Susan says in a very dreamy voice.

"She is more relaxed than I have seen her in a long time," Al thought as he continued to take photos of the proceedings, very glad that they made contact with Daryl on the net.

Continuing to explain what he expected from Susan he says. "I am taking my time with you, I expect you to follow my instructions to the letter, with Al's help I will explain to both of you what I expect of Susan for each meeting. If you do not feel that you want to continue just tell me, we will stop meeting. If you do not comply with each instruction I will do not want to waste my time. I will say good-by to you Susan. I do not have time to work with someone that is not ready to be a sexy woman. Is this understood Susan? Do you have any questions so far?" Daryl said as he continued to rub her legs pushing the back of his hand deeper into her now very wet pussy.

She is moaning with pleasure presently. Her skirt is almost to her waist; her legs are opened wide for Daryl to have better access to her thighs. It took a few seconds for her to register in her mind that he needed an answer from her. She said. "Yes, I understand that you are going to help me. The only question I have. I only get one chance to do as you ask even if I feel uncomfortable? If I don't do it you will not see us again?"

"Yes, if you do not wish to comply with my requests freely then our meetings will be over, as I will not force any woman to comply with my instructions." He said to her as he continued to rub her thighs with both hands alternating between them. Daryl could see her pussy in his present position between her legs. Her pussy lips are getting red and engorged with her excitement. He could see moisture glisten between her lips. Looking at her face he could see that she was ready for the next part of the instruction.

Stopping his ministrations on her legs he said to her holding out his hand. "Here let me help you up I am going to show you how you are to be dressed for each meeting in the future." Leading her to the center of the room again by her hand he says. "I want you to remove your skirt and blouse at this time."

"I don't mind taking off my blouse, but can I keep my skirt on. I do not like the looks of stomach. I look awful without my skirt on." Susan says very embarrassed at the thought of being completely nude in front of Daryl fearing when he sees her naked he will not want to continue with this.

Looking at her very intently he says to her in a soothing voice. "You are a beautiful woman too beautiful to be encumbered with clothes. I am trying to bring your inner beauty to the surface. It can only be done by exposing yourself completely to us." Says Daryl almost hypnotically as he looks at her intently willing her to do as he requests.

As she is removing her blouse, handing it to Daryl she asked in a last ditch effort to avoid being completely exposed to him. "Can I keep on my skirt please this is really humiliating to be the only one that will be completely nude."

"No, Susan the only way to become completely free is to expose your body entirely us." Says Daryl in a very soothing voice while he takes her blouse from her and folds it.

Sighing and blushing at the realization that she will be completely exposed to Daryl. She reaches for the catch to the skirt lowers the zipper, lets it fall to the ground, as her husband records her first total exposure in the presence of the younger man. She is standing in front of two men completely nude. The very embarrassed mature woman is holding one of her arms over her breasts; trying to cover her pubic area with her other hand almost in tears, she is so humiliated at presently. Daryl reaches down; he is only inches from her pubic area with his face, as he picks up her skirt, becoming aroused with her feminine scent. She puts her hand on his shoulder as she steps out of her skirt. He hands the skirt to Al. He has to stop taking pictures to grab the skirt from Daryl.

Taking Susan's hands he removed them from covering her breasts or pubic area, putting them at her side. She was hunched over trying to make herself smaller. Daryl said holding her hands at her side. "You are beautiful stand up straight, arch your back. You have great breasts hold them out in front of you, be proud of your body. Let us see you in all your naked glory.

Susan arched her back, standing straight, this made her look great to both men. Albert said. "Susan I am so proud of you my dear." Taking more pictures of her in all her naked glory he was very happy with her stripping nude in front of another man.

"Al, why don't you take Susan's clothes to the car?" Said Daryl as he turned Susan around to face the exterior door that was about 6 feet away from where she was standing. Her heart was beating very fast presently as Albert picked up the clothes, opened the door. Someone may see her as her husband was going to the car leaving the door opened. She was exposed to anyone that went by their motel room door. She was relieved when Al came back in, closing the door behind him. "Thank God no one came by the room, seeing me with two men." Susan thought with relief.

"Your doing great Susan keep up the good work. You will be completely naked in my presence from now on. I will show you positions I have designed to display you. This is number 1 position. Each time I call number 1 position, your hands at your sides, shoulders back, feet spread about shoulder length apart." He said as he showed her adjusting her legs how to place her feet. In this position you can see Susan's pussy lips.

She complied with his wishes getting into position 1, he explain she will be examined every time they meet saying. "You are to stand the way you are presently for position 1. I am going to examine you in this way." As he proceeded to examine her breasts, very gently giving her a breast exam rubbing each breast in circular motions, then very carefully pinches her nipple. He went around in back of her kneeled; spread her buttocks apart to expose her back door for his inspection. She was very embarrassed to have her brown star examined by the younger man. Opening her rear hole up for his inspection, it was humiliating her he, was gaining a thorough knowledge of her body. He next came around front, opened her pubic area from the front to inspect her pussy lips. This was all recorded by her husband, who was having a problem with his cock; he had a tent in his pants. It was becoming clear that Susan was becoming very excited when Daryl pulled open her pussy; the moisture was dripping onto the floor from her. Never in all her life had she been inspected as the younger man is doing presently. Susan does not know if she wants to continue seeing this younger man.

Taking Susan's hand Daryl walked her over to the bed, showed her the 2nd position. He had her standing at the side of the bed, putting his hand on her back he pushed her bending at the waist with her legs spread about two feet apart resting her elbows on the bed. Daryl sat on the chair to examine her wide open flower of life she is so excited, she is dripping on the floor, by the time he told her to stand up. Her breath was coming in short gasps she is almost to the point of having an orgasm when Daryl stopped his ministrations of her pussy.

Helping Susan up Daryl had her get on the bed on her back saying. "This is position number three. On your back with you legs spread wide apart, in a comfortable position for you." He got between her legs, looking at her pussy very closely as Albert was taking pictures of her concentrating on her pubic area. This is the first time he could get good pictures of her pussy opened as it is ready to be penetrated. Poor Susan was moaning very loudly presently, she needed an orgasm to relieve her stress, but Daryl stopped his exam just as she was about to orgasm.

"Number 4 position is sitting in the arm chair." Daryl told her as he helped her up. She sat in the chair, he had her put her legs over the arm rests it exposed her totally to both men's gaze. She could see her image in the mirror back of the exterior door. Susan was totally exposed not just her lips, she could see the pink of her inner lips and the outer lips engorging with blood of her overheated pussy. Daryl bent down he rubbed her clit with his thumb in a circle three times she came sending her orgasmic fluid all over the chair. It took her a while to regain consciousness because she had an earth shattering orgasm. She had a satisfied smile on her face looking at the two men she just had an orgasm in front of.

Smiling at Susan Daryl said. "Let's go through the positions a few times before we finish for the day Susan."

"Number 3" He said and she got on the bed with her legs spread knowing she is very exposed in this position.

"Number 1" He said she got off the bed She stood with legs spread arms at her side, looking in the mirror she could see her pussy lips hanging down between her legs very faintly.

"Number 4" He said she went to the chair put her legs over the arms of the chair exposing her pussy.

"Number 2" He said she went to the bed spread her legs bent over at the waist, resting her torso with her elbows on the bed, feeling the cool air on her pussy Sue knows she is very vulnerable in this position.

"Very good Susan you did a fine job. One last thing you do not cut or shave your pubic area I will do that as needed you bring your shaving equipment with you in case we need to groom you. Finally how do you feel about yourself presently?" Said Daryl.

"Still horny." She blushed.

"Well then I think Albert has his work cut out for him tonight." Daryl laughed; the others joined him seeing the humor in the last remark.

"When do you want to get together again?" Said Albert.

"Susan Email me when you want to get together again," Said Daryl.

"Do you want me to get your clothes for you Susan?" Said her husband.

"No I will just put on the coat. I am only going to the car. Then home unless you want to go to the mall while we are here?" She smiled at him knowing that Al loves to have her go naked under her coat to stores.

Susan and Albert went to the Christmas Tree shop at the Holyoke Mall. Although she was naked under her coat, they did not play any games in the stores there were too many kids with their parents everywhere. Susan received some great gifts for Christmas this year. On the way home with the heat on in the truck Susan complained that it was too warm. Albert told her to open her coat. It was dark out, so after they went through the Turnpike toll booth she opened her coat. She had a wonderful ride home.


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