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Suspension Sessions Ch. 01

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Getting caught smoking weed has consequences for two friends.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/23/2019
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The following story is complete fiction. It deals with sexual activities between two male eighteen year old high school seniors and their older male vice principal. If such content offends you or violates your community standards, please stop reading right now.


Todd Bowden was your typical eighteen year old high school senior. Five foot nine and one hundred and sixty pounds, with reddish brown hair and boyish good looks that made him seem like he was fifteen or sixteen.

Todd's boyish looks and sleight frame always hurt more then helped. The senior girls in his school always wanted guys that could grow a lot of facial hair or project that they were much more mature than they actually were.

As a consequence Todd never had any luck with the ladies. A complete virgin at eighteen Todd had never even kissed a girl. Instead of pursing girls, Todd spent most of his free time hanging out with his best friend Aaron. Playing video games in Aaron's dad's basement and getting stoned.

For the last six months all Todd ever wanted to do was smoke pot. That was when Aaron's older brother came back from college with a quarter pound of quality cannabis and got them stoned for the first time ever; it was just a matter of time before Todd was hooked.

Unfortunately sitting in eleven am study hall there was little chance of being able to get stoned. So all Todd could do was sit and think about how much he was going to smoke later.

That's when Aaron opened the door to the room and sat down next to Todd. Aaron was a little taller than Todd at five foot eleven and a little stockier too at about 190 pounds. His dark hair and olive complexion contrasted with Todd's more fair features and white Irish skin. He was a bit older than Todd and because of that he had a confidence that worked with the ladies.

Before Aaron could say anything the voice of Mrs. Anderson broke through the silence of the classroom. "Excuse me Mr. Barnes but should you be in this study hall?" Mrs. Anderson interjected.

Aaron of course should not be in this study hall as he should have been in his own study hall across the school. Aaron loved to trick the old teachers and saw the challenge as an opportunity.

"You've caught me Mrs. Anderson I don't belong in this study hall. I should get going, but before I do, do you want to know why I came in knowing it's not my study hall?" Aaron winked at Todd.

Mrs. Anderson looked at Aaron with renewed skepticism. "Yes Mr. Barnes please enlighten me," Mrs. Anderson barked.

A flash of an idea sprung in Aaron's mind. "This is going to be too easy," he thought to himself.

"Well as you know our senior projects are coming due soon and Todd and I are working on one together. I was thinking since we both have study hall now would it be okay if Todd came with me to Mr. Clark's study hall so we can work on it?"

Mrs. Anderson's face went quickly from skeptical to embarrassed. Here she thought he was up to no good but he really wants to work on his project.

"Why of course Mr. Barnes take Mr. Bowden with you and get started on that project!" Mrs. Anderson exclaimed.

Aaron looked over at Todd and the shocked look on his face said it all. Aaron grabbed Todd by the arm and hustled him out of there before he could screw it up.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Anderson, I knew you would help us out." Aaron said as they exited the room.

When they got into the hallway Aaron let go of Todd and gave him his best Ferris Bueller look.

"How did you pull that off?" Todd asked astonished.

"It's all in the confidence Todd my boy," Aaron joked.

"No I mean how did you get Mr. Clark to let you go?" Todd asked impatiently.

"Simple, I told him I was going to go to your study hall and work on our senior project." Aaron responded.

"You know we really do have to start that project at some point." Todd looked around the hallway wondering what they were going to do.

"There will be plenty of time for that later. Now listen we have 40 minutes left in study hall and then after we have lunch. That gives a solid hour with this bad boy," Aaron opened up his glasses case and Todd spied the biggest blunt he had ever seen.

"How are we going to. . . I mean where are we going to get away with smoking that?" Todd stammered.

"You disappoint me, don't you know if I come up with an idea I cover all my bases? The first floor bathroom by the band room is out of commission remember? We just go there and smoke it no one will be the wiser." Aaron looked arrogant as he explained his plan.

"But what about the plumbers working on fixing it?" Todd interjected.

"Easy they take their lunch at eleven and don't come back until one, those union jobs have their advantages you know. That gives us a two hour window to blaze come on." Aaron always had a way of getting Todd to do what he wanted.

The two young men made their way through the school until they were at the first floor bathroom. Sneaking past the out of order sign and the workmen's' tools they settled into the last stall and shut the door.

Aaron took out the blunt and sparked it up. Immediately the area filled with the rich, skunky smell of potent marijuana.

"Aren't you worried about the smell man what if we get caught?" Todd whispered.

Aaron laughed and blew a huge hit of smoke into Todd's face while handing him the blunt.

"Relax man these bathrooms got big industrial fans in them to deal with the smell from everyone shitting all the time," Aaron wisecracked through the smoke.

Aaron's explanation seemed to relax Todd who took a huge hit of his own before passing the blunt back.

Before long most of the blunt was gone, and the bathroom was filled thick with smoke. This batch was a particularly potent strain of blue dream, so it was no surprise that neither of them heard the door to the bathroom open and someone step in.

"Man I'm good dude I'm blasted let's get out of here," Aaron put the blunt out and Todd went to open the stall door. When the door swung open their hearts sank. Standing before them was vice principal Mr. Gibson.

The vice principal was a tall, imposing man in his mid fifties. He stood six foot four with a heavy paunch, and salt and pepper hair. The most prominent feature on his face was his thick moustache that all the students used to crack jokes about.

"Well what do we have in here? I was doing work in my office when I just knew I smelled what had to be marijuana being smoked on school grounds," Mr. Gibson looked the two boys over from top to bottom.

Todd shot Aaron a look of anger and confusion. "You said the fan would take care of the smell!" Todd said exasperated.

Mr. Gibson started to chuckle. "The fan isn't hooked up boys it's out of order remember. You two are in a lot of trouble. Drug use is an automatic expulsion under our zero tolerance policies, but you two knew that right?" Mr. Gibson's face twisted in a sinister smile.

Mr. Gibson reached out his open hand. "Let me have the rest of that cigar son," Aaron reluctantly dropped the cigar into Mr. Gibson's palm. "Now you two are in no condition to be on your own high as kites like you are. Come with me to my office and we will figure out what we are going to do about this situation."

Mr. Gibson putting extra emphasis on the word situation worried Todd, but he was so stoned he couldn't dwell on it. All he was thinking was that he couldn't be expelled, and if he could do anything to get out of it he was going to try.

Aaron's mind was swimming as well, if he got expelled his dad would throw him out. He made it very clear he was only allowed to live at the house after turning 18 because he was still in high school. Add on to the fact that he stole from his brothers stash and he was in serious peril.

When they got to Mr. Gibson's office he instructed them to sit down in the two chairs that were in front of his desk. He closed the door behind them, locked it and drew the shade. Todd and Aaron were still so stoned they didn't even notice, and then in an even more curious act instead of sitting behind his desk in his chair Mr. Gibson sat on the edge of his desk legs open with his crotch prominently displayed. It was then that Todd started to feel weird about the situation, Aaron was still so stoned that he was oblivious.

After what seemed like an eternity finally Mr. Gibson broke the silence. "Well we have a real problem now don't we boys?" Mr. Gibson asked.

"Yes," the boys sheepishly replied in unison.

Mr. Gibson shot them a look of anger. "How about yes sir? Why don't we try that again?" He barked. Aaron looked at Todd and wondered what exactly was going on.

"Yes sir," replied the boys again.

"Good boys now that's better, from now on you will always address me as sir, is that understood?"

"Yes sir," they said in unison again.

"Excellent, well we have two choices in front of us boys and I want you to think long and hard about what choice you want to make. Because once you make your choice there is no going back do you understand?" Mr. Gibson was enjoying tormenting them with questions.

"Yes sir," The mantra became a familiar one.

Mr. Gibson was pleased with the response, already he was conditioning the boys to bend to his will; they had no idea what kind of depraved debauchery he had planned for them.

"Okay so we know all about option one which is automatic expulsion. I've got the evidence right here and I've got a couple of drug tests that you are going to take right now. So I've got the proof I need in case you choose option two but try and back out later," Mr. Gibson rifled through his desk drawers and produced two over the counter drug tests. He opened up the boxes and took out the urine collection cups. "Now since you boys obviously have problems with using the bathroom unsupervised you are going to take these tests right now while I observe." Mr. Gibson said mockingly.

This was too much for Aaron and he tried to protest . "No way man I'm not whipping out my junk in your office this is bullshit!" Aaron shouted.

"This is only if you choose option two, Aaron. If you refuse I can have the police show up right now and test you and you'll be expelled, and you didn't address me as sir. Now apologize and say that you will do as I say!" Mr. Gibson bellowed in response.

The combination of Aaron being stoned and the demand in Mr. Gibson's voice caused him to breakdown and comply.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll take the test sir," Aaron said defeated.

"That's better," Mr. Gibson said. "Now I've put the cups on the edge of my desk, I'm going to need you both to pull down your pants and underwear and I'm going to inspect you to make sure that there isn't any hidden equipment for cheating on this test." Mr. Gibson said threatingly.

Todd and Aaron exchanged uneasy glances, were they really going to do this? "Dude what the fuck do we do?" whispered Todd under his breath.

"Let's just do what he says," Aaron whispered back.

"Now boys no talking! Quit stalling and strip!" Mr. Gibson shouted the command at the scared seniors. Slowly the boys began to disrobe, they unbuckled their pants and took down their jeans as Mr. Gibson stalked around them. When they hesitated in taking off their underwear Mr. Gibson interceded. "I thought I said pants and underwear boys, I need to be able to see that you aren't trying to cheat this test," Mr. Gibson said reprovingly.

"Please sir we aren't trying to cheat don't make us do that I can take the test right now," Aaron begged.

Mr. Gibson's face flashed with sudden anger. "I said underwear off NOW, I won't ask again." Finally they each slide down their underwear, putting their hands in front of their penises to hide their shame. "Hands at your sides boys," Mr. Gibson barked.

With some trepidation Aaron and Todd placed their hands at their sides leaving their penises exposed for the first time. Aaron's was larger, about 5 inches flaccid surrounded by silky dark pubic hair. Todd's penis was smaller, at about 3 inches flaccid with reddish brown pubic hair. Mr. Gibson didn't say anything at first, just continuing his slow walk around before settling behind them. Todd felt his vice principal's hot gaze on him.

"Now before we take the test there is one last area I must check. I'm going to need you both to bend over my desk, take your hands and spread apart your butt checks, I need to make sure you aren't hiding anything in there to beat the test." Mr. Gibson said, the wicked smile returning to his face.

"Sir please we aren't hiding anything . . ." Aaron tried to beg again. Mr. Gibson cut off Aaron before he could finish.

"Do it now or I'll call the police and you'll be expelled!" Mr. Gibson growled. Realizing they had no choice but to comply they bent over and assumed the position. "Good, things will go a lot better if you listen to me boys." Mr. Gibson gloated.

Mr. Gibson got far too close for Todd's comfort as he inspected their assholes for contraband. Of course this was all a clever ruse by Mr. Gibson so he could get a good look at the anal cherries he would soon be taking. "Things seem to be in order, okay boys let's fill up those cups."

The boys quickly stood up and did their business. Of course they failed causing another chuckle from Mr. Gibson. He put the lids on the failed tests and put them back in his desk. "You can put your clothes back on and sit down now," Mr. Gibson commanded again.

"Yes sir," they quickly said and put their clothes back on.

"So now we get to those choices we talked about. You already know choice one which is expulsion. Now choice number two is a lot more interesting. I know you have about six weeks left until you graduate is that right?" Mr. Gibson asked.

"Yes sir," the boys gulped again in unison.

"Well choice number two is instead of expelling you I punish you both with a special secret in school suspension." Mr. Gibson proposed.

A wave of relief washed over Todd, "in school suspension," he thought. "I can do that."

"The catch is that these suspension sessions as we will call them can happen any day, any time entirely up to my whim including off school times and grounds. Do you both agree to this?" Mr. Gibson asked again.

Aaron looked at Todd and gave him an encouraging look. "Yes sir," they both said again.

"Secondly during these sessions you will do exactly what I say at all times and any failure to do so will result in the immediate expulsion of you both for failure to comply." The feeling of relief from earlier that Todd felt was now replaced with deep sense of dread as Mr. Gibson continued. "During these sessions I will own you both completely, mind and body, do you understand? Any resistance to my methods will result in swift and severe punishment. Do you also agree to these terms?" Mr. Gibson asked again.

Todd didn't want to say anything but Aaron blurted out for him. "Yes sir we agree." He said.

A bemused Mr. Gibson decided to push the issue. "Oh you speak for both of you do you Aaron? I need to hear it from Todd that he agrees as well. So how bout it Todd do you agree?" Mr. Gibson stared down Todd.

Todd broke under his gaze and managed to squeak out a meek "yes sir".

"Excellent oh and one last thing now that we have made our agreement I don't think you will need to call me sir anymore." Just as Aaron was going to say something Mr. Gibson continued. "From now on you will call me Master. Is that understood?" Mr. Gibson commanded.

It was only now as the fog of the weed was lifting did Aaron and Todd realize the gravity of their situation. They exchanged uneasy glances and spoke together "Yes Master," they said in stereo.

"Splendid so it's settled. Okay that will be enough for today boys. I'll see you here tomorrow in my office at 10 am. I'll inform all your teachers of the suspension so no one gets too curious. Do exactly as I say tomorrow and you won't be expelled. It looks like you have enough time to catch the rest of lunch." With that Mr. Gibson unlocked the door to his office and opened it to let the boys out.

Aaron again grabbed the shocked Todd by the arm and pulled him out of the office and down to the cafeteria. Along the way they tried to make sense of what had just happened to them. "Man like I know I'm stoned but like did we just get out of that? Like shouldn't we be expelled right now? And all we have to do is some in school suspension shit," Aaron seemed optimistic about the situation.

Todd was always the much more perceptive of the two though and he was very worried. "I don't know dude didn't you think any of that was weird at all? The inspecting our asses and making us call him Master?" Todd asked his friend.

"Nah dude you're crazy I think he was just fucking with us because we were stoned. Besides I can't get expelled. You know what my dad said, as soon as I'm out of school he's going to throw me out. I have to graduate so I can go to college and dorm, otherwise I'm going to be homeless!" There was desperation in Aaron's voice. Aaron stopped his friend and grabbed him by the shoulders. "You have to promise me that no matter what he asks us to do tomorrow we do it. No matter what," Aaron implored.

Todd was afraid of this, he didn't want to be expelled either but he knew that whatever Mr. Gibson had in mind wasn't going to be good for him or Aaron. "Okay dude whatever," Todd wanted to change the subject.

That wasn't good enough for Aaron. "No man not whatever you have to promise. Say, I promise no matter what," Aaron pleaded with his friend.

"I promise no matter what" Todd reluctantly grumbled.

"Okay good now let's get some lunch and not talk about it anymore," Aaron said as the they got in the lunch line.

* * *

Back at his office Mr. Gibson was beside himself with excitement. What luck he had, what amazing fortune he thought. Two young, legal studs falling right into his clutches. He knew that he had played it just right and his long drought was going to be over. He was especially excited to get a chance at Todd. The young man's boyish looks drove the older Gibson's libido into overdrive.

Mr. Gibson took out a key from his pocket and unlocked a long drawer in his desk. Inside were the instruments he would use on Aaron and Todd to break them in and introduce them to the world of gay submission. For the longest time he always thought it was foolish and maybe a little dangerous that he kept these materials on school grounds but now it seemed like fate.

Inside were two pairs of blindfolds, handcuffs, ropes, nipple clamps and chains, dildos, cock rings, and butt plugs of various sizes as well as a big bottle of anal lube. Yes they were going to have fun tomorrow, Mr. Gibson reminded himself to make sure to bring his video camera and laptop so he could document every second of his domination and control over Todd and Aaron.

* * *

Later that night Todd could not get any sleep. He kept running through the scenarios in his head. "Why did he want us to call him Master? Why didn't he just expel us? What is he going to do to us?" Todd tossed and turned the rest of the night and could not get a restful sleep.

Unfortunately for Todd and Aaron the next morning did come and they found themselves outside Mr. Gibson's office at nine forty five, waiting for their ten am session. At just before ten am Mr. Gibson came down the hall dressed in long workout sweats with obvious perspiration marks around his armpits and crotch.

"There you two are, glad you are on time it really shows me that you are going to be committed to our session today, come into my office." Mr. Gibson unlocked the door to his office and just as yesterday, once Aaron and Todd were inside he locked the door behind them and pulled close the shade.

Once inside the office Todd noticed there was a camera connected to a laptop set up on a tripod pointed right to the desk and chairs. "Come in and sit down boys, I've just had my morning workout. Two hours of running in the heated gym in heavy sweats. It really burns the calories. The only downside of course is that I really get soaked with sweat. I mean soaked." Mr. Gibson said playfully.

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